• Grzegorz Jaszczyk's avatar
    plat: marvell: ap807: update configuration space of each CP · c3c51b32
    Grzegorz Jaszczyk authored
    By default all external CPs start with configuration address space set to
    0xf200_0000. To overcome this issue, go in the loop and initialize the
    CP one by one, using temporary window configuration which allows to access
    each CP and update its configuration space according to decoding
    windows scheme defined for each platform.
    In case of cn9130 after this procedure bellow addresses will be used:
    CP0 - f2000000
    CP1 - f4000000
    CP2 - f6000000
    When the re-configuration is done there is need to restore previous
    decoding window configuration(init_io_win).
    Change-Id: I1a652bfbd0bf7106930a7a4e949094dc9078a981
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGrzegorz Jaszczyk <jaz@semihalf.com>
plat_bl31_setup.c 3.56 KB