#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2018 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com # # This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public # License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any # warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. # Functions: # submenu_settings # submenu_networking # submenu_personal # submenu_software # # system settings # function submenu_settings () { unset main while true; do LIST=() DIALOG_CANCEL=1 DIALOG_ESC=255 # detect desktop check_desktop # check update status of BSP packages local mark=$(apt-mark showhold | egrep "linux|armbian") # check if eMMC/SD is on the system if [[ $(sed -n 's/^DEVNAME=//p' /sys/dev/block/$(mountpoint -d /)/uevent 2> /dev/null) == mmcblk* \ && -f /usr/sbin/nand-sata-install ]]; then LIST+=( "Install" "Install to/update boot loader" ) fi # armbian specific function if [[ -f /etc/armbian-release ]]; then if [[ -n "${mark}" ]]; then LIST+=( "Defreeze" "Enable Armbian kernel upgrades " ) else LIST+=( "Freeze" "Disable Armbian kernel upgrades " ) fi fi # armbian specific function, when upgrades are enabled if [[ -z ${mark} ]]; then [[ -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list ]] && [[ -n $(grep -w apt /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list) ]] \ && LIST+=( "Nightly" "Switch to nightly automated builds" ) [[ -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list ]] && [[ -n $(grep -w beta /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list) ]] \ && LIST+=( "Stable" "Switch to stable builds" ) fi [[ -n $(grep -w "#kernel.printk" /etc/sysctl.conf ) ]] && LIST+=( "Lowlevel" "Stop low-level messages on console" ) [[ -f /boot/armbianEnv.txt ]] && LIST+=( "Bootenv" "Edit boot environment" ) [[ -f /boot/boot.ini ]] && LIST+=( "Bootscript" "Edit boot script" ) if [[ -f /etc/default/cpufrequtils ]]; then LIST+=( "CPU" "Set CPU speed and governor" ) fi AVAHIDSTATUS=$(service avahi-daemon status 2> /dev/null | grep -w active | grep -w running) if [[ -n "$AVAHIDSTATUS" ]]; then LIST+=( "Avahi" "Disable system announce in the network" ) else LIST+=( "Avahi" "Announce system in the network" ) fi [[ -d ${OVERLAYDIR} ]] && \ LIST+=( "Hardware" "Toggle hardware configuration: UART, I2C, etc." ) [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" = cubox && "$BRANCH" = "current" ]] && LIST+=( "DTB" "Switch board .dtb configuration" ) # this is avaliable only in kernel higher than 4.10 testvercomp "$(uname -r | sed 's/-.*//')" "4.10.0" ">" [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" = odroidxu4 && $? == 0 ]] && LIST+=( "DTB" "Select optimised board configuration" ) [[ -f /usr/bin/bin2fex && "$LINUXFAMILY" = sun*i && "$BRANCH" = "default" ]] && LIST+=( "Fexedit" "Board (fex) settings editor" ) [[ -z ${mark} ]] && [[ -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list ]] && LIST+=( "Other" "Switch to other kernels" ) LIST+=( "SSH" "Reconfigure SSH daemon" ) LIST+=( "Firmware" "Run apt update & apt upgrade" ) if [[ "$SHELL" != "/bin/bash" ]]; then LIST+=( "BASH" "Revert to stock BASH shell" ) else LIST+=( "ZSH" "Install ZSH with plugins and tmux" ) fi [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" = sun*i && "$BRANCH" = "default" && \ -n $(bin2fex /dev/null | grep -w "hdmi_used = 1") ]] && LIST+=( "Display" "Set the display resolution" ) [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" = odroidc* || "$LINUXFAMILY" = odroidn2 && "$BRANCH" = "default" ]] && LIST+=( "Display" "Set the display resolution" ) # desktop if [[ -n $DISPLAY_MANAGER ]]; then LIST+=( "Desktop" "Disable desktop or change login type" ) else if [[ -n $DESKTOP_INSTALLED ]]; then LIST+=( "Desktop" "Enable desktop" ) else LIST+=( "Default" "Install desktop with browser and extras" ) fi fi # overlayroot if [[ "$DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" && "$(modinfo overlay > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" == "0" ]]; then if [ -n "$(mount | grep -w tmpfs-root)" ]; then LIST+=( "Overlayroot" "Disable virtual read-only root filesystem" ) else LIST+=( "Overlayroot" "Enable virtual read-only root filesystem" ) fi fi LIST+=( "Dtc" "View/Edit/Compile device tree WIP" ) # count number of menu items to adjust window size LISTLENGTH="$((6+${#LIST[@]}/2))" BOXLENGTH=${#LIST[@]} temp_rc=$(mktemp) if [[ -n ${mark} || -n $(grep -w beta /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list 2> /dev/null) ]]; then cat <<-'EOF' > $temp_rc dialog_color = (RED,WHITE,OFF) screen_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) tag_color = (RED,WHITE,ON) item_selected_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) tag_selected_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) tag_key_selected_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) EOF [[ -n ${mark} ]] && local sys_title=" Warning - firmware packages frozen" [[ -n $(grep -w beta /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list 2> /dev/null) ]] && \ local sys_title=" Warning - attached to beta repository" [[ -n ${mark} && -n $(grep -w beta /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list 2> /dev/null) ]] && \ sys_title=" Warning - frozen & attached to beta repository" else local sys_title=" System settings " echo > $temp_rc fi if [[ -z $selection ]]; then exec 3>&1 selection=$(DIALOGRC=$temp_rc dialog --colors --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title " $sys_title " --clear \ --cancel-label "Back" --menu "$disclaimer" $LISTLENGTH 0 $BOXLENGTH \ "${LIST[@]}" 2>&1 1>&3) exit_status=$? exec 3>&- [[ $exit_status == $DIALOG_CANCEL || $exit_status == $DIALOG_ESC ]] && clear && break fi # run main function jobs "$selection" done } # # menu for networking # function submenu_networking () { # select default interface if there is more than one connected #select_interface "default" unset main while true; do LIST=() DIALOG_CANCEL=1 DIALOG_ESC=255 # check if we have some LTE modems for i in $(lsusb | awk '{print $6}'); do lte "$i"; done; # edit ip LIST+=( "IP" "Select dynamic or edit static IP address" ) # hostapd HOSTAPDBRIDGE=$(cat /etc/hostapd.conf 2> /dev/null | grep -w "^bridge=br0") HOSTAPDSTATUS=$(service hostapd status 2> /dev/null | grep -w active | grep -w running) if [[ -n "$HOSTAPDSTATUS" ]]; then HOSTAPDINFO=$(hostapd_cli get_config 2> /dev/null | grep ^ssid | sed 's/ssid=//g') HOSTAPDCLIENTS=$(hostapd_cli all_sta 2> /dev/null | grep connected_time | wc -l) LIST+=( "Hotspot" "Manage active wireless access point" ) else [[ -n $(LC_ALL=C nmcli device status 2> /dev/null | grep wifi | grep -w disconnected) ]] && \ LIST+=( "Hotspot" "Create WiFi access point" ) fi # toggle IPv6 if [[ $(cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6) == 1 ]]; then LIST+=( "IPV6" "Enable IPv6 for APT and system" ) else LIST+=( "IPV6" "Disable IPv6 for APT and system" ) fi # network throughput test if check_if_installed iperf3; then if pgrep -x "iperf3" > /dev/null then LIST+=( "Iperf3" "Disable network throughput tests daemon" ) else LIST+=( "Iperf3" "Enable network throughput tests daemon" ) fi fi if [[ -n $(LC_ALL=C nmcli device status 2> /dev/null | grep wifi | grep -v unavailable | grep -v unmanaged) ]]; then LIST+=( "WiFi" "Manage wireless networking" ) else LIST+=( "Clear" "Clear possible blocked interfaces" ) fi if [[ -n $LTE_MODEM ]]; then # apply udev rules initialize_lte LIST+=( "LTE" "$LTE_MODEM" ) fi check_if_installed lirc && LIST+=( "Remove IR" "Remove IR support" ) || LIST+=( "IR" "Install IR support" ) if check_if_installed bluetooth then ; then LIST+=( "BT remove" "Remove Bluetooth support" ) if [[ -n $(service bluetooth status | grep -w active | grep -w running) ]]; then [[ $(hcitool dev | sed '1d') != "" ]] && LIST+=( "BT discover" "Discover and connect Bluetooth devices" ) fi else LIST+=( "BT install" "Install Bluetooth support" ) fi [[ -d /usr/local/vpnclient ]] && LIST+=( "VPN" "Manage Softether VPN client" ) && VPNSERVERIP=$(/usr/local/vpnclient/vpncmd /client localhost /cmd accountlist | grep "VPN Server" |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' | head -1) LIST+=( "Advanced" "Edit /etc/network/interfaces" ) [[ $(ls -1 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections 2> /dev/null) ]] && \ LIST+=( "Forget" "Disconnect and forget all wireless connections" ) # count number of menu items to adjust window size LISTLENGTH="$((12+${#LIST[@]}/2))" BOXLENGTH=${#LIST[@]} WIFICONNECTED=$(LC_ALL=C nmcli -f NAME,TYPE connection show --active 2> /dev/null | grep wireless | awk 'NF{NF-=1};1') local disclaimer="" local ipadd=$(ip -4 addr show dev $DEFAULT_ADAPTER | awk '/inet/ {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1) if [[ -n $(LC_ALL=C nmcli device status 2> /dev/null | grep $DEFAULT_ADAPTER | grep connected) ]]; then local ifup="\nIP ($DEFAULT_ADAPTER) via Network Manager: \Z1${ipadd}\n\Z0 " else if [[ -n $(service systemd-networkd status | grep -w active | grep -w running) ]]; then local ifup="\nIP ($DEFAULT_ADAPTER) via systemd-networkd: \Z1${ipadd}\n\Z0 " else local ifup="\nIP ($DEFAULT_ADAPTER) via IFUPDOWN: \Z1${ipadd}\n\Z0 " fi fi disclaimer="$ifup" if [[ -n $WIFICONNECTED ]]; then LISTLENGTH=$((LISTLENGTH+2)) local connected="\n\Z0Connected to SSID: \Z1${WIFICONNECTED}\n\Z0 " disclaimer=$disclaimer"$connected" fi if [[ -n $VPNSERVERIP ]]; then local vpnserverip="\n\Z0Connected to VPN server: \Z1${VPNSERVERIP}\n\Z0 " disclaimer=$disclaimer"$vpnserverip" LISTLENGTH=$((LISTLENGTH+2)) fi if [[ -n $HOSTAPDINFO && -n $HOSTAPDSTATUS ]]; then LISTLENGTH=$((LISTLENGTH+2)) chpid=$(dmesg | grep $(grep ^interface /etc/hostapd.conf | sed 's/interface=//g') | head -1 | sed 's/\[.*\]//g' | awk '{print $1}') disclaimer=$disclaimer$"\n\Z0Hotspot SSID: \Z1$HOSTAPDINFO\Zn Band:"; if [[ `grep ^hw_mode=a /etc/hostapd.conf` ]]; then local band="5Ghz"; else band="2.4Ghz"; fi if [[ `grep ^ieee80211n /etc/hostapd.conf` ]]; then local type="N"; fi if [[ `grep ^ieee80211ac /etc/hostapd.conf` ]]; then local type="AC"; fi disclaimer=$disclaimer$" \Z1${band} ${type}\Z0" [[ ! "$chpid" =~ .*IPv6.* ]] && disclaimer=$disclaimer$"\n\nChip: \Z1${chpid}\Z0"; if [ "$HOSTAPDCLIENTS" -gt "0" ]; then disclaimer=$disclaimer$" Connected clients: \Z1$HOSTAPDCLIENTS\Zn"; fi if [[ ! "$chpid" =~ .*IPv6.* ]]; then LISTLENGTH=$((LISTLENGTH+2)); fi disclaimer=$disclaimer$"\n"; fi disclaimer=$disclaimer"\n\Z1Note\Zn: This tool can be successful only when drivers are configured properly. If auto-detection fails, you are on your own.\n " if [[ -z $selection ]]; then exec 3>&1 selection=$(dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --colors --title " Wired, Wireless, Bluetooth, Hotspot " --clear \ --cancel-label "Back" --menu "${disclaimer}" $LISTLENGTH 70 $BOXLENGTH \ "${LIST[@]}" 2>&1 1>&3) exit_status=$? exec 3>&- [[ $exit_status == $DIALOG_CANCEL || $exit_status == $DIALOG_ESC ]] && clear && break fi # run main function jobs "$selection" done } # # personal # function submenu_personal () { unset main while true; do LIST=() LIST+=( "Timezone" "Change timezone \Z5($(LC_ALL=C timedatectl | grep zone | awk '{$1=$1;print}' | sed "s/Time zone: //"))\Z0" ) LIST+=( "Locales" "Reconfigure language \Z5($(locale | grep LANGUAGE | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d_ -f1))\Z0 and character set" ) LIST+=( "Keyboard" "Change console keyboard layout (\Z5$(cat /etc/default/keyboard | grep XKBLAYOUT | grep -o '".*"' | sed 's/"//g')\Z0)") LIST+=( "Hostname" "Change your hostname \Z5($(cat /etc/hostname))\Z0" ) LIST+=( "Welcome" "Toggle welcome screen items" ) LIST+=( "Mirrors" "Reconfigure APT mirrors" ) # count number of menu items to adjust window sizee LISTLENGTH="$((6+${#LIST[@]}/2))" BOXLENGTH=${#LIST[@]} if [[ -z $selection ]]; then exec 3>&1 selection=$(dialog --colors --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Personal settings" --clear \ --cancel-label "Back" --menu "$disclaimer" $LISTLENGTH 70 $BOXLENGTH \ "${LIST[@]}" 2>&1 1>&3) exit_status=$? exec 3>&- [[ $exit_status == $DIALOG_CANCEL || $exit_status == $DIALOG_ESC ]] && clear && break fi # run main function jobs "$selection" done } # # software # function submenu_software () { unset main while true; do # detect desktop check_desktop LIST=() [[ -f /usr/bin/softy || -f softy ]] && LIST+=( "Softy" "3rd party applications installer" ) [[ -f /usr/bin/h3consumption && "$LINUXFAMILY" = "sun8i" && "$BRANCH" = "default" ]] && \ LIST+=( "Consumption" "Control board consumption" ) [[ -f /usr/bin/armbianmonitor ]] && LIST+=( "Monitor" "Simple CLI board monitoring" ) LIST+=( "Benchmarking" "sbc-bench board benchmarking" ) [[ -f /usr/bin/armbianmonitor ]] && LIST+=( "Diagnostics" "Send diagnostics" ) if [[ -n $(dpkg -l | grep linux-headers) ]]; then LIST+=( "Headers_remove" "kernel headers" ); else \ LIST+=( "Headers_install" "kernel headers" ); fi SOURCE_PKG_LIST=$(apt-cache --names-only search ^linux-source-* | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -w ${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY} | tail -n 5) if [[ -n $SOURCE_PKG_LIST ]]; then LIST+=( "Source_install" "kernel source" ) fi SOURCE_PKG_LIST_INSTALLED=$(find /usr/src -maxdepth 1 -name "linux-source*") if [[ -n $SOURCE_PKG_LIST_INSTALLED ]]; then LIST+=( "Source_remove" "kernel source" ); fi if [[ -f /etc/armbian.txt ]]; then if [[ -n $(dpkg -l | grep -w "armbian-firmware-full ") ]]; then LIST+=( "Mini" "Install mini firmware package" ); else LIST+=( "Full" "Install full firmware package" ); fi fi if [[ -n $DISPLAY_MANAGER ]]; then if [[ $(service xrdp status 2> /dev/null | grep -w active) ]]; then LIST+=( "RDP" "Disable remote desktop access from Windows" ) else LIST+=( "RDP" "Enable remote desktop access from Windows" ) fi if ! check_if_installed thunderbird ; then LIST+=( "Thunderbird" "Install full featured email client" ) else LIST+=( "Thunderbird" "Remove full featured email client" ) fi if ! check_if_installed gimp ; then LIST+=( "Gimp" "Install photo manipulation tool" ) else LIST+=( "Gimp" "Remove photo manipulation tool" ) fi if ! check_if_installed libreoffice-writer ; then LIST+=( "Writer" "Libreoffice: Writer only" ) LIST+=( "Suite" "Libreoffice: Full suite" ) else if ! check_if_installed libreoffice-base ; then LIST+=( "Suite" "Libreoffice: Full suite" ) LIST+=( "Libre" "Remove Libre office packages" ) else LIST+=( "Libre" "Remove Libre office packages" ) fi fi fi # count number of menu items to adjust window sizee LISTLENGTH="$((6+${#LIST[@]}/2))" BOXLENGTH=${#LIST[@]} if [[ -z $selection ]]; then exec 3>&1 selection=$(dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "System and 3rd party software" --clear \ --cancel-label "Back" --menu "$disclaimer" $LISTLENGTH 70 $BOXLENGTH \ "${LIST[@]}" 2>&1 1>&3) exit_status=$? exec 3>&- [[ $exit_status == $DIALOG_CANCEL || $exit_status == $DIALOG_ESC ]] && clear && break fi # run main function jobs "$selection" done }