This plugin is intended to offer a few simple aliases for regular users of the [Cloud Foundry Cli][1]. Most are just simple aliases that will save a bit of typing. Others include mini functions and or accept parameters. Take a look at the table below for details.
| cfsrtall | - | Start all apps that are currently in the "Stopped" state |
| cfstpall | - | Stop all apps that are currently in the "Started" state |
For help and advice on what any of the commands does, consult the built in `cf` help functions as follows:-
cf help# List the most popular and commonly used commands
cf help-a# Complete list of all possible commands
cf <COMMAND_NAME> --help# Help on a specific command including arguments and examples
Alternatively, seek out the [online documentation][3]. And don't forget, there are loads of great [community plugins for the cf-cli][4] command line tool that can greatly extend its power and usefulness.