/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trp_private.h" /******************************************************************************* * Per cpu data structure to populate parameters for an SMC in C code and use * a pointer to this structure in assembler code to populate x0-x7 ******************************************************************************/ static trp_args_t trp_smc_args[PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT]; /******************************************************************************* * Set the arguments for SMC call ******************************************************************************/ static trp_args_t *set_smc_args(uint64_t arg0, uint64_t arg1, uint64_t arg2, uint64_t arg3, uint64_t arg4, uint64_t arg5, uint64_t arg6, uint64_t arg7) { uint32_t linear_id; trp_args_t *pcpu_smc_args; /* * Return to Secure Monitor by raising an SMC. The results of the * service are passed as an arguments to the SMC */ linear_id = plat_my_core_pos(); pcpu_smc_args = &trp_smc_args[linear_id]; write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG0, arg0); write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG1, arg1); write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG2, arg2); write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG3, arg3); write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG4, arg4); write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG5, arg5); write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG6, arg6); write_trp_arg(pcpu_smc_args, TRP_ARG7, arg7); return pcpu_smc_args; } /******************************************************************************* * Setup function for TRP. ******************************************************************************/ void trp_setup(void) { /* Perform early platform-specific setup */ trp_early_platform_setup(); } /* Main function for TRP */ void trp_main(void) { NOTICE("TRP: %s\n", version_string); NOTICE("TRP: %s\n", build_message); INFO("TRP: Memory base : 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)BL32_BASE); INFO("TRP: Total size : 0x%lx bytes\n", (unsigned long)(BL32_LIMIT - BL32_BASE)); } /******************************************************************************* * Returning RMI version back to Normal World ******************************************************************************/ static trp_args_t *trp_ret_rmi_version() { VERBOSE("RMM version is %u.%u\n", RMI_ABI_VERSION_MAJOR, RMI_ABI_VERSION_MINOR); return set_smc_args(RMI_RMM_REQ_COMPLETE, RMI_ABI_VERSION, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /******************************************************************************* * Transitioning granule of NON-SECURE type to REALM type ******************************************************************************/ static trp_args_t *trp_asc_mark_realm(unsigned long long x1) { unsigned long long ret; VERBOSE("Delegating granule 0x%llx\n", x1); ret = trp_smc(set_smc_args(SMC_ASC_MARK_REALM, x1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); if (ret != 0ULL) { ERROR("Granule transition from NON-SECURE type to REALM type failed 0x%llx\n", ret); } return set_smc_args(RMI_RMM_REQ_COMPLETE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /******************************************************************************* * Transitioning granule of REALM type to NON-SECURE type ******************************************************************************/ static trp_args_t *trp_asc_mark_nonsecure(unsigned long long x1) { unsigned long long ret; VERBOSE("Undelegating granule 0x%llx\n", x1); ret = trp_smc(set_smc_args(SMC_ASC_MARK_NONSECURE, x1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); if (ret != 0ULL) { ERROR("Granule transition from REALM type to NON-SECURE type failed 0x%llx\n", ret); } return set_smc_args(RMI_RMM_REQ_COMPLETE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /******************************************************************************* * Main RMI SMC handler function ******************************************************************************/ trp_args_t *trp_rmi_handler(unsigned long fid, unsigned long long x1) { switch (fid) { case RMI_RMM_REQ_VERSION: return trp_ret_rmi_version(); case RMI_RMM_GRANULE_DELEGATE: return trp_asc_mark_realm(x1); case RMI_RMM_GRANULE_UNDELEGATE: return trp_asc_mark_nonsecure(x1); default: ERROR("Invalid SMC code to %s, FID %lu\n", __func__, fid); } return set_smc_args(SMC_UNK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }