Commit b427a41f authored by Robby Russell's avatar Robby Russell
Browse files

Merge pull request #1779 from lorn/fasd_update

Cache for fasd --init
parents b6ea8769 f28e16a1
if [ $commands[fasd] ]; then # check if fasd is installed if [ $commands[fasd] ]; then # check if fasd is installed
eval "$(fasd --init auto)" fasd_cache="$HOME/.fasd-init-cache"
if [ "$(command -v fasd)" -nt "$fasd_cache" -o ! -s "$fasd_cache" ]; then
fasd --init auto >| "$fasd_cache"
source "$fasd_cache"
unset fasd_cache
alias v='f -e vim' alias v='f -e vim'
alias o='a -e open' alias o='a -e open'
fi fi
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