• Bryan O'Donoghue's avatar
    drivers: imx: uart: Add mxc_console · 598cee48
    Bryan O'Donoghue authored
    - Adds a simple register read/write abstraction to cut-down on the
      amount of typing and text required to access UART registers in this driver.
    - Adds a console getc() callback.
    - Adds a console putc() callback, translating '\n' to '\r' + '\n'.
    - Initializes the MXC UART, take a crude method of calculating the
      BAUD rate generator. The UART clock-gates must have been enabled prior
      to launching the UART init code.
      Special care needs to be taken to ensure the UBIR is initialized before the
      UBMR and we need to ensure that UCR2.SRST comes good before trying to
      program other registers associated with the UART.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
imx_uart.c 4.11 KB