Commit 96a470a2 authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux
Browse files

juno: Clean a few details in BL2 & BL3-1 plat setup code

Change-Id: Id1cd218baf4e35ad2e82e413b030ac96763a8104
parent 4be58a28
......@@ -67,9 +67,6 @@ extern unsigned long __COHERENT_RAM_END__;
#define BL2_COHERENT_RAM_BASE (unsigned long)(&__COHERENT_RAM_START__)
#define BL2_COHERENT_RAM_LIMIT (unsigned long)(&__COHERENT_RAM_END__)
/* Pointer to memory visible to both BL2 and BL3-1 for passing data */
extern unsigned char **bl2_el_change_mem_ptr;
/* Data structure which holds the extents of the trusted RAM for BL2 */
static meminfo_t bl2_tzram_layout
__attribute__ ((aligned(PLATFORM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE),
......@@ -254,7 +251,7 @@ void bl2_plat_flush_bl31_params(void)
* Perform the very early platform specific architectural setup here. At the
* moment this is only intializes the mmu in a quick and dirty way.
void bl2_plat_arch_setup()
void bl2_plat_arch_setup(void)
......@@ -264,7 +261,6 @@ void bl2_plat_arch_setup()
* Before calling this function BL31 is loaded in memory and its entrypoint
* is set by load_image. This is a placeholder for the platform to change
......@@ -107,6 +107,12 @@ void bl31_early_platform_setup(bl31_params_t *from_bl2,
/* Initialize the console to provide early debug support */
* Check params passed from BL2 should not be NULL,
* We are not checking plat_params_from_bl2 as NULL as we are not
* using it on Juno
assert(from_bl2 != NULL);
assert(from_bl2->h.type == PARAM_BL31);
assert(from_bl2->h.version >= VERSION_1);
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