#!/bin/sh -e top=`dirname $0` if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 board u-boot.bin [boot.scr|-] [kernel script.bin [initramfs]]" exit 1 fi board=$1; shift || (echo "ERROR: Board must be specified"; exit 1;) uboot=$1; shift || (echo "ERROR: u-boot.bin must be specified"; exit 1;) bootscr=$top/felboot/ramboot.scr if [ ! -f $bootscr ]; then bootscr=$top/bin/ramboot.scr fi case "$1" in *.scr) bootscr="$1"; shift ;; esac kernel=$1; shift || true scriptbin=$1; shift || true initramfs=$1; shift || true fel() { echo fel "$@" $top/fel $@ } case $board in */*) felboot=$board ;; *) felboot=$top/felboot/fel-boot-${board}.bin if [ ! -f $felboot ]; then felboot=$top/bin/fel-boot-${board}.bin fi ;; esac if [ ! -f $felboot ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't find fel-boot binary for ${board}" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $bootscr ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't fint boot script '${bootscr}'" exit 1 fi fel write 0x2000 $felboot fel exe 0x2000 sleep 1 # Wait for DRAM initialization to complete if [ -n "$uboot" ]; then fel write 0x4a000000 $uboot fi if [ -n "$bootscr" ]; then fel write 0x41000000 $bootscr fi if [ -n "$kernel" ]; then if [ -n "$scriptbin" ]; then fel write 0x43000000 $scriptbin fi fel write 0x44000000 $kernel if [ -n "$initramfs" ]; then fel write 0x4c000000 $initramfs fi fi fel exe 0x4a000000