"plat/renesas/rzg/bl2_plat_setup.c" did not exist on "b7f6525db642d533327403ff8130eb91190f2e98"
  • Bryan O'Donoghue's avatar
    drivers: imx: crash-console: Add a mxc_crash_console driver · 2f5307d6
    Bryan O'Donoghue authored
    This patch does two main things
    - It implements the crash console UART init in assembly, as a
      hard-coded 115200 8N1 assumed from the 24 MHz clock.
      If the clock setup code has not run yet, this code can't work but,
      setting up clocks and clock-gates is way out of scope for this type of
      recovery function.
    - It adds code to write a character out of the NXP UART without using any
      stack-based operations when doing so.
    - Provides support for crash console in DCE or DTE mode.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
imx_crash_uart.S 3.44 KB