Joakim Bech authored
Running TF-A 2.0 and later seems to cause a regression on HiKey 620. NOTICE: BL2: v2.0(release):v2.0 NOTICE: BL2: Built : 17:41:23, Dec 17 2018 NOTICE: acpu_dvfs_set_freq: set acpu freq success!ERROR: CMD1 failed after 100 retries ERROR: BL2: Failed to load image (-5) The reason seems to be that during emmc enumeration when BL2 sends the command OCR_SECTOR_MODE | OCR_VDD_MIN_2V7 | OCR_VDD_MIN_1V7 it for some reason takes some more time to get a reply. So a delay with mdelay(1), seems to not be enough any longer and therefore we increase it to mdelay(10) instead which makes the device boot as expected again. Signed-off-by: Joakim Bech <joakim.bech@linaro.org>