Commit f80e577c authored by Hisham's avatar Hisham
Browse files

Changelog for htop 2.0.2

parent 81552d4a
What's new in version 2.0.2
* Mac OS X: stop trying when task_for_pid fails for a process,
stops spamming logs with errors.
* Add Ctrl+A and Ctrl+E to go to beginning and end of line
* FreeBSD: fixes for CPU calculation
(thanks to Tim Creech, Andy Pilate)
* Usability: auto-follow process after a search.
* Use Linux backend on GNU Hurd
* Improvement for reproducible builds.
* BUGFIX: Fix behavior of Alt-key combinations
(thanks to Kang-Che Sung)
* Various code tweaks and cleanups
(thanks to Kang-Che Sung)
What's new in version 2.0.1 What's new in version 2.0.1
* OpenBSD: Various fixes and improvements * OpenBSD: Various fixes and improvements
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