Commit c133f418 authored by Robby Russell's avatar Robby Russell
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Merge pull request #343 from giddie/plugin-wakeonlan

Plugin to make WOL nice & easy
parents 047fcdc2 7ba54d19
This plugin provides a wrapper around the "wakeonlan" tool available from most
distributions' package repositories, or from the following website:
In order to use this wrapper, create the ~/.wakeonlan directory, and place in
that directory one file for each device you would like to be able to wake. Give
the file a name that describes the device, such as its hostname. Each file
should contain a line with the mac address of the target device and the network
broadcast address.
For instance, there might be a file ~/.wakeonlan/leto with the following
To wake that device, use the following command:
# wake leto
The available device names will be autocompleted, so:
# wake <tab>
...will suggest "leto", along with any other configuration files that were
placed in the ~/.wakeonlan directory.
For more information regarding the configuration file format, check the
wakeonlan man page.
#compdef wake
_arguments "1:device to wake:_files -W '$HOME/.wakeonlan'" && return 0
function wake() {
local config_file="$HOME/.wakeonlan/$1"
if [[ ! -f "$config_file" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: There is no configuration file at \"$config_file\"."
return 1
if (( ! $+commands[wakeonlan] )); then
echo "ERROR: Can't find \"wakeonlan\". Are you sure it's installed?"
return 1
wakeonlan -f "$config_file"
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