mysql_pass=$(whiptail --inputbox"What is your mysql root password?" 8 78 $mysql_pass--title"$SECTION" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
exitstatus=$?;if[$exitstatus= 1 ];then exit 1;fi
whiptail --ok-button"Install"--title"Debian micro home server installation (c) Igor Pecovnik"--checklist--separate-output"\nIP: $serverIP\nFQDN: $HOSTNAMEFQDN\n\nChoose what you want to install:" 20 78 9 \
"Samba""Windows compatible file sharing " off \
"TV headend""TV streaming / proxy" off \
"BitTorrent Sync""Personal cloud" off \
"SoftEther VPN server""Advanced VPN solution" off \
"CUPS""Printing" off \
"Scanner""Control your scanner with buttons, OCR" off \
"Temper""USB temperature sensor" off \
"Transmission""Torrent downloading" off \
"ISPConfig""WWW, PHP, SQL, SMTP, IMAP, POP3" off 2>results