• Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
    refactor(measured boot): revisit error handling (2/3) · 0c83207a
    Sandrine Bailleux authored
    - In add_event2():
      Turn the first error condition checking whether there is room for an
      extra event2 data structure into an assertion. The platform layer is
      responsible for choosing an appropriate event log buffer size based
      on the number of measurements it expects. If this assertion fires,
      the platform macro EVENT_LOG_SIZE should be adjusted and the
      firmware recompiled.
      Call this assumption out in the function documentation.
      Also remove the second error condition check, which is a subset of
      the first one and thus is redundant.
      As a result of these changes, add_event2() can no longer fail. Thus,
      change its return type from int to void.
      Also, the 'size_of_event' local variable is now unused in release
      builds so remove it and move its value into the assertion.
    Change-Id: I113fc141de59708b20435a0c7126255561ab7786
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSandrine Bailleux <sandrine.bailleux@arm.com>
event_log.c 9.29 KB