• Manoj Kumar's avatar
    fix(morello): initialise CNTFRQ in Non Secure CNTBaseN · 7f2d23d9
    Manoj Kumar authored
    Morello exhibits the behavior similar to Juno wherein CNTBaseN.CNTFRQ
    can be written but does not reflect the value of the CNTFRQ register
    in CNTCTLBase frame. This doesn't follow ARM ARM in that the value
    updated in CNTCTLBase.CNTFRQ is not reflected in CNTBaseN.CNTFRQ.
    Hence enable the workaround (applied to Juno) for Morello that updates
    the CNTFRQ register in the Non Secure CNTBaseN frame.
    Change-Id: Iabe53bf3c25152052107e08321323e4bde5fbef4
    Signed-off-by: default avatarManoj Kumar <manoj.kumar3@arm.com>
arm_common.c 6.72 KB