Commit c51823c0 authored by Paweł Lenart's avatar Paweł Lenart Committed by Jesse Donat
Browse files

Remove warning lines from phing completion

Remove "Warning:" lines from phing targets list. Warning lines are
returned by phing when a target has no tasks or dependencies.

# Conflicts:
#	plugins/phing/phing.plugin.zsh
parent bfbfef9f
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
_phing () {
if [ -f build.xml ]; then
compadd $(phing -l|grep -v "\[property\]"|grep -v "Buildfile"|sed 1d|grep -v ":$" |grep -v "^\-*$"|awk '{print $1}')
compadd $(phing -l|grep -v "\[property\]"|grep -v "Buildfile"|sed 1d|grep -v ":$" |grep -v "^\-*$"|grep -v "Warning:"|awk '{print $1}')
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