Commit 06fb4278 authored by Douglas Raillard's avatar Douglas Raillard
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Remove Markdown documentation

Removed Markdown documents as they have been converted to

Change-Id: I3148222eb31258f158f64de4ddcdda4b232ce483
Signed-off-by: default avatarDouglas Raillard <>
parent 668c5022
Contributor Acknowledgements
Linaro Limited
NVIDIA Corporation
Socionext Inc.
Xilinx, Inc.
Contributing to ARM Trusted Firmware
Getting Started
* Make sure you have a [GitHub account].
* Create an [issue] for your work if one does not already exist. This gives
everyone visibility of whether others are working on something similar. ARM
licensees may contact ARM directly via their partner managers instead if
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* If you intend to include Third Party IP in your contribution, please
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Making Changes
* Make commits of logical units. See these general [Git guidelines] for
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* Where appropriate, please update the documentation.
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* Please test your changes. As a minimum, ensure UEFI boots to the shell on
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Submitting Changes
* Ensure that each commit in the series has at least one `Signed-off-by:`
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2013-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[User Guide]: ./docs/
[Running the software on FVP]: ./docs/
[Porting Guide]: ./docs/
[Firmware Design]: ./docs/
[Acknowledgements]: ./ "Contributor acknowledgements"
[DCO]: ./dco.txt
[Maintainers]: ./
[GitHub account]:
[issue tracking repository]:
[pull request]:
[automatically closed]:
[Git guidelines]:
[Linux coding style]:
ARM SiP Service
This document enumerates and describes the ARM SiP (Silicon Provider) services.
SiP services are non-standard, platform-specific services offered by the silicon
implementer or platform provider. They are accessed via. `SMC` ("SMC calls")
instruction executed from Exception Levels below EL3. SMC calls for SiP
* Follow [SMC Calling Convention][SMCCC];
* Use SMC function IDs that fall in the SiP range, which are `0xc2000000` -
`0xc200ffff` for 64-bit calls, and `0x82000000` - `0x8200ffff` for 32-bit
The ARM SiP implementation offers the following services:
* Performance Measurement Framework (PMF)
* Execution State Switching service
Source definitions for ARM SiP service are located in the `arm_sip_svc.h` header
Performance Measurement Framework (PMF)
The [Performance Measurement Framework](./
allows callers to retrieve timestamps captured at various paths in ARM Trusted
Firmware execution. It's described in detail in [Firmware Design document][Firmware Design].
Execution State Switching service
Execution State Switching service provides a mechanism for a non-secure lower
Exception Level (either EL2, or NS EL1 if EL2 isn't implemented) to request to
switch its execution state (a.k.a. Register Width), either from AArch64 to
AArch32, or from AArch32 to AArch64, for the calling CPU. This service is only
available when ARM Trusted Firmware is built for AArch64 (i.e. when build option
`ARCH` is set to `aarch64`).
uint32_t Function ID
uint32_t PC hi
uint32_t PC lo
uint32_t Cookie hi
uint32_t Cookie lo
The function ID parameter must be `0x82000020`. It uniquely identifies the
Execution State Switching service being requested.
The parameters _PC hi_ and _PC lo_ defines upper and lower words, respectively,
of the entry point (physical address) at which execution should start, after
Execution State has been switched. When calling from AArch64, _PC hi_ must be 0.
When execution starts at the supplied entry point after Execution State has been
switched, the parameters _Cookie hi_ and _Cookie lo_ are passed in CPU registers
0 and 1, respectively. When calling from AArch64, _Cookie hi_ must be 0.
This call can only be made on the primary CPU, before any secondaries were
brought up with `CPU_ON` PSCI call. Otherwise, the call will always fail.
The effect of switching execution state is as if the Exception Level were
entered for the first time, following power on. This means CPU registers that
have a defined reset value by the Architecture will assume that value. Other
registers should not be expected to hold their values before the call was made.
CPU endianness, however, is preserved from the previous execution state. Note
that this switches the execution state of the calling CPU only. This is not a
substitute for PSCI `SYSTEM_RESET`.
The service may return the following error codes:
- `STATE_SW_E_PARAM`: If any of the parameters were deemed invalid for
a specific request.
- `STATE_SW_E_DENIED`: If the call is not successful, or when ARM Trusted
Firmware is built for AArch32.
If the call is successful, the caller wouldn't observe the SMC returning.
Instead, execution starts at the supplied entry point, with the CPU registers 0
and 1 populated with the supplied _Cookie hi_ and _Cookie lo_ values,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[Firmware Design]: ./
[SMCCC]: "SMC Calling Convention PDD (ARM DEN 0028A)"
Abstracting a Chain of Trust
Contents :
1. [Introduction](#1--introduction)
2. [Framework design](#2--framework-design)
3. [Specifying a Chain of Trust](#3--specifying-a-chain-of-trust)
4. [Implementation example](#4--implementation-example)
1. Introduction
The aim of this document is to describe the authentication framework implemented
in the Trusted Firmware. This framework fulfills the following requirements:
1. It should be possible for a platform port to specify the Chain of Trust in
terms of certificate hierarchy and the mechanisms used to verify a
particular image/certificate.
2. The framework should distinguish between:
- The mechanism used to encode and transport information, e.g. DER encoded
X.509v3 certificates to ferry Subject Public Keys, hashes and non-volatile
- The mechanism used to verify the transported information i.e. the
cryptographic libraries.
The framework has been designed following a modular approach illustrated in the
next diagram:
| Trusted | Trusted | Trusted |
| Firmware | Firmware | Firmware |
| Generic | IO Framework | Platform |
| Code i.e. | (IO) | Port |
| BL1/BL2 (GEN) | | (PP) |
^ ^ ^
| | |
v v v
+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
| | | | | Image |
| Crypto | | Auth | | Parser |
| Module |<->| Module |<->| Module |
| (CM) | | (AM) | | (IPM) |
| | | | | |
+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
^ ^
| |
v v
+----------------+ +-----------------+
| Cryptographic | | Image Parser |
| Libraries (CL) | | Libraries (IPL) |
+----------------+ +-----------------+
| |
| |
| |
v v
| Misc. Libs e.g. |
| ASN.1 decoder |
| |
This document describes the inner details of the authentication framework and
the abstraction mechanisms available to specify a Chain of Trust.
2. Framework design
This section describes some aspects of the framework design and the rationale
behind them. These aspects are key to verify a Chain of Trust.
### 2.1 Chain of Trust
A CoT is basically a sequence of authentication images which usually starts with
a root of trust and culminates in a single data image. The following diagram
illustrates how this maps to a CoT for the BL31 image described in the
TBBR-Client specification.
+------------------+ +-------------------+
| ROTPK/ROTPK Hash |------>| Trusted Key |
+------------------+ | Certificate |
| (Auth Image) |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
L v
+------------------+ +-------------------+
| Trusted World |------>| BL31 Key |
| Public Key | | Certificate |
+------------------+ | (Auth Image) |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ v
+------------------+ L +-------------------+
| BL31 Content |------>| BL31 Content |
| Certificate PK | | Certificate |
+------------------+ | (Auth Image) |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ v
+------------------+ L +-------------------+
| BL31 Hash |------>| BL31 Image |
| | | (Data Image) |
+------------------+ | |
The root of trust is usually a public key (ROTPK) that has been burnt in the
platform and cannot be modified.
### 2.2 Image types
Images in a CoT are categorised as authentication and data images. An
authentication image contains information to authenticate a data image or
another authentication image. A data image is usually a boot loader binary, but
it could be any other data that requires authentication.
### 2.3 Component responsibilities
For every image in a Chain of Trust, the following high level operations are
performed to verify it:
1. Allocate memory for the image either statically or at runtime.
2. Identify the image and load it in the allocated memory.
3. Check the integrity of the image as per its type.
4. Authenticate the image as per the cryptographic algorithms used.
5. If the image is an authentication image, extract the information that will
be used to authenticate the next image in the CoT.
In Diagram 1, each component is responsible for one or more of these operations.
The responsibilities are briefly described below.
#### 2.2.1 TF Generic code and IO framework (GEN/IO)
These components are responsible for initiating the authentication process for a
particular image in BL1 or BL2. For each BL image that requires authentication,
the Generic code asks recursively the Authentication module what is the parent
image until either an authenticated image or the ROT is reached. Then the
Generic code calls the IO framewotk to load the image and calls the
Authentication module to authenticate it, following the CoT from ROT to Image.
#### 2.2.2 TF Platform Port (PP)
The platform is responsible for:
1. Specifying the CoT for each image that needs to be authenticated. Details of
how a CoT can be specified by the platform are explained later. The platform
also specifies the authentication methods and the parsing method used for
each image.
2. Statically allocating memory for each parameter in each image which is
used for verifying the CoT, e.g. memory for public keys, hashes etc.
3. Providing the ROTPK or a hash of it.
4. Providing additional information to the IPM to enable it to identify and
extract authentication parameters contained in an image, e.g. if the
parameters are stored as X509v3 extensions, the corresponding OID must be
5. Fulfill any other memory requirements of the IPM and the CM (not currently
described in this document).
6. Export functions to verify an image which uses an authentication method that
cannot be interpreted by the CM, e.g. if an image has to be verified using a
NV counter, then the value of the counter to compare with can only be
provided by the platform.
7. Export a custom IPM if a proprietary image format is being used (described
#### 2.2.3 Authentication Module (AM)
It is responsible for:
1. Providing the necessary abstraction mechanisms to describe a CoT. Amongst
other things, the authentication and image parsing methods must be specified
by the PP in the CoT.
2. Verifying the CoT passed by GEN by utilising functionality exported by the
PP, IPM and CM.
3. Tracking which images have been verified. In case an image is a part of
multiple CoTs then it should be verified only once e.g. the Trusted World
Key Certificate in the TBBR-Client spec. contains information to verify
SCP_BL2, BL31, BL32 each of which have a separate CoT. (This
responsibility has not been described in this document but should be
trivial to implement).
4. Reusing memory meant for a data image to verify authentication images e.g.
in the CoT described in Diagram 2, each certificate can be loaded and
verified in the memory reserved by the platform for the BL31 image. By the
time BL31 (the data image) is loaded, all information to authenticate it
will have been extracted from the parent image i.e. BL31 content
certificate. It is assumed that the size of an authentication image will
never exceed the size of a data image. It should be possible to verify this
at build time using asserts.
#### 2.2.4 Cryptographic Module (CM)
The CM is responsible for providing an API to:
1. Verify a digital signature.
2. Verify a hash.
The CM does not include any cryptography related code, but it relies on an
external library to perform the cryptographic operations. A Crypto-Library (CL)
linking the CM and the external library must be implemented. The following
functions must be provided by the CL:
void (*init)(void);
int (*verify_signature)(void *data_ptr, unsigned int data_len,
void *sig_ptr, unsigned int sig_len,
void *sig_alg, unsigned int sig_alg_len,
void *pk_ptr, unsigned int pk_len);
int (*verify_hash)(void *data_ptr, unsigned int data_len,
void *digest_info_ptr, unsigned int digest_info_len);
These functions are registered in the CM using the macro:
REGISTER_CRYPTO_LIB(_name, _init, _verify_signature, _verify_hash);
`_name` must be a string containing the name of the CL. This name is used for
debugging purposes.
#### 2.2.5 Image Parser Module (IPM)
The IPM is responsible for:
1. Checking the integrity of each image loaded by the IO framework.
2. Extracting parameters used for authenticating an image based upon a
description provided by the platform in the CoT descriptor.
Images may have different formats (for example, authentication images could be
x509v3 certificates, signed ELF files or any other platform specific format).
The IPM allows to register an Image Parser Library (IPL) for every image format
used in the CoT. This library must implement the specific methods to parse the
image. The IPM obtains the image format from the CoT and calls the right IPL to
check the image integrity and extract the authentication parameters.
See Section "Describing the image parsing methods" for more details about the
mechanism the IPM provides to define and register IPLs.
### 2.3 Authentication methods
The AM supports the following authentication methods:
1. Hash
2. Digital signature
The platform may specify these methods in the CoT in case it decides to define
a custom CoT instead of reusing a predefined one.
If a data image uses multiple methods, then all the methods must be a part of
the same CoT. The number and type of parameters are method specific. These
parameters should be obtained from the parent image using the IPM.
1. Hash
1. A pointer to data to hash
2. Length of the data
4. A pointer to the hash
5. Length of the hash
The hash will be represented by the DER encoding of the following ASN.1
DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
digestAlgorithm DigestAlgorithmIdentifier,
digest Digest
This ASN.1 structure makes it possible to remove any assumption about the
type of hash algorithm used as this information accompanies the hash. This
should allow the Cryptography Library (CL) to support multiple hash
algorithm implementations.
2. Digital Signature
1. A pointer to data to sign
2. Length of the data
3. Public Key Algorithm
4. Public Key value
5. Digital Signature Algorithm
6. Digital Signature value
The Public Key parameters will be represented by the DER encoding of the
following ASN.1 type:
SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier{PUBLIC-KEY,{PublicKeyAlgorithms}},
subjectPublicKey BIT STRING }
The Digital Signature Algorithm will be represented by the DER encoding of
the following ASN.1 types.
AlgorithmIdentifier {ALGORITHM:IOSet } ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm ALGORITHM.&id({IOSet}),
parameters ALGORITHM.&Type({IOSet}{@algorithm}) OPTIONAL
The digital signature will be represented by:
signature ::= BIT STRING
The authentication framework will use the image descriptor to extract all the
information related to authentication.
3. Specifying a Chain of Trust
A CoT can be described as a set of image descriptors linked together in a
particular order. The order dictates the sequence in which they must be
verified. Each image has a set of properties which allow the AM to verify it.
These properties are described below.
The PP is responsible for defining a single or multiple CoTs for a data image.
Unless otherwise specified, the data structures described in the following
sections are populated by the PP statically.
### 3.1 Describing the image parsing methods
The parsing method refers to the format of a particular image. For example, an
authentication image that represents a certificate could be in the X.509v3
format. A data image that represents a boot loader stage could be in raw binary
or ELF format. The IPM supports three parsing methods. An image has to use one
of the three methods described below. An IPL is responsible for interpreting a
single parsing method. There has to be one IPL for every method used by the
1. Raw format: This format is effectively a nop as an image using this method
is treated as being in raw binary format e.g. boot loader images used by ARM
TF. This method should only be used by data images.
2. X509V3 method: This method uses industry standards like X.509 to represent
PKI certificates (authentication images). It is expected that open source
libraries will be available which can be used to parse an image represented
by this method. Such libraries can be used to write the corresponding IPL
e.g. the X.509 parsing library code in mbed TLS.
3. Platform defined method: This method caters for platform specific
proprietary standards to represent authentication or data images. For
example, The signature of a data image could be appended to the data image
raw binary. A header could be prepended to the combined blob to specify the
extents of each component. The platform will have to implement the
corresponding IPL to interpret such a format.
The following enum can be used to define these three methods.
typedef enum img_type_enum {
IMG_RAW, /* Binary image */
IMG_PLAT, /* Platform specific format */
IMG_CERT, /* X509v3 certificate */
} img_type_t;
An IPL must provide functions with the following prototypes:
void init(void);
int check_integrity(void *img, unsigned int img_len);
int get_auth_param(const auth_param_type_desc_t *type_desc,
void *img, unsigned int img_len,
void **param, unsigned int *param_len);
An IPL for each type must be registered using the following macro:
REGISTER_IMG_PARSER_LIB(_type, _name, _init, _check_int, _get_param)
* `_type`: one of the types described above.
* `_name`: a string containing the IPL name for debugging purposes.
* `_init`: initialization function pointer.
* `_check_int`: check image integrity function pointer.
* `_get_param`: extract authentication parameter funcion pointer.
The `init()` function will be used to initialize the IPL.
The `check_integrity()` function is passed a pointer to the memory where the
image has been loaded by the IO framework and the image length. It should ensure
that the image is in the format corresponding to the parsing method and has not
been tampered with. For example, RFC-2459 describes a validation sequence for an
X.509 certificate.
The `get_auth_param()` function is passed a parameter descriptor containing
information about the parameter (`type_desc` and `cookie`) to identify and
extract the data corresponding to that parameter from an image. This data will
be used to verify either the current or the next image in the CoT sequence.
Each image in the CoT will specify the parsing method it uses. This information
will be used by the IPM to find the right parser descriptor for the image.
### 3.2 Describing the authentication method(s)
As part of the CoT, each image has to specify one or more authentication methods
which will be used to verify it. As described in the Section "Authentication
methods", there are three methods supported by the AM.
typedef enum {
} auth_method_type_t;
The AM defines the type of each parameter used by an authentication method. It
uses this information to:
1. Specify to the `get_auth_param()` function exported by the IPM, which
parameter should be extracted from an image.
2. Correctly marshall the parameters while calling the verification function
exported by the CM and PP.
3. Extract authentication parameters from a parent image in order to verify a
child image e.g. to verify the certificate image, the public key has to be
obtained from the parent image.
typedef enum {
AUTH_PARAM_RAW_DATA, /* Raw image data */
AUTH_PARAM_SIG, /* The image signature */
AUTH_PARAM_SIG_ALG, /* The image signature algorithm */
AUTH_PARAM_HASH, /* A hash (including the algorithm) */
AUTH_PARAM_PUB_KEY, /* A public key */
} auth_param_type_t;
The AM defines the following structure to identify an authentication parameter
required to verify an image.
typedef struct auth_param_type_desc_s {
auth_param_type_t type;
void *cookie;
} auth_param_type_desc_t;
`cookie` is used by the platform to specify additional information to the IPM
which enables it to uniquely identify the parameter that should be extracted
from an image. For example, the hash of a BL3x image in its corresponding
content certificate is stored in an X509v3 custom extension field. An extension
field can only be identified using an OID. In this case, the `cookie` could
contain the pointer to the OID defined by the platform for the hash extension
field while the `type` field could be set to `AUTH_PARAM_HASH`. A value of 0 for
the `cookie` field means that it is not used.
For each method, the AM defines a structure with the parameters required to
verify the image.
* Parameters for authentication by hash matching
typedef struct auth_method_param_hash_s {
auth_param_type_desc_t *data; /* Data to hash */
auth_param_type_desc_t *hash; /* Hash to match with */
} auth_method_param_hash_t;
* Parameters for authentication by signature
typedef struct auth_method_param_sig_s {
auth_param_type_desc_t *pk; /* Public key */
auth_param_type_desc_t *sig; /* Signature to check */
auth_param_type_desc_t *alg; /* Signature algorithm */
auth_param_type_desc_t *tbs; /* Data signed */
} auth_method_param_sig_t;
The AM defines the following structure to describe an authentication method for
verifying an image
* Authentication method descriptor
typedef struct auth_method_desc_s {
auth_method_type_t type;
union {
auth_method_param_hash_t hash;
auth_method_param_sig_t sig;
} param;
} auth_method_desc_t;
Using the method type specified in the `type` field, the AM finds out what field
needs to access within the `param` union.
### 3.3 Storing Authentication parameters
A parameter described by `auth_param_type_desc_t` to verify an image could be
obtained from either the image itself or its parent image. The memory allocated
for loading the parent image will be reused for loading the child image. Hence
parameters which are obtained from the parent for verifying a child image need
to have memory allocated for them separately where they can be stored. This
memory must be statically allocated by the platform port.
The AM defines the following structure to store the data corresponding to an
authentication parameter.
typedef struct auth_param_data_desc_s {
void *auth_param_ptr;
unsigned int auth_param_len;
} auth_param_data_desc_t;
The `auth_param_ptr` field is initialized by the platform. The `auth_param_len`
field is used to specify the length of the data in the memory.
For parameters that can be obtained from the child image itself, the IPM is
responsible for populating the `auth_param_ptr` and `auth_param_len` fields
while executing the `img_get_auth_param()` function.
The AM defines the following structure to enable an image to describe the
parameters that should be extracted from it and used to verify the next image
(child) in a CoT.
typedef struct auth_param_desc_s {
auth_param_type_desc_t type_desc;
auth_param_data_desc_t data;
} auth_param_desc_t;
### 3.4 Describing an image in a CoT
An image in a CoT is a consolidation of the following aspects of a CoT described
1. A unique identifier specified by the platform which allows the IO framework
to locate the image in a FIP and load it in the memory reserved for the data
image in the CoT.
2. A parsing method which is used by the AM to find the appropriate IPM.
3. Authentication methods and their parameters as described in the previous
section. These are used to verify the current image.
4. Parameters which are used to verify the next image in the current CoT. These
parameters are specified only by authentication images and can be extracted
from the current image once it has been verified.
The following data structure describes an image in a CoT.
typedef struct auth_img_desc_s {
unsigned int img_id;
const struct auth_img_desc_s *parent;
img_type_t img_type;
auth_method_desc_t img_auth_methods[AUTH_METHOD_NUM];
auth_param_desc_t authenticated_data[COT_MAX_VERIFIED_PARAMS];
} auth_img_desc_t;
A CoT is defined as an array of `auth_image_desc_t` structures linked together
by the `parent` field. Those nodes with no parent must be authenticated using
the ROTPK stored in the platform.
4. Implementation example
This section is a detailed guide explaining a trusted boot implementation using
the authentication framework. This example corresponds to the Applicative
Functional Mode (AFM) as specified in the TBBR-Client document. It is
recommended to read this guide along with the source code.
### 4.1 The TBBR CoT
The CoT can be found in `drivers/auth/tbbr/tbbr_cot.c`. This CoT consists of an
array of image descriptors and it is registered in the framework using the macro
`REGISTER_COT(cot_desc)`, where 'cot_desc' must be the name of the array
(passing a pointer or any other type of indirection will cause the registration
process to fail).
The number of images participating in the boot process depends on the CoT. There
is, however, a minimum set of images that are mandatory in the Trusted Firmware
and thus all CoTs must present:
* `BL2`
* `SCP_BL2` (platform specific)
* `BL31`
* `BL32` (optional)
* `BL33`
The TBBR specifies the additional certificates that must accompany these images
for a proper authentication. Details about the TBBR CoT may be found in the
[Trusted Board Boot] document.
Following the [Platform Porting Guide], a platform must provide unique
identifiers for all the images and certificates that will be loaded during the
boot process. If a platform is using the TBBR as a reference for trusted boot,
these identifiers can be obtained from `include/common/tbbr/tbbr_img_def.h`.
ARM platforms include this file in `include/plat/arm/common/arm_def.h`. Other
platforms may also include this file or provide their own identifiers.
**Important**: the authentication module uses these identifiers to index the
CoT array, so the descriptors location in the array must match the identifiers.
Each image descriptor must specify:
* `img_id`: the corresponding image unique identifier defined by the platform.
* `img_type`: the image parser module uses the image type to call the proper
parsing library to check the image integrity and extract the required
authentication parameters. Three types of images are currently supported:
* `IMG_RAW`: image is a raw binary. No parsing functions are available,
other than reading the whole image.
* `IMG_PLAT`: image format is platform specific. The platform may use this
type for custom images not directly supported by the authentication
* `IMG_CERT`: image is an x509v3 certificate.
* `parent`: pointer to the parent image descriptor. The parent will contain
the information required to authenticate the current image. If the parent
is NULL, the authentication parameters will be obtained from the platform
(i.e. the BL2 and Trusted Key certificates are signed with the ROT private
key, whose public part is stored in the platform).
* `img_auth_methods`: this array defines the authentication methods that must
be checked to consider an image authenticated. Each method consists of a
type and a list of parameter descriptors. A parameter descriptor consists of
a type and a cookie which will point to specific information required to
extract that parameter from the image (i.e. if the parameter is stored in an
x509v3 extension, the cookie will point to the extension OID). Depending on
the method type, a different number of parameters must be specified.
Supported methods are:
* `AUTH_METHOD_HASH`: the hash of the image must match the hash extracted
from the parent image. The following parameter descriptors must be
* `data`: data to be hashed (obtained from current image)
* `hash`: reference hash (obtained from parent image)
* `AUTH_METHOD_SIG`: the image (usually a certificate) must be signed with
the private key whose public part is extracted from the parent image (or
the platform if the parent is NULL). The following parameter descriptors
must be specified:
* `pk`: the public key (obtained from parent image)
* `sig`: the digital signature (obtained from current image)
* `alg`: the signature algorithm used (obtained from current image)
* `data`: the data to be signed (obtained from current image)
* `authenticated_data`: this array indicates what authentication parameters
must be extracted from an image once it has been authenticated. Each
parameter consists of a parameter descriptor and the buffer address/size
to store the parameter. The CoT is responsible for allocating the required
memory to store the parameters.
In the `tbbr_cot.c` file, a set of buffers are allocated to store the parameters
extracted from the certificates. In the case of the TBBR CoT, these parameters
are hashes and public keys. In DER format, an RSA-2048 public key requires 294
bytes, and a hash requires 51 bytes. Depending on the CoT and the authentication
process, some of the buffers may be reused at different stages during the boot.
Next in that file, the parameter descriptors are defined. These descriptors will
be used to extract the parameter data from the corresponding image.
#### 4.1.1 Example: the BL31 Chain of Trust
Four image descriptors form the BL31 Chain of Trust:
.img_type = IMG_CERT,
.parent = NULL,
.img_auth_methods = {
[0] = {
.param.sig = {
.pk = &subject_pk,
.sig = &sig,
.alg = &sig_alg,
.data = &raw_data,
.authenticated_data = {
[0] = {
.type_desc = &trusted_world_pk,
.data = {
.ptr = (void *)trusted_world_pk_buf,
.len = (unsigned int)PK_DER_LEN
[1] = {
.type_desc = &non_trusted_world_pk,
.data = {
.ptr = (void *)non_trusted_world_pk_buf,
.len = (unsigned int)PK_DER_LEN
.img_id = SOC_FW_KEY_CERT_ID,
.img_type = IMG_CERT,
.parent = &cot_desc[TRUSTED_KEY_CERT_ID],
.img_auth_methods = {
[0] = {
.param.sig = {
.pk = &trusted_world_pk,
.sig = &sig,
.alg = &sig_alg,
.data = &raw_data,
.authenticated_data = {
[0] = {
.type_desc = &soc_fw_content_pk,
.data = {
.ptr = (void *)content_pk_buf,
.len = (unsigned int)PK_DER_LEN
.img_type = IMG_CERT,
.parent = &cot_desc[SOC_FW_KEY_CERT_ID],
.img_auth_methods = {
[0] = {
.param.sig = {
.pk = &soc_fw_content_pk,
.sig = &sig,
.alg = &sig_alg,
.data = &raw_data,
.authenticated_data = {
[0] = {
.type_desc = &soc_fw_hash,
.data = {
.ptr = (void *)soc_fw_hash_buf,
.len = (unsigned int)HASH_DER_LEN
[BL31_IMAGE_ID] = {
.img_id = BL31_IMAGE_ID,
.img_type = IMG_RAW,
.parent = &cot_desc[SOC_FW_CONTENT_CERT_ID],
.img_auth_methods = {
[0] = {
.param.hash = {
.data = &raw_data,
.hash = &soc_fw_hash,
The **Trusted Key certificate** is signed with the ROT private key and contains
the Trusted World public key and the Non-Trusted World public key as x509v3
extensions. This must be specified in the image descriptor using the
`img_auth_methods` and `authenticated_data` arrays, respectively.
The Trusted Key certificate is authenticated by checking its digital signature
using the ROTPK. Four parameters are required to check a signature: the public
key, the algorithm, the signature and the data that has been signed. Therefore,
four parameter descriptors must be specified with the authentication method:
* `subject_pk`: parameter descriptor of type `AUTH_PARAM_PUB_KEY`. This type
is used to extract a public key from the parent image. If the cookie is an
OID, the key is extracted from the corresponding x509v3 extension. If the
cookie is NULL, the subject public key is retrieved. In this case, because
the parent image is NULL, the public key is obtained from the platform
(this key will be the ROTPK).
* `sig`: parameter descriptor of type `AUTH_PARAM_SIG`. It is used to extract
the signature from the certificate.
* `sig_alg`: parameter descriptor of type `AUTH_PARAM_SIG`. It is used to
extract the signature algorithm from the certificate.
* `raw_data`: parameter descriptor of type `AUTH_PARAM_RAW_DATA`. It is used
to extract the data to be signed from the certificate.
Once the signature has been checked and the certificate authenticated, the
Trusted World public key needs to be extracted from the certificate. A new entry
is created in the `authenticated_data` array for that purpose. In that entry,
the corresponding parameter descriptor must be specified along with the buffer
address to store the parameter value. In this case, the `tz_world_pk` descriptor
is used to extract the public key from an x509v3 extension with OID
`TRUSTED_WORLD_PK_OID`. The BL31 key certificate will use this descriptor as
parameter in the signature authentication method. The key is stored in the
`plat_tz_world_pk_buf` buffer.
The **BL31 Key certificate** is authenticated by checking its digital signature
using the Trusted World public key obtained previously from the Trusted Key
certificate. In the image descriptor, we specify a single authentication method
by signature whose public key is the `tz_world_pk`. Once this certificate has
been authenticated, we have to extract the BL31 public key, stored in the
extension specified by `bl31_content_pk`. This key will be copied to the
`plat_content_pk` buffer.
The **BL31 certificate** is authenticated by checking its digital signature
using the BL31 public key obtained previously from the BL31 Key certificate.
We specify the authentication method using `bl31_content_pk` as public key.
After authentication, we need to extract the BL31 hash, stored in the extension
specified by `bl31_hash`. This hash will be copied to the `plat_bl31_hash_buf`
The **BL31 image** is authenticated by calculating its hash and matching it
with the hash obtained from the BL31 certificate. The image descriptor contains
a single authentication method by hash. The parameters to the hash method are
the reference hash, `bl31_hash`, and the data to be hashed. In this case, it is
the whole image, so we specify `raw_data`.
### 4.2 The image parser library
The image parser module relies on libraries to check the image integrity and
extract the authentication parameters. The number and type of parser libraries
depend on the images used in the CoT. Raw images do not need a library, so
only an x509v3 library is required for the TBBR CoT.
ARM platforms will use an x509v3 library based on mbed TLS. This library may be
found in `drivers/auth/mbedtls/mbedtls_x509_parser.c`. It exports three
void init(void);
int check_integrity(void *img, unsigned int img_len);
int get_auth_param(const auth_param_type_desc_t *type_desc,
void *img, unsigned int img_len,
void **param, unsigned int *param_len);
The library is registered in the framework using the macro
`REGISTER_IMG_PARSER_LIB()`. Each time the image parser module needs to access
an image of type `IMG_CERT`, it will call the corresponding function exported
in this file.
The build system must be updated to include the corresponding library and
mbed TLS sources. ARM platforms use the `` file to pull the
### 4.3 The cryptographic library
The cryptographic module relies on a library to perform the required operations,
i.e. verify a hash or a digital signature. ARM platforms will use a library
based on mbed TLS, which can be found in
`drivers/auth/mbedtls/mbedtls_crypto.c`. This library is registered in the
authentication framework using the macro `REGISTER_CRYPTO_LIB()` and exports
three functions:
void init(void);
int verify_signature(void *data_ptr, unsigned int data_len,
void *sig_ptr, unsigned int sig_len,
void *sig_alg, unsigned int sig_alg_len,
void *pk_ptr, unsigned int pk_len);
int verify_hash(void *data_ptr, unsigned int data_len,
void *digest_info_ptr, unsigned int digest_info_len);
The key algorithm (rsa, ecdsa) must be specified in the build system using the
`TF_MBEDTLS_KEY_ALG` variable, so the Makefile can include the corresponding
sources in the build.
Note: If code size is a concern, the build option `MBEDTLS_SHA256_SMALLER` can
be defined in the platform Makefile. It will make mbed TLS use an implementation
of SHA-256 with smaller memory footprint (~1.5 KB less) but slower (~30%).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[Trusted Board Boot]: ./
[Platform Porting Guide]: ./
ARM Trusted Firmware - version 1.3
New features
* Added support for running Trusted Firmware in AArch32 execution state.
The PSCI library has been refactored to allow integration with **EL3 Runtime
Software**. This is software that is executing at the highest secure
privilege which is EL3 in AArch64 or Secure SVC/Monitor mode in AArch32. See
[PSCI Integration Guide].
Included is a minimal AArch32 Secure Payload, **SP-MIN**, that illustrates
the usage and integration of the PSCI library with EL3 Runtime Software
running in AArch32 state.
Booting to the BL1/BL2 images as well as booting straight to the Secure
Payload is supported.
* Improvements to the initialization framework for the PSCI service and ARM
Standard Services in general.
The PSCI service is now initialized as part of ARM Standard Service
initialization. This consolidates the initializations of any ARM Standard
Service that may be added in the future.
A new function `get_arm_std_svc_args()` is introduced to get arguments
corresponding to each standard service and must be implemented by the EL3
Runtime Software.
For PSCI, a new versioned structure `psci_lib_args_t` is introduced to
initialize the PSCI Library. **Note** this is a compatibility break due to
the change in the prototype of `psci_setup()`.
* To support AArch32 builds of BL1 and BL2, implemented a new, alternative
firmware image loading mechanism that adds flexibility.
The current mechanism has a hard-coded set of images and execution order
(BL31, BL32, etc). The new mechanism is data-driven by a list of image
descriptors provided by the platform code.
ARM platforms have been updated to support the new loading mechanism.
The new mechanism is enabled by a build flag (`LOAD_IMAGE_V2`) which is
currently off by default for the AArch64 build.
**Note** `TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT` is currently not supported when
`LOAD_IMAGE_V2` is enabled.
* Updated requirements for making contributions to ARM TF.
Commits now must have a 'Signed-off-by:' field to certify that the
contribution has been made under the terms of the
[Developer Certificate of Origin].
A signed CLA is no longer required.
The [Contribution Guide] has been updated to reflect this change.
* Introduced Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) which provides support
for capturing, storing, dumping and retrieving time-stamps to measure the
execution time of critical paths in the firmware. This relies on defining
fixed sample points at key places in the code.
* To support the QEMU platform port, imported libfdt v1.4.1 from
* Updated PSCI support:
* Added support for PSCI NODE_HW_STATE API for ARM platforms.
* New optional platform hook, `pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi()`, in
`plat_psci_ops` to enable platforms to perform platform-specific actions
needed to enter powerdown, including the 'wfi' invocation.
* PSCI STAT residency and count functions have been added on ARM platforms
by using PMF.
* Enhancements to the translation table library:
* Limited memory mapping support for region overlaps to only allow regions
to overlap that are identity mapped or have the same virtual to physical
address offset, and overlap completely but must not cover the same area.
This limitation will enable future enhancements without having to
support complex edge cases that may not be necessary.
* The initial translation lookup level is now inferred from the virtual
address space size. Previously, it was hard-coded.
* Added support for mapping Normal, Inner Non-cacheable, Outer
Non-cacheable memory in the translation table library.
This can be useful to map a non-cacheable memory region, such as a DMA
* Introduced the MT_EXECUTE/MT_EXECUTE_NEVER memory mapping attributes to
specify the access permissions for instruction execution of a memory
* Enabled support to isolate code and read-only data on separate memory pages,
allowing independent access control to be applied to each.
* Enabled SCR_EL3.SIF (Secure Instruction Fetch) bit in BL1 and BL31 common
architectural setup code, preventing fetching instructions from non-secure
memory when in secure state.
* Enhancements to FIP support:
* Replaced `fip_create` with `fiptool` which provides a more consistent
and intuitive interface as well as additional support to remove an image
from a FIP file.
* Enabled printing the SHA256 digest with info command, allowing quick
verification of an image within a FIP without having to extract the
image and running sha256sum on it.
* Added support for unpacking the contents of an existing FIP file into
the working directory.
* Aligned command line options for specifying images to use same naming
convention as specified by TBBR and already used in cert_create tool.
* Refactored the TZC-400 driver to also support memory controllers that
integrate TZC functionality, for example ARM CoreLink DMC-500. Also added
DMC-500 specific support.
* Implemented generic delay timer based on the system generic counter and
migrated all platforms to use it.
* Enhanced support for ARM platforms:
* Updated image loading support to make SCP images (SCP_BL2 and SCP_BL2U)
* Enhanced topology description support to allow multi-cluster topology
* Added interconnect abstraction layer to help platform ports select the
right interconnect driver, CCI or CCN, for the platform.
* Added support to allow loading BL31 in the TZC-secured DRAM instead of
the default secure SRAM.
* Added support to use a System Security Control (SSC) Registers Unit
enabling ARM TF to be compiled to support multiple ARM platforms and
then select one at runtime.
* Restricted mapping of Trusted ROM in BL1 to what is actually needed by
BL1 rather than entire Trusted ROM region.
* Flash is now mapped as execute-never by default. This increases security
by restricting the executable region to what is strictly needed.
* Applied following erratum workarounds for Cortex-A57: 833471, 826977,
829520, 828024 and 826974.
* Added support for Mediatek MT6795 platform.
* Added support for QEMU virtualization ARMv8-A target.
* Added support for Rockchip RK3368 and RK3399 platforms.
* Added support for Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC platform.
* Added support for ARM Cortex-A73 MPCore Processor.
* Added support for ARM Cortex-A72 processor.
* Added support for ARM Cortex-A35 processor.
* Added support for ARM Cortex-A32 MPCore Processor.
* Enabled preloaded BL33 alternative boot flow, in which BL2 does not load
BL33 from non-volatile storage and BL31 hands execution over to a preloaded
BL33. The User Guide has been updated with an example of how to use this
option with a bootwrapped kernel.
* Added support to build ARM TF on a Windows-based host machine.
* Updated Trusted Board Boot prototype implementation:
* Enabled the ability for a production ROM with TBBR enabled to boot test
software before a real ROTPK is deployed (e.g. manufacturing mode).
Added support to use ROTPK in certificate without verifying against the
platform value when `ROTPK_NOT_DEPLOYED` bit is set.
* Added support for non-volatile counter authentication to the
Authentication Module to protect against roll-back.
* Updated GICv3 support:
* Enabled processor power-down and automatic power-on using GICv3.
* Enabled G1S or G0 interrupts to be configured independently.
* Changed FVP default interrupt driver to be the GICv3-only driver.
**Note** the default build of Trusted Firmware will not be able to boot
Linux kernel with GICv2 FDT blob.
* Enabled wake-up from CPU_SUSPEND to stand-by by temporarily re-routing
interrupts and then restoring after resume.
Issues resolved since last release
Known issues
* The version of the AEMv8 Base FVP used in this release resets the model
instead of terminating its execution in response to a shutdown request using
the PSCI `SYSTEM_OFF` API. This issue will be fixed in a future version of
the model.
* Building TF with compiler optimisations disabled (`-O0`) fails.
* ARM TF cannot be built with mbed TLS version v2.3.0 due to build warnings
that the ARM TF build system interprets as errors.
* TBBR is not currently supported when running Trusted Firmware in AArch32
ARM Trusted Firmware - version 1.2
New features
* The Trusted Board Boot implementation on ARM platforms now conforms to the
mandatory requirements of the TBBR specification.
In particular, the boot process is now guarded by a Trusted Watchdog, which
will reset the system in case of an authentication or loading error. On ARM
platforms, a secure instance of ARM SP805 is used as the Trusted Watchdog.
Also, a firmware update process has been implemented. It enables
authenticated firmware to update firmware images from external interfaces to
SoC Non-Volatile memories. This feature functions even when the current
firmware in the system is corrupt or missing; it therefore may be used as
a recovery mode.
* Improvements have been made to the Certificate Generation Tool
(`cert_create`) as follows.
* Added support for the Firmware Update process by extending the Chain
of Trust definition in the tool to include the Firmware Update
certificate and the required extensions.
* Introduced a new API that allows one to specify command line options in
the Chain of Trust description. This makes the declaration of the tool's
arguments more flexible and easier to extend.
* The tool has been reworked to follow a data driven approach, which
makes it easier to maintain and extend.
* Extended the FIP tool (`fip_create`) to support the new set of images
involved in the Firmware Update process.
* Various memory footprint improvements. In particular:
* The bakery lock structure for coherent memory has been optimised.
* The mbed TLS SHA1 functions are not needed, as SHA256 is used to
generate the certificate signature. Therefore, they have been compiled
out, reducing the memory footprint of BL1 and BL2 by approximately
6 KB.
* On ARM development platforms, each BL stage now individually defines
the number of regions that it needs to map in the MMU.
* Added the following new design documents:
* [Authentication framework]
* [Firmware Update]
* [TF Reset Design]
* [Power Domain Topology Design]
* Applied the new image terminology to the code base and documentation, as
described on the [TF wiki on GitHub][TF Image Terminology].
* The build system has been reworked to improve readability and facilitate
adding future extensions.
* On ARM standard platforms, BL31 uses the boot console during cold boot
but switches to the runtime console for any later logs at runtime. The TSP
uses the runtime console for all output.
* Implemented a basic NOR flash driver for ARM platforms. It programs the
device using CFI (Common Flash Interface) standard commands.
* Implemented support for booting EL3 payloads on ARM platforms, which
reduces the complexity of developing EL3 baremetal code by doing essential
baremetal initialization.
* Provided separate drivers for GICv3 and GICv2. These expect the entire
software stack to use either GICv2 or GICv3; hybrid GIC software systems
are no longer supported and the legacy ARM GIC driver has been deprecated.
* Added support for Juno r1 and r2. A single set of Juno TF binaries can run
on Juno r0, r1 and r2 boards. Note that this TF version depends on a Linaro
release that does *not* contain Juno r2 support.
* Added support for MediaTek mt8173 platform.
* Implemented a generic driver for ARM CCN IP.
* Major rework of the PSCI implementation.
* Added framework to handle composite power states.
* Decoupled the notions of affinity instances (which describes the
hierarchical arrangement of cores) and of power domain topology, instead
of assuming a one-to-one mapping.
* Better alignment with version 1.0 of the PSCI specification.
* Added support for the SYSTEM_SUSPEND PSCI API on ARM platforms. When invoked
on the last running core on a supported platform, this puts the system
into a low power mode with memory retention.
* Unified the reset handling code as much as possible across BL stages.
Also introduced some build options to enable optimization of the reset path
on platforms that support it.
* Added a simple delay timer API, as well as an SP804 timer driver, which is
enabled on FVP.
* Added support for NVidia Tegra T210 and T132 SoCs.
* Reorganised ARM platforms ports to greatly improve code shareability and
facilitate the reuse of some of this code by other platforms.
* Added support for ARM Cortex-A72 processor in the CPU specific framework.
* Provided better error handling. Platform ports can now define their own
error handling, for example to perform platform specific bookkeeping or
post-error actions.
* Implemented a unified driver for ARM Cache Coherent Interconnects used for
both CCI-400 & CCI-500 IPs. ARM platforms ports have been migrated to this
common driver. The standalone CCI-400 driver has been deprecated.
Issues resolved since last release
* The Trusted Board Boot implementation has been redesigned to provide greater
modularity and scalability. See the [Authentication Framework] document.
All missing mandatory features are now implemented.
* The FVP and Juno ports may now use the hash of the ROTPK stored in the
Trusted Key Storage registers to verify the ROTPK. Alternatively, a
development public key hash embedded in the BL1 and BL2 binaries might be
used instead. The location of the ROTPK is chosen at build-time using the
`ARM_ROTPK_LOCATION` build option.
* GICv3 is now fully supported and stable.
Known issues
* The version of the AEMv8 Base FVP used in this release resets the model
instead of terminating its execution in response to a shutdown request using
the PSCI `SYSTEM_OFF` API. This issue will be fixed in a future version of
the model.
* While this version has low on-chip RAM requirements, there are further
RAM usage enhancements that could be made.
* The upstream documentation could be improved for structural consistency,
clarity and completeness. In particular, the design documentation is
incomplete for PSCI, the TSP(D) and the Juno platform.
* Building TF with compiler optimisations disabled (`-O0`) fails.
ARM Trusted Firmware - version 1.1
New features
* A prototype implementation of Trusted Board Boot has been added. Boot
loader images are verified by BL1 and BL2 during the cold boot path. BL1 and
BL2 use the PolarSSL SSL library to verify certificates and images. The
OpenSSL library is used to create the X.509 certificates. Support has been
added to `fip_create` tool to package the certificates in a FIP.
* Support for calling CPU and platform specific reset handlers upon entry into
BL3-1 during the cold and warm boot paths has been added. This happens after
another Boot ROM `reset_handler()` has already run. This enables a developer
to perform additional actions or undo actions already performed during the
first call of the reset handlers e.g. apply additional errata workarounds.
* Support has been added to demonstrate routing of IRQs to EL3 instead of
S-EL1 when execution is in secure world.
* The PSCI implementation now conforms to version 1.0 of the PSCI
specification. All the mandatory APIs and selected optional APIs are
supported. In particular, support for the `PSCI_FEATURES` API has been
added. A capability variable is constructed during initialization by
examining the `plat_pm_ops` and `spd_pm_ops` exported by the platform and
the Secure Payload Dispatcher. This is used by the PSCI FEATURES function
to determine which PSCI APIs are supported by the platform.
* Improvements have been made to the PSCI code as follows.
* The code has been refactored to remove redundant parameters from
internal functions.
* Changes have been made to the code for PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND`, `CPU_ON` and
`CPU_OFF` calls to facilitate an early return to the caller in case a
failure condition is detected. For example, a PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` call
returns `SUCCESS` to the caller if a pending interrupt is detected early
in the code path.
* Optional platform APIs have been added to validate the `power_state` and
`entrypoint` parameters early in PSCI `CPU_ON` and `CPU_SUSPEND` code
* PSCI migrate APIs have been reworked to invoke the SPD hook to determine
the type of Trusted OS and the CPU it is resident on (if
applicable). Also, during a PSCI `MIGRATE` call, the SPD hook to migrate
the Trusted OS is invoked.
* It is now possible to build Trusted Firmware without marking at least an
extra page of memory as coherent. The build flag `USE_COHERENT_MEM` can be
used to choose between the two implementations. This has been made possible
through these changes.
* An implementation of Bakery locks, where the locks are not allocated in
coherent memory has been added.
* Memory which was previously marked as coherent is now kept coherent
through the use of software cache maintenance operations.
Approximately, 4K worth of memory is saved for each boot loader stage when
`USE_COHERENT_MEM=0`. Enabling this option increases the latencies
associated with acquire and release of locks. It also requires changes to
the platform ports.
* It is now possible to specify the name of the FIP at build time by defining
the `FIP_NAME` variable.
* Issues with depedencies on the 'fiptool' makefile target have been
rectified. The `fip_create` tool is now rebuilt whenever its source files
* The BL3-1 runtime console is now also used as the crash console. The crash
console is changed to SoC UART0 (UART2) from the previous FPGA UART0 (UART0)
on Juno. In FVP, it is changed from UART0 to UART1.
* CPU errata workarounds are applied only when the revision and part number
match. This behaviour has been made consistent across the debug and release
builds. The debug build additionally prints a warning if a mismatch is
* It is now possible to issue cache maintenance operations by set/way for a
particular level of data cache. Levels 1-3 are currently supported.
* The following improvements have been made to the FVP port.
* The build option `FVP_SHARED_DATA_LOCATION` which allowed relocation of
shared data into the Trusted DRAM has been deprecated. Shared data is
now always located at the base of Trusted SRAM.
* BL2 Translation tables have been updated to map only the region of
DRAM which is accessible to normal world. This is the region of the 2GB
DDR-DRAM memory at 0x80000000 excluding the top 16MB. The top 16MB is
accessible to only the secure world.
* BL3-2 can now reside in the top 16MB of DRAM which is accessible only to
the secure world. This can be done by setting the build flag
`FVP_TSP_RAM_LOCATION` to the value `dram`.
* Separate transation tables are created for each boot loader image. The
`IMAGE_BLx` build options are used to do this. This allows each stage to
create mappings only for areas in the memory map that it needs.
* A Secure Payload Dispatcher (OPTEED) for the OP-TEE Trusted OS has been
added. Details of using it with ARM Trusted Firmware can be found in
[OP-TEE Dispatcher]
Issues resolved since last release
* The Juno port has been aligned with the FVP port as follows.
* Support for reclaiming all BL1 RW memory and BL2 memory by overlaying
the BL3-1/BL3-2 NOBITS sections on top of them has been added to the
Juno port.
* The top 16MB of the 2GB DDR-DRAM memory at 0x80000000 is configured
using the TZC-400 controller to be accessible only to the secure world.
* The ARM GIC driver is used to configure the GIC-400 instead of using a
GIC driver private to the Juno port.
* PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` calls that target a standby state are now supported.
* The TZC-400 driver is used to configure the controller instead of direct
accesses to the registers.
* The Linux kernel version referred to in the user guide has DVFS and HMP
support enabled.
* DS-5 v5.19 did not detect Version 5.8 of the Cortex-A57-A53 Base FVPs in
CADI server mode. This issue is not seen with DS-5 v5.20 and Version 6.2 of
the Cortex-A57-A53 Base FVPs.
Known issues
* The Trusted Board Boot implementation is a prototype. There are issues with
the modularity and scalability of the design. Support for a Trusted
Watchdog, firmware update mechanism, recovery images and Trusted debug is
absent. These issues will be addressed in future releases.
* The FVP and Juno ports do not use the hash of the ROTPK stored in the
Trusted Key Storage registers to verify the ROTPK in the
`plat_match_rotpk()` function. This prevents the correct establishment of
the Chain of Trust at the first step in the Trusted Board Boot process.
* The version of the AEMv8 Base FVP used in this release resets the model
instead of terminating its execution in response to a shutdown request using
the PSCI `SYSTEM_OFF` API. This issue will be fixed in a future version of
the model.
* GICv3 support is experimental. There are known issues with GICv3
initialization in the ARM Trusted Firmware.
* While this version greatly reduces the on-chip RAM requirements, there are
further RAM usage enhancements that could be made.
* The firmware design documentation for the Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) and
its dispatcher (TSPD) is incomplete. Similarly for the PSCI section.
* The Juno-specific firmware design documentation is incomplete.
ARM Trusted Firmware - version 1.0
New features
* It is now possible to map higher physical addresses using non-flat virtual
to physical address mappings in the MMU setup.
* Wider use is now made of the per-CPU data cache in BL3-1 to store:
* Pointers to the non-secure and secure security state contexts.
* A pointer to the CPU-specific operations.
* A pointer to PSCI specific information (for example the current power
* A crash reporting buffer.
* The following RAM usage improvements result in a BL3-1 RAM usage reduction
from 96KB to 56KB (for FVP with TSPD), and a total RAM usage reduction
across all images from 208KB to 88KB, compared to the previous release.
* Removed the separate `early_exception` vectors from BL3-1 (2KB code size
* Removed NSRAM from the FVP memory map, allowing the removal of one
(4KB) translation table.
* Eliminated the internal `psci_suspend_context` array, saving 2KB.
* Correctly dimensioned the PSCI `aff_map_node` array, saving 1.5KB in the
FVP port.
* Removed calling CPU mpidr from the bakery lock API, saving 160 bytes.
* Removed current CPU mpidr from PSCI common code, saving 160 bytes.
* Inlined the mmio accessor functions, saving 360 bytes.
* Fully reclaimed all BL1 RW memory and BL2 memory on the FVP port by
overlaying the BL3-1/BL3-2 NOBITS sections on top of these at runtime.
* Made storing the FP register context optional, saving 0.5KB per context
(8KB on the FVP port, with TSPD enabled and running on 8 CPUs).
* Implemented a leaner `tf_printf()` function, allowing the stack to be
greatly reduced.
* Removed coherent stacks from the codebase. Stacks allocated in normal
memory are now used before and after the MMU is enabled. This saves 768
bytes per CPU in BL3-1.
* Reworked the crash reporting in BL3-1 to use less stack.
* Optimized the EL3 register state stored in the `cpu_context` structure
so that registers that do not change during normal execution are
re-initialized each time during cold/warm boot, rather than restored
from memory. This saves about 1.2KB.
* As a result of some of the above, reduced the runtime stack size in all
BL images. For BL3-1, this saves 1KB per CPU.
* PSCI SMC handler improvements to correctly handle calls from secure states
and from AArch32.
* CPU contexts are now initialized from the `entry_point_info`. BL3-1 fully
determines the exception level to use for the non-trusted firmware (BL3-3)
based on the SPSR value provided by the BL2 platform code (or otherwise
provided to BL3-1). This allows platform code to directly run non-trusted
firmware payloads at either EL2 or EL1 without requiring an EL2 stub or OS
* Code refactoring improvements:
* Refactored `fvp_config` into a common platform header.
* Refactored the fvp gic code to be a generic driver that no longer has an
explicit dependency on platform code.
* Refactored the CCI-400 driver to not have dependency on platform code.
* Simplified the IO driver so it's no longer necessary to call `io_init()`
and moved all the IO storage framework code to one place.
* Simplified the interface the the TZC-400 driver.
* Clarified the platform porting interface to the TSP.
* Reworked the TSPD setup code to support the alternate BL3-2
intialization flow where BL3-1 generic code hands control to BL3-2,
rather than expecting the TSPD to hand control directly to BL3-2.
* Considerable rework to PSCI generic code to support CPU specific
* Improved console log output, by:
* Adding the concept of debug log levels.
* Rationalizing the existing debug messages and adding new ones.
* Printing out the version of each BL stage at runtime.
* Adding support for printing console output from assembler code,
including when a crash occurs before the C runtime is initialized.
* Moved up to the latest versions of the FVPs, toolchain, EDK2, kernel, Linaro
file system and DS-5.
* On the FVP port, made the use of the Trusted DRAM region optional at build
time (off by default). Normal platforms will not have such a "ready-to-use"
DRAM area so it is not a good example to use it.
* Added support for PSCI `SYSTEM_OFF` and `SYSTEM_RESET` APIs.
* Added support for CPU specific reset sequences, power down sequences and
register dumping during crash reporting. The CPU specific reset sequences
include support for errata workarounds.
* Merged the Juno port into the master branch. Added support for CPU hotplug
and CPU idle. Updated the user guide to describe how to build and run on the
Juno platform.
Issues resolved since last release
* Removed the concept of top/bottom image loading. The image loader now
automatically detects the position of the image inside the current memory
layout and updates the layout to minimize fragementation. This resolves the
image loader limitations of previously releases. There are currently no
plans to support dynamic image loading.
* CPU idle now works on the publicized version of the Foundation FVP.
* All known issues relating to the compiler version used have now been
resolved. This TF version uses Linaro toolchain 14.07 (based on GCC 4.9).
Known issues
* GICv3 support is experimental. The Linux kernel patches to support this are
not widely available. There are known issues with GICv3 initialization in
the ARM Trusted Firmware.
* While this version greatly reduces the on-chip RAM requirements, there are
further RAM usage enhancements that could be made.
* The firmware design documentation for the Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) and
its dispatcher (TSPD) is incomplete. Similarly for the PSCI section.
* The Juno-specific firmware design documentation is incomplete.
* Some recent enhancements to the FVP port have not yet been translated into
the Juno port. These will be tracked via the tf-issues project.
* The Linux kernel version referred to in the user guide has DVFS and HMP
support disabled due to some known instabilities at the time of this
release. A future kernel version will re-enable these features.
* DS-5 v5.19 does not detect Version 5.8 of the Cortex-A57-A53 Base FVPs in
CADI server mode. This is because the `<SimName>` reported by the FVP in
this version has changed. For example, for the Cortex-A57x4-A53x4 Base FVP,
the `<SimName>` reported by the FVP is `FVP_Base_Cortex_A57x4_A53x4`, while
DS-5 expects it to be `FVP_Base_A57x4_A53x4`.
The temporary fix to this problem is to change the name of the FVP in
`sw/debugger/configdb/Boards/ARM FVP/Base_A57x4_A53x4/cadi_config.xml`.
Change the following line:
<SimName>System Generator:FVP_Base_A57x4_A53x4</SimName>
<SimName>System Generator:FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x4_A53x4</SimName>
A similar change can be made to the other Cortex-A57-A53 Base FVP variants.
ARM Trusted Firmware - version 0.4
New features
* Makefile improvements:
* Improved dependency checking when building.
* Removed `dump` target (build now always produces dump files).
* Enabled platform ports to optionally make use of parts of the Trusted
Firmware (e.g. BL3-1 only), rather than being forced to use all parts.
Also made the `fip` target optional.
* Specified the full path to source files and removed use of the `vpath`
* Provided translation table library code for potential re-use by platforms
other than the FVPs.
* Moved architectural timer setup to platform-specific code.
* Added standby state support to PSCI cpu_suspend implementation.
* SRAM usage improvements:
* Started using the `-ffunction-sections`, `-fdata-sections` and
`--gc-sections` compiler/linker options to remove unused code and data
from the images. Previously, all common functions were being built into
all binary images, whether or not they were actually used.
* Placed all assembler functions in their own section to allow more unused
functions to be removed from images.
* Updated BL1 and BL2 to use a single coherent stack each, rather than one
per CPU.
* Changed variables that were unnecessarily declared and initialized as
non-const (i.e. in the .data section) so they are either uninitialized
(zero init) or const.
* Moved the Test Secure-EL1 Payload (BL3-2) to execute in Trusted SRAM by
default. The option for it to run in Trusted DRAM remains.
* Implemented a TrustZone Address Space Controller (TZC-400) driver. A
default configuration is provided for the Base FVPs. This means the model
parameter `-C bp.secure_memory=1` is now supported.
* Started saving the PSCI cpu_suspend 'power_state' parameter prior to
suspending a CPU. This allows platforms that implement multiple power-down
states at the same affinity level to identify a specific state.
* Refactored the entire codebase to reduce the amount of nesting in header
files and to make the use of system/user includes more consistent. Also
split platform.h to separate out the platform porting declarations from the
required platform porting definitions and the definitions/declarations
specific to the platform port.
* Optimized the data cache clean/invalidate operations.
* Improved the BL3-1 unhandled exception handling and reporting. Unhandled
exceptions now result in a dump of registers to the console.
* Major rework to the handover interface between BL stages, in particular the
interface to BL3-1. The interface now conforms to a specification and is
more future proof.
* Added support for optionally making the BL3-1 entrypoint a reset handler
(instead of BL1). This allows platforms with an alternative image loading
architecture to re-use BL3-1 with fewer modifications to generic code.
* Reserved some DDR DRAM for secure use on FVP platforms to avoid future
compatibility problems with non-secure software.
* Added support for secure interrupts targeting the Secure-EL1 Payload (SP)
(using GICv2 routing only). Demonstrated this working by adding an interrupt
target and supporting test code to the TSP. Also demonstrated non-secure
interrupt handling during TSP processing.
Issues resolved since last release
* Now support use of the model parameter `-C bp.secure_memory=1` in the Base
FVPs (see **New features**).
* Support for secure world interrupt handling now available (see **New
* Made enough SRAM savings (see **New features**) to enable the Test Secure-EL1
Payload (BL3-2) to execute in Trusted SRAM by default.
* The tested filesystem used for this release (Linaro AArch64 OpenEmbedded
14.04) now correctly reports progress in the console.
* Improved the Makefile structure to make it easier to separate out parts of
the Trusted Firmware for re-use in platform ports. Also, improved target
dependency checking.
Known issues
* GICv3 support is experimental. The Linux kernel patches to support this are
not widely available. There are known issues with GICv3 initialization in
the ARM Trusted Firmware.
* Dynamic image loading is not available yet. The current image loader
implementation (used to load BL2 and all subsequent images) has some
limitations. Changing BL2 or BL3-1 load addresses in certain ways can lead
to loading errors, even if the images should theoretically fit in memory.
* The ARM Trusted Firmware still uses too much on-chip Trusted SRAM. A number
of RAM usage enhancements have been identified to rectify this situation.
* CPU idle does not work on the advertised version of the Foundation FVP.
Some FVP fixes are required that are not available externally at the time
of writing. This can be worked around by disabling CPU idle in the Linux
* Various bugs in ARM Trusted Firmware, UEFI and the Linux kernel have been
observed when using Linaro toolchain versions later than 13.11. Although
most of these have been fixed, some remain at the time of writing. These
mainly seem to relate to a subtle change in the way the compiler converts
between 64-bit and 32-bit values (e.g. during casting operations), which
reveals previously hidden bugs in client code.
* The firmware design documentation for the Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) and
its dispatcher (TSPD) is incomplete. Similarly for the PSCI section.
ARM Trusted Firmware - version 0.3
New features
* Support for Foundation FVP Version 2.0 added.
The documented UEFI configuration disables some devices that are unavailable
in the Foundation FVP, including MMC and CLCD. The resultant UEFI binary can
be used on the AEMv8 and Cortex-A57-A53 Base FVPs, as well as the Foundation
NOTE: The software will not work on Version 1.0 of the Foundation FVP.
* Enabled third party contributions. Added a new containing
instructions for how to contribute and updated copyright text in all files
to acknowledge contributors.
* The PSCI CPU_SUSPEND API has been stabilised to the extent where it can be
used for entry into power down states with the following restrictions:
- Entry into standby states is not supported.
- The API is only supported on the AEMv8 and Cortex-A57-A53 Base FVPs.
* The PSCI AFFINITY_INFO api has undergone limited testing on the Base FVPs to
allow experimental use.
* Required C library and runtime header files are now included locally in ARM
Trusted Firmware instead of depending on the toolchain standard include
paths. The local implementation has been cleaned up and reduced in scope.
* Added I/O abstraction framework, primarily to allow generic code to load
images in a platform-independent way. The existing image loading code has
been reworked to use the new framework. Semi-hosting and NOR flash I/O
drivers are provided.
* Introduced Firmware Image Package (FIP) handling code and tools. A FIP
combines multiple firmware images with a Table of Contents (ToC) into a
single binary image. The new FIP driver is another type of I/O driver. The
Makefile builds a FIP by default and the FVP platform code expect to load a
FIP from NOR flash, although some support for image loading using semi-
hosting is retained.
NOTE: Building a FIP by default is a non-backwards-compatible change.
NOTE: Generic BL2 code now loads a BL3-3 (non-trusted firmware) image into
DRAM instead of expecting this to be pre-loaded at known location. This is
also a non-backwards-compatible change.
NOTE: Some non-trusted firmware (e.g. UEFI) will need to be rebuilt so that
it knows the new location to execute from and no longer needs to copy
particular code modules to DRAM itself.
* Reworked BL2 to BL3-1 handover interface. A new composite structure
(bl31_args) holds the superset of information that needs to be passed from
BL2 to BL3-1, including information on how handover execution control to
BL3-2 (if present) and BL3-3 (non-trusted firmware).
* Added library support for CPU context management, allowing the saving and
restoring of
- Shared system registers between Secure-EL1 and EL1.
- VFP registers.
- Essential EL3 system registers.
* Added a framework for implementing EL3 runtime services. Reworked the PSCI
implementation to be one such runtime service.
* Reworked the exception handling logic, making use of both SP_EL0 and SP_EL3
stack pointers for determining the type of exception, managing general
purpose and system register context on exception entry/exit, and handling
SMCs. SMCs are directed to the correct EL3 runtime service.
* Added support for a Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) and a corresponding
Dispatcher (TSPD), which is loaded as an EL3 runtime service. The TSPD
implements Secure Monitor functionality such as world switching and
EL1 context management, and is responsible for communication with the TSP.
NOTE: The TSPD does not yet contain support for secure world interrupts.
NOTE: The TSP/TSPD is not built by default.
Issues resolved since last release
* Support has been added for switching context between secure and normal
worlds in EL3.
* PSCI API calls `AFFINITY_INFO` & `PSCI_VERSION` have now been tested (to
a limited extent).
* The ARM Trusted Firmware build artifacts are now placed in the `./build`
directory and sub-directories instead of being placed in the root of the
* The ARM Trusted Firmware is now free from build warnings. Build warnings
are now treated as errors.
* The ARM Trusted Firmware now provides C library support locally within the
project to maintain compatibility between toolchains/systems.
* The PSCI locking code has been reworked so it no longer takes locks in an
incorrect sequence.
* The RAM-disk method of loading a Linux file-system has been confirmed to
work with the ARM Trusted Firmware and Linux kernel version (based on
version 3.13) used in this release, for both Foundation and Base FVPs.
Known issues
The following is a list of issues which are expected to be fixed in the future
releases of the ARM Trusted Firmware.
* The TrustZone Address Space Controller (TZC-400) is not being programmed
yet. Use of model parameter `-C bp.secure_memory=1` is not supported.
* No support yet for secure world interrupt handling.
* GICv3 support is experimental. The Linux kernel patches to support this are
not widely available. There are known issues with GICv3 initialization in
the ARM Trusted Firmware.
* Dynamic image loading is not available yet. The current image loader
implementation (used to load BL2 and all subsequent images) has some
limitations. Changing BL2 or BL3-1 load addresses in certain ways can lead
to loading errors, even if the images should theoretically fit in memory.
* The ARM Trusted Firmware uses too much on-chip Trusted SRAM. Currently the
Test Secure-EL1 Payload (BL3-2) executes in Trusted DRAM since there is not
enough SRAM. A number of RAM usage enhancements have been identified to
rectify this situation.
* CPU idle does not work on the advertised version of the Foundation FVP.
Some FVP fixes are required that are not available externally at the time
of writing.
* Various bugs in ARM Trusted Firmware, UEFI and the Linux kernel have been
observed when using Linaro toolchain versions later than 13.11. Although
most of these have been fixed, some remain at the time of writing. These
mainly seem to relate to a subtle change in the way the compiler converts
between 64-bit and 32-bit values (e.g. during casting operations), which
reveals previously hidden bugs in client code.
* The tested filesystem used for this release (Linaro AArch64 OpenEmbedded
14.01) does not report progress correctly in the console. It only seems to
produce error output, not standard output. It otherwise appears to function
correctly. Other filesystem versions on the same software stack do not
exhibit the problem.
* The Makefile structure doesn't make it easy to separate out parts of the
Trusted Firmware for re-use in platform ports, for example if only BL3-1 is
required in a platform port. Also, dependency checking in the Makefile is
* The firmware design documentation for the Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) and
its dispatcher (TSPD) is incomplete. Similarly for the PSCI section.
ARM Trusted Firmware - version 0.2
New features
* First source release.
* Code for the PSCI suspend feature is supplied, although this is not enabled
by default since there are known issues (see below).
Issues resolved since last release
* The "psci" nodes in the FDTs provided in this release now fully comply
with the recommendations made in the PSCI specification.
Known issues
The following is a list of issues which are expected to be fixed in the future
releases of the ARM Trusted Firmware.
* The TrustZone Address Space Controller (TZC-400) is not being programmed
yet. Use of model parameter `-C bp.secure_memory=1` is not supported.
* No support yet for secure world interrupt handling or for switching context
between secure and normal worlds in EL3.
* GICv3 support is experimental. The Linux kernel patches to support this are
not widely available. There are known issues with GICv3 initialization in
the ARM Trusted Firmware.
* Dynamic image loading is not available yet. The current image loader
implementation (used to load BL2 and all subsequent images) has some
limitations. Changing BL2 or BL3-1 load addresses in certain ways can lead
to loading errors, even if the images should theoretically fit in memory.
* Although support for PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` is present, it is not yet stable
and ready for use.
* PSCI API calls `AFFINITY_INFO` & `PSCI_VERSION` are implemented but have not
been tested.
* The ARM Trusted Firmware make files result in all build artifacts being
placed in the root of the project. These should be placed in appropriate
* The compilation of ARM Trusted Firmware is not free from compilation
warnings. Some of these warnings have not been investigated yet so they
could mask real bugs.
* The ARM Trusted Firmware currently uses toolchain/system include files like
stdio.h. It should provide versions of these within the project to maintain
compatibility between toolchains/systems.
* The PSCI code takes some locks in an incorrect sequence. This may cause
problems with suspend and hotplug in certain conditions.
* The Linux kernel used in this release is based on version 3.12-rc4. Using
this kernel with the ARM Trusted Firmware fails to start the file-system as
a RAM-disk. It fails to execute user-space `init` from the RAM-disk. As an
alternative, the VirtioBlock mechanism can be used to provide a file-system
to the kernel.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2013-2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[OP-TEE Dispatcher]:
[Power Domain Topology Design]:
[TF Image Terminology]:
[Authentication Framework]:
[Firmware Update]:
[TF Reset Design]:
[PSCI Integration Guide]:
[Firmware Design]:
[CPU Specific Build Macros]:
[User Guide]:
[Porting Guide]:
[Developer Certificate of Origin]: ../dco.txt
[Contribution Guide]: ../
ARM CPU Specific Build Macros
1. [Introduction](#1--introduction)
2. [CPU Errata Workarounds](#2--cpu-errata-workarounds)
3. [CPU Specific optimizations](#3--cpu-specific-optimizations)
1. Introduction
This document describes the various build options present in the CPU specific
operations framework to enable errata workarounds and to enable optimizations
for a specific CPU on a platform.
2. CPU Errata Workarounds
ARM Trusted Firmware exports a series of build flags which control the
errata workarounds that are applied to each CPU by the reset handler. The
errata details can be found in the CPU specific errata documents published
by ARM:
* [Cortex-A53 MPCore Software Developers Errata Notice][A53 Errata Notice]
* [Cortex-A57 MPCore Software Developers Errata Notice][A57 Errata Notice]
The errata workarounds are implemented for a particular revision or a set of
processor revisions. This is checked by the reset handler at runtime. Each
errata workaround is identified by its `ID` as specified in the processor's
errata notice document. The format of the define used to enable/disable the
errata workaround is `ERRATA_<Processor name>_<ID>`, where the `Processor name`
is for example `A57` for the `Cortex_A57` CPU.
Refer to the section _CPU errata status reporting_ in [Firmware Design
guide][Firmware Design] for information on to write errata workaround functions.
All workarounds are disabled by default. The platform is responsible for
enabling these workarounds according to its requirement by defining the
errata workaround build flags in the platform specific makefile. In case
these workarounds are enabled for the wrong CPU revision then the errata
workaround is not applied. In the DEBUG build, this is indicated by
printing a warning to the crash console.
In the current implementation, a platform which has more than 1 variant
with different revisions of a processor has no runtime mechanism available
for it to specify which errata workarounds should be enabled or not.
The value of the build flags are 0 by default, that is, disabled. Any other
value will enable it.
For Cortex-A53, following errata build flags are defined :
* `ERRATA_A53_826319`: This applies errata 826319 workaround to Cortex-A53
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision <= r0p2 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A53_836870`: This applies errata 836870 workaround to Cortex-A53
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision <= r0p3 of the CPU. From
r0p4 and onwards, this errata is enabled by default in hardware.
* `ERRATA_A53_855873`: This applies errata 855873 workaround to Cortex-A53
CPUs. Though the erratum is present in every revision of the CPU,
this workaround is only applied to CPUs from r0p3 onwards, which feature
a chicken bit in CPUACTLR_EL1 to enable a hardware workaround.
Earlier revisions of the CPU have other errata which require the same
workaround in software, so they should be covered anyway.
For Cortex-A57, following errata build flags are defined :
* `ERRATA_A57_806969`: This applies errata 806969 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision r0p0 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A57_813419`: This applies errata 813419 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision r0p0 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A57_813420`: This applies errata 813420 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision r0p0 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A57_826974`: This applies errata 826974 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision <= r1p1 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A57_826977`: This applies errata 826977 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision <= r1p1 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A57_828024`: This applies errata 828024 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision <= r1p1 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A57_829520`: This applies errata 829520 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision <= r1p2 of the CPU.
* `ERRATA_A57_833471`: This applies errata 833471 workaround to Cortex-A57
CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revision <= r1p2 of the CPU.
3. CPU Specific optimizations
This section describes some of the optimizations allowed by the CPU micro
architecture that can be enabled by the platform as desired.
* `SKIP_A57_L1_FLUSH_PWR_DWN`: This flag enables an optimization in the
Cortex-A57 cluster power down sequence by not flushing the Level 1 data
cache. The L1 data cache and the L2 unified cache are inclusive. A flush
of the L2 by set/way flushes any dirty lines from the L1 as well. This
is a known safe deviation from the Cortex-A57 TRM defined power down
sequence. Each Cortex-A57 based platform must make its own decision on
whether to use the optimization.
* `A53_DISABLE_NON_TEMPORAL_HINT`: This flag disables the cache non-temporal
hint. The LDNP/STNP instructions as implemented on Cortex-A53 do not behave
in a way most programmers expect, and will most probably result in a
significant speed degradation to any code that employs them. The ARMv8-A
architecture (see ARM DDI 0487A.h, section D3.4.3) allows cores to ignore
the non-temporal hint and treat LDNP/STNP as LDP/STP instead. Enabling this
flag enforces this behaviour. This needs to be enabled only for revisions
<= r0p3 of the CPU and is enabled by default.
* `A57_DISABLE_NON_TEMPORAL_HINT`: This flag has the same behaviour as
`A53_DISABLE_NON_TEMPORAL_HINT` but for Cortex-A57. This needs to be
enabled only for revisions <= r1p2 of the CPU and is enabled by default,
as recommended in section "4.7 Non-Temporal Loads/Stores" of the
[Cortex-A57 Software Optimization Guide][A57 SW Optimization Guide].
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2014-2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[A57 SW Optimization Guide]:
[A53 Errata Notice]:
[A57 Errata Notice]:
[Firmware Design]:
ARM Trusted Firmware Design
Contents :
1. [Introduction](#1--introduction)
2. [Cold boot](#2--cold-boot)
3. [EL3 runtime services framework](#3--el3-runtime-services-framework)
4. [Power State Coordination Interface](#4--power-state-coordination-interface)
5. [Secure-EL1 Payloads and Dispatchers](#5--secure-el1-payloads-and-dispatchers)
6. [Crash Reporting in BL31](#6--crash-reporting-in-bl31)
7. [Guidelines for Reset Handlers](#7--guidelines-for-reset-handlers)
8. [CPU specific operations framework](#8--cpu-specific-operations-framework)
9. [Memory layout of BL images](#9-memory-layout-of-bl-images)
10. [Firmware Image Package (FIP)](#10--firmware-image-package-fip)
11. [Use of coherent memory in Trusted Firmware](#11--use-of-coherent-memory-in-trusted-firmware)
12. [Isolating code and read-only data on separate memory pages](#12--isolating-code-and-read-only-data-on-separate-memory-pages)
13. [Performance Measurement Framework](#13--performance-measurement-framework)
14. [ARMv8 Architecture Extensions](#14--armv8-architecture-extensions)
15. [Code Structure](#15--code-structure)
16. [References](#16--references)
1. Introduction
The ARM Trusted Firmware implements a subset of the Trusted Board Boot
Requirements (TBBR) Platform Design Document (PDD) [1] for ARM reference
platforms. The TBB sequence starts when the platform is powered on and runs up
to the stage where it hands-off control to firmware running in the normal
world in DRAM. This is the cold boot path.
The ARM Trusted Firmware also implements the Power State Coordination Interface
PDD [2] as a runtime service. PSCI is the interface from normal world software
to firmware implementing power management use-cases (for example, secondary CPU
boot, hotplug and idle). Normal world software can access ARM Trusted Firmware
runtime services via the ARM SMC (Secure Monitor Call) instruction. The SMC
instruction must be used as mandated by the SMC Calling Convention [3].
The ARM Trusted Firmware implements a framework for configuring and managing
interrupts generated in either security state. The details of the interrupt
management framework and its design can be found in ARM Trusted Firmware
Interrupt Management Design guide [4].
The ARM Trusted Firmware can be built to support either AArch64 or AArch32
execution state.
2. Cold boot
The cold boot path starts when the platform is physically turned on. If
`COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU=0`, one of the CPUs released from reset is chosen as the
primary CPU, and the remaining CPUs are considered secondary CPUs. The primary
CPU is chosen through platform-specific means. The cold boot path is mainly
executed by the primary CPU, other than essential CPU initialization executed by
all CPUs. The secondary CPUs are kept in a safe platform-specific state until
the primary CPU has performed enough initialization to boot them.
Refer to the [Reset Design] for more information on the effect of the
`COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU` platform build option.
The cold boot path in this implementation of the ARM Trusted Firmware,
depends on the execution state.
For AArch64, it is divided into five steps (in order of execution):
* Boot Loader stage 1 (BL1) _AP Trusted ROM_
* Boot Loader stage 2 (BL2) _Trusted Boot Firmware_
* Boot Loader stage 3-1 (BL31) _EL3 Runtime Software_
* Boot Loader stage 3-2 (BL32) _Secure-EL1 Payload_ (optional)
* Boot Loader stage 3-3 (BL33) _Non-trusted Firmware_
For AArch32, it is divided into four steps (in order of execution):
* Boot Loader stage 1 (BL1) _AP Trusted ROM_
* Boot Loader stage 2 (BL2) _Trusted Boot Firmware_
* Boot Loader stage 3-2 (BL32) _EL3 Runtime Software_
* Boot Loader stage 3-3 (BL33) _Non-trusted Firmware_
ARM development platforms (Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVPs) and Juno) implement a
combination of the following types of memory regions. Each bootloader stage uses
one or more of these memory regions.
* Regions accessible from both non-secure and secure states. For example,
non-trusted SRAM, ROM and DRAM.
* Regions accessible from only the secure state. For example, trusted SRAM and
ROM. The FVPs also implement the trusted DRAM which is statically
configured. Additionally, the Base FVPs and Juno development platform
configure the TrustZone Controller (TZC) to create a region in the DRAM
which is accessible only from the secure state.
The sections below provide the following details:
* initialization and execution of the first three stages during cold boot
* specification of the EL3 Runtime Software (BL31 for AArch64 and BL32 for
AArch32) entrypoint requirements for use by alternative Trusted Boot
Firmware in place of the provided BL1 and BL2
### BL1
This stage begins execution from the platform's reset vector at EL3. The reset
address is platform dependent but it is usually located in a Trusted ROM area.
The BL1 data section is copied to trusted SRAM at runtime.
On the ARM development platforms, BL1 code starts execution from the reset
vector defined by the constant `BL1_RO_BASE`. The BL1 data section is copied
to the top of trusted SRAM as defined by the constant `BL1_RW_BASE`.
The functionality implemented by this stage is as follows.
#### Determination of boot path
Whenever a CPU is released from reset, BL1 needs to distinguish between a warm
boot and a cold boot. This is done using platform-specific mechanisms (see the
`plat_get_my_entrypoint()` function in the [Porting Guide]). In the case of a
warm boot, a CPU is expected to continue execution from a separate
entrypoint. In the case of a cold boot, the secondary CPUs are placed in a safe
platform-specific state (see the `plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup()` function in
the [Porting Guide]) while the primary CPU executes the remaining cold boot path
as described in the following sections.
This step only applies when `PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS=0`. Refer to the
[Reset Design] for more information on the effect of the
`PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS` platform build option.
#### Architectural initialization
BL1 performs minimal architectural initialization as follows.
* Exception vectors
BL1 sets up simple exception vectors for both synchronous and asynchronous
exceptions. The default behavior upon receiving an exception is to populate
a status code in the general purpose register `X0/R0` and call the
`plat_report_exception()` function (see the [Porting Guide]). The status
code is one of:
For AArch64:
0x0 : Synchronous exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
0x1 : IRQ exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
0x2 : FIQ exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
0x3 : System Error exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
0x4 : Synchronous exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
0x5 : IRQ exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
0x6 : FIQ exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
0x7 : System Error exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
0x8 : Synchronous exception from Lower EL using aarch64
0x9 : IRQ exception from Lower EL using aarch64
0xa : FIQ exception from Lower EL using aarch64
0xb : System Error exception from Lower EL using aarch64
0xc : Synchronous exception from Lower EL using aarch32
0xd : IRQ exception from Lower EL using aarch32
0xe : FIQ exception from Lower EL using aarch32
0xf : System Error exception from Lower EL using aarch32
For AArch32:
0x10 : User mode
0x11 : FIQ mode
0x12 : IRQ mode
0x13 : SVC mode
0x16 : Monitor mode
0x17 : Abort mode
0x1a : Hypervisor mode
0x1b : Undefined mode
0x1f : System mode
The `plat_report_exception()` implementation on the ARM FVP port programs
the Versatile Express System LED register in the following format to
indicate the occurence of an unexpected exception:
SYS_LED[0] - Security state (Secure=0/Non-Secure=1)
SYS_LED[2:1] - Exception Level (EL3=0x3, EL2=0x2, EL1=0x1, EL0=0x0)
For AArch32 it is always 0x0
SYS_LED[7:3] - Exception Class (Sync/Async & origin). This is the value
of the status code
A write to the LED register reflects in the System LEDs (S6LED0..7) in the
CLCD window of the FVP.
BL1 does not expect to receive any exceptions other than the SMC exception.
For the latter, BL1 installs a simple stub. The stub expects to receive a
limited set of SMC types (determined by their function IDs in the general
purpose register `X0/R0`):
- `BL1_SMC_RUN_IMAGE`: This SMC is raised by BL2 to make BL1 pass control
to EL3 Runtime Software.
- All SMCs listed in section "BL1 SMC Interface" in the [Firmware Update]
Design Guide are supported for AArch64 only. These SMCs are currently
not supported when BL1 is built for AArch32.
Any other SMC leads to an assertion failure.
* CPU initialization
BL1 calls the `reset_handler()` function which in turn calls the CPU
specific reset handler function (see the section: "CPU specific operations
* Control register setup (for AArch64)
- `SCTLR_EL3`. Instruction cache is enabled by setting the `SCTLR_EL3.I`
bit. Alignment and stack alignment checking is enabled by setting the
`SCTLR_EL3.A` and `SCTLR_EL3.SA` bits. Exception endianness is set to
little-endian by clearing the `SCTLR_EL3.EE` bit.
- `SCR_EL3`. The register width of the next lower exception level is set
to AArch64 by setting the `SCR.RW` bit. The `SCR.EA` bit is set to trap
both External Aborts and SError Interrupts in EL3. The `SCR.SIF` bit is
also set to disable instruction fetches from Non-secure memory when in
secure state.
- `CPTR_EL3`. Accesses to the `CPACR_EL1` register from EL1 or EL2, or the
`CPTR_EL2` register from EL2 are configured to not trap to EL3 by
clearing the `CPTR_EL3.TCPAC` bit. Access to the trace functionality is
configured not to trap to EL3 by clearing the `CPTR_EL3.TTA` bit.
Instructions that access the registers associated with Floating Point
and Advanced SIMD execution are configured to not trap to EL3 by
clearing the `CPTR_EL3.TFP` bit.
- `DAIF`. The SError interrupt is enabled by clearing the SError interrupt
mask bit.
- `MDCR_EL3`. The trap controls, `MDCR_EL3.TDOSA`, `MDCR_EL3.TDA` and
`MDCR_EL3.TPM`, are set so that accesses to the registers they control
do not trap to EL3. AArch64 Secure self-hosted debug is disabled by
setting the `MDCR_EL3.SDD` bit. Also `MDCR_EL3.SPD32` is set to
disable AArch32 Secure self-hosted privileged debug from S-EL1.
* Control register setup (for AArch32)
- `SCTLR`. Instruction cache is enabled by setting the `SCTLR.I` bit.
Alignment checking is enabled by setting the `SCTLR.A` bit.
Exception endianness is set to little-endian by clearing the
`SCTLR.EE` bit.
- `SCR`. The `SCR.SIF` bit is set to disable instruction fetches from
Non-secure memory when in secure state.
- `CPACR`. Allow execution of Advanced SIMD instructions at PL0 and PL1,
by clearing the `CPACR.ASEDIS` bit. Access to the trace functionality
is configured not to trap to undefined mode by clearing the
- `NSACR`. Enable non-secure access to Advanced SIMD functionality and
system register access to implemented trace registers.
- `FPEXC`. Enable access to the Advanced SIMD and floating-point
functionality from all Exception levels.
- `CPSR.A`. The Asynchronous data abort interrupt is enabled by clearing
the Asynchronous data abort interrupt mask bit.
- `SDCR`. The `SDCR.SPD` field is set to disable AArch32 Secure
self-hosted privileged debug.
#### Platform initialization
On ARM platforms, BL1 performs the following platform initializations:
* Enable the Trusted Watchdog.
* Initialize the console.
* Configure the Interconnect to enable hardware coherency.
* Enable the MMU and map the memory it needs to access.
* Configure any required platform storage to load the next bootloader image
#### Firmware Update detection and execution
After performing platform setup, BL1 common code calls
`bl1_plat_get_next_image_id()` to determine if [Firmware Update] is required or
to proceed with the normal boot process. If the platform code returns
`BL2_IMAGE_ID` then the normal boot sequence is executed as described in the
next section, else BL1 assumes that [Firmware Update] is required and execution
passes to the first image in the [Firmware Update] process. In either case, BL1
retrieves a descriptor of the next image by calling `bl1_plat_get_image_desc()`.
The image descriptor contains an `entry_point_info_t` structure, which BL1
uses to initialize the execution state of the next image.
#### BL2 image load and execution
In the normal boot flow, BL1 execution continues as follows:
1. BL1 prints the following string from the primary CPU to indicate successful
execution of the BL1 stage:
"Booting Trusted Firmware"
2. BL1 determines the amount of free trusted SRAM memory available by
calculating the extent of its own data section, which also resides in
trusted SRAM. BL1 loads a BL2 raw binary image from platform storage, at a
platform-specific base address. If the BL2 image file is not present or if
there is not enough free trusted SRAM the following error message is
"Failed to load BL2 firmware."
BL1 calculates the amount of Trusted SRAM that can be used by the BL2
image. The exact load location of the image is provided as a base address
in the platform header. Further description of the memory layout can be
found later in this document.
3. BL1 passes control to the BL2 image at Secure EL1 (for AArch64) or at
Secure SVC mode (for AArch32), starting from its load address.
4. BL1 also passes information about the amount of trusted SRAM used and
available for use. This information is populated at a platform-specific
memory address.
### BL2
BL1 loads and passes control to BL2 at Secure-EL1 (for AArch64) or at Secure
SVC mode (for AArch32) . BL2 is linked against and loaded at a platform-specific
base address (more information can be found later in this document).
The functionality implemented by BL2 is as follows.
#### Architectural initialization
For AArch64, BL2 performs the minimal architectural initialization required
for subsequent stages of the ARM Trusted Firmware and normal world software.
EL1 and EL0 are given access to Floating Point and Advanced SIMD registers
by clearing the `CPACR.FPEN` bits.
For AArch32, the minimal architectural initialization required for subsequent
stages of the ARM Trusted Firmware and normal world software is taken care of
in BL1 as both BL1 and BL2 execute at PL1.
#### Platform initialization
On ARM platforms, BL2 performs the following platform initializations:
* Initialize the console.
* Configure any required platform storage to allow loading further bootloader
* Enable the MMU and map the memory it needs to access.
* Perform platform security setup to allow access to controlled components.
* Reserve some memory for passing information to the next bootloader image
EL3 Runtime Software and populate it.
* Define the extents of memory available for loading each subsequent
bootloader image.
#### Image loading in BL2
Image loading scheme in BL2 depends on `LOAD_IMAGE_V2` build option. If the
flag is disabled, the BLxx images are loaded, by calling the respective
load_blxx() function from BL2 generic code. If the flag is enabled, the BL2
generic code loads the images based on the list of loadable images provided
by the platform. BL2 passes the list of executable images provided by the
platform to the next handover BL image. By default, this flag is disabled for
AArch64 and the AArch32 build is supported only if this flag is enabled.
#### SCP_BL2 (System Control Processor Firmware) image load
Some systems have a separate System Control Processor (SCP) for power, clock,
reset and system control. BL2 loads the optional SCP_BL2 image from platform
storage into a platform-specific region of secure memory. The subsequent
handling of SCP_BL2 is platform specific. For example, on the Juno ARM
development platform port the image is transferred into SCP's internal memory
using the Boot Over MHU (BOM) protocol after being loaded in the trusted SRAM
memory. The SCP executes SCP_BL2 and signals to the Application Processor (AP)
for BL2 execution to continue.
#### EL3 Runtime Software image load
BL2 loads the EL3 Runtime Software image from platform storage into a platform-
specific address in trusted SRAM. If there is not enough memory to load the
image or image is missing it leads to an assertion failure. If `LOAD_IMAGE_V2`
is disabled and if image loads successfully, BL2 updates the amount of trusted
SRAM used and available for use by EL3 Runtime Software. This information is
populated at a platform-specific memory address.
#### AArch64 BL32 (Secure-EL1 Payload) image load
BL2 loads the optional BL32 image from platform storage into a platform-
specific region of secure memory. The image executes in the secure world. BL2
relies on BL31 to pass control to the BL32 image, if present. Hence, BL2
populates a platform-specific area of memory with the entrypoint/load-address
of the BL32 image. The value of the Saved Processor Status Register (`SPSR`)
for entry into BL32 is not determined by BL2, it is initialized by the
Secure-EL1 Payload Dispatcher (see later) within BL31, which is responsible for
managing interaction with BL32. This information is passed to BL31.
#### BL33 (Non-trusted Firmware) image load
BL2 loads the BL33 image (e.g. UEFI or other test or boot software) from
platform storage into non-secure memory as defined by the platform.
BL2 relies on EL3 Runtime Software to pass control to BL33 once secure state
initialization is complete. Hence, BL2 populates a platform-specific area of
memory with the entrypoint and Saved Program Status Register (`SPSR`) of the
normal world software image. The entrypoint is the load address of the BL33
image. The `SPSR` is determined as specified in Section 5.13 of the
[PSCI PDD][PSCI]. This information is passed to the EL3 Runtime Software.
#### AArch64 BL31 (EL3 Runtime Software) execution
BL2 execution continues as follows:
1. BL2 passes control back to BL1 by raising an SMC, providing BL1 with the
BL31 entrypoint. The exception is handled by the SMC exception handler
installed by BL1.
2. BL1 turns off the MMU and flushes the caches. It clears the
`SCTLR_EL3.M/I/C` bits, flushes the data cache to the point of coherency
and invalidates the TLBs.
3. BL1 passes control to BL31 at the specified entrypoint at EL3.
### AArch64 BL31
The image for this stage is loaded by BL2 and BL1 passes control to BL31 at
EL3. BL31 executes solely in trusted SRAM. BL31 is linked against and
loaded at a platform-specific base address (more information can be found later
in this document). The functionality implemented by BL31 is as follows.
#### Architectural initialization
Currently, BL31 performs a similar architectural initialization to BL1 as
far as system register settings are concerned. Since BL1 code resides in ROM,
architectural initialization in BL31 allows override of any previous
initialization done by BL1.
BL31 initializes the per-CPU data framework, which provides a cache of
frequently accessed per-CPU data optimised for fast, concurrent manipulation
on different CPUs. This buffer includes pointers to per-CPU contexts, crash
buffer, CPU reset and power down operations, PSCI data, platform data and so on.
It then replaces the exception vectors populated by BL1 with its own. BL31
exception vectors implement more elaborate support for handling SMCs since this
is the only mechanism to access the runtime services implemented by BL31 (PSCI
for example). BL31 checks each SMC for validity as specified by the
[SMC calling convention PDD][SMCCC] before passing control to the required SMC
handler routine.
BL31 programs the `CNTFRQ_EL0` register with the clock frequency of the system
counter, which is provided by the platform.
#### Platform initialization
BL31 performs detailed platform initialization, which enables normal world
software to function correctly.
On ARM platforms, this consists of the following:
* Initialize the console.
* Configure the Interconnect to enable hardware coherency.
* Enable the MMU and map the memory it needs to access.
* Initialize the generic interrupt controller.
* Initialize the power controller device.
* Detect the system topology.
#### Runtime services initialization
BL31 is responsible for initializing the runtime services. One of them is PSCI.
As part of the PSCI initializations, BL31 detects the system topology. It also
initializes the data structures that implement the state machine used to track
the state of power domain nodes. The state can be one of `OFF`, `RUN` or
`RETENTION`. All secondary CPUs are initially in the `OFF` state. The cluster
that the primary CPU belongs to is `ON`; any other cluster is `OFF`. It also
initializes the locks that protect them. BL31 accesses the state of a CPU or
cluster immediately after reset and before the data cache is enabled in the
warm boot path. It is not currently possible to use 'exclusive' based spinlocks,
therefore BL31 uses locks based on Lamport's Bakery algorithm instead.
The runtime service framework and its initialization is described in more
detail in the "EL3 runtime services framework" section below.
Details about the status of the PSCI implementation are provided in the
"Power State Coordination Interface" section below.
#### AArch64 BL32 (Secure-EL1 Payload) image initialization
If a BL32 image is present then there must be a matching Secure-EL1 Payload
Dispatcher (SPD) service (see later for details). During initialization
that service must register a function to carry out initialization of BL32
once the runtime services are fully initialized. BL31 invokes such a
registered function to initialize BL32 before running BL33. This initialization
is not necessary for AArch32 SPs.
Details on BL32 initialization and the SPD's role are described in the
"Secure-EL1 Payloads and Dispatchers" section below.
#### BL33 (Non-trusted Firmware) execution
EL3 Runtime Software initializes the EL2 or EL1 processor context for normal-
world cold boot, ensuring that no secure state information finds its way into
the non-secure execution state. EL3 Runtime Software uses the entrypoint
information provided by BL2 to jump to the Non-trusted firmware image (BL33)
at the highest available Exception Level (EL2 if available, otherwise EL1).
### Using alternative Trusted Boot Firmware in place of BL1 & BL2 (AArch64 only)
Some platforms have existing implementations of Trusted Boot Firmware that
would like to use ARM Trusted Firmware BL31 for the EL3 Runtime Software. To
enable this firmware architecture it is important to provide a fully documented
and stable interface between the Trusted Boot Firmware and BL31.
Future changes to the BL31 interface will be done in a backwards compatible
way, and this enables these firmware components to be independently enhanced/
updated to develop and exploit new functionality.
#### Required CPU state when calling `bl31_entrypoint()` during cold boot
This function must only be called by the primary CPU.
On entry to this function the calling primary CPU must be executing in AArch64
EL3, little-endian data access, and all interrupt sources masked:
X0 and X1 can be used to pass information from the Trusted Boot Firmware to the
platform code in BL31:
X0 : Reserved for common Trusted Firmware information
X1 : Platform specific information
BL31 zero-init sections (e.g. `.bss`) should not contain valid data on entry,
these will be zero filled prior to invoking platform setup code.
##### Use of the X0 and X1 parameters
The parameters are platform specific and passed from `bl31_entrypoint()` to
`bl31_early_platform_setup()`. The value of these parameters is never directly
used by the common BL31 code.
The convention is that `X0` conveys information regarding the BL31, BL32 and
BL33 images from the Trusted Boot firmware and `X1` can be used for other
platform specific purpose. This convention allows platforms which use ARM
Trusted Firmware's BL1 and BL2 images to transfer additional platform specific
information from Secure Boot without conflicting with future evolution of the
Trusted Firmware using `X0` to pass a `bl31_params` structure.
BL31 common and SPD initialization code depends on image and entrypoint
information about BL33 and BL32, which is provided via BL31 platform APIs.
This information is required until the start of execution of BL33. This
information can be provided in a platform defined manner, e.g. compiled into
the platform code in BL31, or provided in a platform defined memory location
by the Trusted Boot firmware, or passed from the Trusted Boot Firmware via the
Cold boot Initialization parameters. This data may need to be cleaned out of
the CPU caches if it is provided by an earlier boot stage and then accessed by
BL31 platform code before the caches are enabled.
ARM Trusted Firmware's BL2 implementation passes a `bl31_params` structure in
`X0` and the ARM development platforms interpret this in the BL31 platform
##### MMU, Data caches & Coherency
BL31 does not depend on the enabled state of the MMU, data caches or
interconnect coherency on entry to `bl31_entrypoint()`. If these are disabled
on entry, these should be enabled during `bl31_plat_arch_setup()`.
##### Data structures used in the BL31 cold boot interface
These structures are designed to support compatibility and independent
evolution of the structures and the firmware images. For example, a version of
BL31 that can interpret the BL3x image information from different versions of
BL2, a platform that uses an extended entry_point_info structure to convey
additional register information to BL31, or a ELF image loader that can convey
more details about the firmware images.
To support these scenarios the structures are versioned and sized, which enables
BL31 to detect which information is present and respond appropriately. The
`param_header` is defined to capture this information:
typedef struct param_header {
uint8_t type; /* type of the structure */
uint8_t version; /* version of this structure */
uint16_t size; /* size of this structure in bytes */
uint32_t attr; /* attributes: unused bits SBZ */
} param_header_t;
The structures using this format are `entry_point_info`, `image_info` and
`bl31_params`. The code that allocates and populates these structures must set
the header fields appropriately, and the `SET_PARAM_HEAD()` a macro is defined
to simplify this action.
#### Required CPU state for BL31 Warm boot initialization
When requesting a CPU power-on, or suspending a running CPU, ARM Trusted
Firmware provides the platform power management code with a Warm boot
initialization entry-point, to be invoked by the CPU immediately after the
reset handler. On entry to the Warm boot initialization function the calling
CPU must be in AArch64 EL3, little-endian data access and all interrupt sources
The PSCI implementation will initialize the processor state and ensure that the
platform power management code is then invoked as required to initialize all
necessary system, cluster and CPU resources.
### AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software entrypoint interface
To enable this firmware architecture it is important to provide a fully
documented and stable interface between the Trusted Boot Firmware and the
AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software.
Future changes to the entrypoint interface will be done in a backwards
compatible way, and this enables these firmware components to be independently
enhanced/updated to develop and exploit new functionality.
#### Required CPU state when entering during cold boot
This function must only be called by the primary CPU.
On entry to this function the calling primary CPU must be executing in AArch32
EL3, little-endian data access, and all interrupt sources masked:
R0 and R1 are used to pass information from the Trusted Boot Firmware to the
platform code in AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software:
R0 : Reserved for common Trusted Firmware information
R1 : Platform specific information
##### Use of the R0 and R1 parameters
The parameters are platform specific and the convention is that `R0` conveys
information regarding the BL3x images from the Trusted Boot firmware and `R1`
can be used for other platform specific purpose. This convention allows
platforms which use ARM Trusted Firmware's BL1 and BL2 images to transfer
additional platform specific information from Secure Boot without conflicting
with future evolution of the Trusted Firmware using `R0` to pass a `bl_params`
The AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software is responsible for entry into BL33. This
information can be obtained in a platform defined manner, e.g. compiled into
the AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software, or provided in a platform defined memory
location by the Trusted Boot firmware, or passed from the Trusted Boot Firmware
via the Cold boot Initialization parameters. This data may need to be cleaned
out of the CPU caches if it is provided by an earlier boot stage and then
accessed by AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software before the caches are enabled.
When using AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software, the ARM development platforms pass a
`bl_params` structure in `R0` from BL2 to be interpreted by AArch32 EL3 Runtime
Software platform code.
##### MMU, Data caches & Coherency
AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software must not depend on the enabled state of the MMU,
data caches or interconnect coherency in its entrypoint. They must be explicitly
enabled if required.
##### Data structures used in cold boot interface
The AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software cold boot interface uses `bl_params` instead
of `bl31_params`. The `bl_params` structure is based on the convention
described in AArch64 BL31 cold boot interface section.
#### Required CPU state for warm boot initialization
When requesting a CPU power-on, or suspending a running CPU, AArch32 EL3
Runtime Software must ensure execution of a warm boot initialization entrypoint.
If ARM Trusted Firmware BL1 is used and the PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS build
flag is false, then AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software must ensure that BL1 branches
to the warm boot entrypoint by arranging for the BL1 platform function,
plat_get_my_entrypoint(), to return a non-zero value.
In this case, the warm boot entrypoint must be in AArch32 EL3, little-endian
data access and all interrupt sources masked:
The warm boot entrypoint may be implemented by using the ARM Trusted Firmware
`psci_warmboot_entrypoint()` function. In that case, the platform must fulfil
the pre-requisites mentioned in the [PSCI Library integration guide]
[PSCI Lib guide].
3. EL3 runtime services framework
Software executing in the non-secure state and in the secure state at exception
levels lower than EL3 will request runtime services using the Secure Monitor
Call (SMC) instruction. These requests will follow the convention described in
the SMC Calling Convention PDD ([SMCCC]). The [SMCCC] assigns function
identifiers to each SMC request and describes how arguments are passed and
The EL3 runtime services framework enables the development of services by
different providers that can be easily integrated into final product firmware.
The following sections describe the framework which facilitates the
registration, initialization and use of runtime services in EL3 Runtime
Software (BL31).
The design of the runtime services depends heavily on the concepts and
definitions described in the [SMCCC], in particular SMC Function IDs, Owning
Entity Numbers (OEN), Fast and Yielding calls, and the SMC32 and SMC64 calling
conventions. Please refer to that document for more detailed explanation of
these terms.
The following runtime services are expected to be implemented first. They have
not all been instantiated in the current implementation.
1. Standard service calls
This service is for management of the entire system. The Power State
Coordination Interface ([PSCI]) is the first set of standard service calls
defined by ARM (see PSCI section later).
2. Secure-EL1 Payload Dispatcher service
If a system runs a Trusted OS or other Secure-EL1 Payload (SP) then
it also requires a _Secure Monitor_ at EL3 to switch the EL1 processor
context between the normal world (EL1/EL2) and trusted world (Secure-EL1).
The Secure Monitor will make these world switches in response to SMCs. The
[SMCCC] provides for such SMCs with the Trusted OS Call and Trusted
Application Call OEN ranges.
The interface between the EL3 Runtime Software and the Secure-EL1 Payload is
not defined by the [SMCCC] or any other standard. As a result, each
Secure-EL1 Payload requires a specific Secure Monitor that runs as a runtime
service - within ARM Trusted Firmware this service is referred to as the
Secure-EL1 Payload Dispatcher (SPD).
ARM Trusted Firmware provides a Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) and its
associated Dispatcher (TSPD). Details of SPD design and TSP/TSPD operation
are described in the "Secure-EL1 Payloads and Dispatchers" section below.
3. CPU implementation service
This service will provide an interface to CPU implementation specific
services for a given platform e.g. access to processor errata workarounds.
This service is currently unimplemented.
Additional services for ARM Architecture, SiP and OEM calls can be implemented.
Each implemented service handles a range of SMC function identifiers as
described in the [SMCCC].
### Registration
A runtime service is registered using the `DECLARE_RT_SVC()` macro, specifying
the name of the service, the range of OENs covered, the type of service and
initialization and call handler functions. This macro instantiates a `const
struct rt_svc_desc` for the service with these details (see `runtime_svc.h`).
This structure is allocated in a special ELF section `rt_svc_descs`, enabling
the framework to find all service descriptors included into BL31.
The specific service for a SMC Function is selected based on the OEN and call
type of the Function ID, and the framework uses that information in the service
descriptor to identify the handler for the SMC Call.
The service descriptors do not include information to identify the precise set
of SMC function identifiers supported by this service implementation, the
security state from which such calls are valid nor the capability to support
64-bit and/or 32-bit callers (using SMC32 or SMC64). Responding appropriately
to these aspects of a SMC call is the responsibility of the service
implementation, the framework is focused on integration of services from
different providers and minimizing the time taken by the framework before the
service handler is invoked.
Details of the parameters, requirements and behavior of the initialization and
call handling functions are provided in the following sections.
### Initialization
`runtime_svc_init()` in `runtime_svc.c` initializes the runtime services
framework running on the primary CPU during cold boot as part of the BL31
initialization. This happens prior to initializing a Trusted OS and running
Normal world boot firmware that might in turn use these services.
Initialization involves validating each of the declared runtime service
descriptors, calling the service initialization function and populating the
index used for runtime lookup of the service.
The BL31 linker script collects all of the declared service descriptors into a
single array and defines symbols that allow the framework to locate and traverse
the array, and determine its size.
The framework does basic validation of each descriptor to halt firmware
initialization if service declaration errors are detected. The framework does
not check descriptors for the following error conditions, and may behave in an
unpredictable manner under such scenarios:
1. Overlapping OEN ranges
2. Multiple descriptors for the same range of OENs and `call_type`
3. Incorrect range of owning entity numbers for a given `call_type`
Once validated, the service `init()` callback is invoked. This function carries
out any essential EL3 initialization before servicing requests. The `init()`
function is only invoked on the primary CPU during cold boot. If the service
uses per-CPU data this must either be initialized for all CPUs during this call,
or be done lazily when a CPU first issues an SMC call to that service. If
`init()` returns anything other than `0`, this is treated as an initialization
error and the service is ignored: this does not cause the firmware to halt.
The OEN and call type fields present in the SMC Function ID cover a total of
128 distinct services, but in practice a single descriptor can cover a range of
OENs, e.g. SMCs to call a Trusted OS function. To optimize the lookup of a
service handler, the framework uses an array of 128 indices that map every
distinct OEN/call-type combination either to one of the declared services or to
indicate the service is not handled. This `rt_svc_descs_indices[]` array is
populated for all of the OENs covered by a service after the service `init()`
function has reported success. So a service that fails to initialize will never
have it's `handle()` function invoked.
The following figure shows how the `rt_svc_descs_indices[]` index maps the SMC
Function ID call type and OEN onto a specific service handler in the
`rt_svc_descs[]` array.
![Image 1](diagrams/rt-svc-descs-layout.png?raw=true)
### Handling an SMC
When the EL3 runtime services framework receives a Secure Monitor Call, the SMC
Function ID is passed in W0 from the lower exception level (as per the
[SMCCC]). If the calling register width is AArch32, it is invalid to invoke an
SMC Function which indicates the SMC64 calling convention: such calls are
ignored and return the Unknown SMC Function Identifier result code `0xFFFFFFFF`
in R0/X0.
Bit[31] (fast/yielding call) and bits[29:24] (owning entity number) of the SMC
Function ID are combined to index into the `rt_svc_descs_indices[]` array. The
resulting value might indicate a service that has no handler, in this case the
framework will also report an Unknown SMC Function ID. Otherwise, the value is
used as a further index into the `rt_svc_descs[]` array to locate the required
service and handler.
The service's `handle()` callback is provided with five of the SMC parameters
directly, the others are saved into memory for retrieval (if needed) by the
handler. The handler is also provided with an opaque `handle` for use with the
supporting library for parameter retrieval, setting return values and context
manipulation; and with `flags` indicating the security state of the caller. The
framework finally sets up the execution stack for the handler, and invokes the
services `handle()` function.
On return from the handler the result registers are populated in X0-X3 before
restoring the stack and CPU state and returning from the original SMC.
4. Power State Coordination Interface
TODO: Provide design walkthrough of PSCI implementation.
The PSCI v1.0 specification categorizes APIs as optional and mandatory. All the
mandatory APIs in PSCI v1.0 and all the APIs in PSCI v0.2 draft specification
[Power State Coordination Interface PDD] [PSCI] are implemented. The table lists
the PSCI v1.0 APIs and their support in generic code.
An API implementation might have a dependency on platform code e.g. CPU_SUSPEND
requires the platform to export a part of the implementation. Hence the level
of support of the mandatory APIs depends upon the support exported by the
platform port as well. The Juno and FVP (all variants) platforms export all the
required support.
| PSCI v1.0 API |Supported| Comments |
|`PSCI_VERSION` | Yes | The version returned is 1.0 |
|`CPU_SUSPEND` | Yes* | |
|`CPU_OFF` | Yes* | |
|`CPU_ON` | Yes* | |
|`AFFINITY_INFO` | Yes | |
|`MIGRATE` | Yes** | |
|`MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE` | Yes** | |
|`MIGRATE_INFO_CPU` | Yes** | |
|`SYSTEM_OFF` | Yes* | |
|`SYSTEM_RESET` | Yes* | |
|`PSCI_FEATURES` | Yes | |
|`CPU_FREEZE` | No | |
|`NODE_HW_STATE` | Yes* | |
|`SYSTEM_SUSPEND` | Yes* | |
|`PSCI_STAT_COUNT` | Yes* | |
*Note : These PSCI APIs require platform power management hooks to be
registered with the generic PSCI code to be supported.
**Note : These PSCI APIs require appropriate Secure Payload Dispatcher
hooks to be registered with the generic PSCI code to be supported.
The PSCI implementation in ARM Trusted Firmware is a library which can be
integrated with AArch64 or AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software for ARMv8-A systems.
A guide to integrating PSCI library with AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software
can be found [here][PSCI Lib guide].
5. Secure-EL1 Payloads and Dispatchers
On a production system that includes a Trusted OS running in Secure-EL1/EL0,
the Trusted OS is coupled with a companion runtime service in the BL31
firmware. This service is responsible for the initialisation of the Trusted
OS and all communications with it. The Trusted OS is the BL32 stage of the
boot flow in ARM Trusted Firmware. The firmware will attempt to locate, load
and execute a BL32 image.
ARM Trusted Firmware uses a more general term for the BL32 software that runs
at Secure-EL1 - the _Secure-EL1 Payload_ - as it is not always a Trusted OS.
The ARM Trusted Firmware provides a Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) and a Test
Secure-EL1 Payload Dispatcher (TSPD) service as an example of how a Trusted OS
is supported on a production system using the Runtime Services Framework. On
such a system, the Test BL32 image and service are replaced by the Trusted OS
and its dispatcher service. The ARM Trusted Firmware build system expects that
the dispatcher will define the build flag `NEED_BL32` to enable it to include
the BL32 in the build either as a binary or to compile from source depending
on whether the `BL32` build option is specified or not.
The TSP runs in Secure-EL1. It is designed to demonstrate synchronous
communication with the normal-world software running in EL1/EL2. Communication
is initiated by the normal-world software
* either directly through a Fast SMC (as defined in the [SMCCC])
* or indirectly through a [PSCI] SMC. The [PSCI] implementation in turn
informs the TSPD about the requested power management operation. This allows
the TSP to prepare for or respond to the power state change
The TSPD service is responsible for.
* Initializing the TSP
* Routing requests and responses between the secure and the non-secure
states during the two types of communications just described
### Initializing a BL32 Image
The Secure-EL1 Payload Dispatcher (SPD) service is responsible for initializing
the BL32 image. It needs access to the information passed by BL2 to BL31 to do
so. This is provided by:
entry_point_info_t *bl31_plat_get_next_image_ep_info(uint32_t);
which returns a reference to the `entry_point_info` structure corresponding to
the image which will be run in the specified security state. The SPD uses this
API to get entry point information for the SECURE image, BL32.
In the absence of a BL32 image, BL31 passes control to the normal world
bootloader image (BL33). When the BL32 image is present, it is typical
that the SPD wants control to be passed to BL32 first and then later to BL33.
To do this the SPD has to register a BL32 initialization function during
initialization of the SPD service. The BL32 initialization function has this
int32_t init(void);
and is registered using the `bl31_register_bl32_init()` function.
Trusted Firmware supports two approaches for the SPD to pass control to BL32
before returning through EL3 and running the non-trusted firmware (BL33):
1. In the BL32 setup function, use `bl31_set_next_image_type()` to
request that the exit from `bl31_main()` is to the BL32 entrypoint in
Secure-EL1. BL31 will exit to BL32 using the asynchronous method by
calling `bl31_prepare_next_image_entry()` and `el3_exit()`.
When the BL32 has completed initialization at Secure-EL1, it returns to
BL31 by issuing an SMC, using a Function ID allocated to the SPD. On
receipt of this SMC, the SPD service handler should switch the CPU context
from trusted to normal world and use the `bl31_set_next_image_type()` and
`bl31_prepare_next_image_entry()` functions to set up the initial return to
the normal world firmware BL33. On return from the handler the framework
will exit to EL2 and run BL33.
2. The BL32 setup function registers an initialization function using
`bl31_register_bl32_init()` which provides a SPD-defined mechanism to
invoke a 'world-switch synchronous call' to Secure-EL1 to run the BL32
NOTE: The Test SPD service included with the Trusted Firmware provides one
implementation of such a mechanism.
On completion BL32 returns control to BL31 via a SMC, and on receipt the
SPD service handler invokes the synchronous call return mechanism to return
to the BL32 initialization function. On return from this function,
`bl31_main()` will set up the return to the normal world firmware BL33 and
continue the boot process in the normal world.
6. Crash Reporting in BL31
BL31 implements a scheme for reporting the processor state when an unhandled
exception is encountered. The reporting mechanism attempts to preserve all the
register contents and report it via a dedicated UART (PL011 console). BL31
reports the general purpose, EL3, Secure EL1 and some EL2 state registers.
A dedicated per-CPU crash stack is maintained by BL31 and this is retrieved via
the per-CPU pointer cache. The implementation attempts to minimise the memory
required for this feature. The file `crash_reporting.S` contains the
implementation for crash reporting.
The sample crash output is shown below.
x0 :0x000000004F00007C
x1 :0x0000000007FFFFFF
x2 :0x0000000004014D50
x3 :0x0000000000000000
x4 :0x0000000088007998
x5 :0x00000000001343AC
x6 :0x0000000000000016
x7 :0x00000000000B8A38
x8 :0x00000000001343AC
x9 :0x00000000000101A8
x10 :0x0000000000000002
x11 :0x000000000000011C
x12 :0x00000000FEFDC644
x13 :0x00000000FED93FFC
x14 :0x0000000000247950
x15 :0x00000000000007A2
x16 :0x00000000000007A4
x17 :0x0000000000247950
x18 :0x0000000000000000
x19 :0x00000000FFFFFFFF
x20 :0x0000000004014D50
x21 :0x000000000400A38C
x22 :0x0000000000247950
x23 :0x0000000000000010
x24 :0x0000000000000024
x25 :0x00000000FEFDC868
x26 :0x00000000FEFDC86A
x27 :0x00000000019EDEDC
x28 :0x000000000A7CFDAA
x29 :0x0000000004010780
x30 :0x000000000400F004
scr_el3 :0x0000000000000D3D
sctlr_el3 :0x0000000000C8181F
cptr_el3 :0x0000000000000000
tcr_el3 :0x0000000080803520
daif :0x00000000000003C0
mair_el3 :0x00000000000004FF
spsr_el3 :0x00000000800003CC
elr_el3 :0x000000000400C0CC
ttbr0_el3 :0x00000000040172A0
esr_el3 :0x0000000096000210
sp_el3 :0x0000000004014D50
far_el3 :0x000000004F00007C
spsr_el1 :0x0000000000000000
elr_el1 :0x0000000000000000
spsr_abt :0x0000000000000000
spsr_und :0x0000000000000000
spsr_irq :0x0000000000000000
spsr_fiq :0x0000000000000000
sctlr_el1 :0x0000000030C81807
actlr_el1 :0x0000000000000000
cpacr_el1 :0x0000000000300000
csselr_el1 :0x0000000000000002
sp_el1 :0x0000000004028800
esr_el1 :0x0000000000000000
ttbr0_el1 :0x000000000402C200
ttbr1_el1 :0x0000000000000000
mair_el1 :0x00000000000004FF
amair_el1 :0x0000000000000000
tcr_el1 :0x0000000000003520
tpidr_el1 :0x0000000000000000
tpidr_el0 :0x0000000000000000
tpidrro_el0 :0x0000000000000000
dacr32_el2 :0x0000000000000000
ifsr32_el2 :0x0000000000000000
par_el1 :0x0000000000000000
far_el1 :0x0000000000000000
afsr0_el1 :0x0000000000000000
afsr1_el1 :0x0000000000000000
contextidr_el1 :0x0000000000000000
vbar_el1 :0x0000000004027000
cntp_ctl_el0 :0x0000000000000000
cntp_cval_el0 :0x0000000000000000
cntv_ctl_el0 :0x0000000000000000
cntv_cval_el0 :0x0000000000000000
cntkctl_el1 :0x0000000000000000
fpexc32_el2 :0x0000000004000700
sp_el0 :0x0000000004010780
7. Guidelines for Reset Handlers
Trusted Firmware implements a framework that allows CPU and platform ports to
perform actions very early after a CPU is released from reset in both the cold
and warm boot paths. This is done by calling the `reset_handler()` function in
both the BL1 and BL31 images. It in turn calls the platform and CPU specific
reset handling functions.
Details for implementing a CPU specific reset handler can be found in
Section 8. Details for implementing a platform specific reset handler can be
found in the [Porting Guide] (see the `plat_reset_handler()` function).
When adding functionality to a reset handler, keep in mind that if a different
reset handling behavior is required between the first and the subsequent
invocations of the reset handling code, this should be detected at runtime.
In other words, the reset handler should be able to detect whether an action has
already been performed and act as appropriate. Possible courses of actions are,
e.g. skip the action the second time, or undo/redo it.
8. CPU specific operations framework
Certain aspects of the ARMv8 architecture are implementation defined,
that is, certain behaviours are not architecturally defined, but must be defined
and documented by individual processor implementations. The ARM Trusted
Firmware implements a framework which categorises the common implementation
defined behaviours and allows a processor to export its implementation of that
behaviour. The categories are:
1. Processor specific reset sequence.
2. Processor specific power down sequences.
3. Processor specific register dumping as a part of crash reporting.
4. Errata status reporting.
Each of the above categories fulfils a different requirement.
1. allows any processor specific initialization before the caches and MMU
are turned on, like implementation of errata workarounds, entry into
the intra-cluster coherency domain etc.
2. allows each processor to implement the power down sequence mandated in
its Technical Reference Manual (TRM).
3. allows a processor to provide additional information to the developer
in the event of a crash, for example Cortex-A53 has registers which
can expose the data cache contents.
4. allows a processor to define a function that inspects and reports the status
of all errata workarounds on that processor.
Please note that only 2. is mandated by the TRM.
The CPU specific operations framework scales to accommodate a large number of
different CPUs during power down and reset handling. The platform can specify
any CPU optimization it wants to enable for each CPU. It can also specify
the CPU errata workarounds to be applied for each CPU type during reset
handling by defining CPU errata compile time macros. Details on these macros
can be found in the [][CPUBM] file.
The CPU specific operations framework depends on the `cpu_ops` structure which
needs to be exported for each type of CPU in the platform. It is defined in
`include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cpu_macros.S` and has the following fields : `midr`,
`reset_func()`, `cpu_pwr_down_ops` (array of power down functions) and
The CPU specific files in `lib/cpus` export a `cpu_ops` data structure with
suitable handlers for that CPU. For example, `lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a53.S`
exports the `cpu_ops` for Cortex-A53 CPU. According to the platform
configuration, these CPU specific files must be included in the build by
the platform makefile. The generic CPU specific operations framework code exists
in `lib/cpus/aarch64/cpu_helpers.S`.
### CPU specific Reset Handling
After a reset, the state of the CPU when it calls generic reset handler is:
MMU turned off, both instruction and data caches turned off and not part
of any coherency domain.
The BL entrypoint code first invokes the `plat_reset_handler()` to allow
the platform to perform any system initialization required and any system
errata workarounds that needs to be applied. The `get_cpu_ops_ptr()` reads
the current CPU midr, finds the matching `cpu_ops` entry in the `cpu_ops`
array and returns it. Note that only the part number and implementer fields
in midr are used to find the matching `cpu_ops` entry. The `reset_func()` in
the returned `cpu_ops` is then invoked which executes the required reset
handling for that CPU and also any errata workarounds enabled by the platform.
This function must preserve the values of general purpose registers x20 to x29.
Refer to Section "Guidelines for Reset Handlers" for general guidelines
regarding placement of code in a reset handler.
### CPU specific power down sequence
During the BL31 initialization sequence, the pointer to the matching `cpu_ops`
entry is stored in per-CPU data by `init_cpu_ops()` so that it can be quickly
retrieved during power down sequences.
Various CPU drivers register handlers to perform power down at certain power
levels for that specific CPU. The PSCI service, upon receiving a power down
request, determines the highest power level at which to execute power down
sequence for a particular CPU. It uses the `prepare_cpu_pwr_dwn()` function to
pick the right power down handler for the requested level. The function
retrieves `cpu_ops` pointer member of per-CPU data, and from that, further
retrieves `cpu_pwr_down_ops` array, and indexes into the required level. If the
requested power level is higher than what a CPU driver supports, the handler
registered for highest level is invoked.
At runtime the platform hooks for power down are invoked by the PSCI service to
perform platform specific operations during a power down sequence, for example
turning off CCI coherency during a cluster power down.
### CPU specific register reporting during crash
If the crash reporting is enabled in BL31, when a crash occurs, the crash
reporting framework calls `do_cpu_reg_dump` which retrieves the matching
`cpu_ops` using `get_cpu_ops_ptr()` function. The `cpu_reg_dump()` in
`cpu_ops` is invoked, which then returns the CPU specific register values to
be reported and a pointer to the ASCII list of register names in a format
expected by the crash reporting framework.
### CPU errata status reporting
Errata workarounds for CPUs supported in ARM Trusted Firmware are applied during
both cold and warm boots, shortly after reset. Individual Errata workarounds are
enabled as build options. Some errata workarounds have potential run-time
implications; therefore some are enabled by default, others not. Platform ports
shall override build options to enable or disable errata as appropriate. The CPU
drivers take care of applying errata workarounds that are enabled and applicable
to a given CPU. Refer to the section titled _CPU Errata Workarounds_ in [CPUBM]
for more information.
Functions in CPU drivers that apply errata workaround must follow the
conventions listed below.
The errata workaround must be authored as two separate functions:
* One that checks for errata. This function must determine whether that errata
applies to the current CPU. Typically this involves matching the current
CPUs revision and variant against a value that's known to be affected by the
errata. If the function determines that the errata applies to this CPU, it
must return `ERRATA_APPLIES`; otherwise, it must return
`ERRATA_NOT_APPLIES`. The utility functions `cpu_get_rev_var` and
`cpu_rev_var_ls` functions may come in handy for this purpose.
For an errata identified as `E`, the check function must be named
This function will be invoked at different times, both from assembly and from
C run time. Therefore it must follow AAPCS, and must not use stack.
* Another one that applies the errata workaround. This function would call the
check function described above, and applies errata workaround if required.
CPU drivers that apply errata workaround can optionally implement an assembly
function that report the status of errata workarounds pertaining to that CPU.
For a driver that registers the CPU, for example, `cpux` via. `declare_cpu_ops`
macro, the errata reporting function, if it exists, must be named
`cpux_errata_report`. This function will always be called with MMU enabled; it
must follow AAPCS and may use stack.
In a debug build of ARM Trusted Firmware, on a CPU that comes out of reset, both
BL1 and the run time firmware (BL31 in AArch64, and BL32 in AArch32) will invoke
errata status reporting function, if one exists, for that type of CPU.
To report the status of each errata workaround, the function shall use the
assembler macro `report_errata`, passing it:
* The build option that enables the errata;
* The name of the CPU: this must be the same identifier that CPU driver
registered itself with, using `declare_cpu_ops`;
* And the errata identifier: the identifier must match what's used in the
errata's check function described above.
The errata status reporting function will be called once per CPU type/errata
combination during the software's active life time.
It's expected that whenever an errata workaround is submitted to ARM Trusted
Firmware, the errata reporting function is appropriately extended to report its
status as well.
Reporting the status of errata workaround is for informational purpose only; it
has no functional significance.
9. Memory layout of BL images
Each bootloader image can be divided in 2 parts:
* the static contents of the image. These are data actually stored in the
binary on the disk. In the ELF terminology, they are called `PROGBITS`
* the run-time contents of the image. These are data that don't occupy any
space in the binary on the disk. The ELF binary just contains some
metadata indicating where these data will be stored at run-time and the
corresponding sections need to be allocated and initialized at run-time.
In the ELF terminology, they are called `NOBITS` sections.
All PROGBITS sections are grouped together at the beginning of the image,
followed by all NOBITS sections. This is true for all Trusted Firmware images
and it is governed by the linker scripts. This ensures that the raw binary
images are as small as possible. If a NOBITS section was inserted in between
PROGBITS sections then the resulting binary file would contain zero bytes in
place of this NOBITS section, making the image unnecessarily bigger. Smaller
images allow faster loading from the FIP to the main memory.
### Linker scripts and symbols
Each bootloader stage image layout is described by its own linker script. The
linker scripts export some symbols into the program symbol table. Their values
correspond to particular addresses. The trusted firmware code can refer to these
symbols to figure out the image memory layout.
Linker symbols follow the following naming convention in the trusted firmware.
Start address of a given section named `<SECTION>`.
* `__<SECTION>_END__`
End address of a given section named `<SECTION>`. If there is an alignment
constraint on the section's end address then `__<SECTION>_END__` corresponds
to the end address of the section's actual contents, rounded up to the right
boundary. Refer to the value of `__<SECTION>_UNALIGNED_END__` to know the
actual end address of the section's contents.
End address of a given section named `<SECTION>` without any padding or
rounding up due to some alignment constraint.
* `__<SECTION>_SIZE__`
Size (in bytes) of a given section named `<SECTION>`. If there is an
alignment constraint on the section's end address then `__<SECTION>_SIZE__`
corresponds to the size of the section's actual contents, rounded up to the
right boundary. In other words, `__<SECTION>_SIZE__ = __<SECTION>_END__ -
_<SECTION>_START__`. Refer to the value of `__<SECTION>_UNALIGNED_SIZE__`
to know the actual size of the section's contents.
Size (in bytes) of a given section named `<SECTION>` without any padding or
rounding up due to some alignment constraint. In other words,
Some of the linker symbols are mandatory as the trusted firmware code relies on
them to be defined. They are listed in the following subsections. Some of them
must be provided for each bootloader stage and some are specific to a given
bootloader stage.
The linker scripts define some extra, optional symbols. They are not actually
used by any code but they help in understanding the bootloader images' memory
layout as they are easy to spot in the link map files.
#### Common linker symbols
All BL images share the following requirements:
* The BSS section must be zero-initialised before executing any C code.
* The coherent memory section (if enabled) must be zero-initialised as well.
* The MMU setup code needs to know the extents of the coherent and read-only
memory regions to set the right memory attributes. When
`SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA=1`, it needs to know more specifically how the
read-only memory region is divided between code and data.
The following linker symbols are defined for this purpose:
* `__BSS_START__`
* `__BSS_SIZE__`
* `__COHERENT_RAM_START__` Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
* `__COHERENT_RAM_END__` Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
* `__RO_START__`
* `__RO_END__`
* `__TEXT_START__`
* `__TEXT_END__`
* `__RODATA_END__`
#### BL1's linker symbols
BL1 being the ROM image, it has additional requirements. BL1 resides in ROM and
it is entirely executed in place but it needs some read-write memory for its
mutable data. Its `.data` section (i.e. its allocated read-write data) must be
relocated from ROM to RAM before executing any C code.
The following additional linker symbols are defined for BL1:
* `__BL1_ROM_END__` End address of BL1's ROM contents, covering its code
and `.data` section in ROM.
* `__DATA_ROM_START__` Start address of the `.data` section in ROM. Must be
aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
* `__DATA_RAM_START__` Address in RAM where the `.data` section should be
copied over. Must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
* `__DATA_SIZE__` Size of the `.data` section (in ROM or RAM).
* `__BL1_RAM_START__` Start address of BL1 read-write data.
* `__BL1_RAM_END__` End address of BL1 read-write data.
### How to choose the right base addresses for each bootloader stage image
There is currently no support for dynamic image loading in the Trusted Firmware.
This means that all bootloader images need to be linked against their ultimate
runtime locations and the base addresses of each image must be chosen carefully
such that images don't overlap each other in an undesired way. As the code
grows, the base addresses might need adjustments to cope with the new memory
The memory layout is completely specific to the platform and so there is no
general recipe for choosing the right base addresses for each bootloader image.
However, there are tools to aid in understanding the memory layout. These are
the link map files: `build/<platform>/<build-type>/bl<x>/bl<x>.map`, with `<x>`
being the stage bootloader. They provide a detailed view of the memory usage of
each image. Among other useful information, they provide the end address of
each image.
* `` link map file provides `__BL1_RAM_END__` address.
* `` link map file provides `__BL2_END__` address.
* `` link map file provides `__BL31_END__` address.
* `` link map file provides `__BL32_END__` address.
For each bootloader image, the platform code must provide its start address
as well as a limit address that it must not overstep. The latter is used in the
linker scripts to check that the image doesn't grow past that address. If that
happens, the linker will issue a message similar to the following:
aarch64-none-elf-ld: BLx has exceeded its limit.
Additionally, if the platform memory layout implies some image overlaying like
on FVP, BL31 and TSP need to know the limit address that their PROGBITS
sections must not overstep. The platform code must provide those.
When LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is disabled, Trusted Firmware provides a mechanism to
verify at boot time that the memory to load a new image is free to prevent
overwriting a previously loaded image. For this mechanism to work, the platform
must specify the memory available in the system as regions, where each region
consists of base address, total size and the free area within it (as defined
in the `meminfo_t` structure). Trusted Firmware retrieves these memory regions
by calling the corresponding platform API:
* `meminfo_t *bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout(void)`
* `meminfo_t *bl2_plat_sec_mem_layout(void)`
* `void bl2_plat_get_scp_bl2_meminfo(meminfo_t *scp_bl2_meminfo)`
* `void bl2_plat_get_bl32_meminfo(meminfo_t *bl32_meminfo)`
* `void bl2_plat_get_bl33_meminfo(meminfo_t *bl33_meminfo)`
For example, in the case of BL1 loading BL2, `bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout()` will
return the region defined by the platform where BL1 intends to load BL2. The
`load_image()` function will check that the memory where BL2 will be loaded is
within the specified region and marked as free.
The actual number of regions and their base addresses and sizes is platform
specific. The platform may return the same region or define a different one for
each API. However, the overlap verification mechanism applies only to a single
region. Hence, it is the platform responsibility to guarantee that different
regions do not overlap, or that if they do, the overlapping images are not
accessed at the same time. This could be used, for example, to load temporary
images (e.g. certificates) or firmware images prior to being transfered to its
corresponding processor (e.g. the SCP BL2 image).
To reduce fragmentation and simplify the tracking of free memory, all the free
memory within a region is always located in one single buffer defined by its
base address and size. Trusted Firmware implements a top/bottom load approach:
after a new image is loaded, it checks how much memory remains free above and
below the image. The smallest area is marked as unavailable, while the larger
area becomes the new free memory buffer. Platforms should take this behaviour
into account when defining the base address for each of the images. For example,
if an image is loaded near the middle of the region, small changes in image size
could cause a flip between a top load and a bottom load, which may result in an
unexpected memory layout.
The following diagram is an example of an image loaded in the bottom part of
the memory region. The region is initially free (nothing has been loaded yet):
Memory region
| |
| | <<<<<<<<<<<<< Free
| |
|----------| +------------+
| image | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | image |
|----------| +------------+
| xxxxxxxx | <<<<<<<<<<<<< Marked as unavailable
And the following diagram is an example of an image loaded in the top part:
Memory region
| xxxxxxxx | <<<<<<<<<<<<< Marked as unavailable
|----------| +------------+
| image | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | image |
|----------| +------------+
| |
| | <<<<<<<<<<<<< Free
| |
When LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is enabled, Trusted Firmware does not provide any mechanism
to verify at boot time that the memory to load a new image is free to prevent
overwriting a previously loaded image. The platform must specify the memory
available in the system for all the relevant BL images to be loaded.
For example, in the case of BL1 loading BL2, `bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout()` will
return the region defined by the platform where BL1 intends to load BL2. The
`load_image()` function performs bounds check for the image size based on the
base and maximum image size provided by the platforms. Platforms must take
this behaviour into account when defining the base/size for each of the images.
#### Memory layout on ARM development platforms
The following list describes the memory layout on the ARM development platforms:
* A 4KB page of shared memory is used for communication between Trusted
Firmware and the platform's power controller. This is located at the base of
Trusted SRAM. The amount of Trusted SRAM available to load the bootloader
images is reduced by the size of the shared memory.
The shared memory is used to store the CPUs' entrypoint mailbox. On Juno,
this is also used for the MHU payload when passing messages to and from the
* On FVP, BL1 is originally sitting in the Trusted ROM at address `0x0`. On
Juno, BL1 resides in flash memory at address `0x0BEC0000`. BL1 read-write
data are relocated to the top of Trusted SRAM at runtime.
* EL3 Runtime Software, BL31 for AArch64 and BL32 for AArch32 (e.g. SP_MIN),
is loaded at the top of the Trusted SRAM, such that its NOBITS sections will
overwrite BL1 R/W data. This implies that BL1 global variables remain valid
only until execution reaches the EL3 Runtime Software entry point during a
cold boot.
* BL2 is loaded below EL3 Runtime Software.
* On Juno, SCP_BL2 is loaded temporarily into the EL3 Runtime Software memory
region and transfered to the SCP before being overwritten by EL3 Runtime
* BL32 (for AArch64) can be loaded in one of the following locations:
* Trusted SRAM
* Trusted DRAM (FVP only)
* Secure region of DRAM (top 16MB of DRAM configured by the TrustZone
When BL32 (for AArch64) is loaded into Trusted SRAM, its NOBITS sections
are allowed to overlay BL2. This memory layout is designed to give the
BL32 image as much memory as possible when it is loaded into Trusted SRAM.
When LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is disabled the memory regions for the overlap detection
mechanism at boot time are defined as follows (shown per API):
* `meminfo_t *bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout(void)`
This region corresponds to the whole Trusted SRAM except for the shared
memory at the base. This region is initially free. At boot time, BL1 will
mark the BL1(rw) section within this region as occupied. The BL1(rw) section
is placed at the top of Trusted SRAM.
* `meminfo_t *bl2_plat_sec_mem_layout(void)`
This region corresponds to the whole Trusted SRAM as defined by
`bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout()`, but with the BL1(rw) section marked as
occupied. This memory region is used to check that BL2 and BL31 do not
overlap with each other. BL2_BASE and BL1_RW_BASE are carefully chosen so
that the memory for BL31 is top loaded above BL2.
* `void bl2_plat_get_scp_bl2_meminfo(meminfo_t *scp_bl2_meminfo)`
This region is an exact copy of the region defined by
`bl2_plat_sec_mem_layout()`. Being a disconnected copy means that all the
changes made to this region by the Trusted Firmware will not be propagated.
This approach is valid because the SCP BL2 image is loaded temporarily
while it is being transferred to the SCP, so this memory is reused
* `void bl2_plat_get_bl32_meminfo(meminfo_t *bl32_meminfo)`
This region depends on the location of the BL32 image. Currently, ARM
platforms support three different locations (detailed below): Trusted SRAM,
Trusted DRAM and the TZC-Secured DRAM.
* `void bl2_plat_get_bl33_meminfo(meminfo_t *bl33_meminfo)`
This region corresponds to the Non-Secure DDR-DRAM, excluding the
TZC-Secured area.
The location of the BL32 image will result in different memory maps. This is
illustrated for both FVP and Juno in the following diagrams, using the TSP as
an example.
Note: Loading the BL32 image in TZC secured DRAM doesn't change the memory
layout of the other images in Trusted SRAM.
**FVP with TSP in Trusted SRAM (default option):**
(These diagrams only cover the AArch64 case)
Trusted SRAM
0x04040000 +----------+ loaded by BL2 ------------------
| BL1 (rw) | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 NOBITS |
|----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
| | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 PROGBITS |
|----------| ------------------
| BL2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL32 NOBITS |
|----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
| | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL32 PROGBITS |
0x04001000 +----------+ ------------------
| Shared |
0x04000000 +----------+
Trusted ROM
0x04000000 +----------+
| BL1 (ro) |
0x00000000 +----------+
**FVP with TSP in Trusted DRAM:**
Trusted DRAM
0x08000000 +----------+
| BL32 |
0x06000000 +----------+
Trusted SRAM
0x04040000 +----------+ loaded by BL2 ------------------
| BL1 (rw) | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 NOBITS |
|----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
| | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 PROGBITS |
|----------| ------------------
| BL2 |
| |
0x04001000 +----------+
| Shared |
0x04000000 +----------+
Trusted ROM
0x04000000 +----------+
| BL1 (ro) |
0x00000000 +----------+
**FVP with TSP in TZC-Secured DRAM:**
0xffffffff +----------+
| BL32 | (secure)
0xff000000 +----------+
| |
: : (non-secure)
| |
0x80000000 +----------+
Trusted SRAM
0x04040000 +----------+ loaded by BL2 ------------------
| BL1 (rw) | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 NOBITS |
|----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
| | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 PROGBITS |
|----------| ------------------
| BL2 |
| |
0x04001000 +----------+
| Shared |
0x04000000 +----------+
Trusted ROM
0x04000000 +----------+
| BL1 (ro) |
0x00000000 +----------+
**Juno with BL32 in Trusted SRAM (default option):**
0x0C000000 +----------+
: :
0x0BED0000 |----------|
| BL1 (ro) |
0x0BEC0000 |----------|
: :
0x08000000 +----------+ BL31 is loaded
after SCP_BL2 has
Trusted SRAM been sent to SCP
0x04040000 +----------+ loaded by BL2 ------------------
| BL1 (rw) | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 NOBITS |
|----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
| SCP_BL2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 PROGBITS |
|----------| ------------------
| BL2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL32 NOBITS |
|----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
| | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL32 PROGBITS |
0x04001000 +----------+ ------------------
| MHU |
0x04000000 +----------+
**Juno with BL32 in TZC-secured DRAM:**
0xFFE00000 +----------+
| BL32 | (secure)
0xFF000000 |----------|
| |
: : (non-secure)
| |
0x80000000 +----------+
0x0C000000 +----------+
: :
0x0BED0000 |----------|
| BL1 (ro) |
0x0BEC0000 |----------|
: :
0x08000000 +----------+ BL31 is loaded
after SCP_BL2 has
Trusted SRAM been sent to SCP
0x04040000 +----------+ loaded by BL2 ------------------
| BL1 (rw) | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 NOBITS |
|----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
| SCP_BL2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 PROGBITS |
|----------| ------------------
| BL2 |
| |
0x04001000 +----------+
| MHU |
0x04000000 +----------+
10. Firmware Image Package (FIP)
Using a Firmware Image Package (FIP) allows for packing bootloader images (and
potentially other payloads) into a single archive that can be loaded by the ARM
Trusted Firmware from non-volatile platform storage. A driver to load images
from a FIP has been added to the storage layer and allows a package to be read
from supported platform storage. A tool to create Firmware Image Packages is
also provided and described below.
### Firmware Image Package layout
The FIP layout consists of a table of contents (ToC) followed by payload data.
The ToC itself has a header followed by one or more table entries. The ToC is
terminated by an end marker entry. All ToC entries describe some payload data
that has been appended to the end of the binary package. With the information
provided in the ToC entry the corresponding payload data can be retrieved.
| ToC Header |
| ToC Entry 0 |
| ToC Entry 1 |
| ToC End Marker |
| |
| Data 0 |
| |
| |
| Data 1 |
| |
The ToC header and entry formats are described in the header file
`include/tools_share/firmware_image_package.h`. This file is used by both the
tool and the ARM Trusted firmware.
The ToC header has the following fields:
`name`: The name of the ToC. This is currently used to validate the header.
`serial_number`: A non-zero number provided by the creation tool
`flags`: Flags associated with this data.
Bits 0-31: Reserved
Bits 32-47: Platform defined
Bits 48-63: Reserved
A ToC entry has the following fields:
`uuid`: All files are referred to by a pre-defined Universally Unique
IDentifier [UUID] . The UUIDs are defined in
`include/tools_share/firmware_image_package.h`. The platform translates
the requested image name into the corresponding UUID when accessing the
`offset_address`: The offset address at which the corresponding payload data
can be found. The offset is calculated from the ToC base address.
`size`: The size of the corresponding payload data in bytes.
`flags`: Flags associated with this entry. Non are yet defined.
### Firmware Image Package creation tool
The FIP creation tool can be used to pack specified images into a binary package
that can be loaded by the ARM Trusted Firmware from platform storage. The tool
currently only supports packing bootloader images. Additional image definitions
can be added to the tool as required.
The tool can be found in `tools/fiptool`.
### Loading from a Firmware Image Package (FIP)
The Firmware Image Package (FIP) driver can load images from a binary package on
non-volatile platform storage. For the ARM development platforms, this is
currently NOR FLASH.
Bootloader images are loaded according to the platform policy as specified by
the function `plat_get_image_source()`. For the ARM development platforms, this
means the platform will attempt to load images from a Firmware Image Package
located at the start of NOR FLASH0.
The ARM development platforms' policy is to only allow loading of a known set of
images. The platform policy can be modified to allow additional images.
11. Use of coherent memory in Trusted Firmware
There might be loss of coherency when physical memory with mismatched
shareability, cacheability and memory attributes is accessed by multiple CPUs
(refer to section B2.9 of [ARM ARM] for more details). This possibility occurs
in Trusted Firmware during power up/down sequences when coherency, MMU and
caches are turned on/off incrementally.
Trusted Firmware defines coherent memory as a region of memory with Device
nGnRE attributes in the translation tables. The translation granule size in
Trusted Firmware is 4KB. This is the smallest possible size of the coherent
memory region.
By default, all data structures which are susceptible to accesses with
mismatched attributes from various CPUs are allocated in a coherent memory
region (refer to section 2.1 of [Porting Guide]). The coherent memory region
accesses are Outer Shareable, non-cacheable and they can be accessed
with the Device nGnRE attributes when the MMU is turned on. Hence, at the
expense of at least an extra page of memory, Trusted Firmware is able to work
around coherency issues due to mismatched memory attributes.
The alternative to the above approach is to allocate the susceptible data
structures in Normal WriteBack WriteAllocate Inner shareable memory. This
approach requires the data structures to be designed so that it is possible to
work around the issue of mismatched memory attributes by performing software
cache maintenance on them.
### Disabling the use of coherent memory in Trusted Firmware
It might be desirable to avoid the cost of allocating coherent memory on
platforms which are memory constrained. Trusted Firmware enables inclusion of
coherent memory in firmware images through the build flag `USE_COHERENT_MEM`.
This flag is enabled by default. It can be disabled to choose the second
approach described above.
The below sections analyze the data structures allocated in the coherent memory
region and the changes required to allocate them in normal memory.
### Coherent memory usage in PSCI implementation
The `psci_non_cpu_pd_nodes` data structure stores the platform's power domain
tree information for state management of power domains. By default, this data
structure is allocated in the coherent memory region in the Trusted Firmware
because it can be accessed by multple CPUs, either with caches enabled or
typedef struct non_cpu_pwr_domain_node {
* Index of the first CPU power domain node level 0 which has this node
* as its parent.
unsigned int cpu_start_idx;
* Number of CPU power domains which are siblings of the domain indexed
* by 'cpu_start_idx' i.e. all the domains in the range 'cpu_start_idx
* -> cpu_start_idx + ncpus' have this node as their parent.
unsigned int ncpus;
* Index of the parent power domain node.
* TODO: Figure out whether to whether using pointer is more efficient.
unsigned int parent_node;
plat_local_state_t local_state;
unsigned char level;
/* For indexing the psci_lock array*/
unsigned char lock_index;
} non_cpu_pd_node_t;
In order to move this data structure to normal memory, the use of each of its
fields must be analyzed. Fields like `cpu_start_idx`, `ncpus`, `parent_node`
`level` and `lock_index` are only written once during cold boot. Hence removing
them from coherent memory involves only doing a clean and invalidate of the
cache lines after these fields are written.
The field `local_state` can be concurrently accessed by multiple CPUs in
different cache states. A Lamport's Bakery lock `psci_locks` is used to ensure
mutual exlusion to this field and a clean and invalidate is needed after it
is written.
### Bakery lock data
The bakery lock data structure `bakery_lock_t` is allocated in coherent memory
and is accessed by multiple CPUs with mismatched attributes. `bakery_lock_t` is
defined as follows:
typedef struct bakery_lock {
* The lock_data is a bit-field of 2 members:
* Bit[0] : choosing. This field is set when the CPU is
* choosing its bakery number.
* Bits[1 - 15] : number. This is the bakery number allocated.
volatile uint16_t lock_data[BAKERY_LOCK_MAX_CPUS];
} bakery_lock_t;
It is a characteristic of Lamport's Bakery algorithm that the volatile per-CPU
fields can be read by all CPUs but only written to by the owning CPU.
Depending upon the data cache line size, the per-CPU fields of the
`bakery_lock_t` structure for multiple CPUs may exist on a single cache line.
These per-CPU fields can be read and written during lock contention by multiple
CPUs with mismatched memory attributes. Since these fields are a part of the
lock implementation, they do not have access to any other locking primitive to
safeguard against the resulting coherency issues. As a result, simple software
cache maintenance is not enough to allocate them in coherent memory. Consider
the following example.
CPU0 updates its per-CPU field with data cache enabled. This write updates a
local cache line which contains a copy of the fields for other CPUs as well. Now
CPU1 updates its per-CPU field of the `bakery_lock_t` structure with data cache
disabled. CPU1 then issues a DCIVAC operation to invalidate any stale copies of
its field in any other cache line in the system. This operation will invalidate
the update made by CPU0 as well.
To use bakery locks when `USE_COHERENT_MEM` is disabled, the lock data structure
has been redesigned. The changes utilise the characteristic of Lamport's Bakery
algorithm mentioned earlier. The bakery_lock structure only allocates the memory
for a single CPU. The macro `DEFINE_BAKERY_LOCK` allocates all the bakery locks
needed for a CPU into a section `bakery_lock`. The linker allocates the memory
for other cores by using the total size allocated for the bakery_lock section
and multiplying it with (PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT - 1). This enables software to
perform software cache maintenance on the lock data structure without running
into coherency issues associated with mismatched attributes.
The bakery lock data structure `bakery_info_t` is defined for use when
`USE_COHERENT_MEM` is disabled as follows:
typedef struct bakery_info {
* The lock_data is a bit-field of 2 members:
* Bit[0] : choosing. This field is set when the CPU is
* choosing its bakery number.
* Bits[1 - 15] : number. This is the bakery number allocated.
volatile uint16_t lock_data;
} bakery_info_t;
The `bakery_info_t` represents a single per-CPU field of one lock and
the combination of corresponding `bakery_info_t` structures for all CPUs in the
system represents the complete bakery lock. The view in memory for a system
with n bakery locks are:
bakery_lock section start
| `bakery_info_t`| <-- Lock_0 per-CPU field
| Lock_0 | for CPU0
| `bakery_info_t`| <-- Lock_1 per-CPU field
| Lock_1 | for CPU0
| .... |
| `bakery_info_t`| <-- Lock_N per-CPU field
| Lock_N | for CPU0
| Padding to |
| next Cache WB | <--- Calculate PERCPU_BAKERY_LOCK_SIZE, allocate
| Granule | continuous memory for remaining CPUs.
| `bakery_info_t`| <-- Lock_0 per-CPU field
| Lock_0 | for CPU1
| `bakery_info_t`| <-- Lock_1 per-CPU field
| Lock_1 | for CPU1
| .... |
| `bakery_info_t`| <-- Lock_N per-CPU field
| Lock_N | for CPU1
| Padding to |
| next Cache WB |
| Granule |
Consider a system of 2 CPUs with 'N' bakery locks as shown above. For an
operation on Lock_N, the corresponding `bakery_info_t` in both CPU0 and CPU1
`bakery_lock` section need to be fetched and appropriate cache operations need
to be performed for each access.
On ARM Platforms, bakery locks are used in psci (`psci_locks`) and power controller
driver (`arm_lock`).
### Non Functional Impact of removing coherent memory
Removal of the coherent memory region leads to the additional software overhead
of performing cache maintenance for the affected data structures. However, since
the memory where the data structures are allocated is cacheable, the overhead is
mostly mitigated by an increase in performance.
There is however a performance impact for bakery locks, due to:
* Additional cache maintenance operations, and
* Multiple cache line reads for each lock operation, since the bakery locks
for each CPU are distributed across different cache lines.
The implementation has been optimized to minimize this additional overhead.
Measurements indicate that when bakery locks are allocated in Normal memory, the
minimum latency of acquiring a lock is on an average 3-4 micro seconds whereas
in Device memory the same is 2 micro seconds. The measurements were done on the
Juno ARM development platform.
As mentioned earlier, almost a page of memory can be saved by disabling
`USE_COHERENT_MEM`. Each platform needs to consider these trade-offs to decide
whether coherent memory should be used. If a platform disables
`USE_COHERENT_MEM` and needs to use bakery locks in the porting layer, it can
optionally define macro `PLAT_PERCPU_BAKERY_LOCK_SIZE` (see the [Porting
Guide]). Refer to the reference platform code for examples.
12. Isolating code and read-only data on separate memory pages
In the ARMv8 VMSA, translation table entries include fields that define the
properties of the target memory region, such as its access permissions. The
smallest unit of memory that can be addressed by a translation table entry is
a memory page. Therefore, if software needs to set different permissions on two
memory regions then it needs to map them using different memory pages.
The default memory layout for each BL image is as follows:
| ... |
| Read-write data |
+-------------------+ Page boundary
| <Padding> |
| Exception vectors |
+-------------------+ 2 KB boundary
| <Padding> |
| Read-only data |
| Code |
+-------------------+ BLx_BASE
Note: The 2KB alignment for the exception vectors is an architectural
The read-write data start on a new memory page so that they can be mapped with
read-write permissions, whereas the code and read-only data below are configured
as read-only.
However, the read-only data are not aligned on a page boundary. They are
contiguous to the code. Therefore, the end of the code section and the beginning
of the read-only data one might share a memory page. This forces both to be
mapped with the same memory attributes. As the code needs to be executable, this
means that the read-only data stored on the same memory page as the code are
executable as well. This could potentially be exploited as part of a security
TF provides the build flag `SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA` to isolate the code and
read-only data on separate memory pages. This in turn allows independent control
of the access permissions for the code and read-only data. In this case,
platform code gets a finer-grained view of the image layout and can
appropriately map the code region as executable and the read-only data as
This has an impact on memory footprint, as padding bytes need to be introduced
between the code and read-only data to ensure the segragation of the two. To
limit the memory cost, this flag also changes the memory layout such that the
code and exception vectors are now contiguous, like so:
| ... |
| Read-write data |
+-------------------+ Page boundary
| <Padding> |
| Read-only data |
+-------------------+ Page boundary
| <Padding> |
| Exception vectors |
+-------------------+ 2 KB boundary
| <Padding> |
| Code |
+-------------------+ BLx_BASE
With this more condensed memory layout, the separation of read-only data will
add zero or one page to the memory footprint of each BL image. Each platform
should consider the trade-off between memory footprint and security.
This build flag is disabled by default, minimising memory footprint. On ARM
platforms, it is enabled.
13. Performance Measurement Framework
The Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) facilitates collection of
timestamps by registered services and provides interfaces to retrieve
them from within the ARM Trusted Firmware. A platform can choose to
expose appropriate SMCs to retrieve these collected timestamps.
By default, the global physical counter is used for the timestamp
value and is read via `CNTPCT_EL0`. The framework allows to retrieve
timestamps captured by other CPUs.
### Timestamp identifier format
A PMF timestamp is uniquely identified across the system via the
timestamp ID or `tid`. The `tid` is composed as follows:
Bits 0-7: The local timestamp identifier.
Bits 8-9: Reserved.
Bits 10-15: The service identifier.
Bits 16-31: Reserved.
1. The service identifier. Each PMF service is identified by a
service name and a service identifier. Both the service name and
identifier are unique within the system as a whole.
2. The local timestamp identifier. This identifier is unique within a given
### Registering a PMF service
To register a PMF service, the `PMF_REGISTER_SERVICE()` macro from `pmf.h`
is used. The arguments required are the service name, the service ID,
the total number of local timestamps to be captured and a set of flags.
The `flags` field can be specified as a bitwise-OR of the following values:
PMF_STORE_ENABLE: The timestamp is stored in memory for later retrieval.
PMF_DUMP_ENABLE: The timestamp is dumped on the serial console.
The `PMF_REGISTER_SERVICE()` reserves memory to store captured
timestamps in a PMF specific linker section at build time.
Additionally, it defines necessary functions to capture and
retrieve a particular timestamp for the given service at runtime.
The macro `PMF_REGISTER_SERVICE()` only enables capturing PMF
timestamps from within ARM Trusted Firmware. In order to retrieve
timestamps from outside of ARM Trusted Firmware, the
`PMF_REGISTER_SERVICE_SMC()` macro must be used instead. This macro
accepts the same set of arguments as the `PMF_REGISTER_SERVICE()`
macro but additionally supports retrieving timestamps using SMCs.
### Capturing a timestamp
PMF timestamps are stored in a per-service timestamp region. On a
system with multiple CPUs, each timestamp is captured and stored
in a per-CPU cache line aligned memory region.
Having registered the service, the `PMF_CAPTURE_TIMESTAMP()` macro can be
used to capture a timestamp at the location where it is used. The macro
takes the service name, a local timestamp identifier and a flag as arguments.
The `flags` field argument can be zero, or `PMF_CACHE_MAINT` which
instructs PMF to do cache maintenance following the capture. Cache
maintenance is required if any of the service's timestamps are captured
with data cache disabled.
To capture a timestamp in assembly code, the caller should use
`pmf_calc_timestamp_addr` macro (defined in `pmf_asm_macros.S`) to
calculate the address of where the timestamp would be stored. The
caller should then read `CNTPCT_EL0` register to obtain the timestamp
and store it at the determined address for later retrieval.
### Retrieving a timestamp
From within ARM Trusted Firmware, timestamps for individual CPUs can
be retrieved using either `PMF_GET_TIMESTAMP_BY_MPIDR()` or
`PMF_GET_TIMESTAMP_BY_INDEX()` macros. These macros accept the CPU's MPIDR
value, or its ordinal position, respectively.
From outside ARM Trusted Firmware, timestamps for individual CPUs can be
retrieved by calling into `pmf_smc_handler()`.
Interface : pmf_smc_handler()
Argument : unsigned int smc_fid, u_register_t x1,
u_register_t x2, u_register_t x3,
u_register_t x4, void *cookie,
void *handle, u_register_t flags
Return : uintptr_t
smc_fid: Holds the SMC identifier which is either `PMF_SMC_GET_TIMESTAMP_32`
when the caller of the SMC is running in AArch32 mode
or `PMF_SMC_GET_TIMESTAMP_64` when the caller is running in AArch64 mode.
x1: Timestamp identifier.
x2: The `mpidr` of the CPU for which the timestamp has to be retrieved.
This can be the `mpidr` of a different core to the one initiating
the SMC. In that case, service specific cache maintenance may be
required to ensure the updated copy of the timestamp is returned.
x3: A flags value that is either 0 or `PMF_CACHE_MAINT`. If
`PMF_CACHE_MAINT` is passed, then the PMF code will perform a
cache invalidate before reading the timestamp. This ensures
an updated copy is returned.
The remaining arguments, `x4`, `cookie`, `handle` and `flags` are unused
in this implementation.
### PMF code structure
1. `pmf_main.c` consists of core functions that implement service registration,
initialization, storing, dumping and retrieving timestamps.
2. `pmf_smc.c` contains the SMC handling for registered PMF services.
3. `pmf.h` contains the public interface to Performance Measurement Framework.
4. `pmf_asm_macros.S` consists of macros to facilitate capturing timestamps in
assembly code.
5. `pmf_helpers.h` is an internal header used by `pmf.h`.
14. ARMv8 Architecture Extensions
ARM Trusted Firmware makes use of ARMv8 Architecture Extensions where
applicable. This section lists the usage of Architecture Extensions, and build
flags controlling them.
In general, and unless individually mentioned, the build options
`ARM_ARCH_MAJOR` and `ARM_ARCH_MINOR` selects the Architecture Extension to
target when building ARM Trusted Firmware. Subsequent ARM Architecture
Extensions are backward compatible with previous versions.
The build system only requires that `ARM_ARCH_MAJOR` and `ARM_ARCH_MINOR` have a
valid numeric value. These build options only control whether or not
Architecture Extension-specific code is included in the build. Otherwise, ARM
Trusted Firmware targets the base ARMv8.0 architecture; i.e. as if
`ARM_ARCH_MAJOR` == 8 and `ARM_ARCH_MINOR` == 0, which are also their respective
default values.
See also the _Summary of build options_ in [User Guide].
For details on the Architecture Extension and available features, please refer
to the respective Architecture Extension Supplement.
### ARMv8.1
This Architecture Extension is targeted when `ARM_ARCH_MAJOR` >= 8, or when
`ARM_ARCH_MAJOR` == 8 and `ARM_ARCH_MINOR` >= 1.
* The Compare and Swap instruction is used to implement spinlocks. Otherwise,
the load-/store-exclusive instruction pair is used.
15. Code Structure
Trusted Firmware code is logically divided between the three boot loader
stages mentioned in the previous sections. The code is also divided into the
following categories (present as directories in the source code):
* **Platform specific.** Choice of architecture specific code depends upon
the platform.
* **Common code.** This is platform and architecture agnostic code.
* **Library code.** This code comprises of functionality commonly used by all
other code. The PSCI implementation and other EL3 runtime frameworks reside
as Library components.
* **Stage specific.** Code specific to a boot stage.
* **Drivers.**
* **Services.** EL3 runtime services (eg: SPD). Specific SPD services
reside in the `services/spd` directory (e.g. `services/spd/tspd`).
Each boot loader stage uses code from one or more of the above mentioned
categories. Based upon the above, the code layout looks like this:
Directory Used by BL1? Used by BL2? Used by BL31?
bl1 Yes No No
bl2 No Yes No
bl31 No No Yes
plat Yes Yes Yes
drivers Yes No Yes
common Yes Yes Yes
lib Yes Yes Yes
services No No Yes
The build system provides a non configurable build option IMAGE_BLx for each
boot loader stage (where x = BL stage). e.g. for BL1 , IMAGE_BL1 will be
defined by the build system. This enables the Trusted Firmware to compile
certain code only for specific boot loader stages
All assembler files have the `.S` extension. The linker source files for each
boot stage have the extension `.ld.S`. These are processed by GCC to create the
linker scripts which have the extension `.ld`.
FDTs provide a description of the hardware platform and are used by the Linux
kernel at boot time. These can be found in the `fdts` directory.
16. References
1. Trusted Board Boot Requirements CLIENT PDD (ARM DEN 0006B-5). Available
under NDA through your ARM account representative.
2. [Power State Coordination Interface PDD][PSCI]
3. [SMC Calling Convention PDD][SMCCC]
4. [ARM Trusted Firmware Interrupt Management Design guide][INTRG].
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2013-2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[ARM ARM]: "ARMv8-A Reference Manual (ARM DDI0487A.E)"
[PSCI]: "Power State Coordination Interface PDD (ARM DEN 0022D)"
[SMCCC]: "SMC Calling Convention PDD (ARM DEN 0028B)"
[UUID]: "A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace"
[User Guide]: ./
[Porting Guide]: ./
[Reset Design]: ./
[INTRG]: ./
[CPUBM]: ./
[Firmware Update]: ./
[PSCI Lib guide]: ./
ARM Trusted Firmware - Firmware Update Design Guide
Contents :
1. [Introduction](#1--introduction)
2. [FWU Overview](#2--fwu-overview)
3. [Image Identification](#3--image-identification)
4. [FWU State Machine](#4--fwu-state-machine)
5. [BL1 SMC Interface](#5--bl1-smc-interface)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. Introduction
This document describes the design of the Firmware Update (FWU) feature, which
enables authenticated firmware to update firmware images from external
interfaces such as USB, UART, SD-eMMC, NAND, NOR or Ethernet to SoC Non-Volatile
memories such as NAND Flash, LPPDR2-NVM or any memory determined by the
platform. This feature functions even when the current firmware in the system
is corrupt or missing; it therefore may be used as a recovery mode. It may also
be complemented by other, higher level firmware update software.
FWU implements a specific part of the Trusted Board Boot Requirements (TBBR)
specification, ARM DEN0006C-1. It should be used in conjunction with the
[Trusted Board Boot] design document, which describes the image authentication
parts of the Trusted Firmware (TF) TBBR implementation.
### Scope
This document describes the secure world FWU design. It is beyond its scope to
describe how normal world FWU images should operate. To implement normal world
FWU images, please refer to the "Non-Trusted Firmware Updater" requirements in
the TBBR.
2. FWU Overview
The FWU boot flow is primarily mediated by BL1. Since BL1 executes in ROM, and
it is usually desirable to minimize the amount of ROM code, the design allows
some parts of FWU to be implemented in other secure and normal world images.
Platform code may choose which parts are implemented in which images but the
general expectation is:
* BL1 handles:
* Detection and initiation of the FWU boot flow.
* Copying images from non-secure to secure memory
* FWU image authentication
* Context switching between the normal and secure world during the FWU
* Other secure world FWU images handle platform initialization required by
the FWU process.
* Normal world FWU images handle loading of firmware images from external
interfaces to non-secure memory.
The primary requirements of the FWU feature are:
1. Export a BL1 SMC interface to interoperate with other FWU images executing
at other Exception Levels.
2. Export a platform interface to provide FWU common code with the information
it needs, and to enable platform specific FWU functionality. See the
[Porting Guide] for details of this interface.
TF uses abbreviated image terminology for FWU images like for other TF images.
An overview of this terminology can be found [here][TF Image Terminology].
The following diagram shows the FWU boot flow for ARM development platforms.
ARM CSS platforms like Juno have a System Control Processor (SCP), and these
use all defined FWU images. Other platforms may use a subset of these.
![Flow Diagram](diagrams/fwu_flow.png?raw=true)
3. Image Identification
Each FWU image and certificate is identified by a unique ID, defined by the
platform, which BL1 uses to fetch an image descriptor (`image_desc_t`) via a
call to `bl1_plat_get_image_desc()`. The same ID is also used to prepare the
Chain of Trust (Refer to the [Authentication Framework Design][Auth Framework]
for more information).
The image descriptor includes the following information:
* Executable or non-executable image. This indicates whether the normal world
is permitted to request execution of a secure world FWU image (after
authentication). Secure world certificates and non-AP images are examples
of non-executable images.
* Secure or non-secure image. This indicates whether the image is
authenticated/executed in secure or non-secure memory.
* Image base address and size.
* Image entry point configuration (an `entry_point_info_t`).
* FWU image state.
BL1 uses the FWU image descriptors to:
* Validate the arguments of FWU SMCs
* Manage the state of the FWU process
* Initialize the execution state of the next FWU image.
4. FWU State Machine
BL1 maintains state for each FWU image during FWU execution. FWU images at lower
Exception Levels raise SMCs to invoke FWU functionality in BL1, which causes
BL1 to update its FWU image state. The BL1 image states and valid state
transitions are shown in the diagram below. Note that secure images have a more
complex state machine than non-secure images.
![FWU state machine](diagrams/fwu_states.png?raw=true)
The following is a brief description of the supported states:
* RESET: This is the initial state of every image at the start of FWU.
Authentication failure also leads to this state. A secure
image may yield to this state if it has completed execution.
It can also be reached by using `FWU_SMC_IMAGE_RESET`.
* COPYING: This is the state of a secure image while BL1 is copying it
in blocks from non-secure to secure memory.
* COPIED: This is the state of a secure image when BL1 has completed
copying it to secure memory.
* AUTHENTICATED: This is the state of an image when BL1 has successfully
authenticated it.
* EXECUTED: This is the state of a secure, executable image when BL1 has
passed execution control to it.
* INTERRUPTED: This is the state of a secure, executable image after it has
requested BL1 to resume normal world execution.
5. BL1 SMC Interface
uint32_t function ID : 0x0
This SMC returns the number of SMCs supported by BL1.
uint32_t function ID : 0x1
UUID : 32 bits in each of w0-w3 (or r0-r3 for AArch32 callers)
This SMC returns the 128-bit [Universally Unique Identifier][UUID] for the
BL1 SMC service.
uint32_t function ID : 0x3
uint32_t : Bits [31:16] Major Version
Bits [15:0] Minor Version
This SMC returns the current version of the BL1 SMC service.
uint32_t function ID : 0x4
entry_point_info_t *ep_info
if (normal world caller) synchronous exception
if (ep_info not EL3) synchronous exception
This SMC passes execution control to an EL3 image described by the provided
`entry_point_info_t` structure. In the normal TF boot flow, BL2 invokes this SMC
for BL1 to pass execution control to BL31.
uint32_t function ID : 0x10
unsigned int image_id
uintptr_t image_addr
unsigned int block_size
unsigned int image_size
int : 0 (Success)
if (image_id is invalid) return -EPERM
if (image_id is non-secure image) return -EPERM
if (image_id state is not (RESET or COPYING)) return -EPERM
if (secure world caller) return -EPERM
if (image_addr + block_size overflows) return -ENOMEM
if (image destination address + image_size overflows) return -ENOMEM
if (source block is in secure memory) return -ENOMEM
if (source block is not mapped into BL1) return -ENOMEM
if (image_size > free secure memory) return -ENOMEM
if (image overlaps another image) return -EPERM
This SMC copies the secure image indicated by `image_id` from non-secure memory
to secure memory for later authentication. The image may be copied in a single
block or multiple blocks. In either case, the total size of the image must be
provided in `image_size` when invoking this SMC for the first time for each
image; it is ignored in subsequent calls (if any) for the same image.
The `image_addr` and `block_size` specify the source memory block to copy from.
The destination address is provided by the platform code.
If `block_size` is greater than the amount of remaining bytes to copy for this
image then the former is truncated to the latter. The copy operation is then
considered as complete and the FWU state machine transitions to the "COPIED"
state. If there is still more to copy, the FWU state machine stays in or
transitions to the COPYING state (depending on the previous state).
When using multiple blocks, the source blocks do not necessarily need to be in
contiguous memory.
Once the SMC is handled, BL1 returns from exception to the normal world caller.
uint32_t function ID : 0x11
unsigned int image_id
uintptr_t image_addr
unsigned int image_size
int : 0 (Success)
if (image_id is invalid) return -EPERM
if (secure world caller)
if (image_id state is not RESET) return -EPERM
if (image_addr/image_size is not mappped into BL1) return -ENOMEM
else // normal world caller
if (image_id is secure image)
if (image_id state is not COPIED) return -EPERM
else // image_id is non-secure image
if (image_id state is not RESET) return -EPERM
if (image_addr/image_size is in secure memory) return -ENOMEM
if (image_addr/image_size not mappped into BL1) return -ENOMEM
This SMC authenticates the image specified by `image_id`. If the image is in the
RESET state, BL1 authenticates the image in place using the provided
`image_addr` and `image_size`. If the image is a secure image in the COPIED
state, BL1 authenticates the image from the secure memory that BL1 previously
copied the image into.
BL1 returns from exception to the caller. If authentication succeeds then BL1
sets the image state to AUTHENTICATED. If authentication fails then BL1 returns
the -EAUTH error and sets the image state back to RESET.
uint32_t function ID : 0x12
unsigned int image_id
int : 0 (Success)
if (image_id is invalid) return -EPERM
if (secure world caller) return -EPERM
if (image_id is non-secure image) return -EPERM
if (image_id is non-executable image) return -EPERM
if (image_id state is not AUTHENTICATED) return -EPERM
This SMC initiates execution of a previously authenticated image specified by
`image_id`, in the other security world to the caller. The current
implementation only supports normal world callers initiating execution of a
secure world image.
BL1 saves the normal world caller's context, sets the secure image state to
EXECUTED, and returns from exception to the secure image.
uint32_t function ID : 0x13
register_t image_param
register_t : image_param (Success)
if (normal world caller and no INTERRUPTED secure image) return -EPERM
This SMC resumes execution in the other security world while there is a secure
image in the EXECUTED/INTERRUPTED state.
For normal world callers, BL1 sets the previously interrupted secure image state
to EXECUTED. For secure world callers, BL1 sets the previously executing secure
image state to INTERRUPTED. In either case, BL1 saves the calling world's
context, restores the resuming world's context and returns from exception into
the resuming world. If the call is successful then the caller provided
`image_param` is returned to the resumed world, otherwise an error code is
returned to the caller.
uint32_t function ID : 0x14
int : 0 (Success)
if (normal world caller) return -EPERM
This SMC indicates completion of a previously executing secure image.
BL1 sets the previously executing secure image state to the RESET state,
restores the normal world context and returns from exception into the normal
uint32_t function ID : 0x15
register_t client_cookie
This SMC completes the firmware update process. BL1 calls the platform specific
function `bl1_plat_fwu_done`, passing the optional argument `client_cookie` as
a `void *`. The SMC does not return.
uint32_t function ID : 0x16
unsigned int image_id
int : 0 (Success)
if (secure world caller) return -EPERM
if (image in EXECUTED) return -EPERM
This SMC sets the state of an image to RESET and zeroes the memory used by it.
This is only allowed if the image is not being executed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2015-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[Porting Guide]: ./
[Auth Framework]: ./
[Trusted Board Boot]: ./
[TF Image Terminology]:
[UUID]: "A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace"
ARM Trusted Firmware Interrupt Management Design guide
Contents :
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
* [Concepts](#11-concepts)
- [Interrupt Types](#111-interrupt-types)
- [Routing Model](#112-routing-model)
- [Valid Routing Models](#113-valid-routing-models)
+ [Secure-EL1 Interrupts](#1131-secure-el1-interrupts)
+ [Non-secure Interrupts](#1132-non-secure-interrupts)
+ [EL3 interrupts](#1133-el3-interrupts)
- [Mapping of Interrupt Type to Signal](#114-mapping-of-interrupt-type-to-signal)
+ [Effect of mapping of several interrupt types to one signal](#1141-effect-of-mapping-of-several-interrupt-types-to-one-signal)
- [Assumptions in Interrupt Management Framework](#12-assumptions-in-interrupt-management-framework)
2. [Interrupt Management](#2-interrupt-management)
* [Software Components](#21-software-components)
* [Interrupt Registration](#22-interrupt-registration)
- [EL3 Runtime Firmware](#221-el3-runtime-firmware)
- [Secure Payload Dispatcher](#222-secure-payload-dispatcher)
+ [Test Secure Payload Dispatcher behavior](#2221-test-secure-payload-dispatcher-behavior)
- [Secure Payload](#223-secure-payload)
+ [Secure Payload IHF design w.r.t Secure-EL1 interrupts](#2231-secure-payload-ihf-design-wrt-secure-el1-interrupts)
+ [Secure Payload IHF design w.r.t Non-secure interrupts](#2232-secure-payload-ihf-design-wrt-non-secure-interrupts)
+ [Test Secure Payload behavior](#2233-test-secure-payload-behavior)
* [Interrupt Handling](#23-interrupt-handling)
- [EL3 Runtime Firmware](#231-el3-runtime-firmware)
- [Secure Payload Dispatcher](#232-secure-payload-dispatcher)
+ [Interrupt Entry](#2321-interrupt-entry)
+ [Interrupt Exit](#2322-interrupt-exit)
+ [Test secure payload dispatcher Secure-EL1 interrupt handling](#2323-test-secure-payload-dispatcher-secure-el1-interrupt-handling)
+ [Test secure payload dispatcher non-secure interrupt handling](#2324-test-secure-payload-dispatcher-non-secure-interrupt-handling)
- [Secure Payload](#233-secure-payload)
+ [Test Secure Payload behavior](#2331-test-secure-payload-behavior)
3. [Other considerations](#3-other-considerations)
* [Implication of preempted SMC on Non-Secure Software](#31-implication-of-preempted-smc-on-non-secure-software)
1. Introduction
This document describes the design of the Interrupt management framework in ARM
Trusted Firmware. This section briefly describes the requirements from this
framework. It also briefly explains some concepts and assumptions. They will
help in understanding the implementation of the framework explained in
subsequent sections.
This framework is responsible for managing interrupts routed to EL3. It also
allows EL3 software to configure the interrupt routing behavior. Its main
objective is to implement the following two requirements.
1. It should be possible to route interrupts meant to be handled by secure
software (Secure interrupts) to EL3, when execution is in non-secure state
(normal world). The framework should then take care of handing control of
the interrupt to either software in EL3 or Secure-EL1 depending upon the
software configuration and the GIC implementation. This requirement ensures
that secure interrupts are under the control of the secure software with
respect to their delivery and handling without the possibility of
intervention from non-secure software.
2. It should be possible to route interrupts meant to be handled by
non-secure software (Non-secure interrupts) to the last executed exception
level in the normal world when the execution is in secure world at
exception levels lower than EL3. This could be done with or without the
knowledge of software executing in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0. The choice of
approach should be governed by the secure software. This requirement
ensures that non-secure software is able to execute in tandem with the
secure software without overriding it.
### 1.1 Concepts
#### 1.1.1 Interrupt types
The framework categorises an interrupt to be one of the following depending upon
the exception level(s) it is handled in.
1. Secure EL1 interrupt. This type of interrupt can be routed to EL3 or
Secure-EL1 depending upon the security state of the current execution
context. It is always handled in Secure-EL1.
2. Non-secure interrupt. This type of interrupt can be routed to EL3,
Secure-EL1, Non-secure EL1 or EL2 depending upon the security state of the
current execution context. It is always handled in either Non-secure EL1
or EL2.
3. EL3 interrupt. This type of interrupt can be routed to EL3 or Secure-EL1
depending upon the security state of the current execution context. It is
always handled in EL3.
The following constants define the various interrupt types in the framework
#define INTR_TYPE_S_EL1 0
#define INTR_TYPE_EL3 1
#define INTR_TYPE_NS 2
#### 1.1.2 Routing model
A type of interrupt can be either generated as an FIQ or an IRQ. The target
exception level of an interrupt type is configured through the FIQ and IRQ bits
in the Secure Configuration Register at EL3 (`SCR_EL3.FIQ` and `SCR_EL3.IRQ`
bits). When `SCR_EL3.FIQ`=1, FIQs are routed to EL3. Otherwise they are routed
to the First Exception Level (FEL) capable of handling interrupts. When
`SCR_EL3.IRQ`=1, IRQs are routed to EL3. Otherwise they are routed to the
FEL. This register is configured independently by EL3 software for each security
state prior to entry into a lower exception level in that security state.
A routing model for a type of interrupt (generated as FIQ or IRQ) is defined as
its target exception level for each security state. It is represented by a
single bit for each security state. A value of `0` means that the interrupt
should be routed to the FEL. A value of `1` means that the interrupt should be
routed to EL3. A routing model is applicable only when execution is not in EL3.
The default routing model for an interrupt type is to route it to the FEL in
either security state.
#### 1.1.3 Valid routing models
The framework considers certain routing models for each type of interrupt to be
incorrect as they conflict with the requirements mentioned in Section 1. The
following sub-sections describe all the possible routing models and specify
which ones are valid or invalid. EL3 interrupts are currently supported only
for GIC version 3.0 (ARM GICv3) and only the Secure-EL1 and Non-secure interrupt
types are supported for GIC version 2.0 (ARM GICv2) (See 1.2). The terminology
used in the following sub-sections is explained below.
1. __CSS__. Current Security State. `0` when secure and `1` when non-secure
2. __TEL3__. Target Exception Level 3. `0` when targeted to the FEL. `1` when
targeted to EL3.
##### Secure-EL1 interrupts
1. __CSS=0, TEL3=0__. Interrupt is routed to the FEL when execution is in
secure state. This is a valid routing model as secure software is in
control of handling secure interrupts.
2. __CSS=0, TEL3=1__. Interrupt is routed to EL3 when execution is in secure
state. This is a valid routing model as secure software in EL3 can
handover the interrupt to Secure-EL1 for handling.
3. __CSS=1, TEL3=0__. Interrupt is routed to the FEL when execution is in
non-secure state. This is an invalid routing model as a secure interrupt
is not visible to the secure software which violates the motivation behind
the ARM Security Extensions.
4. __CSS=1, TEL3=1__. Interrupt is routed to EL3 when execution is in
non-secure state. This is a valid routing model as secure software in EL3
can handover the interrupt to Secure-EL1 for handling.
##### Non-secure interrupts
1. __CSS=0, TEL3=0__. Interrupt is routed to the FEL when execution is in
secure state. This allows the secure software to trap non-secure
interrupts, perform its book-keeping and hand the interrupt to the
non-secure software through EL3. This is a valid routing model as secure
software is in control of how its execution is preempted by non-secure
2. __CSS=0, TEL3=1__. Interrupt is routed to EL3 when execution is in secure
state. This is a valid routing model as secure software in EL3 can save
the state of software in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0 before handing the
interrupt to non-secure software. This model requires additional
coordination between Secure-EL1 and EL3 software to ensure that the
former's state is correctly saved by the latter.
3. __CSS=1, TEL3=0__. Interrupt is routed to FEL when execution is in
non-secure state. This is an valid routing model as a non-secure interrupt
is handled by non-secure software.
4. __CSS=1, TEL3=1__. Interrupt is routed to EL3 when execution is in
non-secure state. This is an invalid routing model as there is no valid
reason to route the interrupt to EL3 software and then hand it back to
non-secure software for handling.
##### EL3 interrupts
1. __CSS=0, TEL3=0__. Interrupt is routed to the FEL when execution is in
Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0. This is a valid routing model as secure software
in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0 is in control of how its execution is preempted
by EL3 interrupt and can handover the interrupt to EL3 for handling.
2. __CSS=0, TEL3=1__. Interrupt is routed to EL3 when execution is in
Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0. This is a valid routing model as secure software
in EL3 can handle the interrupt.
3. __CSS=1, TEL3=0__. Interrupt is routed to the FEL when execution is in
non-secure state. This is an invalid routing model as a secure interrupt
is not visible to the secure software which violates the motivation behind
the ARM Security Extensions.
4. __CSS=1, TEL3=1__. Interrupt is routed to EL3 when execution is in
non-secure state. This is a valid routing model as secure software in EL3
can handle the interrupt.
#### 1.1.4 Mapping of interrupt type to signal
The framework is meant to work with any interrupt controller implemented by a
platform. A interrupt controller could generate a type of interrupt as either an
FIQ or IRQ signal to the CPU depending upon the current security state. The
mapping between the type and signal is known only to the platform. The framework
uses this information to determine whether the IRQ or the FIQ bit should be
programmed in `SCR_EL3` while applying the routing model for a type of
interrupt. The platform provides this information through the
`plat_interrupt_type_to_line()` API (described in the [Porting
Guide]). For example, on the FVP port when the platform uses an ARM GICv2
interrupt controller, Secure-EL1 interrupts are signaled through the FIQ signal
while Non-secure interrupts are signaled through the IRQ signal. This applies
when execution is in either security state.
##### Effect of mapping of several interrupt types to one signal
It should be noted that if more than one interrupt type maps to a single
interrupt signal, and if any one of the interrupt type sets __TEL3=1__ for a
particular security state, then interrupt signal will be routed to EL3 when in
that security state. This means that all the other interrupt types using the
same interrupt signal will be forced to the same routing model. This should be
borne in mind when choosing the routing model for an interrupt type.
For example, in ARM GICv3, when the execution context is Secure-EL1/
Secure-EL0, both the EL3 and the non secure interrupt types map to the FIQ
signal. So if either one of the interrupt type sets the routing model so
that __TEL3=1__ when __CSS=0__, the FIQ bit in `SCR_EL3` will be programmed to
route the FIQ signal to EL3 when executing in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0, thereby
effectively routing the other interrupt type also to EL3.
### 1.2 Assumptions in Interrupt Management Framework
The framework makes the following assumptions to simplify its implementation.
1. Although the framework has support for 2 types of secure interrupts (EL3
and Secure-EL1 interrupt), only interrupt controller architectures
like ARM GICv3 has architectural support for EL3 interrupts in the form of
Group 0 interrupts. In ARM GICv2, all secure interrupts are assumed to be
handled in Secure-EL1. They can be delivered to Secure-EL1 via EL3 but they
cannot be handled in EL3.
2. Interrupt exceptions (`PSTATE.I` and `F` bits) are masked during execution
in EL3.
2. Interrupt management
The following sections describe how interrupts are managed by the interrupt
handling framework. This entails:
1. Providing an interface to allow registration of a handler and specification
of the routing model for a type of interrupt.
2. Implementing support to hand control of an interrupt type to its registered
handler when the interrupt is generated.
Both aspects of interrupt management involve various components in the secure
software stack spanning from EL3 to Secure-EL1. These components are described
in the section 2.1. The framework stores information associated with each type
of interrupt in the following data structure.
typedef struct intr_type_desc {
interrupt_type_handler_t handler;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t scr_el3[2];
} intr_type_desc_t;
The `flags` field stores the routing model for the interrupt type in
bits[1:0]. Bit[0] stores the routing model when execution is in the secure
state. Bit[1] stores the routing model when execution is in the non-secure
state. As mentioned in Section 1.2.2, a value of `0` implies that the interrupt
should be targeted to the FEL. A value of `1` implies that it should be targeted
to EL3. The remaining bits are reserved and SBZ. The helper macro
`set_interrupt_rm_flag()` should be used to set the bits in the `flags`
The `scr_el3[2]` field also stores the routing model but as a mapping of the
model in the `flags` field to the corresponding bit in the `SCR_EL3` for each
security state.
The framework also depends upon the platform port to configure the interrupt
controller to distinguish between secure and non-secure interrupts. The platform
is expected to be aware of the secure devices present in the system and their
associated interrupt numbers. It should configure the interrupt controller to
enable the secure interrupts, ensure that their priority is always higher than
the non-secure interrupts and target them to the primary CPU. It should also
export the interface described in the [Porting Guide] to enable
handling of interrupts.
In the remainder of this document, for the sake of simplicity a ARM GICv2 system
is considered and it is assumed that the FIQ signal is used to generate Secure-EL1
interrupts and the IRQ signal is used to generate non-secure interrupts in either
security state. EL3 interrupts are not considered.
### 2.1 Software components
Roles and responsibilities for interrupt management are sub-divided between the
following components of software running in EL3 and Secure-EL1. Each component is
briefly described below.
1. EL3 Runtime Firmware. This component is common to all ports of the ARM
Trusted Firmware.
2. Secure Payload Dispatcher (SPD) service. This service interfaces with the
Secure Payload (SP) software which runs in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0 and is
responsible for switching execution between secure and non-secure states.
A switch is triggered by a Secure Monitor Call and it uses the APIs
exported by the Context management library to implement this functionality.
Switching execution between the two security states is a requirement for
interrupt management as well. This results in a significant dependency on
the SPD service. ARM Trusted firmware implements an example Test Secure
Payload Dispatcher (TSPD) service.
An SPD service plugs into the EL3 runtime firmware and could be common to
some ports of the ARM Trusted Firmware.
3. Secure Payload (SP). On a production system, the Secure Payload corresponds
to a Secure OS which runs in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0. It interfaces with the
SPD service to manage communication with non-secure software. ARM Trusted
Firmware implements an example secure payload called Test Secure Payload
(TSP) which runs only in Secure-EL1.
A Secure payload implementation could be common to some ports of the ARM
Trusted Firmware just like the SPD service.
### 2.2 Interrupt registration
This section describes in detail the role of each software component (see 2.1)
during the registration of a handler for an interrupt type.
#### 2.2.1 EL3 runtime firmware
This component declares the following prototype for a handler of an interrupt type.
typedef uint64_t (*interrupt_type_handler_t)(uint32_t id,
uint32_t flags,
void *handle,
void *cookie);
The `id` is parameter is reserved and could be used in the future for passing
the interrupt id of the highest pending interrupt only if there is a foolproof
way of determining the id. Currently it contains `INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE`.
The `flags` parameter contains miscellaneous information as follows.
1. Security state, bit[0]. This bit indicates the security state of the lower
exception level when the interrupt was generated. A value of `1` means
that it was in the non-secure state. A value of `0` indicates that it was
in the secure state. This bit can be used by the handler to ensure that
interrupt was generated and routed as per the routing model specified
during registration.
2. Reserved, bits[31:1]. The remaining bits are reserved for future use.
The `handle` parameter points to the `cpu_context` structure of the current CPU
for the security state specified in the `flags` parameter.
Once the handler routine completes, execution will return to either the secure
or non-secure state. The handler routine must return a pointer to
`cpu_context` structure of the current CPU for the target security state. On
AArch64, this return value is currently ignored by the caller as the
appropriate `cpu_context` to be used is expected to be set by the handler
via the context management library APIs.
A portable interrupt handler implementation must set the target context both in
the structure pointed to by the returned pointer and via the context management
library APIs. The handler should treat all error conditions as critical errors
and take appropriate action within its implementation e.g. use assertion
The runtime firmware provides the following API for registering a handler for a
particular type of interrupt. A Secure Payload Dispatcher service should use
this API to register a handler for Secure-EL1 and optionally for non-secure
interrupts. This API also requires the caller to specify the routing model for
the type of interrupt.
int32_t register_interrupt_type_handler(uint32_t type,
interrupt_type_handler handler,
uint64_t flags);
The `type` parameter can be one of the three interrupt types listed above i.e.
`INTR_TYPE_S_EL1`, `INTR_TYPE_NS` & `INTR_TYPE_EL3`. The `flags` parameter
is as described in Section 2.
The function will return `0` upon a successful registration. It will return
`-EALREADY` in case a handler for the interrupt type has already been
registered. If the `type` is unrecognised or the `flags` or the `handler` are
invalid it will return `-EINVAL`.
Interrupt routing is governed by the configuration of the `SCR_EL3.FIQ/IRQ` bits
prior to entry into a lower exception level in either security state. The
context management library maintains a copy of the `SCR_EL3` system register for
each security state in the `cpu_context` structure of each CPU. It exports the
following APIs to let EL3 Runtime Firmware program and retrieve the routing
model for each security state for the current CPU. The value of `SCR_EL3` stored
in the `cpu_context` is used by the `el3_exit()` function to program the
`SCR_EL3` register prior to returning from the EL3 exception level.
uint32_t cm_get_scr_el3(uint32_t security_state);
void cm_write_scr_el3_bit(uint32_t security_state,
uint32_t bit_pos,
uint32_t value);
`cm_get_scr_el3()` returns the value of the `SCR_EL3` register for the specified
security state of the current CPU. `cm_write_scr_el3()` writes a `0` or `1` to
the bit specified by `bit_pos`. `register_interrupt_type_handler()` invokes
`set_routing_model()` API which programs the `SCR_EL3` according to the routing
model using the `cm_get_scr_el3()` and `cm_write_scr_el3_bit()` APIs.
It is worth noting that in the current implementation of the framework, the EL3
runtime firmware is responsible for programming the routing model. The SPD is
responsible for ensuring that the routing model has been adhered to upon
receiving an interrupt.
#### 2.2.2 Secure payload dispatcher
A SPD service is responsible for determining and maintaining the interrupt
routing model supported by itself and the Secure Payload. It is also responsible
for ferrying interrupts between secure and non-secure software depending upon
the routing model. It could determine the routing model at build time or at
runtime. It must use this information to register a handler for each interrupt
type using the `register_interrupt_type_handler()` API in EL3 runtime firmware.
If the routing model is not known to the SPD service at build time, then it must
be provided by the SP as the result of its initialisation. The SPD should
program the routing model only after SP initialisation has completed e.g. in the
SPD initialisation function pointed to by the `bl32_init` variable.
The SPD should determine the mechanism to pass control to the Secure Payload
after receiving an interrupt from the EL3 runtime firmware. This information
could either be provided to the SPD service at build time or by the SP at
#### Test secure payload dispatcher behavior
The TSPD only handles Secure-EL1 interrupts and is provided with the following
routing model at build time.
* Secure-EL1 interrupts are routed to EL3 when execution is in non-secure
state and are routed to the FEL when execution is in the secure state
i.e __CSS=0, TEL3=0__ & __CSS=1, TEL3=1__ for Secure-EL1 interrupts
* When the build flag `TSP_NS_INTR_ASYNC_PREEMPT` is zero, the default routing
model is used for non-secure interrupts. They are routed to the FEL in
either security state i.e __CSS=0, TEL3=0__ & __CSS=1, TEL3=0__ for
Non-secure interrupts.
* When the build flag `TSP_NS_INTR_ASYNC_PREEMPT` is defined to 1, then the
non secure interrupts are routed to EL3 when execution is in secure state
i.e __CSS=0, TEL3=1__ for non-secure interrupts. This effectively preempts
Secure-EL1. The default routing model is used for non secure interrupts in
non-secure state. i.e __CSS=1, TEL3=0__.
It performs the following actions in the `tspd_init()` function to fulfill the
requirements mentioned earlier.
1. It passes control to the Test Secure Payload to perform its
initialisation. The TSP provides the address of the vector table
`tsp_vectors` in the SP which also includes the handler for Secure-EL1
interrupts in the `sel1_intr_entry` field. The TSPD passes control to the TSP at
this address when it receives a Secure-EL1 interrupt.
The handover agreement between the TSP and the TSPD requires that the TSPD
masks all interrupts (`PSTATE.DAIF` bits) when it calls
`tsp_sel1_intr_entry()`. The TSP has to preserve the callee saved general
purpose, SP_EL1/Secure-EL0, LR, VFP and system registers. It can use
`x0-x18` to enable its C runtime.
2. The TSPD implements a handler function for Secure-EL1 interrupts. This
function is registered with the EL3 runtime firmware using the
`register_interrupt_type_handler()` API as follows
/* Forward declaration */
interrupt_type_handler tspd_secure_el1_interrupt_handler;
int32_t rc, flags = 0;
set_interrupt_rm_flag(flags, NON_SECURE);
rc = register_interrupt_type_handler(INTR_TYPE_S_EL1,
if (rc)
3. When the build flag `TSP_NS_INTR_ASYNC_PREEMPT` is defined to 1, the TSPD
implements a handler function for non-secure interrupts. This function is
registered with the EL3 runtime firmware using the
`register_interrupt_type_handler()` API as follows
/* Forward declaration */
interrupt_type_handler tspd_ns_interrupt_handler;
int32_t rc, flags = 0;
set_interrupt_rm_flag(flags, SECURE);
rc = register_interrupt_type_handler(INTR_TYPE_NS,
if (rc)
#### 2.2.3 Secure payload
A Secure Payload must implement an interrupt handling framework at Secure-EL1
(Secure-EL1 IHF) to support its chosen interrupt routing model. Secure payload
execution will alternate between the below cases.
1. In the code where IRQ, FIQ or both interrupts are enabled, if an interrupt
type is targeted to the FEL, then it will be routed to the Secure-EL1
exception vector table. This is defined as the __asynchronous mode__ of
handling interrupts. This mode applies to both Secure-EL1 and non-secure
2. In the code where both interrupts are disabled, if an interrupt type is
targeted to the FEL, then execution will eventually migrate to the
non-secure state. Any non-secure interrupts will be handled as described
in the routing model where __CSS=1 and TEL3=0__. Secure-EL1 interrupts
will be routed to EL3 (as per the routing model where __CSS=1 and
TEL3=1__) where the SPD service will hand them to the SP. This is defined
as the __synchronous mode__ of handling interrupts.
The interrupt handling framework implemented by the SP should support one or
both these interrupt handling models depending upon the chosen routing model.
The following list briefly describes how the choice of a valid routing model
(See 1.2.3) effects the implementation of the Secure-EL1 IHF. If the choice of
the interrupt routing model is not known to the SPD service at compile time,
then the SP should pass this information to the SPD service at runtime during
its initialisation phase.
As mentioned earlier, a ARM GICv2 system is considered and it is assumed that
the FIQ signal is used to generate Secure-EL1 interrupts and the IRQ signal
is used to generate non-secure interrupts in either security state.
##### Secure payload IHF design w.r.t secure-EL1 interrupts
1. __CSS=0, TEL3=0__. If `PSTATE.F=0`, Secure-EL1 interrupts will be
triggered at one of the Secure-EL1 FIQ exception vectors. The Secure-EL1
IHF should implement support for handling FIQ interrupts asynchronously.
If `PSTATE.F=1` then Secure-EL1 interrupts will be handled as per the
synchronous interrupt handling model. The SP could implement this scenario
by exporting a separate entrypoint for Secure-EL1 interrupts to the SPD
service during the registration phase. The SPD service would also need to
know the state of the system, general purpose and the `PSTATE` registers
in which it should arrange to return execution to the SP. The SP should
provide this information in an implementation defined way during the
registration phase if it is not known to the SPD service at build time.
2. __CSS=1, TEL3=1__. Interrupts are routed to EL3 when execution is in
non-secure state. They should be handled through the synchronous interrupt
handling model as described in 1. above.
3. __CSS=0, TEL3=1__. Secure-EL1 interrupts are routed to EL3 when execution
is in secure state. They will not be visible to the SP. The `PSTATE.F` bit
in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0 will not mask FIQs. The EL3 runtime firmware will
call the handler registered by the SPD service for Secure-EL1 interrupts.
Secure-EL1 IHF should then handle all Secure-EL1 interrupt through the
synchronous interrupt handling model described in 1. above.
##### Secure payload IHF design w.r.t non-secure interrupts
1. __CSS=0, TEL3=0__. If `PSTATE.I=0`, non-secure interrupts will be
triggered at one of the Secure-EL1 IRQ exception vectors . The Secure-EL1
IHF should co-ordinate with the SPD service to transfer execution to the
non-secure state where the interrupt should be handled e.g the SP could
allocate a function identifier to issue a SMC64 or SMC32 to the SPD
service which indicates that the SP execution has been preempted by a
non-secure interrupt. If this function identifier is not known to the SPD
service at compile time then the SP could provide it during the
registration phase.
If `PSTATE.I=1` then the non-secure interrupt will pend until execution
resumes in the non-secure state.
2. __CSS=0, TEL3=1__. Non-secure interrupts are routed to EL3. They will not
be visible to the SP. The `PSTATE.I` bit in Secure-EL1/Secure-EL0 will
have not effect. The SPD service should register a non-secure interrupt
handler which should save the SP state correctly and resume execution in
the non-secure state where the interrupt will be handled. The Secure-EL1
IHF does not need to take any action.
3. __CSS=1, TEL3=0__. Non-secure interrupts are handled in the FEL in
non-secure state (EL1/EL2) and are not visible to the SP. This routing
model does not affect the SP behavior.
A Secure Payload must also ensure that all Secure-EL1 interrupts are correctly
configured at the interrupt controller by the platform port of the EL3 runtime
firmware. It should configure any additional Secure-EL1 interrupts which the EL3
runtime firmware is not aware of through its platform port.
#### Test secure payload behavior
The routing model for Secure-EL1 and non-secure interrupts chosen by the TSP is
described in Section 2.2.2. It is known to the TSPD service at build time.
The TSP implements an entrypoint (`tsp_sel1_intr_entry()`) for handling Secure-EL1
interrupts taken in non-secure state and routed through the TSPD service
(synchronous handling model). It passes the reference to this entrypoint via
`tsp_vectors` to the TSPD service.
The TSP also replaces the default exception vector table referenced through the
`early_exceptions` variable, with a vector table capable of handling FIQ and IRQ
exceptions taken at the same (Secure-EL1) exception level. This table is
referenced through the `tsp_exceptions` variable and programmed into the
VBAR_EL1. It caters for the asynchronous handling model.
The TSP also programs the Secure Physical Timer in the ARM Generic Timer block
to raise a periodic interrupt (every half a second) for the purpose of testing
interrupt management across all the software components listed in 2.1
### 2.3 Interrupt handling
This section describes in detail the role of each software component (see
Section 2.1) in handling an interrupt of a particular type.
#### 2.3.1 EL3 runtime firmware
The EL3 runtime firmware populates the IRQ and FIQ exception vectors referenced
by the `runtime_exceptions` variable as follows.
1. IRQ and FIQ exceptions taken from the current exception level with
`SP_EL0` or `SP_EL3` are reported as irrecoverable error conditions. As
mentioned earlier, EL3 runtime firmware always executes with the
`PSTATE.I` and `PSTATE.F` bits set.
2. The following text describes how the IRQ and FIQ exceptions taken from a
lower exception level using AArch64 or AArch32 are handled.
When an interrupt is generated, the vector for each interrupt type is
responsible for:
1. Saving the entire general purpose register context (x0-x30) immediately
upon exception entry. The registers are saved in the per-cpu `cpu_context`
data structure referenced by the `SP_EL3`register.
2. Saving the `ELR_EL3`, `SP_EL0` and `SPSR_EL3` system registers in the
per-cpu `cpu_context` data structure referenced by the `SP_EL3` register.
3. Switching to the C runtime stack by restoring the `CTX_RUNTIME_SP` value
from the per-cpu `cpu_context` data structure in `SP_EL0` and
executing the `msr spsel, #0` instruction.
4. Determining the type of interrupt. Secure-EL1 interrupts will be signaled
at the FIQ vector. Non-secure interrupts will be signaled at the IRQ
vector. The platform should implement the following API to determine the
type of the pending interrupt.
uint32_t plat_ic_get_interrupt_type(void);
It should return either `INTR_TYPE_S_EL1` or `INTR_TYPE_NS`.
5. Determining the handler for the type of interrupt that has been generated.
The following API has been added for this purpose.
interrupt_type_handler get_interrupt_type_handler(uint32_t interrupt_type);
It returns the reference to the registered handler for this interrupt
type. The `handler` is retrieved from the `intr_type_desc_t` structure as
described in Section 2. `NULL` is returned if no handler has been
registered for this type of interrupt. This scenario is reported as an
irrecoverable error condition.
6. Calling the registered handler function for the interrupt type generated.
The `id` parameter is set to `INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE` currently. The id along
with the current security state and a reference to the `cpu_context_t`
structure for the current security state are passed to the handler function
as its arguments.
The handler function returns a reference to the per-cpu `cpu_context_t`
structure for the target security state.
7. Calling `el3_exit()` to return from EL3 into a lower exception level in
the security state determined by the handler routine. The `el3_exit()`
function is responsible for restoring the register context from the
`cpu_context_t` data structure for the target security state.
#### 2.3.2 Secure payload dispatcher
##### Interrupt entry
The SPD service begins handling an interrupt when the EL3 runtime firmware calls
the handler function for that type of interrupt. The SPD service is responsible
for the following:
1. Validating the interrupt. This involves ensuring that the interrupt was
generating according to the interrupt routing model specified by the SPD
service during registration. It should use the security state of the
exception level (passed in the `flags` parameter of the handler) where
the interrupt was taken from to determine this. If the interrupt is not
recognised then the handler should treat it as an irrecoverable error
A SPD service can register a handler for Secure-EL1 and/or Non-secure
interrupts. A non-secure interrupt should never be routed to EL3 from
from non-secure state. Also if a routing model is chosen where Secure-EL1
interrupts are routed to S-EL1 when execution is in Secure state, then a
S-EL1 interrupt should never be routed to EL3 from secure state. The handler
could use the security state flag to check this.
2. Determining whether a context switch is required. This depends upon the
routing model and interrupt type. For non secure and S-EL1 interrupt,
if the security state of the execution context where the interrupt was
generated is not the same as the security state required for handling
the interrupt, a context switch is required. The following 2 cases
require a context switch from secure to non-secure or vice-versa:
1. A Secure-EL1 interrupt taken from the non-secure state should be
routed to the Secure Payload.
2. A non-secure interrupt taken from the secure state should be routed
to the last known non-secure exception level.
The SPD service must save the system register context of the current
security state. It must then restore the system register context of the
target security state. It should use the `cm_set_next_eret_context()` API
to ensure that the next `cpu_context` to be restored is of the target
security state.
If the target state is secure then execution should be handed to the SP as
per the synchronous interrupt handling model it implements. A Secure-EL1
interrupt can be routed to EL3 while execution is in the SP. This implies
that SP execution can be preempted while handling an interrupt by a
another higher priority Secure-EL1 interrupt or a EL3 interrupt. The SPD
service should be able to handle this preemption or manage secure interrupt
priorities before handing control to the SP.
3. Setting the return value of the handler to the per-cpu `cpu_context` if
the interrupt has been successfully validated and ready to be handled at a
lower exception level.
The routing model allows non-secure interrupts to interrupt Secure-EL1 when in
secure state if it has been configured to do so. The SPD service and the SP
should implement a mechanism for routing these interrupts to the last known
exception level in the non-secure state. The former should save the SP context,
restore the non-secure context and arrange for entry into the non-secure state
so that the interrupt can be handled.
##### Interrupt exit
When the Secure Payload has finished handling a Secure-EL1 interrupt, it could
return control back to the SPD service through a SMC32 or SMC64. The SPD service
should handle this secure monitor call so that execution resumes in the
exception level and the security state from where the Secure-EL1 interrupt was
originally taken.
##### Test secure payload dispatcher Secure-EL1 interrupt handling
The example TSPD service registers a handler for Secure-EL1 interrupts taken
from the non-secure state. During execution in S-EL1, the TSPD expects that the
Secure-EL1 interrupts are handled in S-EL1 by TSP. Its handler
`tspd_secure_el1_interrupt_handler()` expects only to be invoked for Secure-EL1
originating from the non-secure state. It takes the following actions upon being
1. It uses the security state provided in the `flags` parameter to ensure
that the secure interrupt originated from the non-secure state. It asserts
if this is not the case.
2. It saves the system register context for the non-secure state by calling
3. It sets the `ELR_EL3` system register to `tsp_sel1_intr_entry` and sets the
`SPSR_EL3.DAIF` bits in the secure CPU context. It sets `x0` to
`TSP_HANDLE_SEL1_INTR_AND_RETURN`. If the TSP was preempted earlier by a non
secure interrupt during `yielding` SMC processing, save the registers that
will be trashed, which is the `ELR_EL3` and `SPSR_EL3`, in order to be able
to re-enter TSP for Secure-EL1 interrupt processing. It does not need to
save any other secure context since the TSP is expected to preserve it
(see Section
4. It restores the system register context for the secure state by calling
5. It ensures that the secure CPU context is used to program the next
exception return from EL3 by calling `cm_set_next_eret_context(SECURE);`.
6. It returns the per-cpu `cpu_context` to indicate that the interrupt can
now be handled by the SP. `x1` is written with the value of `elr_el3`
register for the non-secure state. This information is used by the SP for
debugging purposes.
The figure below describes how the interrupt handling is implemented by the TSPD
when a Secure-EL1 interrupt is generated when execution is in the non-secure
![Image 1](diagrams/sec-int-handling.png?raw=true)
The TSP issues an SMC with `TSP_HANDLED_S_EL1_INTR` as the function identifier to
signal completion of interrupt handling.
The TSPD service takes the following actions in `tspd_smc_handler()` function
upon receiving an SMC with `TSP_HANDLED_S_EL1_INTR` as the function identifier:
1. It ensures that the call originated from the secure state otherwise
execution returns to the non-secure state with `SMC_UNK` in `x0`.
2. It restores the saved `ELR_EL3` and `SPSR_EL3` system registers back to
the secure CPU context (see step 3 above) in case the TSP had been preempted
by a non secure interrupt earlier.
3. It restores the system register context for the non-secure state by
calling `cm_el1_sysregs_context_restore(NON_SECURE)`.
4. It ensures that the non-secure CPU context is used to program the next
exception return from EL3 by calling `cm_set_next_eret_context(NON_SECURE)`.
5. `tspd_smc_handler()` returns a reference to the non-secure `cpu_context`
as the return value.
##### Test secure payload dispatcher non-secure interrupt handling
The TSP in Secure-EL1 can be preempted by a non-secure interrupt during
`yielding` SMC processing or by a higher priority EL3 interrupt during
Secure-EL1 interrupt processing. Currently only non-secure interrupts can
cause preemption of TSP since there are no EL3 interrupts in the
It should be noted that while TSP is preempted, the TSPD only allows entry into
the TSP either for Secure-EL1 interrupt handling or for resuming the preempted
`yielding` SMC in response to the `TSP_FID_RESUME` SMC from the normal world.
(See Section 3).
The non-secure interrupt triggered in Secure-EL1 during `yielding` SMC processing
can be routed to either EL3 or Secure-EL1 and is controlled by build option
`TSP_NS_INTR_ASYNC_PREEMPT` (see Section If the build option is set,
the TSPD will set the routing model for the non-secure interrupt to be routed to
EL3 from secure state i.e. __TEL3=1, CSS=0__ and registers
`tspd_ns_interrupt_handler()` as the non-secure interrupt handler. The
`tspd_ns_interrupt_handler()` on being invoked ensures that the interrupt
originated from the secure state and disables routing of non-secure interrupts
from secure state to EL3. This is to prevent further preemption (by a non-secure
interrupt) when TSP is reentered for handling Secure-EL1 interrupts that
triggered while execution was in the normal world. The
`tspd_ns_interrupt_handler()` then invokes `tspd_handle_sp_preemption()` for
further handling.
If the `TSP_NS_INTR_ASYNC_PREEMPT` build option is zero (default), the default
routing model for non-secure interrupt in secure state is in effect
i.e. __TEL3=0, CSS=0__. During `yielding` SMC processing, the IRQ
exceptions are unmasked i.e. `PSTATE.I=0`, and a non-secure interrupt will
trigger at Secure-EL1 IRQ exception vector. The TSP saves the general purpose
register context and issues an SMC with `TSP_PREEMPTED` as the function
identifier to signal preemption of TSP. The TSPD SMC handler,
`tspd_smc_handler()`, ensures that the SMC call originated from the
secure state otherwise execution returns to the non-secure state with
`SMC_UNK` in `x0`. It then invokes `tspd_handle_sp_preemption()` for
further handling.
The `tspd_handle_sp_preemption()` takes the following actions upon being
1. It saves the system register context for the secure state by calling
2. It restores the system register context for the non-secure state by
calling `cm_el1_sysregs_context_restore(NON_SECURE)`.
3. It ensures that the non-secure CPU context is used to program the next
exception return from EL3 by calling `cm_set_next_eret_context(NON_SECURE)`.
4. `SMC_PREEMPTED` is set in x0 and return to non secure state after
restoring non secure context.
The Normal World is expected to resume the TSP after the `yielding` SMC preemption
by issuing an SMC with `TSP_FID_RESUME` as the function identifier (see section 3).
The TSPD service takes the following actions in `tspd_smc_handler()` function
upon receiving this SMC:
1. It ensures that the call originated from the non secure state. An
assertion is raised otherwise.
2. Checks whether the TSP needs a resume i.e check if it was preempted. It
then saves the system register context for the non-secure state by calling
3. Restores the secure context by calling
4. It ensures that the secure CPU context is used to program the next
exception return from EL3 by calling `cm_set_next_eret_context(SECURE)`.
5. `tspd_smc_handler()` returns a reference to the secure `cpu_context` as the
return value.
The figure below describes how the TSP/TSPD handle a non-secure interrupt when
it is generated during execution in the TSP with `PSTATE.I` = 0 when the
`TSP_NS_INTR_ASYNC_PREEMPT` build flag is 0.
![Image 2](diagrams/non-sec-int-handling.png?raw=true)
#### 2.3.3 Secure payload
The SP should implement one or both of the synchronous and asynchronous
interrupt handling models depending upon the interrupt routing model it has
chosen (as described in 2.2.3).
In the synchronous model, it should begin handling a Secure-EL1 interrupt after
receiving control from the SPD service at an entrypoint agreed upon during build
time or during the registration phase. Before handling the interrupt, the SP
should save any Secure-EL1 system register context which is needed for resuming
normal execution in the SP later e.g. `SPSR_EL1, `ELR_EL1`. After handling the
interrupt, the SP could return control back to the exception level and security
state where the interrupt was originally taken from. The SP should use an SMC32
or SMC64 to ask the SPD service to do this.
In the asynchronous model, the Secure Payload is responsible for handling
non-secure and Secure-EL1 interrupts at the IRQ and FIQ vectors in its exception
vector table when `PSTATE.I` and `PSTATE.F` bits are 0. As described earlier,
when a non-secure interrupt is generated, the SP should coordinate with the SPD
service to pass control back to the non-secure state in the last known exception
level. This will allow the non-secure interrupt to be handled in the non-secure
##### Test secure payload behavior
The TSPD hands control of a Secure-EL1 interrupt to the TSP at the
`tsp_sel1_intr_entry()`. The TSP handles the interrupt while ensuring that the
handover agreement described in Section is maintained. It updates some
statistics by calling `tsp_update_sync_sel1_intr_stats()`. It then calls
`tsp_common_int_handler()` which.
1. Checks whether the interrupt is the secure physical timer interrupt. It
uses the platform API `plat_ic_get_pending_interrupt_id()` to get the
interrupt number. If it is not the secure physical timer interrupt, then
that means that a higher priority interrupt has preempted it. Invoke
`tsp_handle_preemption()` to handover control back to EL3 by issuing
an SMC with `TSP_PREEMPTED` as the function identifier.
2. Handles the secure timer interrupt interrupt by acknowledging it using the
`plat_ic_acknowledge_interrupt()` platform API, calling
`tsp_generic_timer_handler()` to reprogram the secure physical generic
timer and calling the `plat_ic_end_of_interrupt()` platform API to signal
end of interrupt processing.
The TSP passes control back to the TSPD by issuing an SMC64 with
`TSP_HANDLED_S_EL1_INTR` as the function identifier.
The TSP handles interrupts under the asynchronous model as follows.
1. Secure-EL1 interrupts are handled by calling the `tsp_common_int_handler()`
function. The function has been described above.
2. Non-secure interrupts are handled by by calling the `tsp_common_int_handler()`
function which ends up invoking `tsp_handle_preemption()` and issuing an
SMC64 with `TSP_PREEMPTED` as the function identifier. Execution resumes at
the instruction that follows this SMC instruction when the TSPD hands
control to the TSP in response to an SMC with `TSP_FID_RESUME` as the
function identifier from the non-secure state (see section
3. Other considerations
### 3.1 Implication of preempted SMC on Non-Secure Software
A `yielding` SMC call to Secure payload can be preempted by a non-secure
interrupt and the execution can return to the non-secure world for handling
the interrupt (For details on `yielding` SMC refer [SMC calling convention]).
In this case, the SMC call has not completed its execution and the execution
must return back to the secure payload to resume the preempted SMC call.
This can be achieved by issuing an SMC call which instructs to resume the
preempted SMC.
A `fast` SMC cannot be preempted and hence this case will not happen for
a fast SMC call.
In the Test Secure Payload implementation, `TSP_FID_RESUME` is designated
as the resume SMC FID. It is important to note that `TSP_FID_RESUME` is a
`yielding` SMC which means it too can be be preempted. The typical non
secure software sequence for issuing a `yielding` SMC would look like this,
assuming `P.STATE.I=0` in the non secure state :
int rc;
rc = smc(TSP_YIELD_SMC_FID, ...); /* Issue a Yielding SMC call */
/* The pending non-secure interrupt is handled by the interrupt handler
and returns back here. */
while (rc == SMC_PREEMPTED) { /* Check if the SMC call is preempted */
rc = smc(TSP_FID_RESUME); /* Issue resume SMC call */
The `TSP_YIELD_SMC_FID` is any `yielding` SMC function identifier and the smc()
function invokes a SMC call with the required arguments. The pending non-secure
interrupt causes an IRQ exception and the IRQ handler registered at the
exception vector handles the non-secure interrupt and returns. The return value
from the SMC call is tested for `SMC_PREEMPTED` to check whether it is
preempted. If it is, then the resume SMC call `TSP_FID_RESUME` is issued. The
return value of the SMC call is tested again to check if it is preempted.
This is done in a loop till the SMC call succeeds or fails. If a `yielding`
SMC is preempted, until it is resumed using `TSP_FID_RESUME` SMC and
completed, the current TSPD prevents any other SMC call from re-entering
TSP by returning `SMC_UNK` error.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2014-2015, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[Porting Guide]: ./
[SMC calling convention]: "SMC Calling Convention PDD (ARM DEN 0028A)"
HiKey is one of 96boards. Hisilicon Kirin6220 processor is installed on HiKey.
More information are listed in [link](
How to build
1. Code Locations
* ARM Trusted Firmware:
* edk2:
* OpenPlatformPkg:
* l-loader:
* uefi-tools:
* atf-fastboot:
2. Build Procedure
* Fetch all the above repositories into local host.
Make all the repositories in the same ${BUILD_PATH}.
* Create the symbol link to OpenPlatformPkg in edk2.
$cd ${BUILD_PATH}/edk2
$ln -sf ../OpenPlatformPkg
* Prepare AARCH64 && AARCH32 toolchain. Prepare python.
* If your hikey hardware is built by CircuitCo, update _uefi-tools/platform.config_ first. _(optional)_
__Uncomment the below sentence. Otherwise, UEFI can't output messages on serial
console on hikey.__
If your hikey hardware is built by LeMarker, nothing to do.
* Build it as debug mode. Create your own build script file or you could refer to __build_uefi.sh__ in l-loader git repository.
export UEFI_TOOLS_DIR=${BUILD_PATH}/uefi-tools
export EDK2_DIR=${BUILD_PATH}/edk2
# Build fastboot for ARM Trust Firmware. It's used for recovery mode.
cd ${BUILD_PATH}/atf-fastboot
CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- make PLAT=hikey DEBUG=1
# Convert DEBUG/RELEASE to debug/release
FASTBOOT_BUILD_OPTION=$(echo ${BUILD_OPTION} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
cd ${EDK2_DIR}
# Build UEFI & ARM Trust Firmware
${UEFI_TOOLS_DIR}/ -b ${BUILD_OPTION} -a ../arm-trusted-firmware hikey
# Generate l-loader.bin
cd ${BUILD_PATH}/l-loader
ln -sf ${EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR}/FV/bl1.bin
ln -sf ${EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR}/FV/fip.bin
ln -sf ${BUILD_PATH}/atf-fastboot/build/hikey/${FASTBOOT_BUILD_OPTION}/bl1.bin fastboot.bin
python -o l-loader.bin --img_bl1=bl1.bin --img_ns_bl1u=BL33_AP_UEFI.fd
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -c -o start.o start.S
arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld -Bstatic -Ttext 0xf9800800 start.o -o loader
arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy -O binary loader temp
python -o l-loader.bin --img_loader=temp --img_bl1=bl1.bin --img_ns_bl1u=fastboot.bin
* Generate partition table for aosp. The eMMC capacity is either 4GB or 8GB. Just change "aosp-4g" to "linux-4g" for debian.
$PTABLE=aosp-4g SECTOR_SIZE=512 bash -x
3. Setup Console
* Install ser2net. Use telnet as the console since UEFI fails to display Boot Manager GUI in minicom. __If you don't need Boot Manager GUI, just ignore this section.__
$sudo apt-get install ser2net
* Configure ser2net.
$sudo vi /etc/ser2net.conf
Append one line for serial-over-USB in below.
2004:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
* Open the console.
$telnet localhost 2004
And you could open the console remotely, too.
4. Flush images in recovery mode
* Make sure Pin3-Pin4 on J15 are connected for recovery mode. Then power on HiKey.
* Remove the modemmanager package. This package may cause the idt tool failure.
$sudo apt-get purge modemmanager
* Run the command to download l-loader.bin into HiKey.
$sudo python -d /dev/ttyUSB1 --img1 l-loader.bin
* Update images. All aosp or debian images could be fetched from [link](
$sudo fastboot flash ptable prm_ptable.img
$sudo fastboot flash fastboot fip.bin
$sudo fastboot flash boot boot.img
$sudo fastboot flash cache cache.img
$sudo fastboot flash system system.img
$sudo fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
5. Boot UEFI in normal mode
* Make sure Pin3-Pin4 on J15 are open for normal boot mode. Then power on HiKey.
* Reference [link](
HiKey960 is one of 96boards. Hisilicon Hi3660 processor is installed on HiKey960.
More information are listed in [link](
How to build
1. Code Locations
* ARM Trusted Firmware:
* edk2:
* OpenPlatformPkg:
* l-loader:
* uefi-tools:
2. Build Procedure
* Fetch all the above 5 repositories into local host.
Make all the repositories in the same ${BUILD_PATH}.
* Create the symbol link to OpenPlatformPkg in edk2.
$cd ${BUILD_PATH}/edk2
$ln -sf ../OpenPlatformPkg
* Prepare AARCH64 toolchain.
* If your hikey960 hardware is v1, update _uefi-tools/platform.config_ first. _(optional)_
__Uncomment the below sentence. Otherwise, UEFI can't output messages on serial
console on hikey960 v1.__
If your hikey960 hardware is v2 or newer, nothing to do.
* Build it as debug mode. Create script file for build.
export UEFI_TOOLS_DIR=${BUILD_PATH}/uefi-tools
export EDK2_DIR=${BUILD_PATH}/edk2
cd ${EDK2_DIR}
# Build UEFI & ARM Trust Firmware
${UEFI_TOOLS_DIR}/ -b ${BUILD_OPTION} -a ../arm-trusted-firmware hikey960
# Generate l-loader.bin
cd ${BUILD_PATH}/l-loader
ln -sf ${EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR}/FV/bl1.bin
ln -sf ${EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR}/FV/fip.bin
ln -sf ${EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR}/FV/BL33_AP_UEFI.fd
python -o l-loader.bin --img_bl1=bl1.bin --img_ns_bl1u=BL33_AP_UEFI.fd
* Generate partition table.
_Make sure that you're using the sgdisk in the l-loader directory._
$PTABLE=aosp-32g SECTOR_SIZE=4096 SGDISK=./sgdisk bash -x
3. Setup Console
* Install ser2net. Use telnet as the console since UEFI will output window
that fails to display in minicom.
$sudo apt-get install ser2net
* Configure ser2net.
$sudo vi /etc/ser2net.conf
Append one line for serial-over-USB in _#ser2net.conf_
2004:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
* Open the console.
$telnet localhost 2004
And you could open the console remotely, too.
4. Boot UEFI in recovery mode
* Fetch that are used in recovery mode. The code location is in below.
* Generate l-loader.bin.
$cd tools-images-hikey960
$ln -sf ${BUILD_PATH}/l-loader/l-loader.bin
* Prepare config file.
$vi config
# The content of config file
./sec_user_xloader.img 0x00020000
./sec_uce_boot.img 0x6A908000
./l-loader.bin 0x1AC00000
* Remove the modemmanager package. This package may causes hikey_idt tool failure.
$sudo apt-get purge modemmanager
* Run the command to download l-loader.bin into HiKey960.
$sudo ./hikey_idt -c config -p /dev/ttyUSB1
* UEFI running in recovery mode.
When prompt '.' is displayed on console, press hotkey 'f' in keyboard. Then Android fastboot app is running.
The timeout of prompt '.' is 10 seconds.
* Update images.
$sudo fastboot flash ptable prm_ptable.img
$sudo fastboot flash xloader sec_xloader.img
$sudo fastboot flash fastboot l-loader.bin
$sudo fastboot flash fip fip.bin
$sudo fastboot flash boot boot.img
$sudo fastboot flash cache cache.img
$sudo fastboot flash system system.img
$sudo fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
* Notice: UEFI could also boot kernel in recovery mode, but BL31 isn't loaded in
recovery mode.
5. Boot UEFI in normal mode
* Make sure "Boot Mode" switch is OFF for normal boot mode. Then power on HiKey960.
* Reference [link](
Tegra SoCs - Overview
* T210
T210 has Quad ARM® Cortex®-A57 cores in a switched configuration with a
companion set of quad ARM Cortex-A53 cores. The Cortex-A57 and A53 cores
support ARMv8, executing both 64-bit Aarch64 code, and 32-bit Aarch32 code
including legacy ARMv7 applications. The Cortex-A57 processors each have
48 KB Instruction and 32 KB Data Level 1 caches; and have a 2 MB shared
Level 2 unified cache. The Cortex-A53 processors each have 32 KB Instruction
and 32 KB Data Level 1 caches; and have a 512 KB shared Level 2 unified cache.
* T132
Denver is NVIDIA's own custom-designed, 64-bit, dual-core CPU which is
fully ARMv8 architecture compatible. Each of the two Denver cores
implements a 7-way superscalar microarchitecture (up to 7 concurrent
micro-ops can be executed per clock), and includes a 128KB 4-way L1
instruction cache, a 64KB 4-way L1 data cache, and a 2MB 16-way L2
cache, which services both cores.
Denver implements an innovative process called Dynamic Code Optimization,
which optimizes frequently used software routines at runtime into dense,
highly tuned microcode-equivalent routines. These are stored in a
dedicated, 128MB main-memory-based optimization cache. After being read
into the instruction cache, the optimized micro-ops are executed,
re-fetched and executed from the instruction cache as long as needed and
capacity allows.
Effectively, this reduces the need to re-optimize the software routines.
Instead of using hardware to extract the instruction-level parallelism
(ILP) inherent in the code, Denver extracts the ILP once via software
techniques, and then executes those routines repeatedly, thus amortizing
the cost of ILP extraction over the many execution instances.
Denver also features new low latency power-state transitions, in addition
to extensive power-gating and dynamic voltage and clock scaling based on
Directory structure
* plat/nvidia/tegra/common - Common code for all Tegra SoCs
* plat/nvidia/tegra/soc/txxx - Chip specific code
Trusted OS dispatcher
Tegra supports multiple Trusted OS', Trusted Little Kernel (TLK) being one of
them. In order to include the 'tlkd' dispatcher in the image, pass 'SPD=tlkd'
on the command line while preparing a bl31 image. This allows other Trusted OS
vendors to use the upstream code and include their dispatchers in the image
without changing any makefiles.
Preparing the BL31 image to run on Tegra SoCs
CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-aarch64-gcc>/bin/aarch64-none-elf- make PLAT=tegra \
TARGET_SOC=<target-soc e.g. t210|t132> SPD=<dispatcher e.g. tlkd> bl31
Platforms wanting to use different TZDRAM_BASE, can add `TZDRAM_BASE=<value>`
to the build command line.
The Tegra platform code expects a pointer to the following platform specific
structure via 'x1' register from the BL2 layer which is used by the
bl31_early_platform_setup() handler to extract the TZDRAM carveout base and
size for loading the Trusted OS and the UART port ID to be used. The Tegra
memory controller driver programs this base/size in order to restrict NS
typedef struct plat_params_from_bl2 {
/* TZ memory size */
uint64_t tzdram_size;
/* TZ memory base */
uint64_t tzdram_base;
/* UART port ID */
int uart_id;
} plat_params_from_bl2_t;
Power Management
The PSCI implementation expects each platform to expose the 'power state'
parameter to be used during the 'SYSTEM SUSPEND' call. The state-id field
is implementation defined on Tegra SoCs and is preferably defined by
Tegra configs
* 'tegra_enable_l2_ecc_parity_prot': This flag enables the L2 ECC and Parity
Protection bit, for ARM Cortex-A57 CPUs, during CPU boot. This flag will
be enabled by Tegrs SoCs during 'Cluster power up' or 'System Suspend' exit.
ARM Trusted Firmware for QEMU virt ARMv8-A
ARM Trusted Firmware implements the EL3 firmware layer for QEMU virt
ARMv8-A. BL1 is used as the BootROM, supplied with the -bios argument.
When QEMU starts all CPUs are released simultaneously, BL1 selects a
primary CPU to handle the boot and the secondaries are placed in a polling
loop to be released by normal world via PSCI.
BL2 edits the Flattened Device Tree, FDT, generated by QEMU at run-time to
add a node describing PSCI and also enable methods for the CPUs.
An ARM64 defonfig v4.5 Linux kernel is known to boot, FTD doesn't need to be
provided as it's generated by QEMU.
Current limitations:
* Only cold boot is supported
* No build instructions for QEMU_EFI.fd and rootfs-arm64.cpio.gz
* No instructions for how to load a BL32 (Secure Payload)
`QEMU_EFI.fd` can be dowloaded from
Boot binaries, except BL1, are primarily loaded via semi-hosting so all
binaries has to reside in the same directory as QEMU is started from. This
is conveniently achieved with symlinks the local names as:
* `bl2.bin` -> BL2
* `bl31.bin` -> BL31
* `bl33.bin` -> BL33 (`QEMU_EFI.fd`)
* `Image` -> linux/Image
To build:
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- PLAT=qemu
To start (QEMU v2.6.0):
qemu-system-aarch64 -nographic -machine virt,secure=on -cpu cortex-a57 \
-kernel Image \
-append console=ttyAMA0,38400 keep_bootcon root=/dev/vda2 \
-initrd rootfs-arm64.cpio.gz -smp 2 -m 1024 -bios bl1.bin \
-d unimp -semihosting-config enable,target=native
ARM Trusted Firmware for Socionext UniPhier SoCs
Socionext UniPhier ARMv8-A SoCs use ARM Trusted Firmware as the secure world
firmware, supporting BL1, BL2, and BL31.
UniPhier SoC family implements its internal boot ROM, so BL1 is used as pseudo
ROM (i.e. runs in RAM). The internal boot ROM loads 64KB [1] image from a
non-volatile storage to the on-chip SRAM. Unfortunately, BL1 does not fit in
the 64KB limit if [Trusted Board Boot] (TBB) is enabled. To solve this problem,
Socionext provides a first stage loader called [UniPhier BL]. This loader runs
in the on-chip SRAM, initializes the DRAM, expands BL1 there, and hands the
control over to it. Therefore, all images of ARM Trusted Firmware run in DRAM.
The UniPhier platform works with/without TBB. See below for the build process
of each case. The image authentication for the UniPhier platform fully
complies with the Trusted Board Boot Requirements (TBBR) specification.
The UniPhier BL does not implement the authentication functionality, that is,
it can not verify the BL1 image by itself. Instead, the UniPhier BL assures
the BL1 validity in a different way; BL1 is GZIP-compressed and appended to
the UniPhier BL. The concatenation of the UniPhier BL and the compressed BL1
fits in the 64KB limit. The concatenated image is loaded by the boot ROM
(and verified if the chip fuses are blown).
[1]: Some SoCs can load 80KB, but the software implementation must be aligned
to the lowest common denominator.
[Trusted Board Boot]: ../
[UniPhier BL]:
Boot Flow
1. The Boot ROM
This is hard-wired ROM, so never corrupted. It loads the UniPhier BL (with
compressed-BL1 appended) into the on-chip SRAM. If the SoC fuses are blown,
the image is verified by the SoC's own method.
2. UniPhier BL
This runs in the on-chip SRAM. After the minimum SoC initialization and DRAM
setup, it decompresses the appended BL1 image into the DRAM, then jumps to
the BL1 entry.
3. BL1
This runs in the DRAM. It extracts BL2 from FIP (Firmware Image Package).
If TBB is enabled, the BL2 is authenticated by the standard mechanism of ARM
Trusted Firmware.
4. BL2, BL31, and more
They all run in the DRAM, and are authenticated by the standard mechanism if
TBB is enabled. See [Firmware Design] for details.
[Firmware Design]: ../
Basic Build
BL1 must be compressed for the reason above. The UniPhier's platform makefile
provides a build target `bl1_gzip` for this.
For a non-secure boot loader (aka BL33), U-Boot is well supported for UniPhier
SoCs. The U-Boot image (`u-boot.bin`) must be built in advance. For the build
procedure of U-Boot, refer to the document in the [U-Boot] project.
To build minimum functionality for UniPhier (without TBB):
make CROSS_COMPILE=<gcc-prefix> PLAT=uniphier BL33=<path-to-BL33> bl1_gzip fip
Output images:
- `bl1.bin.gzip`
- `fip.bin`
Optional features
- Trusted Board Boot
[mbed TLS] is needed as the cryptographic and image parser modules.
Refer to the [User Guide] for the appropriate version of mbed TLS.
To enable TBB, add the following options to the build command:
[mbed TLS]:
[User Guide]: ../
- System Control Processor (SCP)
If desired, FIP can include an SCP BL2 image. If BL2 finds an SCP BL2 image
in FIP, BL2 loads it into DRAM and kicks the SCP. Most of UniPhier boards
still work without SCP, but SCP provides better power management support.
To include SCP_BL2, add the following option to the build command:
- BL32 (Secure Payload)
To enable BL32, add the following option to the build command:
SPD=<spd> BL32=<path-to-BL32>
If you use TSP for BL32, `BL32=<path-to-BL32>` is not required. Just add the
ARM Trusted Firmware for Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
ARM Trusted Firmware implements the EL3 firmware layer for Xilinx Zynq
UltraScale + MPSoC.
The platform only uses the runtime part of ATF as ZynqMP already has a
BootROM (BL1) and FSBL (BL2).
BL31 is ATF.
BL32 is an optional Secure Payload.
BL33 is the non-secure world software (U-Boot, Linux etc).
To build:
make ERROR_DEPRECATED=1 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- PLAT=zynqmp bl31
To build bl32 TSP you have to rebuild bl31 too:
make ERROR_DEPRECATED=1 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- PLAT=zynqmp SPD=tspd bl31 bl32
# ZynqMP platform specific build options
* `ZYNQMP_ATF_MEM_BASE`: Specifies the base address of the bl31 binary.
* `ZYNQMP_ATF_MEM_SIZE`: Specifies the size of the memory region of the bl31 binary.
* `ZYNQMP_BL32_MEM_BASE`: Specifies the base address of the bl32 binary.
* `ZYNQMP_BL32_MEM_SIZE`: Specifies the size of the memory region of the bl32 binary.
* `ZYNQMP_CONSOLE`: Select the console driver. Options:
- `cadence`, `cadence0`: Cadence UART 0
- `cadence1` : Cadence UART 1
# FSBL->ATF Parameter Passing
The FSBL populates a data structure with image information for the ATF. The ATF
uses that data to hand off to the loaded images. The address of the handoff data
structure is passed in the ```PMU_GLOBAL.GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE6``` register. The
register is free to be used by other software once the ATF is bringing up
further firmware images.
# Power Domain Tree
The following power domain tree represents the power domain model used by the
ATF for ZynqMP:
| | | |
| | | |
v v v v
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
|0| |1| |2| |3|
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
The 4 leaf power domains represent the individual A53 cores, while resources
common to the cluster are grouped in the power domain on the top.
Guide to migrate to new Platform porting interface
1. [Introduction](#1--introduction)
2. [Platform API modification due to PSCI framework changes](#2--platform-api-modification-due-to-psci-framework-changes)
* [Power domain topology framework platform API modifications](#21-power-domain-topology-framework-platform-api-modifications)
* [Composite power state framework platform API modifications](#22-composite-power-state-framework-platform-api-modifications)
* [Miscellaneous modifications](#23-miscellaneous-modifications)
3. [Compatibility layer](#3--compatibility-layer)
4. [Deprecated Platform API](#4--deprecated-platform-api)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. Introduction
The PSCI implementation in Trusted Firmware has undergone a redesign because of
three requirements that the PSCI 1.0 specification introduced :
* Removing the framework assumption about the structure of the MPIDR, and
its relation to the power topology enables support for deeper and more
complex hierarchies.
* Reworking the power state coordination implementation in the framework
to support the more detailed PSCI 1.0 requirements and reduce platform
port complexity
* Enable the use of the extended power_state parameter and the larger StateID
The PSCI 1.0 implementation introduces new frameworks to fulfill the above
requirements. These framework changes mean that the platform porting API must
also be modified. This document is a guide to assist migration of the existing
platform ports to the new platform API.
This document describes the new platform API and compares it with the
deprecated API. It also describes the compatibility layer that enables the
existing platform ports to work with the PSCI 1.0 implementation. The
deprecated platform API is documented for reference.
2. Platform API modification due to PSCI framework changes
This section describes changes to the platform APIs.
2.1 Power domain topology framework platform API modifications
This removes the assumption in the PSCI implementation that MPIDR
based affinity instances map directly to power domains. A power domain, as
described in section 4.2 of [PSCI], could contain a core or a logical group
of cores (a cluster) which share some state on which power management
operations can be performed. The existing affinity instance based APIs
`plat_get_aff_count()` and `plat_get_aff_state()` are deprecated. The new
platform interfaces that are introduced for this framework are:
* `plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()`
* `plat_my_core_pos()`
* `plat_get_power_domain_tree_desc()`
`plat_my_core_pos()` and `plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()` are mandatory
and are meant to replace the existing `platform_get_core_pos()` API.
The description of these APIs can be found in the [Porting Guide][my_core_pos].
These are used by the power domain topology framework such that:
1. The generic PSCI code does not generate MPIDRs or use them to query the
platform about the number of power domains at a particular power level. The
`plat_get_power_domain_tree_desc()` provides a description of the power
domain tree on the SoC through a pointer to the byte array containing the
power domain topology tree description data structure.
2. The linear indices returned by `plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()` and
`plat_my_core_pos()` are used to retrieve core power domain nodes from
the power domain tree. These core indices are unique for a core and it is a
number between `0` and `PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT - 1`. The platform can choose
to implement a static mapping between `MPIDR` and core index or implement
a dynamic mapping, choosing to skip the unavailable/unused cores to compact
the core indices.
In addition, the platforms must define the macros `PLAT_NUM_PWR_DOMAINS` and
`PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL` which replace the macros `PLAT_NUM_AFFS` and
`PLATFORM_MAX_AFFLVL` respectively. On platforms where the affinity instances
correspond to power domains, the values of new macros remain the same as the
old ones.
More details on the power domain topology description and its platform
interface can be found in [psci pd tree].
2.2 Composite power state framework platform API modifications
The state-ID field in the power-state parameter of a CPU_SUSPEND call can be
used to describe the composite power states specific to a platform. The existing
PSCI state coordination had the limitation that it operates on a run/off
granularity of power states and it did not interpret the state-ID field. This
was acceptable as the specification requirement in PSCI 0.2 and the framework's
approach to coordination only required maintaining a reference
count of the number of cores that have requested the cluster to remain powered.
In the PSCI 1.0 specification, this approach is non optimal. If composite
power states are used, the PSCI implementation cannot make global
decisions about state coordination required because it does not understand the
platform specific states.
The PSCI 1.0 implementation now defines a generic representation of the
power-state parameter :
typedef struct psci_power_state {
plat_local_state_t pwr_domain_state[PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL + 1];
} psci_power_state_t;
`pwr_domain_state` is an array where each index corresponds to a power level.
Each entry in the array contains the local power state the power domain at
that power level could enter. The meaning of the local power state value is
platform defined, and can vary between levels in a single platform. The PSCI
implementation constraints the values only so that it can classify the state
as RUN, RETENTION or OFF as required by the specification:
1. Zero means RUN
2. All OFF state values at all levels must be higher than all
RETENTION state values at all levels
The platform is required to define the macros `PLAT_MAX_RET_STATE` and
`PLAT_MAX_OFF_STATE` to the framework. The requirement for these macros can
be found in the [Porting Guide].
The PSCI 1.0 implementation adds support to involve the platform in state
coordination. This enables the platform to decide the final target state.
During a request to place a power domain in a low power state, the platform
is passed an array of requested `plat_local_state_t` for that power domain by
each core within it through the `plat_get_target_pwr_state()` API. This API
coordinates amongst these requested states to determine a target
`plat_local_state_t` for that power domain. A default weak implementation of
this API is provided in the platform layer which returns the minimum of the
requested local states back to the PSCI state coordination. More details
of `plat_get_target_pwr_state()` API can be found in the
[Porting Guide][get_target_pwr_state].
The PSCI Generic implementation expects platform ports to populate the handlers
for the `plat_psci_ops` structure which is declared as :
typedef struct plat_psci_ops {
void (*cpu_standby)(plat_local_state_t cpu_state);
int (*pwr_domain_on)(u_register_t mpidr);
void (*pwr_domain_off)(const psci_power_state_t *target_state);
void (*pwr_domain_suspend)(const psci_power_state_t *target_state);
void (*pwr_domain_on_finish)(const psci_power_state_t *target_state);
void (*pwr_domain_suspend_finish)(
const psci_power_state_t *target_state);
void (*system_off)(void) __dead2;
void (*system_reset)(void) __dead2;
int (*validate_power_state)(unsigned int power_state,
psci_power_state_t *req_state);
int (*validate_ns_entrypoint)(unsigned long ns_entrypoint);
void (*get_sys_suspend_power_state)(
psci_power_state_t *req_state);
} plat_psci_ops_t;
The description of these handlers can be found in the [Porting Guide][psci_ops].
The previous `plat_pm_ops` structure is deprecated. Compared with the previous
handlers, the major differences are:
* Difference in parameters
The PSCI 1.0 implementation depends on the `validate_power_state` handler to
convert the power-state parameter (possibly encoding a composite power state)
passed in a PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` to the `psci_power_state` format. This handler
is now mandatory for PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` support.
The `plat_psci_ops` handlers, `pwr_domain_off` and `pwr_domain_suspend`, are
passed the target local state for each affected power domain. The platform
must execute operations specific to these target states. Similarly,
`pwr_domain_on_finish` and `pwr_domain_suspend_finish` are passed the local
states of the affected power domains before wakeup. The platform
must execute actions to restore these power domains from these specific
local states.
* Difference in invocation
Whereas the power management handlers in `plat_pm_ops` used to be invoked
for each affinity level till the target affinity level, the new handlers
are only invoked once. The `target_state` encodes the target low power
state or the low power state woken up from for each affected power domain.
* Difference in semantics
Although the previous `suspend` handlers could be used for power down as well
as retention at different affinity levels, the new handlers make this support
explicit. The `pwr_domain_suspend` can be used to specify powerdown and
retention at various power domain levels subject to the conditions mentioned
in section 4.2.1 of [PSCI]
Unlike the previous `standby` handler, the `cpu_standby()` handler is only used
as a fast path for placing a core power domain into a standby or retention
The below diagram shows the sequence of a PSCI SUSPEND call and the interaction
with the platform layer depicting the exchange of data between PSCI Generic
layer and the platform layer.
![Image 1](diagrams/psci-suspend-sequence.png?raw=true)
Refer [plat/arm/board/fvp/fvp_pm.c] for the implementation details of
these handlers for the FVP. The commit 38dce70f51fb83b27958ba3e2ad15f5635cb1061
demonstrates the migration of ARM reference platforms to the new platform API.
2.3 Miscellaneous modifications
In addition to the framework changes, unification of warm reset entry points on
wakeup from low power modes has led to a change in the platform API. In the
earlier implementation, the warm reset entry used to be programmed into the
mailboxes by the 'ON' and 'SUSPEND' power management hooks. In the PSCI 1.0
implementation, this information is not required, because it can figure that
out by querying affinity info state whether to execute the 'suspend_finisher`
or 'on_finisher'.
As a result, the warm reset entry point must be programmed only once. The
`plat_setup_psci_ops()` API takes the secure entry point as an
additional parameter to enable the platforms to configure their mailbox. The
plat_psci_ops handlers `pwr_domain_on` and `pwr_domain_suspend` no longer take
the warm reset entry point as a parameter.
Also, some platform APIs which took `MPIDR` as an argument were only ever
invoked to perform actions specific to the caller core which makes the argument
redundant. Therefore the platform APIs `plat_get_my_entrypoint()`,
`plat_is_my_cpu_primary()`, `plat_set_my_stack()` and
`plat_get_my_stack()` are defined which are meant to be invoked only for
operations on the current caller core instead of `platform_get_entrypoint()`,
`platform_is_primary_cpu()`, `platform_set_stack()` and `platform_get_stack()`.
3. Compatibility layer
To ease the migration of the platform ports to the new porting interface,
a compatibility layer is introduced that essentially implements a glue layer
between the old platform API and the new API. The build flag
`ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT` (enabled by default), specifies whether to enable this
layer or not. A platform port which has migrated to the new API can disable
this flag within the platform specific makefile.
The compatibility layer works on the assumption that the onus of
state coordination, in case multiple low power states are supported,
is with the platform. The generic PSCI implementation only takes into
account whether the suspend request is power down or not. This corresponds
with the behavior of the PSCI implementation before the introduction of
new frameworks. Also, it assumes that the affinity levels of the platform
correspond directly to the power domain levels.
The compatibility layer dynamically constructs the new topology
description array by querying the platform using `plat_get_aff_count()`
and `plat_get_aff_state()` APIs. The linear index returned by
`platform_get_core_pos()` is used as the core index for the cores. The
higher level (non-core) power domain nodes must know the cores contained
within its domain. It does so by storing the core index of first core
within it and number of core indexes following it. This means that core
indices returned by `platform_get_core_pos()` for cores within a particular
power domain must be consecutive. We expect that this is the case for most
platform ports including ARM reference platforms.
The old PSCI helpers like `psci_get_suspend_powerstate()`,
`psci_get_suspend_stateid()`, `psci_get_suspend_stateid_by_mpidr()`,
`psci_get_max_phys_off_afflvl()` and `psci_get_suspend_afflvl()` are also
implemented for the compatibility layer. This allows the existing
platform ports to work with the new PSCI frameworks without significant
4. Deprecated Platform API
This section documents the deprecated platform porting API.
## Common mandatory modifications
The mandatory macros to be defined by the platform port in `platform_def.h`
* **#define : PLATFORM_NUM_AFFS**
Defines the total number of nodes in the affinity hierarchy at all affinity
levels used by the platform.
* **#define : PLATFORM_MAX_AFFLVL**
Defines the maximum affinity level that the power management operations
should apply to. ARMv8-A has support for four affinity levels. It is likely
that hardware will implement fewer affinity levels. This macro allows the
PSCI implementation to consider only those affinity levels in the system
that the platform implements. For example, the Base AEM FVP implements two
clusters with a configurable number of cores. It reports the maximum
affinity level as 1, resulting in PSCI power control up to the cluster
The following functions must be implemented by the platform port to enable
the reset vector code to perform the required tasks.
### Function : platform_get_entrypoint() [mandatory]
Argument : unsigned long
Return : unsigned long
This function is called with the `SCTLR.M` and `SCTLR.C` bits disabled. The core
is identified by its `MPIDR`, which is passed as the argument. The function is
responsible for distinguishing between a warm and cold reset using platform-
specific means. If it is a warm reset, it returns the entrypoint into the
BL31 image that the core must jump to. If it is a cold reset, this function
must return zero.
This function is also responsible for implementing a platform-specific mechanism
to handle the condition where the core has been warm reset but there is no
entrypoint to jump to.
This function does not follow the Procedure Call Standard used by the
Application Binary Interface for the ARM 64-bit architecture. The caller should
not assume that callee saved registers are preserved across a call to this
### Function : platform_is_primary_cpu() [mandatory]
Argument : unsigned long
Return : unsigned int
This function identifies a core by its `MPIDR`, which is passed as the argument,
to determine whether this core is the primary core or a secondary core. A return
value of zero indicates that the core is not the primary core, while a non-zero
return value indicates that the core is the primary core.
## Common optional modifications
### Function : platform_get_core_pos()
Argument : unsigned long
Return : int
A platform may need to convert the `MPIDR` of a core to an absolute number, which
can be used as a core-specific linear index into blocks of memory (for example
while allocating per-core stacks). This routine contains a simple mechanism
to perform this conversion, using the assumption that each cluster contains a
maximum of four cores:
linear index = cpu_id + (cluster_id * 4)
cpu_id = 8-bit value in MPIDR at affinity level 0
cluster_id = 8-bit value in MPIDR at affinity level 1
### Function : platform_set_stack()
Argument : unsigned long
Return : void
This function sets the current stack pointer to the normal memory stack that
has been allocated for the core specified by MPIDR. For BL images that only
require a stack for the primary core the parameter is ignored. The size of
the stack allocated to each core is specified by the platform defined constant
Common implementations of this function for the UP and MP BL images are
provided in [plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S] and
### Function : platform_get_stack()
Argument : unsigned long
Return : unsigned long
This function returns the base address of the normal memory stack that
has been allocated for the core specificed by MPIDR. For BL images that only
require a stack for the primary core the parameter is ignored. The size of
the stack allocated to each core is specified by the platform defined constant
Common implementations of this function for the UP and MP BL images are
provided in [plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S] and
## Modifications for Power State Coordination Interface (in BL31)
The following functions must be implemented to initialize PSCI functionality in
the ARM Trusted Firmware.
### Function : plat_get_aff_count() [mandatory]
Argument : unsigned int, unsigned long
Return : unsigned int
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initializations in `bl31_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only
called by the primary core.
This function is called by the PSCI initialization code to detect the system
topology. Its purpose is to return the number of affinity instances implemented
at a given `affinity level` (specified by the first argument) and a given
`MPIDR` (specified by the second argument). For example, on a dual-cluster
system where first cluster implements two cores and the second cluster
implements four cores, a call to this function with an `MPIDR` corresponding
to the first cluster (`0x0`) and affinity level 0, would return 2. A call
to this function with an `MPIDR` corresponding to the second cluster (`0x100`)
and affinity level 0, would return 4.
### Function : plat_get_aff_state() [mandatory]
Argument : unsigned int, unsigned long
Return : unsigned int
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initializations in `bl31_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only
called by the primary core.
This function is called by the PSCI initialization code. Its purpose is to
return the state of an affinity instance. The affinity instance is determined by
the affinity ID at a given `affinity level` (specified by the first argument)
and an `MPIDR` (specified by the second argument). The state can be one of
`PSCI_AFF_PRESENT` or `PSCI_AFF_ABSENT`. The latter state is used to cater for
system topologies where certain affinity instances are unimplemented. For
example, consider a platform that implements a single cluster with four cores and
another core implemented directly on the interconnect with the cluster. The
`MPIDR`s of the cluster would range from `0x0-0x3`. The `MPIDR` of the single
core is 0x100 to indicate that it does not belong to cluster 0. Cluster 1
is missing but needs to be accounted for to reach this single core in the
topology tree. Therefore it is marked as `PSCI_AFF_ABSENT`.
### Function : platform_setup_pm() [mandatory]
Argument : const plat_pm_ops **
Return : int
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initializations in `bl31_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only
called by the primary core.
This function is called by PSCI initialization code. Its purpose is to export
handler routines for platform-specific power management actions by populating
the passed pointer with a pointer to the private `plat_pm_ops` structure of
A description of each member of this structure is given below. A platform port
is expected to implement these handlers if the corresponding PSCI operation
is to be supported and these handlers are expected to succeed if the return
type is `void`.
#### plat_pm_ops.affinst_standby()
Perform the platform-specific setup to enter the standby state indicated by the
passed argument. The generic code expects the handler to succeed.
#### plat_pm_ops.affinst_on()
Perform the platform specific setup to power on an affinity instance, specified
by the `MPIDR` (first argument) and `affinity level` (third argument). The
`state` (fourth argument) contains the current state of that affinity instance
(ON or OFF). This is useful to determine whether any action must be taken. For
example, while powering on a core, the cluster that contains this core might
already be in the ON state. The platform decides what actions must be taken to
transition from the current state to the target state (indicated by the power
management operation). The generic code expects the platform to return
E_SUCCESS on success or E_INTERN_FAIL for any failure.
#### plat_pm_ops.affinst_off()
Perform the platform specific setup to power off an affinity instance of the
calling core. It is called by the PSCI `CPU_OFF` API implementation.
The `affinity level` (first argument) and `state` (second argument) have
a similar meaning as described in the `affinst_on()` operation. They
identify the affinity instance on which the call is made and its
current state. This gives the platform port an indication of the
state transition it must make to perform the requested action. For example, if
the calling core is the last powered on core in the cluster, after powering down
affinity level 0 (the core), the platform port should power down affinity
level 1 (the cluster) as well. The generic code expects the handler to succeed.
#### plat_pm_ops.affinst_suspend()
Perform the platform specific setup to power off an affinity instance of the
calling core. It is called by the PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` API and `SYSTEM_SUSPEND`
API implementation
The `affinity level` (second argument) and `state` (third argument) have a
similar meaning as described in the `affinst_on()` operation. They are used to
identify the affinity instance on which the call is made and its current state.
This gives the platform port an indication of the state transition it must
make to perform the requested action. For example, if the calling core is the
last powered on core in the cluster, after powering down affinity level 0
(the core), the platform port should power down affinity level 1 (the cluster)
as well.
The difference between turning an affinity instance off and suspending it
is that in the former case, the affinity instance is expected to re-initialize
its state when it is next powered on (see `affinst_on_finish()`). In the latter
case, the affinity instance is expected to save enough state so that it can
resume execution by restoring this state when it is powered on (see
`affinst_suspend_finish()`).The generic code expects the handler to succeed.
#### plat_pm_ops.affinst_on_finish()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation after the calling core is
powered on and released from reset in response to an earlier PSCI `CPU_ON` call.
It performs the platform-specific setup required to initialize enough state for
this core to enter the Normal world and also provide secure runtime firmware
The `affinity level` (first argument) and `state` (second argument) have a
similar meaning as described in the previous operations. The generic code
expects the handler to succeed.
#### plat_pm_ops.affinst_suspend_finish()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation after the calling core is
powered on and released from reset in response to an asynchronous wakeup
event, for example a timer interrupt that was programmed by the core during the
`CPU_SUSPEND` call or `SYSTEM_SUSPEND` call. It performs the platform-specific
setup required to restore the saved state for this core to resume execution
in the Normal world and also provide secure runtime firmware services.
The `affinity level` (first argument) and `state` (second argument) have a
similar meaning as described in the previous operations. The generic code
expects the platform to succeed.
#### plat_pm_ops.validate_power_state()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation during the `CPU_SUSPEND`
call to validate the `power_state` parameter of the PSCI API. If the
`power_state` is known to be invalid, the platform must return
PSCI_E_INVALID_PARAMS as an error, which is propagated back to the Normal
world PSCI client.
#### plat_pm_ops.validate_ns_entrypoint()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation during the `CPU_SUSPEND`,
`SYSTEM_SUSPEND` and `CPU_ON` calls to validate the Non-secure `entry_point`
parameter passed by the Normal world. If the `entry_point` is known to be
invalid, the platform must return PSCI_E_INVALID_PARAMS as an error, which is
propagated back to the Normal world PSCI client.
#### plat_pm_ops.get_sys_suspend_power_state()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation during the `SYSTEM_SUSPEND`
call to return the `power_state` parameter. This allows the platform to encode
the appropriate State-ID field within the `power_state` parameter which can be
utilized in `affinst_suspend()` to suspend to system affinity level. The
`power_state` parameter should be in the same format as specified by the
PSCI specification for the CPU_SUSPEND API.
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_Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[Porting Guide]:
[Power Domain Topology Design]:
[psci pd tree]:
[plat/arm/board/fvp/fvp_pm.c]: ../plat/arm/board/fvp/fvp_pm.c
[plat/common/aarch64/platform_mp_stack.S]: ../plat/common/aarch64/platform_mp_stack.S
[plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S]: ../plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S
ARM Trusted Firmware Porting Guide
1. [Introduction](#1--introduction)
2. [Common Modifications](#2--common-modifications)
* [Common mandatory modifications](#21-common-mandatory-modifications)
* [Handling reset](#22-handling-reset)
* [Common mandatory function modifications](#23-common-mandatory-function-modifications)
* [Common optional modifications](#24-common-optional-modifications)
3. [Boot Loader stage specific modifications](#3--modifications-specific-to-a-boot-loader-stage)
* [Boot Loader stage 1 (BL1)](#31-boot-loader-stage-1-bl1)
* [Boot Loader stage 2 (BL2)](#32-boot-loader-stage-2-bl2)
* [FWU Boot Loader stage 2 (BL2U)](#33-fwu-boot-loader-stage-2-bl2u)
* [Boot Loader stage 3-1 (BL31)](#34-boot-loader-stage-3-1-bl31)
* [PSCI implementation (in BL31)](#35-power-state-coordination-interface-in-bl31)
* [Interrupt Management framework (in BL31)](#36--interrupt-management-framework-in-bl31)
* [Crash Reporting mechanism (in BL31)](#37--crash-reporting-mechanism-in-bl31)
4. [Build flags](#4--build-flags)
5. [C Library](#5--c-library)
6. [Storage abstraction layer](#6--storage-abstraction-layer)
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1. Introduction
Please note that this document has been updated for the new platform API
as required by the PSCI v1.0 implementation. Please refer to the
[Migration Guide] for the previous platform API.
Porting the ARM Trusted Firmware to a new platform involves making some
mandatory and optional modifications for both the cold and warm boot paths.
Modifications consist of:
* Implementing a platform-specific function or variable,
* Setting up the execution context in a certain way, or
* Defining certain constants (for example #defines).
The platform-specific functions and variables are declared in
[include/plat/common/platform.h]. The firmware provides a default implementation
of variables and functions to fulfill the optional requirements. These
implementations are all weakly defined; they are provided to ease the porting
effort. Each platform port can override them with its own implementation if the
default implementation is inadequate.
Platform ports that want to be aligned with standard ARM platforms (for example
FVP and Juno) may also use [include/plat/arm/common/plat_arm.h] and the
corresponding source files in `plat/arm/common/`. These provide standard
implementations for some of the required platform porting functions. However,
using these functions requires the platform port to implement additional
ARM standard platform porting functions. These additional functions are not
documented here.
Some modifications are common to all Boot Loader (BL) stages. Section 2
discusses these in detail. The subsequent sections discuss the remaining
modifications for each BL stage in detail.
This document should be read in conjunction with the ARM Trusted Firmware
[User Guide].
2. Common modifications
This section covers the modifications that should be made by the platform for
each BL stage to correctly port the firmware stack. They are categorized as
either mandatory or optional.
2.1 Common mandatory modifications
A platform port must enable the Memory Management Unit (MMU) as well as the
instruction and data caches for each BL stage. Setting up the translation
tables is the responsibility of the platform port because memory maps differ
across platforms. A memory translation library (see `lib/xlat_tables/`) is
provided to help in this setup. Note that although this library supports
non-identity mappings, this is intended only for re-mapping peripheral physical
addresses and allows platforms with high I/O addresses to reduce their virtual
address space. All other addresses corresponding to code and data must currently
use an identity mapping.
In ARM standard platforms, each BL stage configures the MMU in the
platform-specific architecture setup function, `blX_plat_arch_setup()`, and uses
an identity mapping for all addresses.
If the build option `USE_COHERENT_MEM` is enabled, each platform can allocate a
block of identity mapped secure memory with Device-nGnRE attributes aligned to
page boundary (4K) for each BL stage. All sections which allocate coherent
memory are grouped under `coherent_ram`. For ex: Bakery locks are placed in a
section identified by name `bakery_lock` inside `coherent_ram` so that its
possible for the firmware to place variables in it using the following C code
Or alternatively the following assembler code directive:
.section bakery_lock
The `coherent_ram` section is a sum of all sections like `bakery_lock` which are
used to allocate any data structures that are accessed both when a CPU is
executing with its MMU and caches enabled, and when it's running with its MMU
and caches disabled. Examples are given below.
The following variables, functions and constants must be defined by the platform
for the firmware to work correctly.
### File : platform_def.h [mandatory]
Each platform must ensure that a header file of this name is in the system
include path with the following constants defined. This may require updating the
list of `PLAT_INCLUDES` in the `` file. In the ARM development
platforms, this file is found in `plat/arm/board/<plat_name>/include/`.
Platform ports may optionally use the file [include/plat/common/common_def.h],
which provides typical values for some of the constants below. These values are
likely to be suitable for all platform ports.
Platform ports that want to be aligned with standard ARM platforms (for example
FVP and Juno) may also use [include/plat/arm/common/arm_def.h], which provides
standard values for some of the constants below. However, this requires the
platform port to define additional platform porting constants in
`platform_def.h`. These additional constants are not documented here.
Defines the linker format used by the platform, for example
* **#define : PLATFORM_LINKER_ARCH**
Defines the processor architecture for the linker by the platform, for
example `aarch64`.
* **#define : PLATFORM_STACK_SIZE**
Defines the normal stack memory available to each CPU. This constant is used
by [plat/common/aarch64/platform_mp_stack.S] and
Defines the size in bits of the largest cache line across all the cache
levels in the platform.
* **#define : FIRMWARE_WELCOME_STR**
Defines the character string printed by BL1 upon entry into the `bl1_main()`
* **#define : PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT**
Defines the total number of CPUs implemented by the platform across all
clusters in the system.
* **#define : PLAT_NUM_PWR_DOMAINS**
Defines the total number of nodes in the power domain topology
tree at all the power domain levels used by the platform.
This macro is used by the PSCI implementation to allocate
data structures to represent power domain topology.
* **#define : PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL**
Defines the maximum power domain level that the power management operations
should apply to. More often, but not always, the power domain level
corresponds to affinity level. This macro allows the PSCI implementation
to know the highest power domain level that it should consider for power
management operations in the system that the platform implements. For
example, the Base AEM FVP implements two clusters with a configurable
number of CPUs and it reports the maximum power domain level as 1.
* **#define : PLAT_MAX_OFF_STATE**
Defines the local power state corresponding to the deepest power down
possible at every power domain level in the platform. The local power
states for each level may be sparsely allocated between 0 and this value
with 0 being reserved for the RUN state. The PSCI implementation uses this
value to initialize the local power states of the power domain nodes and
to specify the requested power state for a PSCI_CPU_OFF call.
* **#define : PLAT_MAX_RET_STATE**
Defines the local power state corresponding to the deepest retention state
possible at every power domain level in the platform. This macro should be
a value less than PLAT_MAX_OFF_STATE and greater than 0. It is used by the
PSCI implementation to distinguish between retention and power down local
power states within PSCI_CPU_SUSPEND call.
* **#define : PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL_STATES**
Defines the maximum number of local power states per power domain level
that the platform supports. The default value of this macro is 2 since
most platforms just support a maximum of two local power states at each
power domain level (power-down and retention). If the platform needs to
account for more local power states, then it must redefine this macro.
Currently, this macro is used by the Generic PSCI implementation to size
the array used for PSCI_STAT_COUNT/RESIDENCY accounting.
* **#define : BL1_RO_BASE**
Defines the base address in secure ROM where BL1 originally lives. Must be
aligned on a page-size boundary.
* **#define : BL1_RO_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address in secure ROM that BL1's actual content (i.e.
excluding any data section allocated at runtime) can occupy.
* **#define : BL1_RW_BASE**
Defines the base address in secure RAM where BL1's read-write data will live
at runtime. Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
* **#define : BL1_RW_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address in secure RAM that BL1's read-write data can
occupy at runtime.
* **#define : BL2_BASE**
Defines the base address in secure RAM where BL1 loads the BL2 binary image.
Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
* **#define : BL2_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address in secure RAM that the BL2 image can occupy.
* **#define : BL31_BASE**
Defines the base address in secure RAM where BL2 loads the BL31 binary
image. Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
* **#define : BL31_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address in secure RAM that the BL31 image can occupy.
For every image, the platform must define individual identifiers that will be
used by BL1 or BL2 to load the corresponding image into memory from non-volatile
storage. For the sake of performance, integer numbers will be used as
identifiers. The platform will use those identifiers to return the relevant
information about the image to be loaded (file handler, load address,
authentication information, etc.). The following image identifiers are
* **#define : BL2_IMAGE_ID**
BL2 image identifier, used by BL1 to load BL2.
* **#define : BL31_IMAGE_ID**
BL31 image identifier, used by BL2 to load BL31.
* **#define : BL33_IMAGE_ID**
BL33 image identifier, used by BL2 to load BL33.
If Trusted Board Boot is enabled, the following certificate identifiers must
also be defined:
* **#define : TRUSTED_BOOT_FW_CERT_ID**
BL2 content certificate identifier, used by BL1 to load the BL2 content
* **#define : TRUSTED_KEY_CERT_ID**
Trusted key certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the trusted key
* **#define : SOC_FW_KEY_CERT_ID**
BL31 key certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the BL31 key
* **#define : SOC_FW_CONTENT_CERT_ID**
BL31 content certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the BL31 content
* **#define : NON_TRUSTED_FW_KEY_CERT_ID**
BL33 key certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the BL33 key
BL33 content certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the BL33 content
* **#define : FWU_CERT_ID**
Firmware Update (FWU) certificate identifier, used by NS_BL1U to load the
FWU content certificate.
* **#define : PLAT_CRYPTOCELL_BASE**
This defines the base address of ARM® TrustZone® CryptoCell and must be
defined if CryptoCell crypto driver is used for Trusted Board Boot. For
capable ARM platforms, this driver is used if `ARM_CRYPTOCELL_INTEG` is
If the AP Firmware Updater Configuration image, BL2U is used, the following
must also be defined:
* **#define : BL2U_BASE**
Defines the base address in secure memory where BL1 copies the BL2U binary
image. Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
* **#define : BL2U_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address in secure memory that the BL2U image can occupy.
* **#define : BL2U_IMAGE_ID**
BL2U image identifier, used by BL1 to fetch an image descriptor
corresponding to BL2U.
If the SCP Firmware Update Configuration Image, SCP_BL2U is used, the following
must also be defined:
* **#define : SCP_BL2U_IMAGE_ID**
SCP_BL2U image identifier, used by BL1 to fetch an image descriptor
corresponding to SCP_BL2U.
NOTE: TF does not provide source code for this image.
If the Non-Secure Firmware Updater ROM, NS_BL1U is used, the following must
also be defined:
* **#define : NS_BL1U_BASE**
Defines the base address in non-secure ROM where NS_BL1U executes.
Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
NOTE: TF does not provide source code for this image.
* **#define : NS_BL1U_IMAGE_ID**
NS_BL1U image identifier, used by BL1 to fetch an image descriptor
corresponding to NS_BL1U.
If the Non-Secure Firmware Updater, NS_BL2U is used, the following must also
be defined:
* **#define : NS_BL2U_BASE**
Defines the base address in non-secure memory where NS_BL2U executes.
Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
NOTE: TF does not provide source code for this image.
* **#define : NS_BL2U_IMAGE_ID**
NS_BL2U image identifier, used by BL1 to fetch an image descriptor
corresponding to NS_BL2U.
For the the Firmware update capability of TRUSTED BOARD BOOT, the following
macros may also be defined:
Total number of images that can be loaded simultaneously. If the platform
doesn't specify any value, it defaults to 10.
If a SCP_BL2 image is supported by the platform, the following constants must
also be defined:
* **#define : SCP_BL2_IMAGE_ID**
SCP_BL2 image identifier, used by BL2 to load SCP_BL2 into secure memory
from platform storage before being transfered to the SCP.
* **#define : SCP_FW_KEY_CERT_ID**
SCP_BL2 key certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the SCP_BL2 key
certificate (mandatory when Trusted Board Boot is enabled).
* **#define : SCP_FW_CONTENT_CERT_ID**
SCP_BL2 content certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the SCP_BL2
content certificate (mandatory when Trusted Board Boot is enabled).
If a BL32 image is supported by the platform, the following constants must
also be defined:
* **#define : BL32_IMAGE_ID**
BL32 image identifier, used by BL2 to load BL32.
* **#define : TRUSTED_OS_FW_KEY_CERT_ID**
BL32 key certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the BL32 key
certificate (mandatory when Trusted Board Boot is enabled).
BL32 content certificate identifier, used by BL2 to load the BL32 content
certificate (mandatory when Trusted Board Boot is enabled).
* **#define : BL32_BASE**
Defines the base address in secure memory where BL2 loads the BL32 binary
image. Must be aligned on a page-size boundary.
* **#define : BL32_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address that the BL32 image can occupy.
If the Test Secure-EL1 Payload (TSP) instantiation of BL32 is supported by the
platform, the following constants must also be defined:
* **#define : TSP_SEC_MEM_BASE**
Defines the base address of the secure memory used by the TSP image on the
platform. This must be at the same address or below `BL32_BASE`.
* **#define : TSP_SEC_MEM_SIZE**
Defines the size of the secure memory used by the BL32 image on the
platform. `TSP_SEC_MEM_BASE` and `TSP_SEC_MEM_SIZE` must fully accomodate
the memory required by the BL32 image, defined by `BL32_BASE` and
* **#define : TSP_IRQ_SEC_PHY_TIMER**
Defines the ID of the secure physical generic timer interrupt used by the
TSP's interrupt handling code.
If the platform port uses the translation table library code, the following
constants must also be defined:
Optional flag that can be set per-image to enable the dynamic allocation of
regions even when the MMU is enabled. If not defined, only static
functionality will be available, if defined and set to 1 it will also
include the dynamic functionality.
* **#define : MAX_XLAT_TABLES**
Defines the maximum number of translation tables that are allocated by the
translation table library code. To minimize the amount of runtime memory
used, choose the smallest value needed to map the required virtual addresses
for each BL stage. If `PLAT_XLAT_TABLES_DYNAMIC` flag is enabled for a BL
image, `MAX_XLAT_TABLES` must be defined to accommodate the dynamic regions
as well.
* **#define : MAX_MMAP_REGIONS**
Defines the maximum number of regions that are allocated by the translation
table library code. A region consists of physical base address, virtual base
address, size and attributes (Device/Memory, RO/RW, Secure/Non-Secure), as
defined in the `mmap_region_t` structure. The platform defines the regions
that should be mapped. Then, the translation table library will create the
corresponding tables and descriptors at runtime. To minimize the amount of
runtime memory used, choose the smallest value needed to register the
required regions for each BL stage. If `PLAT_XLAT_TABLES_DYNAMIC` flag is
enabled for a BL image, `MAX_MMAP_REGIONS` must be defined to accommodate
the dynamic regions as well.
* **#define : ADDR_SPACE_SIZE**
Defines the total size of the address space in bytes. For example, for a 32
bit address space, this value should be `(1ull << 32)`. This definition is
now deprecated, platforms should use `PLAT_PHY_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE` and
Defines the total size of the virtual address space in bytes. For example,
for a 32 bit virtual address space, this value should be `(1ull << 32)`.
* **#define : PLAT_PHY_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE**
Defines the total size of the physical address space in bytes. For example,
for a 32 bit physical address space, this value should be `(1ull << 32)`.
If the platform port uses the IO storage framework, the following constants
must also be defined:
* **#define : MAX_IO_DEVICES**
Defines the maximum number of registered IO devices. Attempting to register
more devices than this value using `io_register_device()` will fail with
* **#define : MAX_IO_HANDLES**
Defines the maximum number of open IO handles. Attempting to open more IO
entities than this value using `io_open()` will fail with -ENOMEM.
* **#define : MAX_IO_BLOCK_DEVICES**
Defines the maximum number of registered IO block devices. Attempting to
register more devices this value using `io_dev_open()` will fail
with -ENOMEM. MAX_IO_BLOCK_DEVICES should be less than MAX_IO_DEVICES.
With this macro, multiple block devices could be supported at the same
If the platform needs to allocate data within the per-cpu data framework in
BL31, it should define the following macro. Currently this is only required if
the platform decides not to use the coherent memory section by undefining the
`USE_COHERENT_MEM` build flag. In this case, the framework allocates the
required memory within the the per-cpu data to minimize wastage.
* **#define : PLAT_PCPU_DATA_SIZE**
Defines the memory (in bytes) to be reserved within the per-cpu data
structure for use by the platform layer.
The following constants are optional. They should be defined when the platform
memory layout implies some image overlaying like in ARM standard platforms.
* **#define : BL31_PROGBITS_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address in secure RAM that the BL31's progbits sections
can occupy.
* **#define : TSP_PROGBITS_LIMIT**
Defines the maximum address that the TSP's progbits sections can occupy.
If the platform port uses the PL061 GPIO driver, the following constant may
optionally be defined:
Maximum number of GPIOs required by the platform. This allows control how
much memory is allocated for PL061 GPIO controllers. The default value is
[For example, define the build flag in]:
$(eval $(call add_define,PLAT_PL061_MAX_GPIOS))
If the platform port uses the partition driver, the following constant may
optionally be defined:
Maximum number of partition entries required by the platform. This allows
control how much memory is allocated for partition entries. The default
value is 128.
[For example, define the build flag in]:
$(eval $(call add_define,PLAT_PARTITION_MAX_ENTRIES))
The following constant is optional. It should be defined to override the default
behaviour of the `assert()` function (for example, to save memory).
If `PLAT_LOG_LEVEL_ASSERT` is higher or equal than `LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE`,
`assert()` prints the name of the file, the line number and the asserted
expression. Else if it is higher than `LOG_LEVEL_INFO`, it prints the file
name and the line number. Else if it is lower than `LOG_LEVEL_INFO`, it
doesn't print anything to the console. If `PLAT_LOG_LEVEL_ASSERT` isn't
defined, it defaults to `LOG_LEVEL`.
### File : plat_macros.S [mandatory]
Each platform must ensure a file of this name is in the system include path with
the following macro defined. In the ARM development platforms, this file is
found in `plat/arm/board/<plat_name>/include/plat_macros.S`.
* **Macro : plat_crash_print_regs**
This macro allows the crash reporting routine to print relevant platform
registers in case of an unhandled exception in BL31. This aids in debugging
and this macro can be defined to be empty in case register reporting is not
For instance, GIC or interconnect registers may be helpful for
2.2 Handling Reset
BL1 by default implements the reset vector where execution starts from a cold
or warm boot. BL31 can be optionally set as a reset vector using the
`RESET_TO_BL31` make variable.
For each CPU, the reset vector code is responsible for the following tasks:
1. Distinguishing between a cold boot and a warm boot.
2. In the case of a cold boot and the CPU being a secondary CPU, ensuring that
the CPU is placed in a platform-specific state until the primary CPU
performs the necessary steps to remove it from this state.
3. In the case of a warm boot, ensuring that the CPU jumps to a platform-
specific address in the BL31 image in the same processor mode as it was
when released from reset.
The following functions need to be implemented by the platform port to enable
reset vector code to perform the above tasks.
### Function : plat_get_my_entrypoint() [mandatory when PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS == 0]
Argument : void
Return : uintptr_t
This function is called with the MMU and caches disabled
(`SCTLR_EL3.M` = 0 and `SCTLR_EL3.C` = 0). The function is responsible for
distinguishing between a warm and cold reset for the current CPU using
platform-specific means. If it's a warm reset, then it returns the warm
reset entrypoint point provided to `plat_setup_psci_ops()` during
BL31 initialization. If it's a cold reset then this function must return zero.
This function does not follow the Procedure Call Standard used by the
Application Binary Interface for the ARM 64-bit architecture. The caller should
not assume that callee saved registers are preserved across a call to this
This function fulfills requirement 1 and 3 listed above.
Note that for platforms that support programming the reset address, it is
expected that a CPU will start executing code directly at the right address,
both on a cold and warm reset. In this case, there is no need to identify the
type of reset nor to query the warm reset entrypoint. Therefore, implementing
this function is not required on such platforms.
### Function : plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup() [mandatory when COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU == 0]
Argument : void
This function is called with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is responsible
for placing the executing secondary CPU in a platform-specific state until the
primary CPU performs the necessary actions to bring it out of that state and
allow entry into the OS. This function must not return.
In the ARM FVP port, when using the normal boot flow, each secondary CPU powers
itself off. The primary CPU is responsible for powering up the secondary CPUs
when normal world software requires them. When booting an EL3 payload instead,
they stay powered on and are put in a holding pen until their mailbox gets
This function fulfills requirement 2 above.
Note that for platforms that can't release secondary CPUs out of reset, only the
primary CPU will execute the cold boot code. Therefore, implementing this
function is not required on such platforms.
### Function : plat_is_my_cpu_primary() [mandatory when COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU == 0]
Argument : void
Return : unsigned int
This function identifies whether the current CPU is the primary CPU or a
secondary CPU. A return value of zero indicates that the CPU is not the
primary CPU, while a non-zero return value indicates that the CPU is the
primary CPU.
Note that for platforms that can't release secondary CPUs out of reset, only the
primary CPU will execute the cold boot code. Therefore, there is no need to
distinguish between primary and secondary CPUs and implementing this function is
not required.
### Function : platform_mem_init() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function is called before any access to data is made by the firmware, in
order to carry out any essential memory initialization.
### Function: plat_get_rotpk_info()
Argument : void *, void **, unsigned int *, unsigned int *
Return : int
This function is mandatory when Trusted Board Boot is enabled. It returns a
pointer to the ROTPK stored in the platform (or a hash of it) and its length.
The ROTPK must be encoded in DER format according to the following ASN.1
AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
parameters ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL
SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
subjectPublicKey BIT STRING
In case the function returns a hash of the key:
DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
The function returns 0 on success. Any other value is treated as error by the
Trusted Board Boot. The function also reports extra information related
to the ROTPK in the flags parameter:
ROTPK_IS_HASH : Indicates that the ROTPK returned by the platform is a
ROTPK_NOT_DEPLOYED : This allows the platform to skip certificate ROTPK
verification while the platform ROTPK is not deployed.
When this flag is set, the function does not need to
return a platform ROTPK, and the authentication
framework uses the ROTPK in the certificate without
verifying it against the platform value. This flag
must not be used in a deployed production environment.
### Function: plat_get_nv_ctr()
Argument : void *, unsigned int *
Return : int
This function is mandatory when Trusted Board Boot is enabled. It returns the
non-volatile counter value stored in the platform in the second argument. The
cookie in the first argument may be used to select the counter in case the
platform provides more than one (for example, on platforms that use the default
TBBR CoT, the cookie will correspond to the OID values defined in
The function returns 0 on success. Any other value means the counter value could
not be retrieved from the platform.
### Function: plat_set_nv_ctr()
Argument : void *, unsigned int
Return : int
This function is mandatory when Trusted Board Boot is enabled. It sets a new
counter value in the platform. The cookie in the first argument may be used to
select the counter (as explained in plat_get_nv_ctr()). The second argument is
the updated counter value to be written to the NV counter.
The function returns 0 on success. Any other value means the counter value could
not be updated.
### Function: plat_set_nv_ctr2()
Argument : void *, const auth_img_desc_t *, unsigned int
Return : int
This function is optional when Trusted Board Boot is enabled. If this
interface is defined, then `plat_set_nv_ctr()` need not be defined. The
first argument passed is a cookie and is typically used to
differentiate between a Non Trusted NV Counter and a Trusted NV
Counter. The second argument is a pointer to an authentication image
descriptor and may be used to decide if the counter is allowed to be
updated or not. The third argument is the updated counter value to
be written to the NV counter.
The function returns 0 on success. Any other value means the counter value
either could not be updated or the authentication image descriptor indicates
that it is not allowed to be updated.
2.3 Common mandatory function modifications
The following functions are mandatory functions which need to be implemented
by the platform port.
### Function : plat_my_core_pos()
Argument : void
Return : unsigned int
This funtion returns the index of the calling CPU which is used as a
CPU-specific linear index into blocks of memory (for example while allocating
per-CPU stacks). This function will be invoked very early in the
initialization sequence which mandates that this function should be
implemented in assembly and should not rely on the avalability of a C
runtime environment. This function can clobber x0 - x8 and must preserve
x9 - x29.
This function plays a crucial role in the power domain topology framework in
PSCI and details of this can be found in [Power Domain Topology Design].
### Function : plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()
Argument : u_register_t
Return : int
This function validates the `MPIDR` of a CPU and converts it to an index,
which can be used as a CPU-specific linear index into blocks of memory. In
case the `MPIDR` is invalid, this function returns -1. This function will only
be invoked by BL31 after the power domain topology is initialized and can
utilize the C runtime environment. For further details about how ARM Trusted
Firmware represents the power domain topology and how this relates to the
linear CPU index, please refer [Power Domain Topology Design].
2.4 Common optional modifications
The following are helper functions implemented by the firmware that perform
common platform-specific tasks. A platform may choose to override these
### Function : plat_set_my_stack()
Argument : void
Return : void
This function sets the current stack pointer to the normal memory stack that
has been allocated for the current CPU. For BL images that only require a
stack for the primary CPU, the UP version of the function is used. The size
of the stack allocated to each CPU is specified by the platform defined
Common implementations of this function for the UP and MP BL images are
provided in [plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S] and
### Function : plat_get_my_stack()
Argument : void
Return : uintptr_t
This function returns the base address of the normal memory stack that
has been allocated for the current CPU. For BL images that only require a
stack for the primary CPU, the UP version of the function is used. The size
of the stack allocated to each CPU is specified by the platform defined
Common implementations of this function for the UP and MP BL images are
provided in [plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S] and
### Function : plat_report_exception()
Argument : unsigned int
Return : void
A platform may need to report various information about its status when an
exception is taken, for example the current exception level, the CPU security
state (secure/non-secure), the exception type, and so on. This function is
called in the following circumstances:
* In BL1, whenever an exception is taken.
* In BL2, whenever an exception is taken.
The default implementation doesn't do anything, to avoid making assumptions
about the way the platform displays its status information.
For AArch64, this function receives the exception type as its argument.
Possible values for exceptions types are listed in the
[include/common/bl_common.h] header file. Note that these constants are not
related to any architectural exception code; they are just an ARM Trusted
Firmware convention.
For AArch32, this function receives the exception mode as its argument.
Possible values for exception modes are listed in the
[include/lib/aarch32/arch.h] header file.
### Function : plat_reset_handler()
Argument : void
Return : void
A platform may need to do additional initialization after reset. This function
allows the platform to do the platform specific intializations. Platform
specific errata workarounds could also be implemented here. The api should
preserve the values of callee saved registers x19 to x29.
The default implementation doesn't do anything. If a platform needs to override
the default implementation, refer to the [Firmware Design] for general
### Function : plat_disable_acp()
Argument : void
Return : void
This api allows a platform to disable the Accelerator Coherency Port (if
present) during a cluster power down sequence. The default weak implementation
doesn't do anything. Since this api is called during the power down sequence,
it has restrictions for stack usage and it can use the registers x0 - x17 as
scratch registers. It should preserve the value in x18 register as it is used
by the caller to store the return address.
### Function : plat_error_handler()
Argument : int
Return : void
This API is called when the generic code encounters an error situation from
which it cannot continue. It allows the platform to perform error reporting or
recovery actions (for example, reset the system). This function must not return.
The parameter indicates the type of error using standard codes from `errno.h`.
Possible errors reported by the generic code are:
* `-EAUTH`: a certificate or image could not be authenticated (when Trusted
Board Boot is enabled)
* `-ENOENT`: the requested image or certificate could not be found or an IO
error was detected
* `-ENOMEM`: resources exhausted. Trusted Firmware does not use dynamic
memory, so this error is usually an indication of an incorrect array size
The default implementation simply spins.
### Function : plat_panic_handler()
Argument : void
Return : void
This API is called when the generic code encounters an unexpected error
situation from which it cannot recover. This function must not return,
and must be implemented in assembly because it may be called before the C
environment is initialized.
Note: The address from where it was called is stored in x30 (Link Register).
The default implementation simply spins.
### Function : plat_get_bl_image_load_info()
Argument : void
Return : bl_load_info_t *
This function returns pointer to the list of images that the platform has
populated to load. This function is currently invoked in BL2 to load the
BL3xx images, when LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is enabled.
### Function : plat_get_next_bl_params()
Argument : void
Return : bl_params_t *
This function returns a pointer to the shared memory that the platform has
kept aside to pass trusted firmware related information that next BL image
needs. This function is currently invoked in BL2 to pass this information to
the next BL image, when LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is enabled.
### Function : plat_get_stack_protector_canary()
Argument : void
Return : u_register_t
This function returns a random value that is used to initialize the canary used
when the stack protector is enabled with ENABLE_STACK_PROTECTOR. A predictable
value will weaken the protection as the attacker could easily write the right
value as part of the attack most of the time. Therefore, it should return a
true random number.
Note: For the protection to be effective, the global data need to be placed at
a lower address than the stack bases. Failure to do so would allow an attacker
to overwrite the canary as part of the stack buffer overflow attack.
### Function : plat_flush_next_bl_params()
Argument : void
Return : void
This function flushes to main memory all the image params that are passed to
next image. This function is currently invoked in BL2 to flush this information
to the next BL image, when LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is enabled.
3. Modifications specific to a Boot Loader stage
3.1 Boot Loader Stage 1 (BL1)
BL1 implements the reset vector where execution starts from after a cold or
warm boot. For each CPU, BL1 is responsible for the following tasks:
1. Handling the reset as described in section 2.2
2. In the case of a cold boot and the CPU being the primary CPU, ensuring that
only this CPU executes the remaining BL1 code, including loading and passing
control to the BL2 stage.
3. Identifying and starting the Firmware Update process (if required).
4. Loading the BL2 image from non-volatile storage into secure memory at the
address specified by the platform defined constant `BL2_BASE`.
5. Populating a `meminfo` structure with the following information in memory,
accessible by BL2 immediately upon entry.
meminfo.total_base = Base address of secure RAM visible to BL2
meminfo.total_size = Size of secure RAM visible to BL2
meminfo.free_base = Base address of secure RAM available for
allocation to BL2
meminfo.free_size = Size of secure RAM available for allocation to BL2
BL1 places this `meminfo` structure at the beginning of the free memory
available for its use. Since BL1 cannot allocate memory dynamically at the
moment, its free memory will be available for BL2's use as-is. However, this
means that BL2 must read the `meminfo` structure before it starts using its
free memory (this is discussed in Section 3.2).
In future releases of the ARM Trusted Firmware it will be possible for
the platform to decide where it wants to place the `meminfo` structure for
BL1 implements the `bl1_init_bl2_mem_layout()` function to populate the
BL2 `meminfo` structure. The platform may override this implementation, for
example if the platform wants to restrict the amount of memory visible to
BL2. Details of how to do this are given below.
The following functions need to be implemented by the platform port to enable
BL1 to perform the above tasks.
### Function : bl1_early_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is only called
by the primary CPU.
On ARM standard platforms, this function:
* Enables a secure instance of SP805 to act as the Trusted Watchdog.
* Initializes a UART (PL011 console), which enables access to the `printf`
family of functions in BL1.
* Enables issuing of snoop and DVM (Distributed Virtual Memory) requests to
the CCI slave interface corresponding to the cluster that includes the
primary CPU.
### Function : bl1_plat_arch_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function performs any platform-specific and architectural setup that the
platform requires. Platform-specific setup might include configuration of
memory controllers and the interconnect.
In ARM standard platforms, this function enables the MMU.
This function helps fulfill requirement 2 above.
### Function : bl1_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches enabled. It is responsible
for performing any remaining platform-specific setup that can occur after the
MMU and data cache have been enabled.
In ARM standard platforms, this function initializes the storage abstraction
layer used to load the next bootloader image.
This function helps fulfill requirement 4 above.
### Function : bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : meminfo *
This function should only be called on the cold boot path. It executes with the
MMU and data caches enabled. The pointer returned by this function must point to
a `meminfo` structure containing the extents and availability of secure RAM for
the BL1 stage.
meminfo.total_base = Base address of secure RAM visible to BL1
meminfo.total_size = Size of secure RAM visible to BL1
meminfo.free_base = Base address of secure RAM available for allocation
to BL1
meminfo.free_size = Size of secure RAM available for allocation to BL1
This information is used by BL1 to load the BL2 image in secure RAM. BL1 also
populates a similar structure to tell BL2 the extents of memory available for
its own use.
This function helps fulfill requirements 4 and 5 above.
### Function : bl1_init_bl2_mem_layout() [optional]
Argument : meminfo *, meminfo *
Return : void
BL1 needs to tell the next stage the amount of secure RAM available
for it to use. This information is populated in a `meminfo`
Depending upon where BL2 has been loaded in secure RAM (determined by
`BL2_BASE`), BL1 calculates the amount of free memory available for BL2 to use.
BL1 also ensures that its data sections resident in secure RAM are not visible
to BL2. An illustration of how this is done in ARM standard platforms is given
in the **Memory layout on ARM development platforms** section in the
[Firmware Design].
### Function : bl1_plat_prepare_exit() [optional]
Argument : entry_point_info_t *
Return : void
This function is called prior to exiting BL1 in response to the
`BL1_SMC_RUN_IMAGE` SMC request raised by BL2. It should be used to perform
platform specific clean up or bookkeeping operations before transferring
control to the next image. It receives the address of the `entry_point_info_t`
structure passed from BL2. This function runs with MMU disabled.
### Function : bl1_plat_set_ep_info() [optional]
Argument : unsigned int image_id, entry_point_info_t *ep_info
Return : void
This function allows platforms to override `ep_info` for the given `image_id`.
The default implementation just returns.
### Function : bl1_plat_get_next_image_id() [optional]
Argument : void
Return : unsigned int
This and the following function must be overridden to enable the FWU feature.
BL1 calls this function after platform setup to identify the next image to be
loaded and executed. If the platform returns `BL2_IMAGE_ID` then BL1 proceeds
with the normal boot sequence, which loads and executes BL2. If the platform
returns a different image id, BL1 assumes that Firmware Update is required.
The default implementation always returns `BL2_IMAGE_ID`. The ARM development
platforms override this function to detect if firmware update is required, and
if so, return the first image in the firmware update process.
### Function : bl1_plat_get_image_desc() [optional]
Argument : unsigned int image_id
Return : image_desc_t *
BL1 calls this function to get the image descriptor information `image_desc_t`
for the provided `image_id` from the platform.
The default implementation always returns a common BL2 image descriptor. ARM
standard platforms return an image descriptor corresponding to BL2 or one of
the firmware update images defined in the Trusted Board Boot Requirements
### Function : bl1_plat_fwu_done() [optional]
Argument : unsigned int image_id, uintptr_t image_src,
unsigned int image_size
Return : void
BL1 calls this function when the FWU process is complete. It must not return.
The platform may override this function to take platform specific action, for
example to initiate the normal boot flow.
The default implementation spins forever.
### Function : bl1_plat_mem_check() [mandatory]
Argument : uintptr_t mem_base, unsigned int mem_size,
unsigned int flags
Return : int
BL1 calls this function while handling FWU related SMCs, more specifically when
copying or authenticating an image. Its responsibility is to ensure that the
region of memory identified by `mem_base` and `mem_size` is mapped in BL1, and
that this memory corresponds to either a secure or non-secure memory region as
indicated by the security state of the `flags` argument.
This function can safely assume that the value resulting from the addition of
`mem_base` and `mem_size` fits into a `uintptr_t` type variable and does not
This function must return 0 on success, a non-null error code otherwise.
The default implementation of this function asserts therefore platforms must
override it when using the FWU feature.
3.2 Boot Loader Stage 2 (BL2)
The BL2 stage is executed only by the primary CPU, which is determined in BL1
using the `platform_is_primary_cpu()` function. BL1 passed control to BL2 at
`BL2_BASE`. BL2 executes in Secure EL1 and is responsible for:
1. (Optional) Loading the SCP_BL2 binary image (if present) from platform
provided non-volatile storage. To load the SCP_BL2 image, BL2 makes use of
the `meminfo` returned by the `bl2_plat_get_scp_bl2_meminfo()` function.
The platform also defines the address in memory where SCP_BL2 is loaded
through the optional constant `SCP_BL2_BASE`. BL2 uses this information
to determine if there is enough memory to load the SCP_BL2 image.
Subsequent handling of the SCP_BL2 image is platform-specific and is
implemented in the `bl2_plat_handle_scp_bl2()` function.
If `SCP_BL2_BASE` is not defined then this step is not performed.
2. Loading the BL31 binary image into secure RAM from non-volatile storage. To
load the BL31 image, BL2 makes use of the `meminfo` structure passed to it
by BL1. This structure allows BL2 to calculate how much secure RAM is
available for its use. The platform also defines the address in secure RAM
where BL31 is loaded through the constant `BL31_BASE`. BL2 uses this
information to determine if there is enough memory to load the BL31 image.
3. (Optional) Loading the BL32 binary image (if present) from platform
provided non-volatile storage. To load the BL32 image, BL2 makes use of
the `meminfo` returned by the `bl2_plat_get_bl32_meminfo()` function.
The platform also defines the address in memory where BL32 is loaded
through the optional constant `BL32_BASE`. BL2 uses this information
to determine if there is enough memory to load the BL32 image.
If `BL32_BASE` is not defined then this and the next step is not performed.
4. (Optional) Arranging to pass control to the BL32 image (if present) that
has been pre-loaded at `BL32_BASE`. BL2 populates an `entry_point_info`
structure in memory provided by the platform with information about how
BL31 should pass control to the BL32 image.
5. (Optional) Loading the normal world BL33 binary image (if not loaded by
other means) into non-secure DRAM from platform storage and arranging for
BL31 to pass control to this image. This address is determined using the
`plat_get_ns_image_entrypoint()` function described below.
6. BL2 populates an `entry_point_info` structure in memory provided by the
platform with information about how BL31 should pass control to the
other BL images.
The following functions must be implemented by the platform port to enable BL2
to perform the above tasks.
### Function : bl2_early_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : meminfo *
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is only called
by the primary CPU. The arguments to this function is the address of the
`meminfo` structure populated by BL1.
The platform may copy the contents of the `meminfo` structure into a private
variable as the original memory may be subsequently overwritten by BL2. The
copied structure is made available to all BL2 code through the
`bl2_plat_sec_mem_layout()` function.
On ARM standard platforms, this function also:
* Initializes a UART (PL011 console), which enables access to the `printf`
family of functions in BL2.
* Initializes the storage abstraction layer used to load further bootloader
images. It is necessary to do this early on platforms with a SCP_BL2 image,
since the later `bl2_platform_setup` must be done after SCP_BL2 is loaded.
### Function : bl2_plat_arch_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is only called
by the primary CPU.
The purpose of this function is to perform any architectural initialization
that varies across platforms.
On ARM standard platforms, this function enables the MMU.
### Function : bl2_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initialization in `bl2_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only
called by the primary CPU.
The purpose of this function is to perform any platform initialization
specific to BL2.
In ARM standard platforms, this function performs security setup, including
configuration of the TrustZone controller to allow non-secure masters access
to most of DRAM. Part of DRAM is reserved for secure world use.
### Function : bl2_plat_sec_mem_layout() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : meminfo *
This function should only be called on the cold boot path. It may execute with
the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform port does the necessary
initialization in `bl2_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only called by the primary CPU.
The purpose of this function is to return a pointer to a `meminfo` structure
populated with the extents of secure RAM available for BL2 to use. See
`bl2_early_platform_setup()` above.
Following function is required only when LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is enabled.
### Function : bl2_plat_handle_post_image_load() [mandatory]
Argument : unsigned int
Return : int
This function can be used by the platforms to update/use image information
for given `image_id`. This function is currently invoked in BL2 to handle
BL image specific information based on the `image_id` passed, when
LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is enabled.
Following functions are required only when LOAD_IMAGE_V2 is disabled.
### Function : bl2_plat_get_scp_bl2_meminfo() [mandatory]
Argument : meminfo *
Return : void
This function is used to get the memory limits where BL2 can load the
SCP_BL2 image. The meminfo provided by this is used by load_image() to
validate whether the SCP_BL2 image can be loaded within the given
memory from the given base.
### Function : bl2_plat_handle_scp_bl2() [mandatory]
Argument : image_info *
Return : int
This function is called after loading SCP_BL2 image and it is used to perform
any platform-specific actions required to handle the SCP firmware. Typically it
transfers the image into SCP memory using a platform-specific protocol and waits
until SCP executes it and signals to the Application Processor (AP) for BL2
execution to continue.
This function returns 0 on success, a negative error code otherwise.
### Function : bl2_plat_get_bl31_params() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : bl31_params *
BL2 platform code needs to return a pointer to a `bl31_params` structure it
will use for passing information to BL31. The `bl31_params` structure carries
the following information.
- Header describing the version information for interpreting the bl31_param
- Information about executing the BL33 image in the `bl33_ep_info` field
- Information about executing the BL32 image in the `bl32_ep_info` field
- Information about the type and extents of BL31 image in the
`bl31_image_info` field
- Information about the type and extents of BL32 image in the
`bl32_image_info` field
- Information about the type and extents of BL33 image in the
`bl33_image_info` field
The memory pointed by this structure and its sub-structures should be
accessible from BL31 initialisation code. BL31 might choose to copy the
necessary content, or maintain the structures until BL33 is initialised.
### Funtion : bl2_plat_get_bl31_ep_info() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : entry_point_info *
BL2 platform code returns a pointer which is used to populate the entry point
information for BL31 entry point. The location pointed by it should be
accessible from BL1 while processing the synchronous exception to run to BL31.
In ARM standard platforms this is allocated inside a bl2_to_bl31_params_mem
structure in BL2 memory.
### Function : bl2_plat_set_bl31_ep_info() [mandatory]
Argument : image_info *, entry_point_info *
Return : void
In the normal boot flow, this function is called after loading BL31 image and
it can be used to overwrite the entry point set by loader and also set the
security state and SPSR which represents the entry point system state for BL31.
When booting an EL3 payload instead, this function is called after populating
its entry point address and can be used for the same purpose for the payload
image. It receives a null pointer as its first argument in this case.
### Function : bl2_plat_set_bl32_ep_info() [mandatory]
Argument : image_info *, entry_point_info *
Return : void
This function is called after loading BL32 image and it can be used to
overwrite the entry point set by loader and also set the security state
and SPSR which represents the entry point system state for BL32.
### Function : bl2_plat_set_bl33_ep_info() [mandatory]
Argument : image_info *, entry_point_info *
Return : void
This function is called after loading BL33 image and it can be used to
overwrite the entry point set by loader and also set the security state
and SPSR which represents the entry point system state for BL33.
In the preloaded BL33 alternative boot flow, this function is called after
populating its entry point address. It is passed a null pointer as its first
argument in this case.
### Function : bl2_plat_get_bl32_meminfo() [mandatory]
Argument : meminfo *
Return : void
This function is used to get the memory limits where BL2 can load the
BL32 image. The meminfo provided by this is used by load_image() to
validate whether the BL32 image can be loaded with in the given
memory from the given base.
### Function : bl2_plat_get_bl33_meminfo() [mandatory]
Argument : meminfo *
Return : void
This function is used to get the memory limits where BL2 can load the
BL33 image. The meminfo provided by this is used by load_image() to
validate whether the BL33 image can be loaded with in the given
memory from the given base.
This function isn't needed if either `PRELOADED_BL33_BASE` or `EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE`
build options are used.
### Function : bl2_plat_flush_bl31_params() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
Once BL2 has populated all the structures that needs to be read by BL1
and BL31 including the bl31_params structures and its sub-structures,
the bl31_ep_info structure and any platform specific data. It flushes
all these data to the main memory so that it is available when we jump to
later Bootloader stages with MMU off
### Function : plat_get_ns_image_entrypoint() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : uintptr_t
As previously described, BL2 is responsible for arranging for control to be
passed to a normal world BL image through BL31. This function returns the
entrypoint of that image, which BL31 uses to jump to it.
BL2 is responsible for loading the normal world BL33 image (e.g. UEFI).
This function isn't needed if either `PRELOADED_BL33_BASE` or `EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE`
build options are used.
3.3 FWU Boot Loader Stage 2 (BL2U)
The AP Firmware Updater Configuration, BL2U, is an optional part of the FWU
process and is executed only by the primary CPU. BL1 passes control to BL2U at
`BL2U_BASE`. BL2U executes in Secure-EL1 and is responsible for:
1. (Optional) Transfering the optional SCP_BL2U binary image from AP secure
memory to SCP RAM. BL2U uses the SCP_BL2U `image_info` passed by BL1.
`SCP_BL2U_BASE` defines the address in AP secure memory where SCP_BL2U
should be copied from. Subsequent handling of the SCP_BL2U image is
implemented by the platform specific `bl2u_plat_handle_scp_bl2u()` function.
If `SCP_BL2U_BASE` is not defined then this step is not performed.
2. Any platform specific setup required to perform the FWU process. For
example, ARM standard platforms initialize the TZC controller so that the
normal world can access DDR memory.
The following functions must be implemented by the platform port to enable
BL2U to perform the tasks mentioned above.
### Function : bl2u_early_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : meminfo *mem_info, void *plat_info
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is only
called by the primary CPU. The arguments to this function is the address
of the `meminfo` structure and platform specific info provided by BL1.
The platform may copy the contents of the `mem_info` and `plat_info` into
private storage as the original memory may be subsequently overwritten by BL2U.
On ARM CSS platforms `plat_info` is interpreted as an `image_info_t` structure,
to extract SCP_BL2U image information, which is then copied into a private
### Function : bl2u_plat_arch_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is only
called by the primary CPU.
The purpose of this function is to perform any architectural initialization
that varies across platforms, for example enabling the MMU (since the memory
map differs across platforms).
### Function : bl2u_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initialization in `bl2u_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only
called by the primary CPU.
The purpose of this function is to perform any platform initialization
specific to BL2U.
In ARM standard platforms, this function performs security setup, including
configuration of the TrustZone controller to allow non-secure masters access
to most of DRAM. Part of DRAM is reserved for secure world use.
### Function : bl2u_plat_handle_scp_bl2u() [optional]
Argument : void
Return : int
This function is used to perform any platform-specific actions required to
handle the SCP firmware. Typically it transfers the image into SCP memory using
a platform-specific protocol and waits until SCP executes it and signals to the
Application Processor (AP) for BL2U execution to continue.
This function returns 0 on success, a negative error code otherwise.
This function is included if SCP_BL2U_BASE is defined.
3.4 Boot Loader Stage 3-1 (BL31)
During cold boot, the BL31 stage is executed only by the primary CPU. This is
determined in BL1 using the `platform_is_primary_cpu()` function. BL1 passes
control to BL31 at `BL31_BASE`. During warm boot, BL31 is executed by all
CPUs. BL31 executes at EL3 and is responsible for:
1. Re-initializing all architectural and platform state. Although BL1 performs
some of this initialization, BL31 remains resident in EL3 and must ensure
that EL3 architectural and platform state is completely initialized. It
should make no assumptions about the system state when it receives control.
2. Passing control to a normal world BL image, pre-loaded at a platform-
specific address by BL2. BL31 uses the `entry_point_info` structure that BL2
populated in memory to do this.
3. Providing runtime firmware services. Currently, BL31 only implements a
subset of the Power State Coordination Interface (PSCI) API as a runtime
service. See Section 3.3 below for details of porting the PSCI
4. Optionally passing control to the BL32 image, pre-loaded at a platform-
specific address by BL2. BL31 exports a set of apis that allow runtime
services to specify the security state in which the next image should be
executed and run the corresponding image. BL31 uses the `entry_point_info`
structure populated by BL2 to do this.
If BL31 is a reset vector, It also needs to handle the reset as specified in
section 2.2 before the tasks described above.
The following functions must be implemented by the platform port to enable BL31
to perform the above tasks.
### Function : bl31_early_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : bl31_params *, void *
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is only called
by the primary CPU. The arguments to this function are:
* The address of the `bl31_params` structure populated by BL2.
* An opaque pointer that the platform may use as needed.
The platform can copy the contents of the `bl31_params` structure and its
sub-structures into private variables if the original memory may be
subsequently overwritten by BL31 and similarly the `void *` pointing
to the platform data also needs to be saved.
In ARM standard platforms, BL2 passes a pointer to a `bl31_params` structure
in BL2 memory. BL31 copies the information in this pointer to internal data
structures. It also performs the following:
* Initialize a UART (PL011 console), which enables access to the `printf`
family of functions in BL31.
* Enable issuing of snoop and DVM (Distributed Virtual Memory) requests to the
CCI slave interface corresponding to the cluster that includes the primary
### Function : bl31_plat_arch_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function executes with the MMU and data caches disabled. It is only called
by the primary CPU.
The purpose of this function is to perform any architectural initialization
that varies across platforms.
On ARM standard platforms, this function enables the MMU.
### Function : bl31_platform_setup() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : void
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initialization in `bl31_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only
called by the primary CPU.
The purpose of this function is to complete platform initialization so that both
BL31 runtime services and normal world software can function correctly.
On ARM standard platforms, this function does the following:
* Initialize the generic interrupt controller.
Depending on the GIC driver selected by the platform, the appropriate GICv2
or GICv3 initialization will be done, which mainly consists of:
- Enable secure interrupts in the GIC CPU interface.
- Disable the legacy interrupt bypass mechanism.
- Configure the priority mask register to allow interrupts of all priorities
to be signaled to the CPU interface.
- Mark SGIs 8-15 and the other secure interrupts on the platform as secure.
- Target all secure SPIs to CPU0.
- Enable these secure interrupts in the GIC distributor.
- Configure all other interrupts as non-secure.
- Enable signaling of secure interrupts in the GIC distributor.
* Enable system-level implementation of the generic timer counter through the
memory mapped interface.
* Grant access to the system counter timer module
* Initialize the power controller device.
In particular, initialise the locks that prevent concurrent accesses to the
power controller device.
### Function : bl31_plat_runtime_setup() [optional]
Argument : void
Return : void
The purpose of this function is allow the platform to perform any BL31 runtime
setup just prior to BL31 exit during cold boot. The default weak
implementation of this function will invoke `console_uninit()` which will
suppress any BL31 runtime logs.
In ARM Standard platforms, this function will initialize the BL31 runtime
console which will cause all further BL31 logs to be output to the
runtime console.
### Function : bl31_get_next_image_info() [mandatory]
Argument : unsigned int
Return : entry_point_info *
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initializations in `bl31_plat_arch_setup()`.
This function is called by `bl31_main()` to retrieve information provided by
BL2 for the next image in the security state specified by the argument. BL31
uses this information to pass control to that image in the specified security
state. This function must return a pointer to the `entry_point_info` structure
(that was copied during `bl31_early_platform_setup()`) if the image exists. It
should return NULL otherwise.
### Function : plat_get_syscnt_freq2() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : unsigned int
This function is used by the architecture setup code to retrieve the counter
frequency for the CPU's generic timer. This value will be programmed into the
`CNTFRQ_EL0` register. In ARM standard platforms, it returns the base frequency
of the system counter, which is retrieved from the first entry in the frequency
modes table.
### #define : PLAT_PERCPU_BAKERY_LOCK_SIZE [optional]
When `USE_COHERENT_MEM = 0`, this constant defines the total memory (in
bytes) aligned to the cache line boundary that should be allocated per-cpu to
accommodate all the bakery locks.
If this constant is not defined when `USE_COHERENT_MEM = 0`, the linker
calculates the size of the `bakery_lock` input section, aligns it to the
and stores the result in a linker symbol. This constant prevents a platform
from relying on the linker and provide a more efficient mechanism for
accessing per-cpu bakery lock information.
If this constant is defined and its value is not equal to the value
calculated by the linker then a link time assertion is raised. A compile time
assertion is raised if the value of the constant is not aligned to the cache
line boundary.
3.5 Power State Coordination Interface (in BL31)
The ARM Trusted Firmware's implementation of the PSCI API is based around the
concept of a _power domain_. A _power domain_ is a CPU or a logical group of
CPUs which share some state on which power management operations can be
performed as specified by [PSCI]. Each CPU in the system is assigned a cpu
index which is a unique number between `0` and `PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT - 1`.
The _power domains_ are arranged in a hierarchical tree structure and
each _power domain_ can be identified in a system by the cpu index of any CPU
that is part of that domain and a _power domain level_. A processing element
(for example, a CPU) is at level 0. If the _power domain_ node above a CPU is
a logical grouping of CPUs that share some state, then level 1 is that group
of CPUs (for example, a cluster), and level 2 is a group of clusters
(for example, the system). More details on the power domain topology and its
organization can be found in [Power Domain Topology Design].
BL31's platform initialization code exports a pointer to the platform-specific
power management operations required for the PSCI implementation to function
correctly. This information is populated in the `plat_psci_ops` structure. The
PSCI implementation calls members of the `plat_psci_ops` structure for performing
power management operations on the power domains. For example, the target
CPU is specified by its `MPIDR` in a PSCI `CPU_ON` call. The `pwr_domain_on()`
handler (if present) is called for the CPU power domain.
The `power-state` parameter of a PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` call can be used to
describe composite power states specific to a platform. The PSCI implementation
defines a generic representation of the power-state parameter viz which is an
array of local power states where each index corresponds to a power domain
level. Each entry contains the local power state the power domain at that power
level could enter. It depends on the `validate_power_state()` handler to
convert the power-state parameter (possibly encoding a composite power state)
passed in a PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` call to this representation.
The following functions form part of platform port of PSCI functionality.
### Function : plat_psci_stat_accounting_start() [optional]
Argument : const psci_power_state_t *
Return : void
This is an optional hook that platforms can implement for residency statistics
accounting before entering a low power state. The `pwr_domain_state` field of
`state_info` (first argument) can be inspected if stat accounting is done
differently at CPU level versus higher levels. As an example, if the element at
index 0 (CPU power level) in the `pwr_domain_state` array indicates a power down
state, special hardware logic may be programmed in order to keep track of the
residency statistics. For higher levels (array indices > 0), the residency
statistics could be tracked in software using PMF. If `ENABLE_PMF` is set, the
default implementation will use PMF to capture timestamps.
### Function : plat_psci_stat_accounting_stop() [optional]
Argument : const psci_power_state_t *
Return : void
This is an optional hook that platforms can implement for residency statistics
accounting after exiting from a low power state. The `pwr_domain_state` field
of `state_info` (first argument) can be inspected if stat accounting is done
differently at CPU level versus higher levels. As an example, if the element at
index 0 (CPU power level) in the `pwr_domain_state` array indicates a power down
state, special hardware logic may be programmed in order to keep track of the
residency statistics. For higher levels (array indices > 0), the residency
statistics could be tracked in software using PMF. If `ENABLE_PMF` is set, the
default implementation will use PMF to capture timestamps.
### Function : plat_psci_stat_get_residency() [optional]
Argument : unsigned int, const psci_power_state_t *, int
Return : u_register_t
This is an optional interface that is is invoked after resuming from a low power
state and provides the time spent resident in that low power state by the power
domain at a particular power domain level. When a CPU wakes up from suspend,
all its parent power domain levels are also woken up. The generic PSCI code
invokes this function for each parent power domain that is resumed and it
identified by the `lvl` (first argument) parameter. The `state_info` (second
argument) describes the low power state that the power domain has resumed from.
The current CPU is the first CPU in the power domain to resume from the low
power state and the `last_cpu_idx` (third parameter) is the index of the last
CPU in the power domain to suspend and may be needed to calculate the residency
for that power domain.
### Function : plat_get_target_pwr_state() [optional]
Argument : unsigned int, const plat_local_state_t *, unsigned int
Return : plat_local_state_t
The PSCI generic code uses this function to let the platform participate in
state coordination during a power management operation. The function is passed
a pointer to an array of platform specific local power state `states` (second
argument) which contains the requested power state for each CPU at a particular
power domain level `lvl` (first argument) within the power domain. The function
is expected to traverse this array of upto `ncpus` (third argument) and return
a coordinated target power state by the comparing all the requested power
states. The target power state should not be deeper than any of the requested
power states.
A weak definition of this API is provided by default wherein it assumes
that the platform assigns a local state value in order of increasing depth
of the power state i.e. for two power states X & Y, if X < Y
then X represents a shallower power state than Y. As a result, the
coordinated target local power state for a power domain will be the minimum
of the requested local power state values.
### Function : plat_get_power_domain_tree_desc() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : const unsigned char *
This function returns a pointer to the byte array containing the power domain
topology tree description. The format and method to construct this array are
described in [Power Domain Topology Design]. The BL31 PSCI initilization code
requires this array to be described by the platform, either statically or
dynamically, to initialize the power domain topology tree. In case the array
is populated dynamically, then plat_core_pos_by_mpidr() and
plat_my_core_pos() should also be implemented suitably so that the topology
tree description matches the CPU indices returned by these APIs. These APIs
together form the platform interface for the PSCI topology framework.
## Function : plat_setup_psci_ops() [mandatory]
Argument : uintptr_t, const plat_psci_ops **
Return : int
This function may execute with the MMU and data caches enabled if the platform
port does the necessary initializations in `bl31_plat_arch_setup()`. It is only
called by the primary CPU.
This function is called by PSCI initialization code. Its purpose is to let
the platform layer know about the warm boot entrypoint through the
`sec_entrypoint` (first argument) and to export handler routines for
platform-specific psci power management actions by populating the passed
pointer with a pointer to BL31's private `plat_psci_ops` structure.
A description of each member of this structure is given below. Please refer to
the ARM FVP specific implementation of these handlers in
[plat/arm/board/fvp/fvp_pm.c] as an example. For each PSCI function that the
platform wants to support, the associated operation or operations in this
structure must be provided and implemented (Refer section 4 of
[Firmware Design] for the PSCI API supported in Trusted Firmware). To disable
a PSCI function in a platform port, the operation should be removed from this
structure instead of providing an empty implementation.
#### plat_psci_ops.cpu_standby()
Perform the platform-specific actions to enter the standby state for a cpu
indicated by the passed argument. This provides a fast path for CPU standby
wherein overheads of PSCI state management and lock acquistion is avoided.
For this handler to be invoked by the PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND` API implementation,
the suspend state type specified in the `power-state` parameter should be
STANDBY and the target power domain level specified should be the CPU. The
handler should put the CPU into a low power retention state (usually by
issuing a wfi instruction) and ensure that it can be woken up from that
state by a normal interrupt. The generic code expects the handler to succeed.
#### plat_psci_ops.pwr_domain_on()
Perform the platform specific actions to power on a CPU, specified
by the `MPIDR` (first argument). The generic code expects the platform to
return PSCI_E_SUCCESS on success or PSCI_E_INTERN_FAIL for any failure.
#### plat_psci_ops.pwr_domain_off()
Perform the platform specific actions to prepare to power off the calling CPU
and its higher parent power domain levels as indicated by the `target_state`
(first argument). It is called by the PSCI `CPU_OFF` API implementation.
The `target_state` encodes the platform coordinated target local power states
for the CPU power domain and its parent power domain levels. The handler
needs to perform power management operation corresponding to the local state
at each power level.
For this handler, the local power state for the CPU power domain will be a
power down state where as it could be either power down, retention or run state
for the higher power domain levels depending on the result of state
coordination. The generic code expects the handler to succeed.
#### plat_psci_ops.pwr_domain_suspend()
Perform the platform specific actions to prepare to suspend the calling
CPU and its higher parent power domain levels as indicated by the
`target_state` (first argument). It is called by the PSCI `CPU_SUSPEND`
API implementation.
The `target_state` has a similar meaning as described in
the `pwr_domain_off()` operation. It encodes the platform coordinated
target local power states for the CPU power domain and its parent
power domain levels. The handler needs to perform power management operation
corresponding to the local state at each power level. The generic code
expects the handler to succeed.
The difference between turning a power domain off versus suspending it
is that in the former case, the power domain is expected to re-initialize
its state when it is next powered on (see `pwr_domain_on_finish()`). In the
latter case, the power domain is expected to save enough state so that it can
resume execution by restoring this state when its powered on (see
#### plat_psci_ops.pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi()
This is an optional function and, if implemented, is expected to perform
platform specific actions including the `wfi` invocation which allows the
CPU to powerdown. Since this function is invoked outside the PSCI locks,
the actions performed in this hook must be local to the CPU or the platform
must ensure that races between multiple CPUs cannot occur.
The `target_state` has a similar meaning as described in the `pwr_domain_off()`
operation and it encodes the platform coordinated target local power states for
the CPU power domain and its parent power domain levels. This function must
not return back to the caller.
If this function is not implemented by the platform, PSCI generic
implementation invokes `psci_power_down_wfi()` for power down.
#### plat_psci_ops.pwr_domain_on_finish()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation after the calling CPU is
powered on and released from reset in response to an earlier PSCI `CPU_ON` call.
It performs the platform-specific setup required to initialize enough state for
this CPU to enter the normal world and also provide secure runtime firmware
The `target_state` (first argument) is the prior state of the power domains
immediately before the CPU was turned on. It indicates which power domains
above the CPU might require initialization due to having previously been in
low power states. The generic code expects the handler to succeed.
#### plat_psci_ops.pwr_domain_suspend_finish()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation after the calling CPU is
powered on and released from reset in response to an asynchronous wakeup
event, for example a timer interrupt that was programmed by the CPU during the
`CPU_SUSPEND` call or `SYSTEM_SUSPEND` call. It performs the platform-specific
setup required to restore the saved state for this CPU to resume execution
in the normal world and also provide secure runtime firmware services.
The `target_state` (first argument) has a similar meaning as described in
the `pwr_domain_on_finish()` operation. The generic code expects the platform
to succeed.
#### plat_psci_ops.system_off()
This function is called by PSCI implementation in response to a `SYSTEM_OFF`
call. It performs the platform-specific system poweroff sequence after
notifying the Secure Payload Dispatcher.
#### plat_psci_ops.system_reset()
This function is called by PSCI implementation in response to a `SYSTEM_RESET`
call. It performs the platform-specific system reset sequence after
notifying the Secure Payload Dispatcher.
#### plat_psci_ops.validate_power_state()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation during the `CPU_SUSPEND`
call to validate the `power_state` parameter of the PSCI API and if valid,
populate it in `req_state` (second argument) array as power domain level
specific local states. If the `power_state` is invalid, the platform must
return PSCI_E_INVALID_PARAMS as error, which is propagated back to the
normal world PSCI client.
#### plat_psci_ops.validate_ns_entrypoint()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation during the `CPU_SUSPEND`,
`SYSTEM_SUSPEND` and `CPU_ON` calls to validate the non-secure `entry_point`
parameter passed by the normal world. If the `entry_point` is invalid,
the platform must return PSCI_E_INVALID_ADDRESS as error, which is
propagated back to the normal world PSCI client.
#### plat_psci_ops.get_sys_suspend_power_state()
This function is called by the PSCI implementation during the `SYSTEM_SUSPEND`
call to get the `req_state` parameter from platform which encodes the power
domain level specific local states to suspend to system affinity level. The
`req_state` will be utilized to do the PSCI state coordination and
`pwr_domain_suspend()` will be invoked with the coordinated target state to
enter system suspend.
#### plat_psci_ops.get_pwr_lvl_state_idx()
This is an optional function and, if implemented, is invoked by the PSCI
implementation to convert the `local_state` (first argument) at a specified
`pwr_lvl` (second argument) to an index between 0 and
`PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL_STATES` - 1. This function is only needed if the platform
supports more than two local power states at each power domain level, that is
`PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL_STATES` is greater than 2, and needs to account for these
local power states.
#### plat_psci_ops.translate_power_state_by_mpidr()
This is an optional function and, if implemented, verifies the `power_state`
(second argument) parameter of the PSCI API corresponding to a target power
domain. The target power domain is identified by using both `MPIDR` (first
argument) and the power domain level encoded in `power_state`. The power domain
level specific local states are to be extracted from `power_state` and be
populated in the `output_state` (third argument) array. The functionality
is similar to the `validate_power_state` function described above and is
envisaged to be used in case the validity of `power_state` depend on the
targeted power domain. If the `power_state` is invalid for the targeted power
domain, the platform must return PSCI_E_INVALID_PARAMS as error. If this
function is not implemented, then the generic implementation relies on
`validate_power_state` function to translate the `power_state`.
This function can also be used in case the platform wants to support local
power state encoding for `power_state` parameter of PSCI_STAT_COUNT/RESIDENCY
APIs as described in Section 5.18 of [PSCI].
#### plat_psci_ops.get_node_hw_state()
This is an optional function. If implemented this function is intended to return
the power state of a node (identified by the first parameter, the `MPIDR`) in
the power domain topology (identified by the second parameter, `power_level`),
as retrieved from a power controller or equivalent component on the platform.
Upon successful completion, the implementation must map and return the final
status among `HW_ON`, `HW_OFF` or `HW_STANDBY`. Upon encountering failures, it
must return either `PSCI_E_INVALID_PARAMS` or `PSCI_E_NOT_SUPPORTED` as
Implementations are not expected to handle `power_levels` greater than
3.6 Interrupt Management framework (in BL31)
BL31 implements an Interrupt Management Framework (IMF) to manage interrupts
generated in either security state and targeted to EL1 or EL2 in the non-secure
state or EL3/S-EL1 in the secure state. The design of this framework is
described in the [IMF Design Guide]
A platform should export the following APIs to support the IMF. The following
text briefly describes each api and its implementation in ARM standard
platforms. The API implementation depends upon the type of interrupt controller
present in the platform. ARM standard platform layer supports both [ARM Generic
Interrupt Controller version 2.0 (GICv2)][ARM GIC Architecture Specification 2.0]
and [3.0 (GICv3)][ARM GIC Architecture Specification 3.0]. Juno builds the ARM
Standard layer to use GICv2 and the FVP can be configured to use either GICv2 or
GICv3 depending on the build flag `FVP_USE_GIC_DRIVER` (See FVP platform
specific build options in [User Guide] for more details).
### Function : plat_interrupt_type_to_line() [mandatory]
Argument : uint32_t, uint32_t
Return : uint32_t
The ARM processor signals an interrupt exception either through the IRQ or FIQ
interrupt line. The specific line that is signaled depends on how the interrupt
controller (IC) reports different interrupt types from an execution context in
either security state. The IMF uses this API to determine which interrupt line
the platform IC uses to signal each type of interrupt supported by the framework
from a given security state. This API must be invoked at EL3.
The first parameter will be one of the `INTR_TYPE_*` values (see [IMF Design
Guide]) indicating the target type of the interrupt, the second parameter is the
security state of the originating execution context. The return result is the
bit position in the `SCR_EL3` register of the respective interrupt trap: IRQ=1,
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv2, S-EL1 interrupts are
configured as FIQs and Non-secure interrupts as IRQs from either security
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv3, the interrupt line to be
configured depends on the security state of the execution context when the
interrupt is signalled and are as follows:
* The S-EL1 interrupts are signaled as IRQ in S-EL0/1 context and as FIQ in
NS-EL0/1/2 context.
* The Non secure interrupts are signaled as FIQ in S-EL0/1 context and as IRQ
in the NS-EL0/1/2 context.
* The EL3 interrupts are signaled as FIQ in both S-EL0/1 and NS-EL0/1/2
### Function : plat_ic_get_pending_interrupt_type() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : uint32_t
This API returns the type of the highest priority pending interrupt at the
platform IC. The IMF uses the interrupt type to retrieve the corresponding
handler function. `INTR_TYPE_INVAL` is returned when there is no interrupt
pending. The valid interrupt types that can be returned are `INTR_TYPE_EL3`,
`INTR_TYPE_S_EL1` and `INTR_TYPE_NS`. This API must be invoked at EL3.
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv2, the _Highest Priority
Pending Interrupt Register_ (`GICC_HPPIR`) is read to determine the id of
the pending interrupt. The type of interrupt depends upon the id value as
1. id < 1022 is reported as a S-EL1 interrupt
2. id = 1022 is reported as a Non-secure interrupt.
3. id = 1023 is reported as an invalid interrupt type.
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv3, the system register
`ICC_HPPIR0_EL1`, _Highest Priority Pending group 0 Interrupt Register_,
is read to determine the id of the pending interrupt. The type of interrupt
depends upon the id value as follows.
1. id = `PENDING_G1S_INTID` (1020) is reported as a S-EL1 interrupt
2. id = `PENDING_G1NS_INTID` (1021) is reported as a Non-secure interrupt.
3. id = `GIC_SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT` (1023) is reported as an invalid interrupt type.
4. All other interrupt id's are reported as EL3 interrupt.
### Function : plat_ic_get_pending_interrupt_id() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : uint32_t
This API returns the id of the highest priority pending interrupt at the
platform IC. `INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE` is returned when there is no interrupt
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv2, the _Highest Priority
Pending Interrupt Register_ (`GICC_HPPIR`) is read to determine the id of the
pending interrupt. The id that is returned by API depends upon the value of
the id read from the interrupt controller as follows.
1. id < 1022. id is returned as is.
2. id = 1022. The _Aliased Highest Priority Pending Interrupt Register_
(`GICC_AHPPIR`) is read to determine the id of the non-secure interrupt.
This id is returned by the API.
3. id = 1023. `INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE` is returned.
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv3, if the API is invoked from
EL3, the system register `ICC_HPPIR0_EL1`, _Highest Priority Pending Interrupt
group 0 Register_, is read to determine the id of the pending interrupt. The id
that is returned by API depends upon the value of the id read from the
interrupt controller as follows.
1. id < `PENDING_G1S_INTID` (1020). id is returned as is.
2. id = `PENDING_G1S_INTID` (1020) or `PENDING_G1NS_INTID` (1021). The system
register `ICC_HPPIR1_EL1`, _Highest Priority Pending Interrupt group 1
Register_ is read to determine the id of the group 1 interrupt. This id
is returned by the API as long as it is a valid interrupt id
3. If the id is any of the special interrupt identifiers,
`INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE` is returned.
When the API invoked from S-EL1 for GICv3 systems, the id read from system
register `ICC_HPPIR1_EL1`, _Highest Priority Pending group 1 Interrupt
Register_, is returned if is not equal to GIC_SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT (1023) else
`INTR_ID_UNAVAILABLE` is returned.
### Function : plat_ic_acknowledge_interrupt() [mandatory]
Argument : void
Return : uint32_t
This API is used by the CPU to indicate to the platform IC that processing of
the highest pending interrupt has begun. It should return the id of the
interrupt which is being processed.
This function in ARM standard platforms using GICv2, reads the _Interrupt
Acknowledge Register_ (`GICC_IAR`). This changes the state of the highest
priority pending interrupt from pending to active in the interrupt controller.
It returns the value read from the `GICC_IAR`. This value is the id of the
interrupt whose state has been changed.
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv3, if the API is invoked
from EL3, the function reads the system register `ICC_IAR0_EL1`, _Interrupt
Acknowledge Register group 0_. If the API is invoked from S-EL1, the function
reads the system register `ICC_IAR1_EL1`, _Interrupt Acknowledge Register
group 1_. The read changes the state of the highest pending interrupt from
pending to active in the interrupt controller. The value read is returned
and is the id of the interrupt whose state has been changed.
The TSP uses this API to start processing of the secure physical timer
### Function : plat_ic_end_of_interrupt() [mandatory]
Argument : uint32_t
Return : void
This API is used by the CPU to indicate to the platform IC that processing of
the interrupt corresponding to the id (passed as the parameter) has
finished. The id should be the same as the id returned by the
`plat_ic_acknowledge_interrupt()` API.
ARM standard platforms write the id to the _End of Interrupt Register_
(`GICC_EOIR`) in case of GICv2, and to `ICC_EOIR0_EL1` or `ICC_EOIR1_EL1`
system register in case of GICv3 depending on where the API is invoked from,
EL3 or S-EL1. This deactivates the corresponding interrupt in the interrupt
The TSP uses this API to finish processing of the secure physical timer
### Function : plat_ic_get_interrupt_type() [mandatory]
Argument : uint32_t
Return : uint32_t
This API returns the type of the interrupt id passed as the parameter.
`INTR_TYPE_INVAL` is returned if the id is invalid. If the id is valid, a valid
interrupt type (one of `INTR_TYPE_EL3`, `INTR_TYPE_S_EL1` and `INTR_TYPE_NS`) is
returned depending upon how the interrupt has been configured by the platform
IC. This API must be invoked at EL3.
ARM standard platforms using GICv2 configures S-EL1 interrupts as Group0 interrupts
and Non-secure interrupts as Group1 interrupts. It reads the group value
corresponding to the interrupt id from the relevant _Interrupt Group Register_
(`GICD_IGROUPRn`). It uses the group value to determine the type of interrupt.
In the case of ARM standard platforms using GICv3, both the _Interrupt Group
Register_ (`GICD_IGROUPRn`) and _Interrupt Group Modifier Register_
(`GICD_IGRPMODRn`) is read to figure out whether the interrupt is configured
as Group 0 secure interrupt, Group 1 secure interrupt or Group 1 NS interrupt.
3.7 Crash Reporting mechanism (in BL31)
BL31 implements a crash reporting mechanism which prints the various registers
of the CPU to enable quick crash analysis and debugging. It requires that a
console is designated as the crash console by the platform which will be used to
print the register dump.
The following functions must be implemented by the platform if it wants crash
reporting mechanism in BL31. The functions are implemented in assembly so that
they can be invoked without a C Runtime stack.
### Function : plat_crash_console_init
Argument : void
Return : int
This API is used by the crash reporting mechanism to initialize the crash
console. It must only use the general purpose registers x0 to x4 to do the
initialization and returns 1 on success.
### Function : plat_crash_console_putc
Argument : int
Return : int
This API is used by the crash reporting mechanism to print a character on the
designated crash console. It must only use general purpose registers x1 and
x2 to do its work. The parameter and the return value are in general purpose
register x0.
### Function : plat_crash_console_flush
Argument : void
Return : int
This API is used by the crash reporting mechanism to force write of all buffered
data on the designated crash console. It should only use general purpose
registers x0 and x1 to do its work. The return value is 0 on successful
completion; otherwise the return value is -1.
4. Build flags
All the platforms ports conforming to this API specification should define
the build flag `ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT` to 0 as the compatibility layer should
be disabled. For more details on compatibility layer, refer
[Migration Guide].
There are some build flags which can be defined by the platform to control
inclusion or exclusion of certain BL stages from the FIP image. These flags
need to be defined in the platform makefile which will get included by the
build system.
* **NEED_BL33**
By default, this flag is defined `yes` by the build system and `BL33`
build option should be supplied as a build option. The platform has the
option of excluding the BL33 image in the `fip` image by defining this flag
to `no`. If any of the options `EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE` or `PRELOADED_BL33_BASE`
are used, this flag will be set to `no` automatically.
5. C Library
To avoid subtle toolchain behavioral dependencies, the header files provided
by the compiler are not used. The software is built with the `-nostdinc` flag
to ensure no headers are included from the toolchain inadvertently. Instead the
required headers are included in the ARM Trusted Firmware source tree. The
library only contains those C library definitions required by the local
implementation. If more functionality is required, the needed library functions
will need to be added to the local implementation.
Versions of [FreeBSD] headers can be found in `include/lib/stdlib`. Some of
these headers have been cut down in order to simplify the implementation. In
order to minimize changes to the header files, the [FreeBSD] layout has been
maintained. The generic C library definitions can be found in
`include/lib/stdlib` with more system and machine specific declarations in
`include/lib/stdlib/sys` and `include/lib/stdlib/machine`.
The local C library implementations can be found in `lib/stdlib`. In order to
extend the C library these files may need to be modified. It is recommended to
use a release version of [FreeBSD] as a starting point.
The C library header files in the [FreeBSD] source tree are located in the
`include` and `sys/sys` directories. [FreeBSD] machine specific definitions
can be found in the `sys/<machine-type>` directories. These files define things
like 'the size of a pointer' and 'the range of an integer'. Since an AArch64
port for [FreeBSD] does not yet exist, the machine specific definitions are
based on existing machine types with similar properties (for example SPARC64).
Where possible, C library function implementations were taken from [FreeBSD]
as found in the `lib/libc` directory.
A copy of the [FreeBSD] sources can be downloaded with `git`.
git clone git:// -b origin/release/9.2.0
6. Storage abstraction layer
In order to improve platform independence and portability an storage abstraction
layer is used to load data from non-volatile platform storage.
Each platform should register devices and their drivers via the Storage layer.
These drivers then need to be initialized by bootloader phases as
required in their respective `blx_platform_setup()` functions. Currently
storage access is only required by BL1 and BL2 phases. The `load_image()`
function uses the storage layer to access non-volatile platform storage.
It is mandatory to implement at least one storage driver. For the ARM
development platforms the Firmware Image Package (FIP) driver is provided as
the default means to load data from storage (see the "Firmware Image Package"
section in the [User Guide]). The storage layer is described in the header file
`include/drivers/io/io_storage.h`. The implementation of the common library
is in `drivers/io/io_storage.c` and the driver files are located in
Each IO driver must provide `io_dev_*` structures, as described in
`drivers/io/io_driver.h`. These are returned via a mandatory registration
function that is called on platform initialization. The semi-hosting driver
implementation in `io_semihosting.c` can be used as an example.
The Storage layer provides mechanisms to initialize storage devices before
IO operations are called. The basic operations supported by the layer
include `open()`, `close()`, `read()`, `write()`, `size()` and `seek()`.
Drivers do not have to implement all operations, but each platform must
provide at least one driver for a device capable of supporting generic
operations such as loading a bootloader image.
The current implementation only allows for known images to be loaded by the
firmware. These images are specified by using their identifiers, as defined in
[include/plat/common/platform_def.h] (or a separate header file included from
there). The platform layer (`plat_get_image_source()`) then returns a reference
to a device and a driver-specific `spec` which will be understood by the driver
to allow access to the image data.
The layer is designed in such a way that is it possible to chain drivers with
other drivers. For example, file-system drivers may be implemented on top of
physical block devices, both represented by IO devices with corresponding
drivers. In such a case, the file-system "binding" with the block device may
be deferred until the file-system device is initialised.
The abstraction currently depends on structures being statically allocated
by the drivers and callers, as the system does not yet provide a means of
dynamically allocating memory. This may also have the affect of limiting the
amount of open resources per driver.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2013-2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[ARM GIC Architecture Specification 2.0]:
[ARM GIC Architecture Specification 3.0]:
[IMF Design Guide]:
[User Guide]:
[Firmware Design]:
[Power Domain Topology Design]:
[Migration Guide]:
[Firmware Update]:
[plat/common/aarch64/platform_mp_stack.S]: ../plat/common/aarch64/platform_mp_stack.S
[plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S]: ../plat/common/aarch64/platform_up_stack.S
[plat/arm/board/fvp/fvp_pm.c]: ../plat/arm/board/fvp/fvp_pm.c
[include/common/bl_common.h]: ../include/common/bl_common.h
[include/lib/aarch32/arch.h]: ../include/lib/aarch32/arch.h
[include/plat/arm/common/arm_def.h]: ../include/plat/arm/common/arm_def.h
[include/plat/common/common_def.h]: ../include/plat/common/common_def.h
[include/plat/common/platform.h]: ../include/plat/common/platform.h
[include/plat/arm/common/plat_arm.h]: ../include/plat/arm/common/plat_arm.h]
PSCI Library Integration guide for ARMv8-A AArch32 systems
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
2. [Generic call sequence for PSCI Library interface (AArch32)](#2-generic-call-sequence-for-psci-library-interface-aarch32)
3. [PSCI CPU context management](#3-psci-cpu-context-management)
4. [PSCI Library Interface](#4-psci-library-interface)
5. [EL3 Runtime Software dependencies](#5-el3-runtime-software-dependencies)
1. Introduction
This document describes the PSCI library interface with a focus on how to
integrate with a suitable Trusted OS for an ARMv8-A AArch32 system. The PSCI
Library implements the PSCI Standard as described in [PSCI spec] and is meant
to be integrated with EL3 Runtime Software which invokes the PSCI Library
interface appropriately. **EL3 Runtime Software** refers to software executing
at the highest secure privileged mode, which is EL3 in AArch64 or Secure SVC/
Monitor mode in AArch32, and provides runtime services to the non-secure world.
The runtime service request is made via SMC (Secure Monitor Call) and the call
must adhere to [SMCCC]. In AArch32, EL3 Runtime Software may additionally
include Trusted OS functionality. A minimal AArch32 Secure Payload, SP-MIN, is
provided in ARM Trusted Firmware to illustrate the usage and integration of the
PSCI library. The description of PSCI library interface and its integration
with EL3 Runtime Software in this document is targeted towards AArch32 systems.
2. Generic call sequence for PSCI Library interface (AArch32)
The generic call sequence of PSCI Library interfaces (see
[section 4](#4-psci-library-interface)) during cold boot in AArch32
system is described below:
1. After cold reset, the EL3 Runtime Software performs its cold boot
initialization including the PSCI library pre-requisites mentioned in
[section 4](#4-psci-library-interface), and also the necessary platform
2. Call `psci_setup()` in Monitor mode.
3. Optionally call `psci_register_spd_pm_hook()` to register callbacks to
do bookkeeping for the EL3 Runtime Software during power management.
4. Call `psci_prepare_next_non_secure_ctx()` to initialize the non-secure CPU
5. Get the non-secure `cpu_context_t` for the current CPU by calling
`cm_get_context()` , then programming the registers in the non-secure
context and exiting to non-secure world. If the EL3 Runtime Software needs
additional configuration to be set for non-secure context, like routing
FIQs to the secure world, the values of the registers can be modified prior
to programming. See [section 3](#3-psci-cpu-context-management) for more
details on CPU context management.
The generic call sequence of PSCI library interfaces during warm boot in
AArch32 systems is described below:
1. After warm reset, the EL3 Runtime Software performs the necessary warm
boot initialization including the PSCI library pre-requisites mentioned in
[section 4](#4-psci-library-interface) (Note that the Data cache
**must not** be enabled).
2. Call `psci_warmboot_entrypoint()` in Monitor mode. This interface
initializes/restores the non-secure CPU context as well.
3. Do step 5 of the cold boot call sequence described above.
The generic call sequence of PSCI library interfaces on receipt of a PSCI SMC
on an AArch32 system is described below:
1. On receipt of an SMC, save the register context as per [SMCCC].
2. If the SMC function identifier corresponds to a SMC32 PSCI API, construct
the appropriate arguments and call the `psci_smc_handler()` interface.
The invocation may or may not return back to the caller depending on
whether the PSCI API resulted in power down of the CPU.
3. If `psci_smc_handler()` returns, populate the return value in R0 (AArch32)/
X0 (AArch64) and restore other registers as per [SMCCC].
3. PSCI CPU context management
PSCI library is in charge of initializing/restoring the non-secure CPU system
registers according to [PSCI specification][PSCI spec] during cold/warm boot.
This is referred to as `PSCI CPU Context Management`. Registers that need to
be preserved across CPU power down/power up cycles are maintained in
`cpu_context_t` data structure. The initialization of other non-secure CPU
system registers which do not require coordination with the EL3 Runtime
Software is done directly by the PSCI library (see `cm_prepare_el3_exit()`).
The EL3 Runtime Software is responsible for managing register context
during switch between Normal and Secure worlds. The register context to be
saved and restored depends on the mechanism used to trigger the world switch.
For example, if the world switch was triggered by an SMC call, then the
registers need to be saved and restored according to [SMCCC]. In AArch64,
due to the tight integration with BL31, both BL31 and PSCI library
use the same `cpu_context_t` data structure for PSCI CPU context management
and register context management during world switch. This cannot be assumed
for AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software since most AArch32 Trusted OSes already implement
a mechanism for register context management during world switch. Hence, when
the PSCI library is integrated with a AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software, the
`cpu_context_t` is stripped down for just PSCI CPU context management.
During cold/warm boot, after invoking appropriate PSCI library interfaces, it
is expected that the EL3 Runtime Software will query the `cpu_context_t` and
write appropriate values to the corresponding system registers. This mechanism
resolves 2 additional problems for AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software:
1. Values for certain system registers like SCR and SCTLR cannot be
unilaterally determined by PSCI library and need inputs from the EL3
Runtime Software. Using `cpu_context_t` as an intermediary data store
allows EL3 Runtime Software to modify the register values appropriately
before programming them.
2. The PSCI library provides appropriate LR and SPSR values (entrypoint
information) for exit into non-secure world. Using `cpu_context_t` as an
intermediary data store allows the EL3 Runtime Software to store these
values safely until it is ready for exit to non-secure world.
Currently the `cpu_context_t` data structure for AArch32 stores the following
registers: R0 - R3, LR (R14), SCR, SPSR, SCTLR.
The EL3 Runtime Software must implement accessors to get/set pointers
to CPU context `cpu_context_t` data and these are described in
[section 5.2](#52-cpu-context-management-api).
4. PSCI Library Interface
The PSCI library implements the [PSCI Specification][PSCI spec]. The interfaces
to this library are declared in `psci.h` and are as listed below:
u_register_t psci_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid, u_register_t x1,
u_register_t x2, u_register_t x3,
u_register_t x4, void *cookie,
void *handle, u_register_t flags);
int psci_setup(const psci_lib_args_t *lib_args);
void psci_warmboot_entrypoint(void);
void psci_register_spd_pm_hook(const spd_pm_ops_t *pm);
void psci_prepare_next_non_secure_ctx(entry_point_info_t *next_image_info);
The CPU context data 'cpu_context_t' is programmed to the registers differently
when PSCI is integrated with an AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software compared to
when the PSCI is integrated with an AArch64 EL3 Runtime Software (BL31). For
example, in the case of AArch64, there is no need to retrieve `cpu_context_t`
data and program the registers as it will done implicitly as part of
`el3_exit`. The description below of the PSCI interfaces is targeted at
integration with an AArch32 EL3 Runtime Software.
The PSCI library is responsible for initializing/restoring the non-secure world
to an appropriate state after boot and may choose to directly program the
non-secure system registers. The PSCI generic code takes care not to directly
modify any of the system registers affecting the secure world and instead
returns the values to be programmed to these registers via `cpu_context_t`.
The EL3 Runtime Software is responsible for programming those registers and
can use the proposed values provided in the `cpu_context_t`, modifying the
values if required.
PSCI library needs the flexibility to access both secure and non-secure
copies of banked registers. Hence it needs to be invoked in Monitor mode
for AArch32 and in EL3 for AArch64. The NS bit in SCR (in AArch32) or SCR_EL3
(in AArch64) must be set to 0. Additional requirements for the PSCI library
interfaces are:
* Instruction cache must be enabled
* Both IRQ and FIQ must be masked for the current CPU
* The page tables must be setup and the MMU enabled
* The C runtime environment must be setup and stack initialized
* The Data cache must be enabled prior to invoking any of the PSCI library
interfaces except for `psci_warmboot_entrypoint()`. For
`psci_warmboot_entrypoint()`, if the build option `HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY`
is enabled however, data caches are expected to be enabled.
Further requirements for each interface can be found in the interface
### 4.1 Interface : psci_setup()
Argument : const psci_lib_args_t *lib_args
Return : void
This function is to be called by the primary CPU during cold boot before
any other interface to the PSCI library. It takes `lib_args`, a const pointer
to `psci_lib_args_t`, as the argument. The `psci_lib_args_t` is a versioned
structure and is declared in `psci.h` header as follows:
typedef struct psci_lib_args {
/* The version information of PSCI Library Interface */
param_header_t h;
/* The warm boot entrypoint function */
mailbox_entrypoint_t mailbox_ep;
} psci_lib_args_t;
The first field `h`, of `param_header_t` type, provides the version
information. The second field `mailbox_ep` is the warm boot entrypoint address
and is used to configure the platform mailbox. Helper macros are provided in
psci.h to construct the `lib_args` argument statically or during runtime. Prior
to calling the `psci_setup()` interface, the platform setup for cold boot
must have completed. Major actions performed by this interface are:
* Initializes architecture.
* Initializes PSCI power domain and state coordination data structures.
* Calls `plat_setup_psci_ops()` with warm boot entrypoint `mailbox_ep` as
* Calls `cm_set_context_by_index()` (see
[section 5.2](#52-cpu-context-management-api)) for all the CPUs in the
### 4.2 Interface : psci_prepare_next_non_secure_ctx()
Argument : entry_point_info_t *next_image_info
Return : void
After `psci_setup()` and prior to exit to the non-secure world, this function
must be called by the EL3 Runtime Software to initialize the non-secure world
context. The non-secure world entrypoint information `next_image_info` (first
argument) will be used to determine the non-secure context. After this function
returns, the EL3 Runtime Software must retrieve the `cpu_context_t` (using
cm_get_context()) for the current CPU and program the registers prior to exit
to the non-secure world.
### 4.3 Interface : psci_register_spd_pm_hook()
Argument : const spd_pm_ops_t *
Return : void
As explained in [section 5.4](#54-secure-payload-power-management-callback),
the EL3 Runtime Software may want to perform some bookkeeping during power
management operations. This function is used to register the `spd_pm_ops_t`
(first argument) callbacks with the PSCI library which will be called
ppropriately during power management. Calling this function is optional and
need to be called by the primary CPU during the cold boot sequence after
`psci_setup()` has completed.
### 4.4 Interface : psci_smc_handler()
Argument : uint32_t smc_fid, u_register_t x1,
u_register_t x2, u_register_t x3,
u_register_t x4, void *cookie,
void *handle, u_register_t flags
Return : u_register_t
This function is the top level handler for SMCs which fall within the
PSCI service range specified in [SMCCC]. The function ID `smc_fid` (first
argument) determines the PSCI API to be called. The `x1` to `x4` (2nd to 5th
arguments), are the values of the registers r1 - r4 (in AArch32) or x1 - x4
(in AArch64) when the SMC is received. These are the arguments to PSCI API as
described in [PSCI spec]. The 'flags' (8th argument) is a bit field parameter
and is detailed in 'smcc.h' header. It includes whether the call is from the
secure or non-secure world. The `cookie` (6th argument) and the `handle`
(7th argument) are not used and are reserved for future use.
The return value from this interface is the return value from the underlying
PSCI API corresponding to `smc_fid`. This function may not return back to the
caller if PSCI API causes power down of the CPU. In this case, when the CPU
wakes up, it will start execution from the warm reset address.
### 4.5 Interface : psci_warmboot_entrypoint()
Argument : void
Return : void
This function performs the warm boot initialization/restoration as mandated by
[PSCI spec]. For AArch32, on wakeup from power down the CPU resets to secure SVC
mode and the EL3 Runtime Software must perform the prerequisite initializations
mentioned at top of this section. This function must be called with Data cache
disabled (unless build option `HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY` is enabled) but with MMU
initialized and enabled. The major actions performed by this function are:
* Invalidates the stack and enables the data cache.
* Initializes architecture and PSCI state coordination.
* Restores/Initializes the peripheral drivers to the required state via
appropriate `plat_psci_ops_t` hooks
* Restores the EL3 Runtime Software context via appropriate `spd_pm_ops_t`
* Restores/Initializes the non-secure context and populates the
`cpu_context_t` for the current CPU.
Upon the return of this function, the EL3 Runtime Software must retrieve the
non-secure `cpu_context_t` using `cm_get_context()` and program the registers
prior to exit to the non-secure world.
5. EL3 Runtime Software dependencies
The PSCI Library includes supporting frameworks like context management,
cpu operations (cpu_ops) and per-cpu data framework. Other helper library
functions like bakery locks and spin locks are also included in the library.
The dependencies which must be fulfilled by the EL3 Runtime Software
for integration with PSCI library are described below.
### 5.1 General dependencies
The PSCI library being a Multiprocessor (MP) implementation, EL3 Runtime
Software must provide an SMC handling framework capable of MP adhering to
[SMCCC] specification.
The EL3 Runtime Software must also export cache maintenance primitives
and some helper utilities for assert, print and memory operations as listed
below. The ARM Trusted Firmware source tree provides implementations for all
these functions but the EL3 Runtime Software may use its own implementation.
**Functions : assert(), memcpy(), memset**
These must be implemented as described in ISO C Standard.
**Function : flush_dcache_range()**
Argument : uintptr_t addr, size_t size
Return : void
This function cleans and invalidates (flushes) the data cache for memory
at address `addr` (first argument) address and of size `size` (second argument).
**Function : inv_dcache_range()**
Argument : uintptr_t addr, size_t size
Return : void
This function invalidates (flushes) the data cache for memory at address
`addr` (first argument) address and of size `size` (second argument).
**Function : do_panic()**
Argument : void
Return : void
This function will be called by the PSCI library on encountering a critical
failure that cannot be recovered from. This function **must not** return.
**Function : tf_printf()**
This is printf-compatible function, but unlike printf, it does not return any
value. The ARM Trusted Firmware source tree provides an implementation which
is optimized for stack usage and supports only a subset of format specifiers.
The details of the format specifiers supported can be found in the
`tf_printf.c` file in ARM Trusted Firmware source tree.
### 5.2 CPU Context management API
The CPU context management data memory is statically allocated by PSCI library
in BSS section. The PSCI library requires the EL3 Runtime Software to implement
APIs to store and retrieve pointers to this CPU context data. SP-MIN
demonstrates how these APIs can be implemented but the EL3 Runtime Software can
choose a more optimal implementation (like dedicating the secure TPIDRPRW
system register (in AArch32) for storing these pointers).
**Function : cm_set_context_by_index()**
Argument : unsigned int cpu_idx, void *context, unsigned int security_state
Return : void
This function is called during cold boot when the `psci_setup()` PSCI library
interface is called.
This function must store the pointer to the CPU context data, `context` (2nd
argument), for the specified `security_state` (3rd argument) and CPU identified
by `cpu_idx` (first argument). The `security_state` will always be non-secure
when called by PSCI library and this argument is retained for compatibility
with BL31. The `cpu_idx` will correspond to the index returned by the
`plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()` for `mpidr` of the CPU.
The actual method of storing the `context` pointers is implementation specific.
For example, SP-MIN stores the pointers in the array `sp_min_cpu_ctx_ptr`
declared in `sp_min_main.c`.
**Function : cm_get_context()**
Argument : uint32_t security_state
Return : void *
This function must return the pointer to the `cpu_context_t` structure for
the specified `security_state` (first argument) for the current CPU. The caller
must ensure that `cm_set_context_by_index` is called first and the appropriate
context pointers are stored prior to invoking this API. The `security_state`
will always be non-secure when called by PSCI library and this argument
is retained for compatibility with BL31.
**Function : cm_get_context_by_index()**
Argument : unsigned int cpu_idx, unsigned int security_state
Return : void *
This function must return the pointer to the `cpu_context_t` structure for
the specified `security_state` (second argument) for the CPU identified by
`cpu_idx` (first argument). The caller must ensure that
`cm_set_context_by_index` is called first and the appropriate context
pointers are stored prior to invoking this API. The `security_state` will
always be non-secure when called by PSCI library and this argument is
retained for compatibility with BL31. The `cpu_idx` will correspond to the
index returned by the `plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()` for `mpidr` of the CPU.
### 5.3 Platform API
The platform layer abstracts the platform-specific details from the generic
PSCI library. The following platform APIs/macros must be defined by the EL3
Runtime Software for integration with the PSCI library.
The mandatory platform APIs are:
* plat_my_core_pos
* plat_core_pos_by_mpidr
* plat_get_syscnt_freq2
* plat_get_power_domain_tree_desc
* plat_setup_psci_ops
* plat_reset_handler
* plat_panic_handler
* plat_get_my_stack
The mandatory platform macros are:
* PLAT_PCPU_DATA_SIZE (optional)
The details of these APIs/macros can be found in [Porting Guide].
All platform specific operations for power management are done via
`plat_psci_ops_t` callbacks registered by the platform when
`plat_setup_psci_ops()` API is called. The description of each of
the callbacks in `plat_psci_ops_t` can be found in PSCI section of the
[Porting Guide]. If any these callbacks are not registered, then the
PSCI API associated with that callback will not be supported by PSCI
### 5.4 Secure payload power management callback
During PSCI power management operations, the EL3 Runtime Software may
need to perform some bookkeeping, and PSCI library provides
`spd_pm_ops_t` callbacks for this purpose. These hooks must be
populated and registered by using `psci_register_spd_pm_hook()` PSCI
library interface.
Typical bookkeeping during PSCI power management calls include save/restore
of the EL3 Runtime Software context. Also if the EL3 Runtime Software makes
use of secure interrupts, then these interrupts must also be managed
appropriately during CPU power down/power up. Any secure interrupt targeted
to the current CPU must be disabled or re-targeted to other running CPU prior
to power down of the current CPU. During power up, these interrupt can be
enabled/re-targeted back to the current CPU.
typedef struct spd_pm_ops {
void (*svc_on)(u_register_t target_cpu);
int32_t (*svc_off)(u_register_t __unused);
void (*svc_suspend)(u_register_t max_off_pwrlvl);
void (*svc_on_finish)(u_register_t __unused);
void (*svc_suspend_finish)(u_register_t max_off_pwrlvl);
int32_t (*svc_migrate)(u_register_t from_cpu, u_register_t to_cpu);
int32_t (*svc_migrate_info)(u_register_t *resident_cpu);
void (*svc_system_off)(void);
void (*svc_system_reset)(void);
} spd_pm_ops_t;
A brief description of each callback is given below:
* svc_on, svc_off, svc_on_finish
The `svc_on`, `svc_off` callbacks are called during PSCI_CPU_ON,
PSCI_CPU_OFF APIs respectively. The `svc_on_finish` is called when the
target CPU of PSCI_CPU_ON API powers up and executes the
`psci_warmboot_entrypoint()` PSCI library interface.
* svc_suspend, svc_suspend_finish
The `svc_suspend` callback is called during power down bu either
PSCI_SUSPEND or PSCI_SYSTEM_SUSPEND APIs. The `svc_suspend_finish` is
called when the CPU wakes up from suspend and executes the
`psci_warmboot_entrypoint()` PSCI library interface. The `max_off_pwrlvl`
(first parameter) denotes the highest power domain level being powered down
to or woken up from suspend.
* svc_system_off, svc_system_reset
These callbacks are called during PSCI_SYSTEM_OFF and PSCI_SYSTEM_RESET
PSCI APIs respectively.
* svc_migrate_info
This callback is called in response to PSCI_MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE or
PSCI_MIGRATE_INFO_UP_CPU APIs. The return value of this callback must
correspond to the return value of PSCI_MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE API as described
in [PSCI spec]. If the secure payload is a Uniprocessor (UP)
implementation, then it must update the mpidr of the CPU it is resident in
via `resident_cpu` (first argument). The updates to `resident_cpu` is
ignored if the secure payload is a multiprocessor (MP) implementation.
* svc_migrate
This callback is only relevant if the secure payload in EL3 Runtime
Software is a Uniprocessor (UP) implementation and supports migration from
the current CPU `from_cpu` (first argument) to another CPU `to_cpu`
(second argument). This callback is called in response to PSCI_MIGRATE
API. This callback is never called if the secure payload is a
Multiprocessor (MP) implementation.
### 5.5 CPU operations
The CPU operations (cpu_ops) framework implement power down sequence specific
to the CPU and the details of which can be found in the `CPU specific
operations framework` section of [Firmware Design]. The ARM Trusted Firmware
tree implements the `cpu_ops` for various supported CPUs and the EL3 Runtime
Software needs to include the required `cpu_ops` in its build. The start and
end of the `cpu_ops` descriptors must be exported by the EL3 Runtime Software
via the `__CPU_OPS_START__` and `__CPU_OPS_END__` linker symbols.
The `cpu_ops` descriptors also include reset sequences and may include errata
workarounds for the CPU. The EL3 Runtime Software can choose to call this
during cold/warm reset if it does not implement its own reset sequence/errata
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_Copyright (c) 2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
[PSCI spec]: "Power State Coordination Interface PDD (ARM DEN 0022C)"
[SMCCC]: "SMC Calling Convention"
[Porting Guide]:
[Firmware Design]: ./
PSCI Library Integration guide for ARMv8-A AArch32 systems
1. [Requirements](#requirements)
2. [Design](#design)
1. A platform must export the `plat_get_aff_count()` and
`plat_get_aff_state()` APIs to enable the generic PSCI code to
populate a tree that describes the hierarchy of power domains in the
system. This approach is inflexible because a change to the topology
requires a change in the code.
It would be much simpler for the platform to describe its power domain tree
in a data structure.
2. The generic PSCI code generates MPIDRs in order to populate the power domain
tree. It also uses an MPIDR to find a node in the tree. The assumption that
a platform will use exactly the same MPIDRs as generated by the generic PSCI
code is not scalable. The use of an MPIDR also restricts the number of
levels in the power domain tree to four.
Therefore, there is a need to decouple allocation of MPIDRs from the
mechanism used to populate the power domain topology tree.
3. The current arrangement of the power domain tree requires a binary search
over the sibling nodes at a particular level to find a specified power
domain node. During a power management operation, the tree is traversed from
a 'start' to an 'end' power level. The binary search is required to find the
node at each level. The natural way to perform this traversal is to
start from a leaf node and follow the parent node pointer to reach the end
Therefore, there is a need to define data structures that implement the tree in
a way which facilitates such a traversal.
4. The attributes of a core power domain differ from the attributes of power
domains at higher levels. For example, only a core power domain can be identified
using an MPIDR. There is no requirement to perform state coordination while
performing a power management operation on the core power domain.
Therefore, there is a need to implement the tree in a way which facilitates this
distinction between a leaf and non-leaf node and any associated
### Describing a power domain tree
To fulfill requirement 1., the existing platform APIs
`plat_get_aff_count()` and `plat_get_aff_state()` have been
removed. A platform must define an array of unsigned chars such that:
1. The first entry in the array specifies the number of power domains at the
highest power level implemented in the platform. This caters for platforms
where the power domain tree does not have a single root node, for example,
the FVP has two cluster power domains at the highest level (1).
2. Each subsequent entry corresponds to a power domain and contains the number
of power domains that are its direct children.
3. The size of the array minus the first entry will be equal to the number of
non-leaf power domains.
4. The value in each entry in the array is used to find the number of entries
to consider at the next level. The sum of the values (number of children) of
all the entries at a level specifies the number of entries in the array for
the next level.
The following example power domain topology tree will be used to describe the
above text further. The leaf and non-leaf nodes in this tree have been numbered
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
+-+ +-+
|1| |2|
+-+ +-+
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
|3| |4| |5| |6|
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
+---+-----+ +----+----| +----+----+ +----+-----+-----+
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
v v v v v v v v v v v v v
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +--+ +--+ +--+
|0| |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| |8| |9| |10| |11| |12|
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +--+ +--+ +--+
This tree is defined by the platform as the array described above as follows:
unsigned char plat_power_domain_tree_desc[] = { 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4};
### Removing assumptions about MPIDRs used in a platform
To fulfill requirement 2., it is assumed that the platform assigns a
unique number (core index) between `0` and `PLAT_CORE_COUNT - 1` to each core
power domain. MPIDRs could be allocated in any manner and will not be used to
populate the tree.
`plat_core_pos_by_mpidr(mpidr)` will return the core index for the core
corresponding to the MPIDR. It will return an error (-1) if an MPIDR is passed
which is not allocated or corresponds to an absent core. The semantics of this
platform API have changed since it is required to validate the passed MPIDR. It
has been made a mandatory API as a result.
Another mandatory API, `plat_my_core_pos()` has been added to return the core
index for the calling core. This API provides a more lightweight mechanism to get
the index since there is no need to validate the MPIDR of the calling core.
The platform should assign the core indices (as illustrated in the diagram above)
such that, if the core nodes are numbered from left to right, then the index
for a core domain will be the same as the index returned by
`plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()` or `plat_my_core_pos()` for that core. This
relationship allows the core nodes to be allocated in a separate array
(requirement 4.) during `psci_setup()` in such an order that the index of the
core in the array is the same as the return value from these APIs.
#### Dealing with holes in MPIDR allocation
For platforms where the number of allocated MPIDRs is equal to the number of
core power domains, for example, Juno and FVPs, the logic to convert an MPIDR to
a core index should remain unchanged. Both Juno and FVP use a simple collision
proof hash function to do this.
It is possible that on some platforms, the allocation of MPIDRs is not
contiguous or certain cores have been disabled. This essentially means that the
MPIDRs have been sparsely allocated, that is, the size of the range of MPIDRs
used by the platform is not equal to the number of core power domains.
The platform could adopt one of the following approaches to deal with this
1. Implement more complex logic to convert a valid MPIDR to a core index while
maintaining the relationship described earlier. This means that the power
domain tree descriptor will not describe any core power domains which are
disabled or absent. Entries will not be allocated in the tree for these
2. Treat unallocated MPIDRs and disabled cores as absent but still describe them
in the power domain descriptor, that is, the number of core nodes described
is equal to the size of the range of MPIDRs allocated. This approach will
lead to memory wastage since entries will be allocated in the tree but will
allow use of a simpler logic to convert an MPIDR to a core index.
### Traversing through and distinguishing between core and non-core power domains
To fulfill requirement 3 and 4, separate data structures have been defined
to represent leaf and non-leaf power domain nodes in the tree.
* The following two data structures implement the power domain tree. The tree
* is used to track the state of all the nodes i.e. power domain instances
* described by the platform. The tree consists of nodes that describe CPU power
* domains i.e. leaf nodes and all other power domains which are parents of a
* CPU power domain i.e. non-leaf nodes.
typedef struct non_cpu_pwr_domain_node {
* Index of the first CPU power domain node level 0 which has this node
* as its parent.
unsigned int cpu_start_idx;
* Number of CPU power domains which are siblings of the domain indexed
* by 'cpu_start_idx' i.e. all the domains in the range 'cpu_start_idx
* -> cpu_start_idx + ncpus' have this node as their parent.
unsigned int ncpus;
/* Index of the parent power domain node */
unsigned int parent_node;
} non_cpu_pd_node_t;
typedef struct cpu_pwr_domain_node {
u_register_t mpidr;
/* Index of the parent power domain node */
unsigned int parent_node;
} cpu_pd_node_t;
The power domain tree is implemented as a combination of the following data
non_cpu_pd_node_t psci_non_cpu_pd_nodes[PSCI_NUM_NON_CPU_PWR_DOMAINS];
cpu_pd_node_t psci_cpu_pd_nodes[PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT];
### Populating the power domain tree
The `populate_power_domain_tree()` function in `psci_setup.c` implements the
algorithm to parse the power domain descriptor exported by the platform to
populate the two arrays. It is essentially a breadth-first-search. The nodes for
each level starting from the root are laid out one after another in the
`psci_non_cpu_pd_nodes` and `psci_cpu_pd_nodes` arrays as follows:
psci_non_cpu_pd_nodes -> [[Level 3 nodes][Level 2 nodes][Level 1 nodes]]
psci_cpu_pd_nodes -> [Level 0 nodes]
For the example power domain tree illustrated above, the `psci_cpu_pd_nodes`
will be populated as follows. The value in each entry is the index of the parent
node. Other fields have been ignored for simplicity.
+-------------+ ^
CPU0 | 3 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU1 | 3 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU2 | 3 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU3 | 4 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU4 | 4 | |
+-------------+ |
+-------------+ |
CPU6 | 5 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU7 | 5 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU8 | 5 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU9 | 6 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU10 | 6 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU11 | 6 | |
+-------------+ |
CPU12 | 6 | v
The `psci_non_cpu_pd_nodes` array will be populated as follows. The value in
each entry is the index of the parent node.
+-------------+ ^
PD0 | -1 | |
+-------------+ |
PD1 | 0 | |
+-------------+ |
PD2 | 0 | |
+-------------+ |
+-------------+ | PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT
PD4 | 1 | |
+-------------+ |
PD5 | 2 | |
+-------------+ |
PD6 | 2 | |
+-------------+ v
Each core can find its node in the `psci_cpu_pd_nodes` array using the
`plat_my_core_pos()` function. When a core is turned on, the normal world
provides an MPIDR. The `plat_core_pos_by_mpidr()` function is used to validate
the MPIDR before using it to find the corresponding core node. The non-core power
domain nodes do not need to be identified.
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_Copyright (c) 2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
ARM Trusted Firmware Reset Design
1. [Introduction](#1--introduction)
2. [General reset code flow](#2--general-reset-code-flow)
3. [Programmable CPU reset address](#3--programmable-cpu-reset-address)
4. [Cold boot on a single CPU](#4--cold-boot-on-a-single-cpu)
5. [Programmable CPU reset address, Cold boot on a single CPU](#5--programmable-cpu-reset-address-cold-boot-on-a-single-cpu)
6. [Using BL31 entrypoint as the reset address](#6--using-bl31-entrypoint-as-the-reset-address)
1. Introduction
This document describes the high-level design of the framework to handle CPU
resets in ARM Trusted Firmware. It also describes how the platform integrator
can tailor this code to the system configuration to some extent, resulting in a
simplified and more optimised boot flow.
This document should be used in conjunction with the [Firmware Design], which
provides greater implementation details around the reset code, specifically
for the cold boot path.
2. General reset code flow
The ARM Trusted Firmware (TF) reset code is implemented in BL1 by default. The
following high-level diagram illustrates this:
![Default reset code flow](diagrams/default_reset_code.png?raw=true)
This diagram shows the default, unoptimised reset flow. Depending on the system
configuration, some of these steps might be unnecessary. The following sections
guide the platform integrator by indicating which build options exclude which
steps, depending on the capability of the platform.
Note: If BL31 is used as the Trusted Firmware entry point instead of BL1, the
diagram above is still relevant, as all these operations will occur in BL31 in
this case. Please refer to section 6 "Using BL31 entrypoint as the reset
address" for more information.
3. Programmable CPU reset address
By default, the TF assumes that the CPU reset address is not programmable.
Therefore, all CPUs start at the same address (typically address 0) whenever
they reset. Further logic is then required to identify whether it is a cold or
warm boot to direct CPUs to the right execution path.
If the reset vector address (reflected in the reset vector base address register
`RVBAR_EL3`) is programmable then it is possible to make each CPU start directly
at the right address, both on a cold and warm reset. Therefore, the boot type
detection can be skipped, resulting in the following boot flow:
![Reset code flow with programmable reset address](
To enable this boot flow, compile the TF with `PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS=1`.
This option only affects the TF reset image, which is BL1 by default or BL31 if
On both the FVP and Juno platforms, the reset vector address is not programmable
so both ports use `PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS=0`.
4. Cold boot on a single CPU
By default, the TF assumes that several CPUs may be released out of reset.
Therefore, the cold boot code has to arbitrate access to hardware resources
shared amongst CPUs. This is done by nominating one of the CPUs as the primary,
which is responsible for initialising shared hardware and coordinating the boot
flow with the other CPUs.
If the platform guarantees that only a single CPU will ever be brought up then
no arbitration is required. The notion of primary/secondary CPU itself no longer
applies. This results in the following boot flow:
![Reset code flow with single CPU released out of reset](
To enable this boot flow, compile the TF with `COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU=1`. This
option only affects the TF reset image, which is BL1 by default or BL31 if
On both the FVP and Juno platforms, although only one core is powered up by
default, there are platform-specific ways to release any number of cores out of
reset. Therefore, both platform ports use `COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU=0`.
5. Programmable CPU reset address, Cold boot on a single CPU
It is obviously possible to combine both optimisations on platforms that have
a programmable CPU reset address and which release a single CPU out of reset.
This results in the following boot flow:
![Reset code flow with programmable reset address and single CPU released out of
To enable this boot flow, compile the TF with both `COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU=1`
and `PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS=1`. These options only affect the TF reset
image, which is BL1 by default or BL31 if `RESET_TO_BL31=1`.
6. Using BL31 entrypoint as the reset address
On some platforms the runtime firmware (BL3x images) for the application
processors are loaded by some firmware running on a secure system processor
on the SoC, rather than by BL1 and BL2 running on the primary application
processor. For this type of SoC it is desirable for the application processor
to always reset to BL31 which eliminates the need for BL1 and BL2.
TF provides a build-time option `RESET_TO_BL31` that includes some additional
logic in the BL31 entry point to support this use case.
In this configuration, the platform's Trusted Boot Firmware must ensure that
BL31 is loaded to its runtime address, which must match the CPU's `RVBAR_EL3`
reset vector base address, before the application processor is powered on.
Additionally, platform software is responsible for loading the other BL3x images
required and providing entry point information for them to BL31. Loading these
images might be done by the Trusted Boot Firmware or by platform code in BL31.
Although the ARM FVP platform does not support programming the reset base
address dynamically at run-time, it is possible to set the initial value of the
`RVBAR_EL3` register at start-up. This feature is provided on the Base FVP only.
It allows the ARM FVP port to support the `RESET_TO_BL31` configuration, in
which case the `bl31.bin` image must be loaded to its run address in Trusted
SRAM and all CPU reset vectors be changed from the default `0x0` to this run
address. See the [User Guide] for details of running the FVP models in this way.
Although technically it would be possible to program the reset base address with
the right support in the SCP firmware, this is currently not implemented so the
Juno port doesn't support the `RESET_TO_BL31` configuration.
The `RESET_TO_BL31` configuration requires some additions and changes in the
BL31 functionality:
#### Determination of boot path
In this configuration, BL31 uses the same reset framework and code as the one
described for BL1 above. Therefore, it is affected by the
same way.
In the default, unoptimised BL31 reset flow, on a warm boot a CPU is directed
to the PSCI implementation via a platform defined mechanism. On a cold boot,
the platform must place any secondary CPUs into a safe state while the primary
CPU executes a modified BL31 initialization, as described below.
#### Platform initialization
In this configuration, when the CPU resets to BL31 there are no parameters that
can be passed in registers by previous boot stages. Instead, the platform code
in BL31 needs to know, or be able to determine, the location of the BL32 (if
required) and BL33 images and provide this information in response to the
`bl31_plat_get_next_image_ep_info()` function.
Additionally, platform software is responsible for carrying out any security
initialisation, for example programming a TrustZone address space controller.
This might be done by the Trusted Boot Firmware or by platform code in BL31.
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_Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved._
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