Commit 86402913 authored by Bernhard Nortmann's avatar Bernhard Nortmann
Browse files

fel: Factor out SoC information (and SRAM buffers) retrieval

While at it, modify the former "sram_info" identifiers
to carry a broader "soc_info" meaning.
Signed-off-by: default avatarBernhard Nortmann <>
parent 6457c36d
......@@ -121,7 +121,10 @@ endif
sunxi-fel: fel.c fel-to-spl-thunk.h progress.c progress.h
PROGRESS = progress.c progress.h
SOC_INFO = soc_info.c soc_info.h
sunxi-fel: fel.c fel-to-spl-thunk.h $(PROGRESS) $(SOC_INFO)
$(CC) $(HOST_CFLAGS) $(LIBUSB_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(filter %.c,$^) $(LIBS) $(LIBUSB_LIBS)
sunxi-nand-part: nand-part-main.c nand-part.c nand-part-a10.h nand-part-a20.h
This diff is collapsed.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Henrik Nordstrom <>
* Copyright (C) 2015 Siarhei Siamashka <>
* Copyright (C) 2016 Bernhard Nortmann <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* SoC information and retrieval of soc_sram_info
#include "soc_info.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* The FEL code from BROM in A10/A13/A20 sets up two stacks for itself. One
* at 0x2000 (and growing down) for the IRQ handler. And another one at 0x7000
* (and also growing down) for the regular code. In order to use the whole
* 32 KiB in the A1/A2 sections of SRAM, we need to temporarily move these
* stacks elsewhere. And the addresses 0x7D00-0x7FFF contain something
* important too (overwriting them kills FEL). On A10/A13/A20 we can use
* the SRAM sections A3/A4 (0x8000-0xBFFF) for this purpose.
sram_swap_buffers a10_a13_a20_sram_swap_buffers[] = {
/* 0x1C00-0x1FFF (IRQ stack) */
{ .buf1 = 0x1C00, .buf2 = 0xA400, .size = 0x0400 },
/* 0x5C00-0x6FFF (Stack) */
{ .buf1 = 0x5C00, .buf2 = 0xA800, .size = 0x1400 },
/* 0x7C00-0x7FFF (Something important) */
{ .buf1 = 0x7C00, .buf2 = 0xBC00, .size = 0x0400 },
{ .size = 0 } /* End of the table */
* A31 is very similar to A10/A13/A20, except that it has no SRAM at 0x8000.
* So we use the SRAM section B at 0x20000-0x2FFFF instead. In the FEL mode,
* the MMU translation table is allocated by the BROM at 0x20000. But we can
* also safely use it as the backup storage because the MMU is temporarily
* disabled during the time of the SPL execution.
sram_swap_buffers a31_sram_swap_buffers[] = {
{ .buf1 = 0x1800, .buf2 = 0x20000, .size = 0x800 },
{ .buf1 = 0x5C00, .buf2 = 0x20800, .size = 0x8000 - 0x5C00 },
{ .size = 0 } /* End of the table */
* A64 has 32KiB of SRAM A at 0x10000 and a large SRAM C at 0x18000. SRAM A
* and SRAM C reside in the address space back-to-back without any gaps, thus
* representing a singe large contiguous area. Everything is the same as on
* A10/A13/A20, but just shifted by 0x10000.
sram_swap_buffers a64_sram_swap_buffers[] = {
/* 0x11C00-0x11FFF (IRQ stack) */
{ .buf1 = 0x11C00, .buf2 = 0x1A400, .size = 0x0400 },
/* 0x15C00-0x16FFF (Stack) */
{ .buf1 = 0x15C00, .buf2 = 0x1A800, .size = 0x1400 },
/* 0x17C00-0x17FFF (Something important) */
{ .buf1 = 0x17C00, .buf2 = 0x1BC00, .size = 0x0400 },
{ .size = 0 } /* End of the table */
* Use the SRAM section at 0x44000 as the backup storage. This is the memory,
* which is normally shared with the OpenRISC core (should we do an extra check
* to ensure that this core is powered off and can't interfere?).
sram_swap_buffers ar100_abusing_sram_swap_buffers[] = {
{ .buf1 = 0x1800, .buf2 = 0x44000, .size = 0x800 },
{ .buf1 = 0x5C00, .buf2 = 0x44800, .size = 0x8000 - 0x5C00 },
{ .size = 0 } /* End of the table */
* A80 has 40KiB SRAM A1 at 0x10000 where the SPL has to be loaded to. The
* secure SRAM B at 0x20000 is used as backup area for FEL stacks and data.
sram_swap_buffers a80_sram_swap_buffers[] = {
{ .buf1 = 0x11800, .buf2 = 0x20000, .size = 0x800 },
{ .buf1 = 0x15400, .buf2 = 0x20800, .size = 0x18000 - 0x15400 },
{ .size = 0 } /* End of the table */
soc_info_t soc_info_table[] = {
.soc_id = 0x1623, /* Allwinner A10 */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0xA200, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a10_a13_a20_sram_swap_buffers,
.needs_l2en = true,
.sid_addr = 0x01C23800,
.soc_id = 0x1625, /* Allwinner A13, R8 */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0xA200, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a10_a13_a20_sram_swap_buffers,
.needs_l2en = true,
.sid_addr = 0x01C23800,
.soc_id = 0x1651, /* Allwinner A20 */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0xA200, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a10_a13_a20_sram_swap_buffers,
.sid_addr = 0x01C23800,
.soc_id = 0x1650, /* Allwinner A23 */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0x46E00, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = ar100_abusing_sram_swap_buffers,
.sid_addr = 0x01C23800,
.soc_id = 0x1633, /* Allwinner A31 */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0x22E00, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a31_sram_swap_buffers,
.soc_id = 0x1667, /* Allwinner A33, R16 */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0x46E00, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = ar100_abusing_sram_swap_buffers,
.sid_addr = 0x01C23800,
.soc_id = 0x1689, /* Allwinner A64 */
.spl_addr = 0x10000,
.scratch_addr = 0x11000,
.thunk_addr = 0x1A200, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a64_sram_swap_buffers,
.sid_addr = 0x01C14200,
.rvbar_reg = 0x017000A0,
.soc_id = 0x1639, /* Allwinner A80 */
.spl_addr = 0x10000,
.scratch_addr = 0x11000,
.thunk_addr = 0x23400, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a80_sram_swap_buffers,
.soc_id = 0x1673, /* Allwinner A83T */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0x46E00, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = ar100_abusing_sram_swap_buffers,
.sid_addr = 0x01C14200,
.soc_id = 0x1680, /* Allwinner H3, H2+ */
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.mmu_tt_addr = 0x8000,
.thunk_addr = 0xA200, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a10_a13_a20_sram_swap_buffers,
.sid_addr = 0x01C14200,
.soc_id = 0x1718, /* Allwinner H5 */
.spl_addr = 0x10000,
.scratch_addr = 0x11000,
.thunk_addr = 0x1A200, .thunk_size = 0x200,
.swap_buffers = a64_sram_swap_buffers,
.sid_addr = 0x01C14200,
.rvbar_reg = 0x017000A0,
.swap_buffers = NULL /* End of the table */
* This generic record assumes BROM with similar properties to A10/A13/A20/A31,
* but no extra SRAM sections beyond 0x8000. It also assumes that the IRQ
* handler stack usage never exceeds 0x400 bytes.
* The users may or may not hope that the 0x7000-0x8000 area is also unused
* by the BROM and re-purpose it for the SPL stack.
* The size limit for the ".text + .data" sections is ~21 KiB.
sram_swap_buffers generic_sram_swap_buffers[] = {
{ .buf1 = 0x1C00, .buf2 = 0x5800, .size = 0x400 },
{ .size = 0 } /* End of the table */
soc_info_t generic_soc_info = {
.scratch_addr = 0x1000,
.thunk_addr = 0x5680, .thunk_size = 0x180,
.swap_buffers = generic_sram_swap_buffers,
/* functions to retrieve SoC information */
soc_info_t *get_soc_info_from_id(uint32_t soc_id)
soc_info_t *result = NULL;
int i;
for (i = 0; soc_info_table[i].swap_buffers; i++)
if (soc_info_table[i].soc_id == soc_id) {
result = &soc_info_table[i];
if (!result) {
printf("Warning: no 'soc_sram_info' data for your SoC (id=%04X)\n",
result = &generic_soc_info;
return result;
soc_info_t *get_soc_info_from_version(struct aw_fel_version *buf)
return get_soc_info_from_id(buf->soc_id);
* Copyright (C) 2015 Siarhei Siamashka <>
* Copyright (C) 2016 Bernhard Nortmann <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* SoC version information, as retrieved by the FEL protocol */
struct aw_fel_version {
char signature[8];
uint32_t soc_id; /* 0x00162300 */
uint32_t unknown_0a; /* 1 */
uint16_t protocol; /* 1 */
uint8_t unknown_12; /* 0x44 */
uint8_t unknown_13; /* 0x08 */
uint32_t scratchpad; /* 0x7e00 */
uint32_t pad[2]; /* unused */
} __attribute__((packed));
* The 'sram_swap_buffers' structure is used to describe information about
* pairwise memory regions in SRAM, the content of which needs to be exchanged
* before calling the U-Boot SPL code and then exchanged again before returning
* control back to the FEL code from the BROM.
typedef struct {
uint32_t buf1; /* BROM buffer */
uint32_t buf2; /* backup storage location */
uint32_t size; /* buffer size */
} sram_swap_buffers;
* Each SoC variant may have its own list of memory buffers to be exchanged
* and the information about the placement of the thunk code, which handles
* the transition of execution from the BROM FEL code to the U-Boot SPL and
* back.
* Note: the entries in the 'swap_buffers' tables need to be sorted by 'buf1'
* addresses. And the 'buf1' addresses are the BROM data buffers, while 'buf2'
* addresses are the intended backup locations.
* Also for performance reasons, we optionally want to have MMU enabled with
* optimal section attributes configured (the code from the BROM should use
* I-cache, writing data to the DRAM area should use write combining). The
* reason is that the BROM FEL protocol implementation moves data using the
* CPU somewhere on the performance critical path when transferring data over
* USB. The older SoC variants (A10/A13/A20/A31/A23) already have MMU enabled
* and we only need to adjust section attributes. The BROM in newer SoC variants
* (A33/A83T/H3) doesn't enable MMU any more, so we need to find some 16K of
* spare space in SRAM to place the translation table there and specify it as
* the 'mmu_tt_addr' field in the 'soc_sram_info' structure. The 'mmu_tt_addr'
* address must be 16K aligned.
typedef struct {
uint32_t soc_id; /* ID of the SoC */
uint32_t spl_addr; /* SPL load address */
uint32_t scratch_addr; /* A safe place to upload & run code */
uint32_t thunk_addr; /* Address of the thunk code */
uint32_t thunk_size; /* Maximal size of the thunk code */
bool needs_l2en; /* Set the L2EN bit */
uint32_t mmu_tt_addr; /* MMU translation table address */
uint32_t sid_addr; /* base address for SID_KEY[0-3] registers */
uint32_t rvbar_reg; /* MMIO address of RVBARADDR0_L register */
sram_swap_buffers *swap_buffers;
} soc_info_t;
soc_info_t *get_soc_info_from_id(uint32_t soc_id);
soc_info_t *get_soc_info_from_version(struct aw_fel_version *buf);
#endif /* _SUNXI_TOOLS_SOC_INFO_H */
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