"docs/design/trusted-board-boot.rst" did not exist on "dd4e9a7da07148f85aab4f9276c26b34b8eb6b83"
  • Qixiang Xu's avatar
    update the interrupt diagrams · 7f943ba6
    Qixiang Xu authored
       - Redraw the interrupt diagrams with dia tool
       - Change TSP_HANDLED_S_EL1_FIQ to TSP_HANDLED_S_EL1_INTR in sec-int-handling.png
       - Use the makefile generate the image to avoid unnessary generate
       - Add dia source code
    Change-Id: I016022ca964720e8497c27c88a3f371459abc284
    Signed-off-by: default avatarQixiang Xu <qixiang.xu@arm.com>
sec-int-handling.png 169 KB