Commit 2643ac97 authored by Nicholas Hutchinson's avatar Nicholas Hutchinson
Browse files

Update fishy theme to collapse working directory in PROMPT.

For non-trailing path components, we show only the first character. So, as in Fish proper, we convert ~/some/really/really/really/long/path/name to ~/s/r/r/r/l/p/name.
parent 921d2f49
Showing with 5 additions and 1 deletion
+5 -1
# ZSH Theme emulating the Fish shell's default prompt.
_fishy_collapsed_wd() {
echo $(pwd | perl -pe "s|^$HOME|~|g; s|/([^/])[^/]*(?=/)|/\$1|g")
local user_color='green'; [ $UID -eq 0 ] && user_color='red'
PROMPT='%n@%m %{$fg[$user_color]%}%~%{$reset_color%}%(!.#.>) '
PROMPT='%n@%m %{$fg[$user_color]%}$(_fishy_collapsed_wd)%{$reset_color%}%(!.#.>) '
PROMPT2='%{$fg[red]%}\ %{$reset_color%}'
local return_status="%{$fg_bold[red]%}%(?..%?)%{$reset_color%}"
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