"include/arch/aarch64/arch.h" did not exist on "19b56cf4a2251e5ffcab41cdd6dd8449f8b1402a"
  • Juan Castillo's avatar
    TBB: add Trusted Watchdog support on ARM platforms · 7b4c1405
    Juan Castillo authored
    This patch adds watchdog support on ARM platforms (FVP and Juno).
    A secure instance of SP805 is used as Trusted Watchdog. It is
    entirely managed in BL1, being enabled in the early platform setup
    hook and disabled in the exit hook. By default, the watchdog is
    enabled in every build (even when TBB is disabled).
    A new ARM platform specific build option `ARM_DISABLE_TRUSTED_WDOG`
    has been introduced to allow the user to disable the watchdog at
    build time. This feature may be used for testing or debugging
    Specific error handlers for Juno and FVP are also provided in this
    patch. These handlers will be called after an image load or
    authentication error. On FVP, the Table of Contents (ToC) in the FIP
    is erased. On Juno, the corresponding error code is stored in the
    V2M Non-Volatile flags register. In both cases, the CPU spins until
    a watchdog reset is generated after 256 seconds (as specified in
    the TBBR document).
    Change-Id: I9ca11dcb0fe15af5dbc5407ab3cf05add962f4b4
platform.mk 2.92 KB