"test/git@web.lueluesay.top:root/go-libp2p.git" did not exist on "44309cd502e1e15995ec7149ef84fb88f6e1101a"
  • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
    Add cache topology info to FVP DTBs · b1063d95
    Antonio Nino Diaz authored
    From version 4.0 onwards, the ARM64 Linux kernel expects the device
    tree to indicate the cache hierarchy. Failing to provide this
    information results in the following warning message to be printed by
    the kernel:
        `Unable to detect cache hierarchy from DT for CPU x`
    All the FVP device trees provided in the TF source tree have been
    modified to add this information.
    Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#325
    Change-Id: I0ff888992e602b81a0fe1744a86151d625727511
fvp-foundation-gicv3-psci.dtb 8.11 KB