Commit 936840f1 authored by Anson Huang's avatar Anson Huang
Browse files

imx: support for i.MX8 SoCs misc IPC

NXP's i.MX8 SoCs have system controller (M4 core) which takes
control of misc functions like temperature alarm, dma etc., other
Cortex-A clusters can send out command via MU (Message Unit) to
system controller for misc operation etc..

This patch adds misc IPC(inter-processor communication) support.
Signed-off-by: default avatarAnson Huang <>
parent ebdbc25b
......@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@
#include <sci/svc/pm/sci_pm_api.h>
#include <sci/svc/rm/sci_rm_api.h>
#include <sci/svc/timer/sci_timer_api.h>
#include <sci/svc/misc/sci_misc_api.h>
#endif /* SCI_H */
* Copyright (C) 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2017-2019 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Header file containing the public API for the System Controller (SC)
* Miscellaneous (MISC) function.
* @addtogroup MISC_SVC (SVC) Miscellaneous Service
* Module for the Miscellaneous (MISC) service.
* @{
#ifndef SC_MISC_API_H
#define SC_MISC_API_H
/* Includes */
#include <sci/svc/rm/sci_rm_api.h>
#include <sci/sci_types.h>
/* Defines */
* @name Defines for type widths
#define SC_MISC_DMA_GRP_W 5U /* Width of sc_misc_dma_group_t */
/*! Max DMA channel priority group */
* @name Defines for sc_misc_boot_status_t
#define SC_MISC_BOOT_STATUS_SUCCESS 0U /* Success */
#define SC_MISC_BOOT_STATUS_SECURITY 1U /* Security violation */
* @name Defines for sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t
#define SC_MISC_SECO_AUTH_SECO_FW 0U /* SECO Firmware */
#define SC_MISC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_TX_FW 1U /* HDMI TX Firmware */
#define SC_MISC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_RX_FW 2U /* HDMI RX Firmware */
* @name Defines for sc_misc_temp_t
#define SC_MISC_TEMP 0U /* Temp sensor */
#define SC_MISC_TEMP_HIGH 1U /* Temp high alarm */
#define SC_MISC_TEMP_LOW 2U /* Temp low alarm */
* @name Defines for sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t
#define SC_MISC_AUTH_CONTAINER 0U /* Authenticate container */
#define SC_MISC_VERIFY_IMAGE 1U /* Verify image */
#define SC_MISC_REL_CONTAINER 2U /* Release container */
/* Types */
* This type is used to store a DMA channel priority group.
typedef uint8_t sc_misc_dma_group_t;
* This type is used report boot status.
typedef uint8_t sc_misc_boot_status_t;
* This type is used to issue SECO authenticate commands.
typedef uint8_t sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t;
* This type is used report boot status.
typedef uint8_t sc_misc_temp_t;
/* Functions */
* @name Control Functions
* @{
* This function sets a miscellaneous control value.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] resource resource the control is associated with
* @param[in] ctrl control to change
* @param[in] val value to apply to the control
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the resource owner or parent
* of the owner
* Refer to the [Control List](@ref CONTROLS) for valid control values.
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_control(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_ctrl_t ctrl, uint32_t val);
* This function gets a miscellaneous control value.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] resource resource the control is associated with
* @param[in] ctrl control to get
* @param[out] val pointer to return the control value
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the resource owner or parent
* of the owner
* Refer to the [Control List](@ref CONTROLS) for valid control values.
sc_err_t sc_misc_get_control(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_ctrl_t ctrl, uint32_t *val);
/* @} */
* @name DMA Functions
* @{
* This function configures the max DMA channel priority group for a
* partition.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] pt handle of partition to assign \a max
* @param[in] max max priority group (0-31)
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the parent
* of the affected partition
* Valid \a max range is 0-31 with 0 being the lowest and 31 the highest.
* Default is the max priority group for the parent partition of \a pt.
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_max_dma_group(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rm_pt_t pt,
sc_misc_dma_group_t max);
* This function configures the priority group for a DMA channel.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] resource DMA channel resource
* @param[in] group priority group (0-31)
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the owner or parent
* of the owner of the DMA channel
* Valid \a group range is 0-31 with 0 being the lowest and 31 the highest.
* The max value of \a group is limited by the partition max set using
* sc_misc_set_max_dma_group().
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_dma_group(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_misc_dma_group_t group);
/* @} */
* @name Security Functions
* @{
* This function loads a SECO image.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] addr_src address of image source
* @param[in] addr_dst address of image destination
* @param[in] len length of image to load
* @param[in] fw SC_TRUE = firmware load
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
* - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
* This is used to load images via the SECO. Examples include SECO
* Firmware and IVT/CSF data used for authentication. These are usually
* loaded into SECO TCM. \a addr_src is in secure memory.
* See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_image_load(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr_src,
sc_faddr_t addr_dst, uint32_t len,
sc_bool_t fw);
* This function is used to authenticate a SECO image or command.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] cmd authenticate command
* @param[in] addr address of/or metadata
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
* - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
* This is used to authenticate a SECO image or issue a security
* command. \a addr often points to an container. It is also
* just data (or even unused) for some commands.
* See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_authenticate(sc_ipc_t ipc,
sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t cmd,
sc_faddr_t addr);
* This function securely writes a group of fuse words.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] addr address of message block
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
* Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
* See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_fuse_write(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
* This function securely enables debug.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] addr address of message block
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
* Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
* See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_enable_debug(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
* This function updates the lifecycle of the device.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] lifecycle new lifecycle
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
* This message is used for going from Open to NXP Closed to OEM Closed.
* See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_forward_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t lifecycle);
* This function updates the lifecycle to one of the return lifecycles.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] addr address of message block
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
* Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
* To switch back to NXP states (Full Field Return), message must be signed
* by NXP SRK. For OEM States (Partial Field Return), must be signed by OEM
* SRK.
* See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_return_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
* This function is used to return the SECO FW build info.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] version pointer to return build number
* @param[out] commit pointer to return commit ID (git SHA-1)
void sc_misc_seco_build_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *version, uint32_t *commit);
* This function is used to return SECO chip info.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] lc pointer to return lifecycle
* @param[out] monotonic pointer to return monotonic counter
* @param[out] uid_l pointer to return UID (lower 32 bits)
* @param[out] uid_h pointer to return UID (upper 32 bits)
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_chip_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t *lc,
uint16_t *monotonic, uint32_t *uid_l,
uint32_t *uid_h);
/* @} */
* @name Debug Functions
* @{
* This function is used output a debug character from the SCU UART.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] ch character to output
void sc_misc_debug_out(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint8_t ch);
* This function starts/stops emulation waveform capture.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] enable flag to enable/disable capture
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if not running on emulation
sc_err_t sc_misc_waveform_capture(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_bool_t enable);
* This function is used to return the SCFW build info.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] build pointer to return build number
* @param[out] commit pointer to return commit ID (git SHA-1)
void sc_misc_build_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *build, uint32_t *commit);
* This function is used to return the device's unique ID.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] id_l pointer to return lower 32-bit of ID [31:0]
* @param[out] id_h pointer to return upper 32-bits of ID [63:32]
void sc_misc_unique_id(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *id_l, uint32_t *id_h);
/* @} */
* @name Other Functions
* @{
* This function configures the ARI match value for PCIe/SATA resources.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] resource match resource
* @param[in] resource_mst PCIe/SATA master to match
* @param[in] ari ARI to match
* @param[in] enable enable match or not
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the owner or parent
* of the owner of the resource and translation
* For PCIe, the ARI is the 16-bit value that includes the bus number,
* device number, and function number. For SATA, this value includes the
* FISType and PM_Port.
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_ari(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_rsrc_t resource_mst, uint16_t ari,
sc_bool_t enable);
* This function reports boot status.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] status boot status
* This is used by SW partitions to report status of boot. This is
* normally used to report a boot failure.
void sc_misc_boot_status(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_misc_boot_status_t status);
* This function tells the SCFW that a CPU is done booting.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] cpu CPU that is done booting
* This is called by early booting CPUs to report they are done with
* initialization. After starting early CPUs, the SCFW halts the
* booting process until they are done. During this time, early
* CPUs can call the SCFW with lower latency as the SCFW is idle.
* @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors:
* - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the CPU owner
sc_err_t sc_misc_boot_done(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t cpu);
* This function reads a given fuse word index.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] word fuse word index
* @param[out] val fuse read value
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if read operation failed
* - SC_ERR_LOCKED if read operation is locked
sc_err_t sc_misc_otp_fuse_read(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t word, uint32_t *val);
* This function writes a given fuse word index.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] word fuse word index
* @param[in] val fuse write value
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
* - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if write operation failed
* - SC_ERR_LOCKED if write operation is locked
sc_err_t sc_misc_otp_fuse_write(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t word, uint32_t val);
* This function sets a temp sensor alarm.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] resource resource with sensor
* @param[in] temp alarm to set
* @param[in] celsius whole part of temp to set
* @param[in] tenths fractional part of temp to set
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* This function will enable the alarm interrupt if the temp requested is
* not the min/max temp. This enable automatically clears when the alarm
* occurs and this function has to be called again to re-enable.
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if parameters invalid
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_temp(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_misc_temp_t temp, int16_t celsius, int8_t tenths);
* This function gets a temp sensor value.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] resource resource with sensor
* @param[in] temp value to get (sensor or alarm)
* @param[out] celsius whole part of temp to get
* @param[out] tenths fractional part of temp to get
* @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
* Return errors codes:
* - SC_ERR_PARM if parameters invalid
sc_err_t sc_misc_get_temp(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_misc_temp_t temp, int16_t *celsius,
int8_t *tenths);
* This function returns the boot device.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] dev pointer to return boot device
void sc_misc_get_boot_dev(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t *dev);
* This function returns the current status of the ON/OFF button.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[out] status pointer to return button status
void sc_misc_get_button_status(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_bool_t *status);
/* @} */
#endif /* SC_MISC_API_H */
......@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ BL31_SOURCES += plat/imx/common/sci/ipc.c \
plat/imx/common/sci/svc/pad/pad_rpc_clnt.c \
plat/imx/common/sci/svc/pm/pm_rpc_clnt.c \
plat/imx/common/sci/svc/rm/rm_rpc_clnt.c \
plat/imx/common/sci/svc/timer/timer_rpc_clnt.c \
* Copyright (C) 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2017-2018 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* File containing client-side RPC functions for the MISC service. These
* functions are ported to clients that communicate to the SC.
* @addtogroup MISC_SVC
* @{
/* Includes */
#include <sci/sci_types.h>
#include <sci/svc/rm/sci_rm_api.h>
#include <sci/svc/misc/sci_misc_api.h>
#include <sci/sci_rpc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sci_misc_rpc.h"
/* Local Defines */
/* Local Types */
/* Local Functions */
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_control(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_ctrl_t ctrl, uint32_t val)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)ctrl;
RPC_U32(&msg, 4U) = (uint32_t)val;
RPC_U16(&msg, 8U) = (uint16_t)resource;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 4U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_get_control(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_ctrl_t ctrl, uint32_t *val)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)ctrl;
RPC_U16(&msg, 4U) = (uint16_t)resource;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 3U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (val != NULL)
*val = RPC_U32(&msg, 0U);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_max_dma_group(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rm_pt_t pt,
sc_misc_dma_group_t max)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U8(&msg, 0U) = (uint8_t)pt;
RPC_U8(&msg, 1U) = (uint8_t)max;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_dma_group(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_misc_dma_group_t group)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U16(&msg, 0U) = (uint16_t)resource;
RPC_U8(&msg, 2U) = (uint8_t)group;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_image_load(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr_src,
sc_faddr_t addr_dst, uint32_t len,
sc_bool_t fw)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)(addr_src >> 32U);
RPC_U32(&msg, 4U) = (uint32_t)addr_src;
RPC_U32(&msg, 8U) = (uint32_t)(addr_dst >> 32U);
RPC_U32(&msg, 12U) = (uint32_t)addr_dst;
RPC_U32(&msg, 16U) = (uint32_t)len;
RPC_U8(&msg, 20U) = (uint8_t)fw;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 7U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_authenticate(sc_ipc_t ipc,
sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t cmd, sc_faddr_t addr)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)(addr >> 32U);
RPC_U32(&msg, 4U) = (uint32_t)addr;
RPC_U8(&msg, 8U) = (uint8_t)cmd;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 4U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_fuse_write(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)(addr >> 32U);
RPC_U32(&msg, 4U) = (uint32_t)addr;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 3U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_enable_debug(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)(addr >> 32U);
RPC_U32(&msg, 4U) = (uint32_t)addr;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 3U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_forward_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t lifecycle)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)lifecycle;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_return_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)(addr >> 32U);
RPC_U32(&msg, 4U) = (uint32_t)addr;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 3U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
void sc_misc_seco_build_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *version, uint32_t *commit)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 1U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (version != NULL)
*version = RPC_U32(&msg, 0U);
if (commit != NULL)
*commit = RPC_U32(&msg, 4U);
sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_chip_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t *lc,
uint16_t *monotonic, uint32_t *uid_l,
uint32_t *uid_h)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 1U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (uid_l != NULL)
*uid_l = RPC_U32(&msg, 0U);
if (uid_h != NULL)
*uid_h = RPC_U32(&msg, 4U);
if (lc != NULL)
*lc = RPC_U16(&msg, 8U);
if (monotonic != NULL)
*monotonic = RPC_U16(&msg, 10U);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
void sc_misc_debug_out(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint8_t ch)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_FUNC(&msg) = (uint8_t)MISC_FUNC_DEBUG_OUT;
RPC_U8(&msg, 0U) = (uint8_t)ch;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
sc_err_t sc_misc_waveform_capture(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_bool_t enable)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U8(&msg, 0U) = (uint8_t)enable;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
void sc_misc_build_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *build, uint32_t *commit)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 1U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (build != NULL)
*build = RPC_U32(&msg, 0U);
if (commit != NULL)
*commit = RPC_U32(&msg, 4U);
void sc_misc_unique_id(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *id_l, uint32_t *id_h)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_FUNC(&msg) = (uint8_t)MISC_FUNC_UNIQUE_ID;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 1U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (id_l != NULL)
*id_l = RPC_U32(&msg, 0U);
if (id_h != NULL)
*id_h = RPC_U32(&msg, 4U);
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_ari(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_rsrc_t resource_mst, uint16_t ari, sc_bool_t enable)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_FUNC(&msg) = (uint8_t)MISC_FUNC_SET_ARI;
RPC_U16(&msg, 0U) = (uint16_t)resource;
RPC_U16(&msg, 2U) = (uint16_t)resource_mst;
RPC_U16(&msg, 4U) = (uint16_t)ari;
RPC_U8(&msg, 6U) = (uint8_t)enable;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 3U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
void sc_misc_boot_status(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_misc_boot_status_t status)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U8(&msg, 0U) = (uint8_t)status;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_TRUE);
sc_err_t sc_misc_boot_done(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t cpu)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_FUNC(&msg) = (uint8_t)MISC_FUNC_BOOT_DONE;
RPC_U16(&msg, 0U) = (uint16_t)cpu;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_otp_fuse_read(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t word, uint32_t *val)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)word;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (val != NULL)
*val = RPC_U32(&msg, 0U);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_otp_fuse_write(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t word, uint32_t val)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_U32(&msg, 0U) = (uint32_t)word;
RPC_U32(&msg, 4U) = (uint32_t)val;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 3U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_set_temp(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_misc_temp_t temp, int16_t celsius, int8_t tenths)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_FUNC(&msg) = (uint8_t)MISC_FUNC_SET_TEMP;
RPC_U16(&msg, 0U) = (uint16_t)resource;
RPC_I16(&msg, 2U) = (int16_t) celsius;
RPC_U8(&msg, 4U) = (uint8_t)temp;
RPC_I8(&msg, 5U) = (int8_t) tenths;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 3U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
return (sc_err_t)result;
sc_err_t sc_misc_get_temp(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
sc_misc_temp_t temp, int16_t *celsius,
int8_t *tenths)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
uint8_t result;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_FUNC(&msg) = (uint8_t)MISC_FUNC_GET_TEMP;
RPC_U16(&msg, 0U) = (uint16_t)resource;
RPC_U8(&msg, 2U) = (uint8_t)temp;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 2U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (celsius != NULL)
*celsius = RPC_I16(&msg, 0U);
result = RPC_R8(&msg);
if (tenths != NULL)
*tenths = RPC_I8(&msg, 2U);
return (sc_err_t)result;
void sc_misc_get_boot_dev(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t *dev)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 1U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (dev != NULL)
*dev = RPC_U16(&msg, 0U);
void sc_misc_get_button_status(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_bool_t *status)
sc_rpc_msg_t msg;
RPC_SVC(&msg) = (uint8_t)SC_RPC_SVC_MISC;
RPC_SIZE(&msg) = 1U;
sc_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, SC_FALSE);
if (status != NULL)
*status = RPC_U8(&msg, 0U);
* Copyright (C) 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2017-2019 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Header file for the MISC RPC implementation.
* @addtogroup MISC_SVC
* @{
#ifndef SC_MISC_RPC_H
#define SC_MISC_RPC_H
/* Includes */
/* Defines */
* @name Defines for RPC MISC function calls
#define MISC_FUNC_UNKNOWN 0 /* Unknown function */
#define MISC_FUNC_SET_CONTROL 1U /* Index for misc_set_control() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_GET_CONTROL 2U /* Index for misc_get_control() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SET_MAX_DMA_GROUP 4U /* Index for misc_set_max_dma_group() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SET_DMA_GROUP 5U /* Index for misc_set_dma_group() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_IMAGE_LOAD 8U /* Index for misc_seco_image_load() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_AUTHENTICATE 9U /* Index for misc_seco_authenticate() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_FUSE_WRITE 20U /* Index for misc_seco_fuse_write() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_ENABLE_DEBUG 21U /* Index for misc_seco_enable_debug() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_FORWARD_LIFECYCLE 22U /* Index for misc_seco_forward_lifecycle() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_RETURN_LIFECYCLE 23U /* Index for misc_seco_return_lifecycle() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_BUILD_INFO 24U /* Index for misc_seco_build_info() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SECO_CHIP_INFO 25U /* Index for misc_seco_chip_info() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_DEBUG_OUT 10U /* Index for misc_debug_out() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_WAVEFORM_CAPTURE 6U /* Index for misc_waveform_capture() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_BUILD_INFO 15U /* Index for misc_build_info() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_UNIQUE_ID 19U /* Index for misc_unique_id() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SET_ARI 3U /* Index for misc_set_ari() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_BOOT_STATUS 7U /* Index for misc_boot_status() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_BOOT_DONE 14U /* Index for misc_boot_done() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_OTP_FUSE_READ 11U /* Index for misc_otp_fuse_read() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_OTP_FUSE_WRITE 17U /* Index for misc_otp_fuse_write() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_SET_TEMP 12U /* Index for misc_set_temp() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_GET_TEMP 13U /* Index for misc_get_temp() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_GET_BOOT_DEV 16U /* Index for misc_get_boot_dev() RPC call */
#define MISC_FUNC_GET_BUTTON_STATUS 18U /* Index for misc_get_button_status() RPC call */
/* Types */
/* Functions */
* This function dispatches an incoming MISC RPC request.
* @param[in] caller_pt caller partition
* @param[in] msg pointer to RPC message
void misc_dispatch(sc_rm_pt_t caller_pt, sc_rpc_msg_t *msg);
* This function translates and dispatches an MISC RPC request.
* @param[in] ipc IPC handle
* @param[in] msg pointer to RPC message
void misc_xlate(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rpc_msg_t *msg);
#endif /* SC_MISC_RPC_H */
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