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  • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
    SPM: Move S-EL1/S-EL0 xlat tables to TZC DRAM · 45d640f0
    Antonio Nino Diaz authored
    A new platform define, `PLAT_SP_IMAGE_XLAT_SECTION_NAME`, has been
    introduced to select the section where the translation tables used by
    the S-EL1/S-EL0 are placed.
    This define has been used to move the translation tables to DRAM secured
    by TrustZone.
    Most of the extra needed space in BL31 when SPM is enabled is due to the
    large size of the translation tables. By moving them to this memory
    region we can save 44 KiB.
    A new argument has been added to REGISTER_XLAT_CONTEXT2() to specify the
    region where the translation tables have to be placed by the linker.
    Change-Id: Ia81709b4227cb8c92601f0caf258f624c0467719
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
arm_spm_def.h 3.57 KB