Commit 00eb4658 authored by Andrew Janke's avatar Andrew Janke
Browse files

Merge branch 'master' into fold-terminalapp-plugin-into-termsupport

parents 47d19cc5 192de6bc
# author: Peter Eisentraut
# source:
# compdef kitchen
_kitchen() {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments '1: :->cmds'\
'2: :->args'
case $state in
_arguments "1:Commands:(console converge create destroy diagnose driver help init list login setup test verify version)"
case $line[1] in
compadd "$@" all
_kitchen_instances() {
if [[ $_kitchen_instances_cache_dir != $PWD ]]; then
unset _kitchen_instances_cache
if [[ ${+_kitchen_instances_cache} -eq 0 ]]; then
_kitchen_instances_cache=(${(f)"$(bundle exec kitchen list -b 2>/dev/null || kitchen list -b 2>/dev/null)"})
compadd -a _kitchen_instances_cache
_kitchen "$@"
# Laravel4 basic command completion
_laravel4_get_command_list () {
php artisan --no-ansi | sed "1,/Available commands/d" | awk '/^ [a-z]+/ { print $1 }'
php artisan --no-ansi | sed "1,/Available commands/d" | awk '/^ +[a-z]+/ { print $1 }'
_laravel4 () {
# Laravel5 basic command completion
_laravel5_get_command_list () {
php artisan --no-ansi | sed "1,/Available commands/d" | awk '/^ +[a-z]+/ { print $1 }'
_laravel5 () {
if [ -f artisan ]; then
compadd `_laravel5_get_command_list`
compdef _laravel5 artisan
compdef _laravel5 la5
alias la5='php artisan'
alias la5cache='php artisan cache:clear'
alias la5routes='php artisan route:list'
alias la5vendor='php artisan vendor:publish'
......@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ mkdir -p $ZSH_CACHE_DIR
# Updates the last directory once directory is changed.
function chpwd() {
function chpwd_last_working_dir() {
# Use >| in case noclobber is set to avoid "file exists" error
pwd >| "$cache_file"
# Changes directory to the last working directory.
function lwd() {
[[ ! -r "$cache_file" ]] || cd `cat "$cache_file"`
[[ ! -r "$cache_file" ]] || cd "`cat "$cache_file"`"
# Automatically jump to last working directory unless this isn't the first time
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ open_lighthouse_ticket () {
lighthouse_url=$(cat .lighthouse-url);
echo "Opening ticket #$1";
`open $lighthouse_url/tickets/$1`;
open_command "$lighthouse_url/tickets/$1";
# Mercurial plugin
### Usage
Update .zshrc:
1. Add name to the list of plugins, e.g. `plugins = (..., mercurial, ...)`
(that is pretty obvious).
2. Change PROMPT variable of current theme to contain current folder mercurial repo info:
robbyrussel theme is used by default, so you need to modify PROMPT var
from [this file](
by adding `$(hg_prompt_info)` after `$(git_prompt_info)`, so currently it
looks next:
- PROMPT='${ret_status}%{$fg_bold[green]%}%p %{$fg[cyan]%}%c %{$fg_bold[blue]%}$(git_prompt_info)%{$fg_bold[blue]%} % %{$reset_color%}'
+ PROMPT='${ret_status}%{$fg_bold[green]%}%p %{$fg[cyan]%}%c %{$fg_bold[blue]%}$(git_prompt_info)$(hg_prompt_info)%{$fg_bold[blue]%} % %{$reset_color%}'
and put modified var at the end of **.zshrc**.
3. Initialize additional vars used in plugin. So in short put next in **.zshrc**:
ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$fg[magenta]%}) %{$fg[yellow]%}✗%{$reset_color%}"
### What's inside?
#### Adds handy aliases:
###### general
* `hgc` - `hg commit`
* `hgb` - `hg branch`
* `hgba` - `hg branches`
* `hgbk` - `hg bookmarks`
* `hgco` - `hg checkout`
* `hgd` - `hg diff`
* `hged` - `hg diffmerge`
###### pull and update
* `hgi` - `hg incoming`
* `hgl` - `hg pull -u`
* `hglr` - `hg pull --rebase`
* `hgo` - `hg outgoing`
* `hgp` - `hg push`
* `hgs` - `hg status`
* `hgsl` - `hg log --limit 20 --template "{node|short} | {date|isodatesec} | {author|user}: {desc|strip|firstline}\n"`
###### this is the 'git commit --amend' equivalent
* `hgca` - `hg qimport -r tip ; hg qrefresh -e ; hg qfinish tip`
###### list unresolved files (since hg does not list unmerged files in the status command)
* `hgun` - `hg resolve --list`
#### Displays repo branch and directory status in prompt
This is the same as git plugin does.
**Note**: additional changes to **.zshrc** are required in order for this to
### Mantainers
[ptrv]( - original creator
[oshybystyi]( - created this README and know how most of code works
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function hg_prompt_info {
if [ $(in_hg) ]; then
unset _DISPLAY
# mix-fast
Fast mix autocompletion plugin.
This script caches the output for later usage and significantly speeds it up.
It generates a .mix_tasks cache file for current project. Currently if you want
to update cache you should remove .mix_tasks file
Inspired by and based on rake-fast zsh plugin.
This is entirely based on [this pull request by Ullrich Schäfer](, which is inspired by [this Ruby on Rails trick from 2006](
## Installation
Just add the plugin to your `.zshrc`:
plugins=(foo bar mix-fast)
You might consider adding `.mix_tasks` to your [global .gitignore](
## Usage
`mix`, then press tab
Currently maintained by [styx](
\ No newline at end of file
_mix_refresh () {
if [ -f .mix_tasks ]; then
rm .mix_tasks
echo "Generating .mix_tasks..." > /dev/stderr
cat .mix_tasks
_mix_does_task_list_need_generating () {
[ ! -f .mix_tasks ];
_mix_generate () {
mix --help | grep -v 'iex -S' | tail -n +2 | cut -d " " -f 2 > .mix_tasks
_mix () {
if [ -f mix.exs ]; then
if _mix_does_task_list_need_generating; then
echo "\nGenerating .mix_tasks..." > /dev/stderr
compadd `cat .mix_tasks`
compdef _mix mix
alias mix_refresh='_mix_refresh'
......@@ -5,23 +5,39 @@
local -a _1st_arguments
'archive:Archive this project into a .ez file'
'clean:Clean generated application files'
'app.start:Start all registered apps'
'archive:List all archives'
' this project into a .ez file'
'archive.install:Install an archive locally'
'archive.uninstall:Uninstall archives'
'clean:Delete generated application files'
'cmd:Executes the given command'
'compile:Compile source files'
'compile.protocols:Consolidates all protocols in all paths'
'deps:List dependencies and their status'
"deps.clean:Remove dependencies' files"
"deps.clean:Remove the given dependencies' files"
'deps.compile:Compile dependencies'
'deps.get:Get all out of date dependencies'
'deps.unlock:Unlock the given dependencies'
'deps.update:Update dependencies'
'do:Executes the commands separated by comma'
'escriptize:Generates an escript for the project'
'deps.update:Update the given dependencies'
'do:Executes the tasks separated by comma'
' an escript for the project'
'help:Print help information for tasks'
'hex:Print hex help information'
'hex.config:Read or update hex config'
' docs for package'
' hex information'
'hex.key:Hex API key tasks'
'hex.outdated:Shows outdated hex deps for the current project'
'hex.owner:Hex package ownership tasks'
'hex.publish:Publish a new package version'
' for package names'
'hex.user:Hex user tasks'
'loadconfig:Loads and persists the given configuration'
'local:List local tasks'
'local.install:Install a task or an archive locally'
'local.hex:Install hex locally'
'local.rebar:Install rebar locally'
'local.uninstall:Uninstall local tasks or archives'
'new:Creates a new Elixir project'
'new:Create a new Elixir project'
'run:Run the given file or expression'
"test:Run a project's tests"
'--help:Describe available tasks'
......@@ -33,7 +49,7 @@ __task_list ()
local expl
declare -a tasks
tasks=(archive clean compile deps deps.clean deps.compile deps.get deps.unlock deps.update do escriptize help local local.install local.rebar local.uninstall new run test)
tasks=(app.start archive archive.install archive.uninstall clean cmd compile compile.protocols deps deps.clean deps.compile deps.get deps.unlock deps.update do help hex hex.config hex.key hex.outdated hex.owner hex.publish hex.user loadconfig local local.hex local.rebar new run test)
_wanted tasks expl 'help' compadd $tasks
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ alias mvntc='mvn tomcat:run'
alias mvnjetty='mvn jetty:run'
alias mvndt='mvn dependency:tree'
alias mvns='mvn site'
alias mvnsrc='mvn dependency:sources'
alias mvndocs='mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc'
function listMavenCompletions {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: n98-magerun.plugin.zsh
# DESCRIPTION: oh-my-zsh n98-magerun plugin file. Adapted from composer plugin
# AUTHOR: Andrew Dwyer (andrewrdwyer at gmail dot com)
# VERSION: 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# n98-magerun basic command completion
_n98_magerun_get_command_list () {
$_comp_command1 --no-ansi | sed "1,/Available commands/d" | awk '/^ +[a-z\-:]+/ { print $1 }'
_n98_magerun () {
_arguments '1: :->command' '*:optional arg:_files'
case $state in
compadd $(_n98_magerun_get_command_list)
compdef _n98_magerun n98-magerun.phar
compdef _n98_magerun n98-magerun
# Aliases
alias n98='n98-magerun.phar'
alias mage='n98-magerun.phar'
alias magefl='n98-magerun.phar cache:flush'
# Install n98-magerun into the current directory
alias mage-get='wget'
# Nmap aliases plugin
Adds some useful aliases for nmap similar to the profiles in zenmap.
Nmap options are:
* -sS - TCP SYN scan
* -v - verbose
* -T1 - timing of scan. Options are paranoid (0), sneaky (1), polite (2), normal (3), aggressive (4), and insane (5)
* -sF - FIN scan (can sneak through non-stateful firewalls)
* -PE - ICMP echo discovery probe
* -PP - timestamp discovery probe
* -PY - SCTP init ping
* -g - use given number as source port
* -A - enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute (aggressive)
* -O - enable OS detection
* -sA - TCP ACK scan
* -F - fast scan
* --script=vulscan - also access vulnerabilities in target
## Aliases explained
* nmap_open_ports - scan for open ports on target
* nmap_list_interfaces - list all network interfaces on host where the command runs
* nmap_slow - slow scan that avoids to spam the targets logs
* nmap_fin - scan to see if hosts are up with TCP FIN scan
* nmap_full - aggressive full scan that scans all ports, tries to determine OS and service versions
* nmap_check_for_firewall - TCP ACK scan to check for firewall existence
* nmap_ping_through_firewall - Host discovery with SYN and ACK probes instead of just pings to avoid firewall
* nmap_fast - Fast scan of the top 300 popular ports
* nmap_detect_versions - detects versions of services and OS, runs on all ports
* nmap_check_for_vulns - uses vulscan script to check target services for vulnerabilities
# Some useful nmap aliases for scan modes
# Nmap options are:
# -sS - TCP SYN scan
# -v - verbose
# -T1 - timing of scan. Options are paranoid (0), sneaky (1), polite (2), normal (3), aggressive (4), and insane (5)
# -sF - FIN scan (can sneak through non-stateful firewalls)
# -PE - ICMP echo discovery probe
# -PP - timestamp discovery probe
# -PY - SCTP init ping
# -g - use given number as source port
# -A - enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute (aggressive)
# -O - enable OS detection
# -sA - TCP ACK scan
# -F - fast scan
# --script=vulscan - also access vulnerabilities in target
alias nmap_open_ports="nmap --open"
alias nmap_list_interfaces="nmap --iflist"
alias nmap_slow="nmap -sS -v -T1"
alias nmap_fin="nmap -sF -v"
alias nmap_full="nmap -sS -T4 -PE -PP -PS80,443 -PY -g 53 -A -p1-65535 -v"
alias nmap_check_for_firewall="nmap -sA -p1-65535 -v -T4"
alias nmap_ping_through_firewall="nmap -PS -PA"
alias nmap_fast="nmap -F -T5 --top-ports 300"
alias nmap_detect_versions="nmap -sV -p1-65535 -O --osscan-guess -T4 -Pn"
alias nmap_check_for_vulns="nmap --script=vulscan"
# Open the node api for your current version to the optional section.
# TODO: Make the section part easier to use.
function node-docs {
# get the open command
local open_cmd
if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then
$open_cmd "$(node --version)/api/all.html#all_$1"
open_command "$(node --version)/api/all.html#all_$1"
eval "$(npm completion 2>/dev/null)"
# npm package names are lowercase
# -
# Thus, we've used camelCase for the following aliases:
# Install and save to dependencies in your package.json
# npms is used by
alias npmS="npm i -S "
# Install and save to dev-dependencies in your package.json
# npmd is used by
alias npmD="npm i -D "
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ EOF
set current_session to current session
tell current_session
write text "${command}"
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
end tell
......@@ -137,23 +138,6 @@ function man-preview() {
man -t "$@" | open -f -a Preview
function trash() {
local trash_dir="${HOME}/.Trash"
local temp_ifs="$IFS"
for item in "$@"; do
if [[ -e "$item" ]]; then
item_name="$(basename $item)"
if [[ -e "${trash_dir}/${item_name}" ]]; then
mv -f "$item" "${trash_dir}/${item_name} $(date "+%H-%M-%S")"
mv -f "$item" "${trash_dir}/"
function vncviewer() {
open vnc://$@
_paver_does_target_list_need_generating () {
[ ! -f .paver_targets ] && return 0;
[ -nt .paver_targets ] && return 0;
return 1;
_paver () {
if [ -f ]; then
if _paver_does_target_list_need_generating; then
paver --help 2>&1 |grep '-'|grep -v -e '--'|awk -F '-' '{print $1}'|tr -d ' ' > .paver_targets
compadd `cat .paver_targets`
compdef _paver paver
......@@ -54,9 +54,3 @@ pgs() { # [find] [replace] [filename]
prep() { # [pattern] [filename unless STDOUT]
perl -nle 'print if /'"$1"'/;' $2
# say - append a newline to 'print'
say() {
print "$1\n"
#compdef pod
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: _pod
# DESCRIPTION: Cocoapods (0.27.1) autocomplete plugin for Oh-My-Zsh
# DESCRIPTION: Cocoapods (0.33.1) autocomplete plugin for Oh-My-Zsh
# Generated with `pod --completion-script
# AUTHOR: Alexandre Joly (
# TWITTER: @jolyAlexandre
# VERSION: 0.0.3
# VERSION: 0.0.5
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local -a _1st_arguments
'help:Show help for the given command'
'init:Generate a Podfile for the current directory'
'install:Install project dependencies'
'ipc:Inter-process communication'
'list:List pods'
'outdated:Show outdated project dependencies'
'podfile-info:Shows information on installed Pods'
'push:Push new specifications to a spec-repo'
'repo:Manage spec-repositories'
'search:Searches for pods'
'setup:Setup the CocoaPods environment'
'spec:Manage pod specs'
'update:Update outdated project dependencies'
local -a _repo_arguments
'add:Add a spec repo'
'lint:Validates all specs in a repo'
'remove:Remove a spec repo.'
'update:Update a spec repo'
local -a _spec_arguments
'cat:Prints a spec file'
'create:Create spec file stub'
'edit:Edit a spec file'
'lint:Validates a spec file'
'which:Prints the path of the given spec'
local -a _ipc_arguments
'list:Lists the specifications know to CocoaPods'
'podfile:Converts a Podfile to YAML'
'repl:The repl listens to commands on standard input'
'spec:Converts a podspec to YAML'
'update-search-index:Updates the search index'
local -a _list_arguments
'new:Lists pods introduced in the master spec-repo since the last check'
local -a _inherited_options
'(--silent)--silent[Show nothing]' \
'(--version)--version[Show the version of CocoaPods]' \
'(--no-color)--no-color[Show output without color]' \
'(--verbose)--verbose[Show more debugging information]' \
'(--help)--help[Show help banner of specified command]'
local -a _install_options
'(--no-clean)--no-clean[Leave SCM dirs like `.git` and `.svn` intact after downloading]' \
'(--no-integrate)--no-integrate[Skip integration of the Pods libraries in the Xcode project(s)]' \
'(--no-repo-update)--no-repo-update[Skip running `pod repo update` before install]'
local -a _update_options
'(--no-clean)--no-clean[Leave SCM dirs like `.git` and `.svn intact after downloading]' \
'(--no-integrate)--no-integrate[Skip integration of the Pods libraries in the Xcode project(s)]' \
'(--no-repo-update)--no-repo-update[Skip running `pod repo update before install]'
local -a _outdated_options
'(--no-repo-update)--no-repo-update[Skip running `pod repo update` before install]'
local -a _search_options
'(--full)--full[Search by name, summary, and description]' \
'(--stats)--stats[Show additional stats (like GitHub watchers and forks)]' \
'(--ios)--ios[Restricts the search to Pods supported on iOS]' \
'(--osx)--osx[Restricts the search to Pods supported on OS X]'
local -a _list_options
'(--update)--update[Run `pod repo update` before listing]'
local -a _podfile_info_options
'(--all)--all[Show information about all Pods with dependencies that are used in a project]' \
'(--md)--md[Output information in Markdown format]' \
'*:script or directory:_files'
local -a _push_options
'(--allow-warnings)--allow-warnings[Allows pushing even if there are warnings]' \
'(--local-only)--local-only[Does not perform the step of pushing REPO to its remote]' \
'*:script or directory:_files'
local -a _repo_lint_options
'(--only-errors)--only-errors[Lint presents only the errors]'
local -a _setup_options
'(--push)--push[Use this option to enable push access once granted]'
local -a _spec_lint_options
'(--quick)--quick[Lint skips checks that would require to download and build the spec]' \
'(--only-errors)--only-errors[Lint validates even if warnings are present]' \
'(--no-clean)--no-clean[Lint leaves the build directory intact for inspection]' \
'*:script or directory:_files'
local -a _spec_cat_options
'(--show-all)--show-all[Pick from all versions of the given podspec]'
local -a _spec_which_options
'(--show-all)--show-all[Print all versions of the given podspec]'
local -a _spec_edit_options
'(--show-all)--show-all[Pick which spec to edit from all available versions of the given podspec]'
__first_command_list ()
local expl
declare -a tasks
tasks=(install ipc list outdated podfile-info push repo search setup spec update)
_wanted tasks expl 'help' compadd $tasks
__repo_list() {
_wanted application expl 'repo' compadd $(command ls -1 ~/.cocoapods/repos 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g')
__pod-repo() {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "pod repo" _repo_arguments
local -a _subcommands
local -a _options
case "$words[2]" in
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod help
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod help options" _options
case $line[1] in
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
$_repo_lint_options \
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[3]" in
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod ipc list
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod ipc list options" _options
_arguments \
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod ipc podfile
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod ipc podfile options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod ipc repl
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod ipc repl options" _options
__pod-spec() {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "pod spec" _spec_arguments
case $line[1] in
_arguments \
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod ipc spec
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod ipc spec options" _options
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod ipc update-search-index
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod ipc update-search-index options" _options
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
*) # pod ipc
"list:Lists the specifications known to CocoaPods."
"podfile:Converts a Podfile to YAML."
"repl:The repl listens to commands on standard input."
"spec:Converts a podspec to JSON."
"update-search-index:Updates the search index."
_describe -t commands "pod ipc subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod ipc options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod init
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod init options" _options
__pod-ipc() {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "pod ipc" _ipc_arguments
_arguments -C \
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod install
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--no-clean:Leave SCM dirs like \`.git\` and \`.svn\` intact after downloading"
"--no-integrate:Skip integration of the Pods libraries in the Xcode project(s)"
"--no-repo-update:Skip running \`pod repo update\` before install"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod install options" _options
__pod-list() {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
$_inherited_options \
$_list_options \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "pod list" _list_arguments
_arguments -C \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[3]" in
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod lib create
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod lib create options" _options
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
$_inherited_options \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "pod" _1st_arguments
case $line[1] in
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod lib lint
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--no-clean:Lint leaves the build directory intact for inspection"
"--no-subspecs:Lint skips validation of subspecs"
"--only-errors:Lint validates even if warnings are present"
"--quick:Lint skips checks that would require to download and build the spec"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--subspec=NAME:Lint validates only the given subspec"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod lib lint options" _options
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
$_push_options \
*) # pod lib
"create:Creates a new Pod"
"lint:Validates a Pod"
_describe -t commands "pod lib subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod lib options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod list new
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--update:Run \`pod repo update\` before listing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod list new options" _options
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
*) # pod list
"new:Lists pods introduced in the master spec-repo since the last check"
_describe -t commands "pod list subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--update:Run \`pod repo update\` before listing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod list options" _options
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod outdated
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--no-repo-update:Skip running \`pod repo update\` before install"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod outdated options" _options
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[3]" in
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod plugins create
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod plugins create options" _options
_arguments \
$_inherited_options \
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod plugins list
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod plugins list options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod plugins search
"--full:Search by name, author, and description"
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod plugins search options" _options
*) # pod plugins
"create:Creates a new plugin"
"list:List all known plugins"
"search:Search for known plugins"
_describe -t commands "pod plugins subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod plugins options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod push
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod push options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod repo add
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--shallow:Create a shallow clone (fast clone, but no push capabilities)"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod repo add options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod repo lint
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--only-errors:Lint presents only the errors"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod repo lint options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod repo push
"--allow-warnings:Allows pushing even if there are warnings"
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--local-only:Does not perform the step of pushing REPO to its remote"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod repo push options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod repo remove
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod repo remove options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod repo update
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod repo update options" _options
*) # pod repo
"add:Add a spec repo."
"lint:Validates all specs in a repo."
"push:Push new specifications to a spec-repo"
"remove:Remove a spec repo"
"update:Update a spec repo."
_describe -t commands "pod repo subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod repo options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod search
"--full:Search by name, summary, and description"
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--ios:Restricts the search to Pods supported on iOS"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--osx:Restricts the search to Pods supported on OS X"
"--stats:Show additional stats (like GitHub watchers and forks)"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
"--web:Searches on"
_describe -t options "pod search options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod setup
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--no-shallow:Clone full history so push will work"
"--push:Use this option to enable push access once granted"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod setup options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod spec cat
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--show-all:Pick from all versions of the given podspec"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod spec cat options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod spec create
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod spec create options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod spec edit
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--show-all:Pick which spec to edit from all available versions of the given podspec"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod spec edit options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod spec lint
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--no-clean:Lint leaves the build directory intact for inspection"
"--no-subspecs:Lint skips validation of subspecs"
"--only-errors:Lint validates even if warnings are present"
"--quick:Lint skips checks that would require to download and build the spec"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--subspec=NAME:Lint validates only the given subspec"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod spec lint options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod spec which
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--show-all:Print all versions of the given podspec"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod spec which options" _options
*) # pod spec
"cat:Prints a spec file."
"create:Create spec file stub."
"edit:Edit a spec file."
"lint:Validates a spec file."
"which:Prints the path of the given spec."
_describe -t commands "pod spec subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod spec options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod trunk add-owner
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod trunk add-owner options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
case "$words[5]" in
*) # pod trunk me clean-sessions
"--all:Removes all your sessions, except for the current one"
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod trunk me clean-sessions options" _options
*) # pod trunk me
"clean-sessions:Remove sessions"
_describe -t commands "pod trunk me subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod trunk me options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod trunk push
"--allow-warnings:Allows push even if there are lint warnings"
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod trunk push options" _options
case "$words[4]" in
*) # pod trunk register
"--description=DESCRIPTION:An arbitrary description to easily identify your session later on."
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod trunk register options" _options
*) # pod trunk
"add-owner:Add an owner to a pod"
"me:Display information about your sessions"
"push:Publish a podspec"
"register:Manage sessions"
_describe -t commands "pod trunk subcommands" _subcommands
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod trunk options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod try
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod try options" _options
case "$words[3]" in
*) # pod update
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--no-clean:Leave SCM dirs like \`.git\` and \`.svn\` intact after downloading"
"--no-integrate:Skip integration of the Pods libraries in the Xcode project(s)"
"--no-repo-update:Skip running \`pod repo update\` before install"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
_describe -t options "pod update options" _options
*) # pod
"help:Show help for the given command."
"ipc:Inter-process communication"
"init:Generate a Podfile for the current directory."
"install:Install project dependencies"
"lib:Develop pods"
"list:List pods"
"outdated:Show outdated project dependencies"
"plugins:Show available CocoaPods plugins"
"push:Temporary alias for the \`pod repo push\` command"
"repo:Manage spec-repositories"
"search:Searches for pods"
"setup:Setup the CocoaPods environment"
"spec:Manage pod specs"
"trunk:Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)"
"try:Try a Pod!"
"update:Update outdated project dependencies"
_describe -t commands "pod subcommands" _subcommands
"--completion-script:Print the auto-completion script"
"--help:Show help banner of specified command"
"--no-ansi:Show output without ANSI codes"
"--silent:Show nothing"
"--verbose:Show more debugging information"
"--version:Show the version of the tool"
_describe -t options "pod options" _options
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