• Michal Simek's avatar
    cadence: Change logic in uart driver · 0b3d4273
    Michal Simek authored
    Write char if fifo is empty. If this is done like this all chars are
    printed. Because origin code just put that chars to fifo and in case of
    reset messages were missing.
    Before this change chars are put to fifo and only check before adding if
    fifo is full. The patch is changing this logic that it is adding char only
    when fifo is empty to make sure that in case of reset (by another SW for
    example) all chars are printed. Maybe one char can be missed but for IP
    itself it is much easier to send just one char compare to full fifo.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichal Simek <michal.simek@xilinx.com>
    Change-Id: Ic24c2c1252bce24be2aed68ee29477ca4a549e5f
cdns_uart.h 1.15 KB