Unverified Commit f99b58a3 authored by Marc Cornellà's avatar Marc Cornellà Committed by GitHub
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fancy-ctrl-z: fix "hurt sme" typo (#7613)

parents 8837782b ca1123a0
# Use Ctrl-Z to switch back to Vim # Use Ctrl-Z to switch back to Vim
I frequently need to execute random command in my shell. To achieve it I pause I frequently need to execute random commands in my shell. To achieve it I pause
Vim by pressing Ctrl-z, type command and press fg<Enter> to switch back to Vim. Vim by pressing Ctrl-z, type command and press fg<Enter> to switch back to Vim.
The fg part really hurt sme. I just wanted to hit Ctrl-z once again to get back The fg part really hurts me. I just wanted to hit Ctrl-z once again to get back
to Vim. I could not find a solution, so I developed one on my own that to Vim. I could not find a solution, so I developed one on my own that
works wonderfully with ZSH works wonderfully with ZSH.
Source: http://sheerun.net/2014/03/21/how-to-boost-your-vim-productivity/ Source: http://sheerun.net/2014/03/21/how-to-boost-your-vim-productivity/
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