• Alexei Fedorov's avatar
    AArch64: Disable Secure Cycle Counter · e290a8fc
    Alexei Fedorov authored
    This patch fixes an issue when secure world timing information
    can be leaked because Secure Cycle Counter is not disabled.
    For ARMv8.5 the counter gets disabled by setting MDCR_El3.SCCD
    bit on CPU cold/warm boot.
    For the earlier architectures PMCR_EL0 register is saved/restored
    on secure world entry/exit from/to Non-secure state, and cycle
    counting gets disabled by setting PMCR_EL0.DP bit.
    'include\aarch64\arch.h' header file was tided up and new
    ARMv8.5-PMU related definitions were added.
    Change-Id: I6f56db6bc77504634a352388990ad925a69ebbfa
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexei Fedorov <Alexei.Fedorov@arm.com>
bl1_exceptions.S 7.7 KB
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#include <arch.h>
#include <asm_macros.S>
#include <bl1/bl1.h>
#include <common/bl_common.h>
#include <context.h>

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Very simple stackless exception handlers used by BL1.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	.globl	bl1_exceptions

vector_base bl1_exceptions

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Current EL with SP0 : 0x0 - 0x200
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionSP0
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry SynchronousExceptionSP0

vector_entry IrqSP0
	mov	x0, #IRQ_SP_EL0
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry IrqSP0

vector_entry FiqSP0
	mov	x0, #FIQ_SP_EL0
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry FiqSP0

vector_entry SErrorSP0
	mov	x0, #SERROR_SP_EL0
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry SErrorSP0

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Current EL with SPx: 0x200 - 0x400
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionSPx
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry SynchronousExceptionSPx

vector_entry IrqSPx
	mov	x0, #IRQ_SP_ELX
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry IrqSPx

vector_entry FiqSPx
	mov	x0, #FIQ_SP_ELX
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry FiqSPx

vector_entry SErrorSPx
	mov	x0, #SERROR_SP_ELX
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry SErrorSPx

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Lower EL using AArch64 : 0x400 - 0x600
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionA64
	/* Enable the SError interrupt */
	msr	daifclr, #DAIF_ABT_BIT


	/* Expect only SMC exceptions */
	mrs	x30, esr_el3
	ubfx	x30, x30, #ESR_EC_SHIFT, #ESR_EC_LENGTH
	cmp	x30, #EC_AARCH64_SMC
	b.ne	unexpected_sync_exception

	b	smc_handler64
end_vector_entry SynchronousExceptionA64

vector_entry IrqA64
	mov	x0, #IRQ_AARCH64
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry IrqA64

vector_entry FiqA64
	mov	x0, #FIQ_AARCH64
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry FiqA64

vector_entry SErrorA64
	mov	x0, #SERROR_AARCH64
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry SErrorA64

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Lower EL using AArch32 : 0x600 - 0x800
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
vector_entry SynchronousExceptionA32
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry SynchronousExceptionA32

vector_entry IrqA32
	mov	x0, #IRQ_AARCH32
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry IrqA32

vector_entry FiqA32
	mov	x0, #FIQ_AARCH32
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry FiqA32

vector_entry SErrorA32
	mov	x0, #SERROR_AARCH32
	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler
end_vector_entry SErrorA32

func smc_handler64

	/* ----------------------------------------------
	 * Detect if this is a RUN_IMAGE or other SMC.
	 * ----------------------------------------------
	mov	x30, #BL1_SMC_RUN_IMAGE
	cmp	x30, x0
	b.ne	smc_handler

	/* ------------------------------------------------
	 * Make sure only Secure world reaches here.
	 * ------------------------------------------------
	mrs	x30, scr_el3
	tst	x30, #SCR_NS_BIT
	b.ne	unexpected_sync_exception

	/* ----------------------------------------------
	 * Handling RUN_IMAGE SMC. First switch back to
	 * SP_EL0 for the C runtime stack.
	 * ----------------------------------------------
	msr	spsel, #0
	mov	sp, x30

	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Pass EL3 control to next BL image.
	 * Here it expects X1 with the address of a entry_point_info_t
	 * structure describing the next BL image entrypoint.
	 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	mov	x20, x1

	mov	x0, x20
	bl	bl1_print_next_bl_ep_info

	ldp	x0, x1, [x20, #ENTRY_POINT_INFO_PC_OFFSET]
	msr	elr_el3, x0
	msr	spsr_el3, x1
	ubfx	x0, x1, #MODE_EL_SHIFT, #2
	cmp	x0, #MODE_EL3
	b.ne	unexpected_sync_exception

	bl	disable_mmu_icache_el3
	tlbi	alle3
	dsb	ish /* ERET implies ISB, so it is not needed here */

	bl	print_debug_loop_message
	b	debug_loop

	mov	x0, x20
	bl	bl1_plat_prepare_exit

	ldp	x6, x7, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x30)]
	ldp	x4, x5, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x20)]
	ldp	x2, x3, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x10)]
	ldp	x0, x1, [x20, #(ENTRY_POINT_INFO_ARGS_OFFSET + 0x0)]
endfunc smc_handler64

	bl	plat_report_exception
	no_ret	plat_panic_handler

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Save Secure/Normal world context and jump to
	 * BL1 SMC handler.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Save the GP registers x0-x29.
	 * TODO: Revisit to store only SMCCC specified registers.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
	bl	save_gp_registers

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * If Secure Cycle Counter is not disabled in MDCR_EL3
	 * when ARMv8.5-PMU is implemented, save PMCR_EL0 and
	 * disable all event counters and cycle counter.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
	bl	save_pmcr_disable_pmu

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Populate the parameters for the SMC handler. We
	 * already have x0-x4 in place. x5 will point to a
	 * cookie (not used now). x6 will point to the context
	 * structure (SP_EL3) and x7 will contain flags we need
	 * to pass to the handler.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
	mov	x5, xzr
	mov	x6, sp

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Restore the saved C runtime stack value which will
	 * become the new SP_EL0 i.e. EL3 runtime stack. It was
	 * saved in the 'cpu_context' structure prior to the last
	 * ERET from EL3.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------

	/* ---------------------------------------------
	 * Switch back to SP_EL0 for the C runtime stack.
	 * ---------------------------------------------
	msr	spsel, #0
	mov	sp, x12

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Save the SPSR_EL3, ELR_EL3, & SCR_EL3 in case there
	 * is a world switch during SMC handling.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
	mrs	x16, spsr_el3
	mrs	x17, elr_el3
	mrs	x18, scr_el3
	stp	x16, x17, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]
	str	x18, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SCR_EL3]

	/* Copy SCR_EL3.NS bit to the flag to indicate caller's security */
	bfi	x7, x18, #0, #1

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Go to BL1 SMC handler.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
	bl	bl1_smc_handler

	/* -----------------------------------------------------
	 * Do the transition to next BL image.
	 * -----------------------------------------------------
	b	el3_exit