"docs/firmware-design.rst" did not exist on "fcb22cf0f46a75f7c1a50035f5215b7caa1ed4c7"
  • Etienne Carriere's avatar
    bl32: add secure interrupt handling in AArch32 sp_min · 71816096
    Etienne Carriere authored
    Add support for a minimal secure interrupt service in sp_min for
    the AArch32 implementation. Hard code that only FIQs are handled.
    Introduce bolean build directive SP_MIN_WITH_SECURE_FIQ to enable
    FIQ handling from SP_MIN.
    Configure SCR[FIQ] and SCR[FW] from generic code for both cold and
    warm boots to handle FIQ in secure state from monitor.
    Since SP_MIN architecture, FIQ are always trapped when system executes
    in non secure state. Hence discard relay of the secure/non-secure
    state in the FIQ handler.
    Change-Id: I1f7d1dc7b21f6f90011b7f3fcd921e455592f5e7
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEtienne Carriere <etienne.carriere@st.com>
platform_sp_min.h 783 Bytes