Commit 8e8a1339 authored by Black Roland's avatar Black Roland Committed by Roland Chernov
Browse files

Thefuck: combined with @cristim plugin. Code formating

parent 803e5dbb
if [[ -n $commands[thefuck] ]]; then
alias fuck='eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1)); fc -R'
alias FUCK='fuck'
echo 'thefuck is not installed, you should "pip install thefuck" first'
if [[ -z $commands[thefuck] ]]; then
echo 'thefuck is not installed, you should "pip install thefuck" first'
return -1
alias fuck='eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1)); fc -R'
alias FUCK='fuck'
fuck-command-line() { fuck-command-line() {
FUCK=$(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1) 2> /dev/null) FUCK="$(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1) 2> /dev/null)"
[ -z $FUCK ] && echo -n -e "\a" && return [[ -z $FUCK ]] && echo -n -e "\a" && return
zle end-of-line zle end-of-line
} }
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