Commit bde77af4 authored by Jacob Atzen's avatar Jacob Atzen
Browse files

TextMate automatically forks into the background

parent 31ef6199
Showing with 4 additions and 4 deletions
+4 -4
# TextMate
alias et='mate . &'
alias ett='mate app config lib db public spec test Rakefile Capfile Todo &'
alias etp='mate app config lib db public spec test vendor/plugins vendor/gems Rakefile Capfile Todo &'
alias etts='mate app config lib db public script spec test vendor/plugins vendor/gems Rakefile Capfile Todo &'
alias et='mate .'
alias ett='mate app config lib db public spec test Rakefile Capfile Todo'
alias etp='mate app config lib db public spec test vendor/plugins vendor/gems Rakefile Capfile Todo'
alias etts='mate app config lib db public script spec test vendor/plugins vendor/gems Rakefile Capfile Todo'
# Editor Ruby file in TextMate
alias mr='mate CHANGELOG app config db lib public script spec test'
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