Commit 1962c036 authored by Dan Handley's avatar Dan Handley Committed by Andrew Thoelke
Browse files

Remove extern keyword from function declarations

Function declarations implicitly have external linkage so do not
need the extern keyword.

Change-Id: Ia0549786796d8bf5956487e8996450a0b3d79f32
No related merge requests found
Showing with 456 additions and 456 deletions
+456 -456
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
* Function prototypes
extern void bl1_arch_setup(void);
extern void bl1_arch_next_el_setup(void);
void bl1_arch_setup(void);
void bl1_arch_next_el_setup(void);
#endif /* __BL1_PRIVATE_H__ */
......@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@
* Function prototypes
extern void bl2_arch_setup(void);
void bl2_arch_setup(void);
#endif /* __BL2_PRIVATE_H__ */
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct meminfo;
* Function prototypes
extern void bl1_platform_setup(void);
extern struct meminfo *bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout(void);
void bl1_platform_setup(void);
struct meminfo *bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout(void);
#endif /* __BL1_H__ */
......@@ -45,34 +45,33 @@ struct bl31_args;
* Function prototypes
extern void bl2_platform_setup(void);
extern struct meminfo *bl2_plat_sec_mem_layout(void);
void bl2_platform_setup(void);
struct meminfo *bl2_plat_sec_mem_layout(void);
* This function returns a pointer to the shared memory that the platform has
* kept aside to pass trusted firmware related information that BL3-1
* could need
extern struct bl31_params *bl2_plat_get_bl31_params(void);
struct bl31_params *bl2_plat_get_bl31_params(void);
* This function returns a pointer to the shared memory that the platform has
* kept aside to pass platform related information that BL3-1 could need
extern struct bl31_plat_params *bl2_plat_get_bl31_plat_params(void);
struct bl31_plat_params *bl2_plat_get_bl31_plat_params(void);
* This function returns a pointer to the shared memory that the platform
* has kept to point to entry point information of BL31 to BL2
extern struct el_change_info *bl2_plat_get_bl31_ep(void);
struct el_change_info *bl2_plat_get_bl31_ep(void);
* This function flushes to main memory all the params that are
* passed to BL3-1
extern void bl2_plat_flush_bl31_params(void);
void bl2_plat_flush_bl31_params(void);
#endif /* __BL2_H__ */
......@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ struct el_change_info;
* Function prototypes
extern void bl31_arch_setup(void);
extern void bl31_next_el_arch_setup(uint32_t security_state);
extern void bl31_set_next_image_type(uint32_t type);
extern uint32_t bl31_get_next_image_type(void);
extern void bl31_prepare_next_image_entry();
extern struct el_change_info *bl31_get_next_image_info(uint32_t type);
extern void bl31_early_platform_setup(bl31_params_t *from_bl2,
void bl31_arch_setup(void);
void bl31_next_el_arch_setup(uint32_t security_state);
void bl31_set_next_image_type(uint32_t type);
uint32_t bl31_get_next_image_type(void);
void bl31_prepare_next_image_entry();
struct el_change_info *bl31_get_next_image_info(uint32_t type);
void bl31_early_platform_setup(bl31_params_t *from_bl2,
void *plat_params_from_bl2);
extern void bl31_platform_setup(void);
extern void bl31_register_bl32_init(int32_t (*)(void));
void bl31_platform_setup(void);
void bl31_register_bl32_init(int32_t (*)(void));
#endif /* __BL31_H__ */
......@@ -36,24 +36,24 @@
* Function & variable prototypes
extern void cm_init(void);
extern void *cm_get_context(uint64_t mpidr, uint32_t security_state);
extern void cm_set_context(uint64_t mpidr,
void *context,
uint32_t security_state);
extern void cm_el3_sysregs_context_save(uint32_t security_state);
extern void cm_el3_sysregs_context_restore(uint32_t security_state);
extern void cm_el1_sysregs_context_save(uint32_t security_state);
extern void cm_el1_sysregs_context_restore(uint32_t security_state);
extern void cm_set_el3_eret_context(uint32_t security_state, uint64_t entrypoint,
uint32_t spsr, uint32_t scr);
extern void cm_set_elr_el3(uint32_t security_state, uint64_t entrypoint);
extern void cm_write_scr_el3_bit(uint32_t security_state,
uint32_t bit_pos,
uint32_t value);
extern void cm_set_next_eret_context(uint32_t security_state);
extern void cm_init_pcpu_ptr_cache();
extern void cm_set_pcpu_ptr_cache(const void *pcpu_ptr);
extern void *cm_get_pcpu_ptr_cache(void);
extern uint32_t cm_get_scr_el3(uint32_t security_state);
void cm_init(void);
void *cm_get_context(uint64_t mpidr, uint32_t security_state);
void cm_set_context(uint64_t mpidr,
void *context,
uint32_t security_state);
void cm_el3_sysregs_context_save(uint32_t security_state);
void cm_el3_sysregs_context_restore(uint32_t security_state);
void cm_el1_sysregs_context_save(uint32_t security_state);
void cm_el1_sysregs_context_restore(uint32_t security_state);
void cm_set_el3_eret_context(uint32_t security_state, uint64_t entrypoint,
uint32_t spsr, uint32_t scr);
void cm_set_elr_el3(uint32_t security_state, uint64_t entrypoint);
void cm_write_scr_el3_bit(uint32_t security_state,
uint32_t bit_pos,
uint32_t value);
void cm_set_next_eret_context(uint32_t security_state);
void cm_init_pcpu_ptr_cache();
void cm_set_pcpu_ptr_cache(const void *pcpu_ptr);
void *cm_get_pcpu_ptr_cache(void);
uint32_t cm_get_scr_el3(uint32_t security_state);
#endif /* __CM_H__ */
......@@ -264,10 +264,10 @@ CASSERT(RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE == __builtin_offsetof(rt_svc_desc_t, handle), \
* Function & variable prototypes
extern void runtime_svc_init();
void runtime_svc_init();
extern uint64_t __RT_SVC_DESCS_START__;
extern uint64_t __RT_SVC_DESCS_END__;
extern uint64_t get_crash_stack(uint64_t mpidr);
extern void runtime_exceptions(void);
uint64_t get_crash_stack(uint64_t mpidr);
void runtime_exceptions(void);
#endif /*__ASSEMBLY__*/
#endif /* __RUNTIME_SVC_H__ */
......@@ -178,36 +178,36 @@ typedef struct spd_pm_ops {
* Function & Data prototypes
extern unsigned int psci_version(void);
extern int __psci_cpu_suspend(unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long);
extern int __psci_cpu_off(void);
extern int psci_affinity_info(unsigned long, unsigned int);
extern int psci_migrate(unsigned int);
extern unsigned int psci_migrate_info_type(void);
extern unsigned long psci_migrate_info_up_cpu(void);
extern void psci_system_off(void);
extern void psci_system_reset(void);
extern int psci_cpu_on(unsigned long,
unsigned long,
unsigned long);
extern void __dead2 psci_power_down_wfi(void);
extern void psci_aff_on_finish_entry(void);
extern void psci_aff_suspend_finish_entry(void);
extern void psci_register_spd_pm_hook(const spd_pm_ops_t *);
extern int psci_get_suspend_stateid(unsigned long mpidr);
extern int psci_get_suspend_afflvl(unsigned long mpidr);
extern uint64_t psci_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags);
unsigned int psci_version(void);
int __psci_cpu_suspend(unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long);
int __psci_cpu_off(void);
int psci_affinity_info(unsigned long, unsigned int);
int psci_migrate(unsigned int);
unsigned int psci_migrate_info_type(void);
unsigned long psci_migrate_info_up_cpu(void);
void psci_system_off(void);
void psci_system_reset(void);
int psci_cpu_on(unsigned long,
unsigned long,
unsigned long);
void __dead2 psci_power_down_wfi(void);
void psci_aff_on_finish_entry(void);
void psci_aff_suspend_finish_entry(void);
void psci_register_spd_pm_hook(const spd_pm_ops_t *);
int psci_get_suspend_stateid(unsigned long mpidr);
int psci_get_suspend_afflvl(unsigned long mpidr);
uint64_t psci_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
uint64_t x1,
uint64_t x2,
uint64_t x3,
uint64_t x4,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
uint64_t flags);
/* PSCI setup function */
extern int32_t psci_setup(void);
int32_t psci_setup(void);
#endif /*__ASSEMBLY__*/
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ struct meminfo;
* Function prototypes
extern void bl32_platform_setup(void);
extern struct meminfo *bl32_plat_sec_mem_layout(void);
extern uint64_t bl32_main(void);
void bl32_platform_setup(void);
struct meminfo *bl32_plat_sec_mem_layout(void);
uint64_t bl32_main(void);
#endif /* __BL32_H__ */
......@@ -157,43 +157,43 @@ typedef struct tsp_args {
CASSERT(TSP_ARGS_SIZE == sizeof(tsp_args_t), assert_sp_args_size_mismatch);
extern void tsp_get_magic(uint64_t args[4]);
extern tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_resume_main(uint64_t arg0,
uint64_t arg1,
uint64_t arg2,
uint64_t arg3,
uint64_t arg4,
uint64_t arg5,
uint64_t arg6,
uint64_t arg7);
extern tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_suspend_main(uint64_t arg0,
uint64_t arg1,
uint64_t arg2,
uint64_t arg3,
uint64_t arg4,
uint64_t arg5,
uint64_t arg6,
uint64_t arg7);
extern tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_on_main(void);
extern tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_off_main(uint64_t arg0,
uint64_t arg1,
uint64_t arg2,
uint64_t arg3,
uint64_t arg4,
uint64_t arg5,
uint64_t arg6,
uint64_t arg7);
void tsp_get_magic(uint64_t args[4]);
tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_resume_main(uint64_t arg0,
uint64_t arg1,
uint64_t arg2,
uint64_t arg3,
uint64_t arg4,
uint64_t arg5,
uint64_t arg6,
uint64_t arg7);
tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_suspend_main(uint64_t arg0,
uint64_t arg1,
uint64_t arg2,
uint64_t arg3,
uint64_t arg4,
uint64_t arg5,
uint64_t arg6,
uint64_t arg7);
tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_on_main(void);
tsp_args_t *tsp_cpu_off_main(uint64_t arg0,
uint64_t arg1,
uint64_t arg2,
uint64_t arg3,
uint64_t arg4,
uint64_t arg5,
uint64_t arg6,
uint64_t arg7);
/* Generic Timer functions */
extern void tsp_generic_timer_start(void);
extern void tsp_generic_timer_handler(void);
extern void tsp_generic_timer_stop(void);
extern void tsp_generic_timer_save(void);
extern void tsp_generic_timer_restore(void);
void tsp_generic_timer_start(void);
void tsp_generic_timer_handler(void);
void tsp_generic_timer_stop(void);
void tsp_generic_timer_save(void);
void tsp_generic_timer_restore(void);
/* FIQ management functions */
extern void tsp_update_sync_fiq_stats(uint32_t type, uint64_t elr_el3);
void tsp_update_sync_fiq_stats(uint32_t type, uint64_t elr_el3);
/* Data structure to keep track of TSP statistics */
extern spinlock_t console_lock;
......@@ -191,23 +191,23 @@ CASSERT(sizeof(unsigned long) == __builtin_offsetof(el_change_info_t, spsr) - \
* Function & variable prototypes
extern unsigned long page_align(unsigned long, unsigned);
extern void change_security_state(unsigned int);
extern void init_bl2_mem_layout(meminfo_t *,
meminfo_t *,
unsigned int,
unsigned long) __attribute__((weak));
extern void init_bl31_mem_layout(const meminfo_t *,
meminfo_t *,
unsigned int) __attribute__((weak));
extern unsigned long image_size(const char *);
extern int load_image(meminfo_t *,
const char *,
unsigned int,
unsigned long,
image_info_t *,
el_change_info_t *);
extern unsigned long *get_el_change_mem_ptr(void);
unsigned long page_align(unsigned long, unsigned);
void change_security_state(unsigned int);
void init_bl2_mem_layout(meminfo_t *,
meminfo_t *,
unsigned int,
unsigned long) __attribute__((weak));
void init_bl31_mem_layout(const meminfo_t *,
meminfo_t *,
unsigned int) __attribute__((weak));
unsigned long image_size(const char *);
int load_image(meminfo_t *,
const char *,
unsigned int,
unsigned long,
image_info_t *,
el_change_info_t *);
unsigned long *get_el_change_mem_ptr(void);
extern const char build_message[];
#endif /*__ASSEMBLY__*/
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
#define CHANGE_PENDING_BIT (1 << 0)
/* Function declarations */
extern void cci_enable_coherency(unsigned long mpidr);
extern void cci_disable_coherency(unsigned long mpidr);
void cci_enable_coherency(unsigned long mpidr);
void cci_disable_coherency(unsigned long mpidr);
#endif /* __CCI_400_H__ */
......@@ -143,41 +143,41 @@
* GIC Distributor function prototypes
extern unsigned int gicd_read_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_isenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_icenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_ispendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_icpendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_isactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_icactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_ipriorityr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_itargetsr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_icfgr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_cpendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_read_spendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_isenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_icenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_ispendr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_icpendr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_isactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_icactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_ipriorityr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_itargetsr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_icfgr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_cpendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_write_spendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern unsigned int gicd_get_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_clr_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_isenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_icenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_ispendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_icpendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_isactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_icactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_ipriorityr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern void gicd_set_itargetsr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_isenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_icenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_ispendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_icpendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_isactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_icactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_ipriorityr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_itargetsr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_icfgr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_cpendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_read_spendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_isenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_icenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_ispendr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_icpendr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_isactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_icactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_ipriorityr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_itargetsr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_icfgr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_cpendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_write_spendsgir(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int gicd_get_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_clr_igroupr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_isenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_icenabler(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_ispendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_icpendr(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_isactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_icactiver(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_ipriorityr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void gicd_set_itargetsr(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
......@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
uintptr_t gicv3_get_rdist(uintptr_t gicr_base, uint64_t mpidr);
extern unsigned int read_icc_sre_el1(void);
extern unsigned int read_icc_sre_el2(void);
extern unsigned int read_icc_sre_el3(void);
extern void write_icc_sre_el1(unsigned int);
extern void write_icc_sre_el2(unsigned int);
extern void write_icc_sre_el3(unsigned int);
extern void write_icc_pmr_el1(unsigned int);
unsigned int read_icc_sre_el1(void);
unsigned int read_icc_sre_el2(void);
unsigned int read_icc_sre_el3(void);
void write_icc_sre_el1(unsigned int);
void write_icc_sre_el2(unsigned int);
void write_icc_sre_el3(unsigned int);
void write_icc_pmr_el1(unsigned int);
* GIC Redistributor interface accessors
......@@ -37,243 +37,243 @@
* Aarch64 translation tables manipulation helper prototypes
extern unsigned long create_table_desc(unsigned long *next_table_ptr);
extern unsigned long create_block_desc(unsigned long desc,
unsigned long addr,
unsigned int level);
extern unsigned long create_device_block(unsigned long output_addr,
unsigned int level,
unsigned int ns);
extern unsigned long create_romem_block(unsigned long output_addr,
unsigned int level,
unsigned int ns);
extern unsigned long create_rwmem_block(unsigned long output_addr,
unsigned int level,
unsigned int ns);
unsigned long create_table_desc(unsigned long *next_table_ptr);
unsigned long create_block_desc(unsigned long desc,
unsigned long addr,
unsigned int level);
unsigned long create_device_block(unsigned long output_addr,
unsigned int level,
unsigned int ns);
unsigned long create_romem_block(unsigned long output_addr,
unsigned int level,
unsigned int ns);
unsigned long create_rwmem_block(unsigned long output_addr,
unsigned int level,
unsigned int ns);
* TLB maintenance accessor prototypes
extern void tlbialle1(void);
extern void tlbialle1is(void);
extern void tlbialle2(void);
extern void tlbialle2is(void);
extern void tlbialle3(void);
extern void tlbialle3is(void);
extern void tlbivmalle1(void);
void tlbialle1(void);
void tlbialle1is(void);
void tlbialle2(void);
void tlbialle2is(void);
void tlbialle3(void);
void tlbialle3is(void);
void tlbivmalle1(void);
* Cache maintenance accessor prototypes
extern void dcisw(unsigned long);
extern void dccisw(unsigned long);
extern void dccsw(unsigned long);
extern void dccvac(unsigned long);
extern void dcivac(unsigned long);
extern void dccivac(unsigned long);
extern void dccvau(unsigned long);
extern void dczva(unsigned long);
extern void flush_dcache_range(unsigned long, unsigned long);
extern void inv_dcache_range(unsigned long, unsigned long);
extern void dcsw_op_louis(unsigned int);
extern void dcsw_op_all(unsigned int);
extern void disable_mmu_el3(void);
extern void disable_mmu_icache_el3(void);
void dcisw(unsigned long);
void dccisw(unsigned long);
void dccsw(unsigned long);
void dccvac(unsigned long);
void dcivac(unsigned long);
void dccivac(unsigned long);
void dccvau(unsigned long);
void dczva(unsigned long);
void flush_dcache_range(unsigned long, unsigned long);
void inv_dcache_range(unsigned long, unsigned long);
void dcsw_op_louis(unsigned int);
void dcsw_op_all(unsigned int);
void disable_mmu_el3(void);
void disable_mmu_icache_el3(void);
* Misc. accessor prototypes
extern void enable_irq(void);
extern void enable_fiq(void);
extern void enable_serror(void);
extern void enable_debug_exceptions(void);
extern void disable_irq(void);
extern void disable_fiq(void);
extern void disable_serror(void);
extern void disable_debug_exceptions(void);
extern unsigned long read_id_pfr1_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_id_aa64pfr0_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_current_el(void);
extern unsigned long read_daif(void);
extern unsigned long read_spsr_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_spsr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_spsr_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_elr_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_elr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_elr_el3(void);
extern void write_daif(unsigned long);
extern void write_spsr_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_spsr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_spsr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_elr_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_elr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_elr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void wfi(void);
extern void wfe(void);
extern void rfe(void);
extern void sev(void);
extern void dsb(void);
extern void isb(void);
extern unsigned int get_afflvl_shift(unsigned int);
extern unsigned int mpidr_mask_lower_afflvls(unsigned long, unsigned int);
extern void __dead2 eret(unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long);
extern void __dead2 smc(unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long);
void enable_irq(void);
void enable_fiq(void);
void enable_serror(void);
void enable_debug_exceptions(void);
void disable_irq(void);
void disable_fiq(void);
void disable_serror(void);
void disable_debug_exceptions(void);
unsigned long read_id_pfr1_el1(void);
unsigned long read_id_aa64pfr0_el1(void);
unsigned long read_current_el(void);
unsigned long read_daif(void);
unsigned long read_spsr_el1(void);
unsigned long read_spsr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_spsr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_elr_el1(void);
unsigned long read_elr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_elr_el3(void);
void write_daif(unsigned long);
void write_spsr_el1(unsigned long);
void write_spsr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_spsr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_elr_el1(unsigned long);
void write_elr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_elr_el3(unsigned long);
void wfi(void);
void wfe(void);
void rfe(void);
void sev(void);
void dsb(void);
void isb(void);
unsigned int get_afflvl_shift(unsigned int);
unsigned int mpidr_mask_lower_afflvls(unsigned long, unsigned int);
void __dead2 eret(unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long);
void __dead2 smc(unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long);
* System register accessor prototypes
extern unsigned long read_midr(void);
extern unsigned long read_mpidr(void);
unsigned long read_midr(void);
unsigned long read_mpidr(void);
extern unsigned long read_scr(void);
extern unsigned long read_hcr(void);
extern unsigned long read_vbar_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_vbar_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_vbar_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_sctlr_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_sctlr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_sctlr_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_actlr_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_actlr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_actlr_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_esr_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_esr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_esr_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_afsr0_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_afsr0_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_afsr0_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_afsr1_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_afsr1_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_afsr1_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_far_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_far_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_far_el3(void);
unsigned long read_scr(void);
unsigned long read_hcr(void);
unsigned long read_vbar_el1(void);
unsigned long read_vbar_el2(void);
unsigned long read_vbar_el3(void);
unsigned long read_sctlr_el1(void);
unsigned long read_sctlr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_sctlr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_actlr_el1(void);
unsigned long read_actlr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_actlr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_esr_el1(void);
unsigned long read_esr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_esr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_afsr0_el1(void);
unsigned long read_afsr0_el2(void);
unsigned long read_afsr0_el3(void);
unsigned long read_afsr1_el1(void);
unsigned long read_afsr1_el2(void);
unsigned long read_afsr1_el3(void);
unsigned long read_far_el1(void);
unsigned long read_far_el2(void);
unsigned long read_far_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_mair_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_mair_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_mair_el3(void);
unsigned long read_mair_el1(void);
unsigned long read_mair_el2(void);
unsigned long read_mair_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_amair_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_amair_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_amair_el3(void);
unsigned long read_amair_el1(void);
unsigned long read_amair_el2(void);
unsigned long read_amair_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_rvbar_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_rvbar_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_rvbar_el3(void);
unsigned long read_rvbar_el1(void);
unsigned long read_rvbar_el2(void);
unsigned long read_rvbar_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_rmr_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_rmr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_rmr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_rmr_el1(void);
unsigned long read_rmr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_rmr_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_tcr_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_tcr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_tcr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_tcr_el1(void);
unsigned long read_tcr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_tcr_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_ttbr0_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_ttbr0_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_ttbr0_el3(void);
unsigned long read_ttbr0_el1(void);
unsigned long read_ttbr0_el2(void);
unsigned long read_ttbr0_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_ttbr1_el1(void);
unsigned long read_ttbr1_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_cptr_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_cptr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_cptr_el2(void);
unsigned long read_cptr_el3(void);
extern unsigned long read_cpacr(void);
extern unsigned long read_cpuectlr(void);
extern unsigned int read_cntfrq_el0(void);
extern unsigned int read_cntps_ctl_el1(void);
extern unsigned int read_cntps_tval_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_cntps_cval_el1(void);
extern unsigned long read_cntpct_el0(void);
extern unsigned long read_cnthctl_el2(void);
unsigned long read_cpacr(void);
unsigned long read_cpuectlr(void);
unsigned int read_cntfrq_el0(void);
unsigned int read_cntps_ctl_el1(void);
unsigned int read_cntps_tval_el1(void);
unsigned long read_cntps_cval_el1(void);
unsigned long read_cntpct_el0(void);
unsigned long read_cnthctl_el2(void);
extern unsigned long read_tpidr_el3(void);
unsigned long read_tpidr_el3(void);
extern void write_scr(unsigned long);
extern void write_hcr(unsigned long);
extern void write_cpacr(unsigned long);
extern void write_cntfrq_el0(unsigned int);
extern void write_cntps_ctl_el1(unsigned int);
extern void write_cntps_tval_el1(unsigned int);
extern void write_cntps_cval_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_cnthctl_el2(unsigned long);
void write_scr(unsigned long);
void write_hcr(unsigned long);
void write_cpacr(unsigned long);
void write_cntfrq_el0(unsigned int);
void write_cntps_ctl_el1(unsigned int);
void write_cntps_tval_el1(unsigned int);
void write_cntps_cval_el1(unsigned long);
void write_cnthctl_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_vbar_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_vbar_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_vbar_el3(unsigned long);
void write_vbar_el1(unsigned long);
void write_vbar_el2(unsigned long);
void write_vbar_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_sctlr_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_sctlr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_sctlr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_sctlr_el1(unsigned long);
void write_sctlr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_sctlr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_actlr_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_actlr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_actlr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_actlr_el1(unsigned long);
void write_actlr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_actlr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_esr_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_esr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_esr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_esr_el1(unsigned long);
void write_esr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_esr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_afsr0_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_afsr0_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_afsr0_el3(unsigned long);
void write_afsr0_el1(unsigned long);
void write_afsr0_el2(unsigned long);
void write_afsr0_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_afsr1_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_afsr1_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_afsr1_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_far_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_far_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_far_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_mair_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_mair_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_mair_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_amair_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_amair_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_amair_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_rmr_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_rmr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_rmr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_tcr_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_tcr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_tcr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_ttbr0_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_ttbr0_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_ttbr0_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_ttbr1_el1(unsigned long);
void write_afsr1_el1(unsigned long);
void write_afsr1_el2(unsigned long);
void write_afsr1_el3(unsigned long);
void write_far_el1(unsigned long);
void write_far_el2(unsigned long);
void write_far_el3(unsigned long);
void write_mair_el1(unsigned long);
void write_mair_el2(unsigned long);
void write_mair_el3(unsigned long);
void write_amair_el1(unsigned long);
void write_amair_el2(unsigned long);
void write_amair_el3(unsigned long);
void write_rmr_el1(unsigned long);
void write_rmr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_rmr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_tcr_el1(unsigned long);
void write_tcr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_tcr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_ttbr0_el1(unsigned long);
void write_ttbr0_el2(unsigned long);
void write_ttbr0_el3(unsigned long);
void write_ttbr1_el1(unsigned long);
extern void write_cpuectlr(unsigned long);
extern void write_cptr_el2(unsigned long);
extern void write_cptr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_cpuectlr(unsigned long);
void write_cptr_el2(unsigned long);
void write_cptr_el3(unsigned long);
extern void write_tpidr_el3(unsigned long);
void write_tpidr_el3(unsigned long);
#define IS_IN_EL(x) \
(GET_EL(read_current_el()) == MODE_EL##x)
......@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ typedef struct mmap_region {
mmap_attr_t attr;
} mmap_region_t;
extern void mmap_add_region(unsigned long base, unsigned long size,
unsigned attr);
extern void mmap_add(const mmap_region_t *mm);
void mmap_add_region(unsigned long base, unsigned long size,
unsigned attr);
void mmap_add(const mmap_region_t *mm);
extern void init_xlat_tables(void);
void init_xlat_tables(void);
extern uint64_t l1_xlation_table[];
......@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
#include <stdint.h>
extern void mmio_write_8(uintptr_t addr, uint8_t value);
extern uint8_t mmio_read_8(uintptr_t addr);
void mmio_write_8(uintptr_t addr, uint8_t value);
uint8_t mmio_read_8(uintptr_t addr);
extern void mmio_write_32(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t mmio_read_32(uintptr_t addr);
void mmio_write_32(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t value);
uint32_t mmio_read_32(uintptr_t addr);
extern void mmio_write_64(uintptr_t addr, uint64_t value);
extern uint64_t mmio_read_64(uintptr_t addr);
void mmio_write_64(uintptr_t addr, uint64_t value);
uint64_t mmio_read_64(uintptr_t addr);
#endif /* __MMIO_H__ */
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
extern long semihosting_call(unsigned long operation,
void *system_block_address);
long semihosting_call(unsigned long operation,
void *system_block_address);
typedef struct {
const char *file_name;
......@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@
* Function & variable prototypes
extern int fvp_pwrc_setup(void);
extern void fvp_pwrc_write_pcoffr(unsigned long);
extern void fvp_pwrc_write_ppoffr(unsigned long);
extern void fvp_pwrc_write_pponr(unsigned long);
extern void fvp_pwrc_set_wen(unsigned long);
extern void fvp_pwrc_clr_wen(unsigned long);
extern unsigned int fvp_pwrc_read_psysr(unsigned long);
extern unsigned int fvp_pwrc_get_cpu_wkr(unsigned long);
int fvp_pwrc_setup(void);
void fvp_pwrc_write_pcoffr(unsigned long);
void fvp_pwrc_write_ppoffr(unsigned long);
void fvp_pwrc_write_pponr(unsigned long);
void fvp_pwrc_set_wen(unsigned long);
void fvp_pwrc_clr_wen(unsigned long);
unsigned int fvp_pwrc_read_psysr(unsigned long);
unsigned int fvp_pwrc_get_cpu_wkr(unsigned long);
#endif /*__ASSEMBLY__*/
......@@ -404,76 +404,77 @@ struct meminfo;
* Function and variable prototypes
extern unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_base;
extern unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_len;
extern unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_limit;
extern unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_zi_base;
extern unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_zi_len;
extern unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_base;
extern unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_len;
extern unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_limit;
extern unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_zi_base;
extern unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_zi_len;
extern unsigned long warm_boot_entrypoint;
extern void bl1_plat_arch_setup(void);
extern void bl2_plat_arch_setup(void);
extern void bl31_plat_arch_setup(void);
extern int platform_setup_pm(const struct plat_pm_ops **);
extern unsigned int platform_get_core_pos(unsigned long mpidr);
extern void enable_mmu_el1(void);
extern void enable_mmu_el3(void);
extern void configure_mmu_el1(unsigned long total_base,
unsigned long total_size,
unsigned long ro_start,
unsigned long ro_limit,
unsigned long coh_start,
unsigned long coh_limit);
extern void configure_mmu_el3(unsigned long total_base,
unsigned long total_size,
unsigned long ro_start,
unsigned long ro_limit,
unsigned long coh_start,
unsigned long coh_limit);
extern unsigned long platform_get_cfgvar(unsigned int);
extern int platform_config_setup(void);
extern void plat_report_exception(unsigned long);
extern unsigned long plat_get_ns_image_entrypoint(void);
extern unsigned long platform_get_stack(unsigned long mpidr);
extern uint64_t plat_get_syscnt_freq(void);
unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_base;
unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_len;
unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_limit;
unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_zi_base;
unsigned long *bl1_normal_ram_zi_len;
unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_base;
unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_len;
unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_limit;
unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_zi_base;
unsigned long *bl1_coherent_ram_zi_len;
unsigned long warm_boot_entrypoint;
void bl1_plat_arch_setup(void);
void bl2_plat_arch_setup(void);
void bl31_plat_arch_setup(void);
int platform_setup_pm(const struct plat_pm_ops **);
unsigned int platform_get_core_pos(unsigned long mpidr);
void enable_mmu_el1(void);
void enable_mmu_el3(void);
void configure_mmu_el1(unsigned long total_base,
unsigned long total_size,
unsigned long ro_start,
unsigned long ro_limit,
unsigned long coh_start,
unsigned long coh_limit);
void configure_mmu_el3(unsigned long total_base,
unsigned long total_size,
unsigned long ro_start,
unsigned long ro_limit,
unsigned long coh_start,
unsigned long coh_limit);
unsigned long platform_get_cfgvar(unsigned int);
int platform_config_setup(void);
void plat_report_exception(unsigned long);
unsigned long plat_get_ns_image_entrypoint(void);
unsigned long platform_get_stack(unsigned long mpidr);
uint64_t plat_get_syscnt_freq(void);
extern void plat_get_entry_point_info(unsigned long target_security,
void plat_get_entry_point_info(unsigned long target_security,
el_change_info_t *target_entry_info);
extern void plat_cci_setup(void);
void plat_cci_setup(void);
/* Declarations for plat_gic.c */
extern uint32_t ic_get_pending_interrupt_id(void);
extern uint32_t ic_get_pending_interrupt_type(void);
extern uint32_t ic_acknowledge_interrupt(void);
extern uint32_t ic_get_interrupt_type(uint32_t id);
extern void ic_end_of_interrupt(uint32_t id);
extern void gic_cpuif_deactivate(unsigned int);
extern void gic_cpuif_setup(unsigned int);
extern void gic_pcpu_distif_setup(unsigned int);
extern void gic_setup(void);
extern uint32_t plat_interrupt_type_to_line(uint32_t type,
uint32_t ic_get_pending_interrupt_id(void);
uint32_t ic_get_pending_interrupt_type(void);
uint32_t ic_acknowledge_interrupt(void);
uint32_t ic_get_interrupt_type(uint32_t id);
void ic_end_of_interrupt(uint32_t id);
void gic_cpuif_deactivate(unsigned int);
void gic_cpuif_setup(unsigned int);
void gic_pcpu_distif_setup(unsigned int);
void gic_setup(void);
uint32_t plat_interrupt_type_to_line(uint32_t type,
uint32_t security_state);
/* Declarations for plat_topology.c */
extern int plat_setup_topology(void);
extern int plat_get_max_afflvl(void);
extern unsigned int plat_get_aff_count(unsigned int, unsigned long);
extern unsigned int plat_get_aff_state(unsigned int, unsigned long);
int plat_setup_topology(void);
int plat_get_max_afflvl(void);
unsigned int plat_get_aff_count(unsigned int, unsigned long);
unsigned int plat_get_aff_state(unsigned int, unsigned long);
/* Declarations for plat_io_storage.c */
extern void io_setup(void);
extern int plat_get_image_source(const char *image_name,
uintptr_t *dev_handle, uintptr_t *image_spec);
void io_setup(void);
int plat_get_image_source(const char *image_name,
uintptr_t *dev_handle,
uintptr_t *image_spec);
/* Declarations for plat_security.c */
extern void plat_security_setup(void);
void plat_security_setup(void);
* Before calling this function BL2 is loaded in memory and its entrypoint
......@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ extern void plat_security_setup(void);
* the entrypoint of BL2 and set SPSR and security state.
* On FVP we are only setting the security state, entrypoint
extern void bl1_plat_bl2_loaded(image_info_t *image, el_change_info_t *ep);
void bl1_plat_bl2_loaded(image_info_t *image, el_change_info_t *ep);
* Before calling this function BL31 is loaded in memory and its entrypoint
......@@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ extern void bl1_plat_bl2_loaded(image_info_t *image, el_change_info_t *ep);
* the entrypoint of BL31 and set SPSR and security state.
* On FVP we are only setting the security state, entrypoint
extern void bl2_plat_bl31_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
void bl2_plat_bl31_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
el_change_info_t *ep);
......@@ -498,7 +499,7 @@ extern void bl2_plat_bl31_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
* the entrypoint of BL32 and set SPSR and security state.
* On FVP we are only setting the security state, entrypoint
extern void bl2_plat_bl32_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
void bl2_plat_bl32_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
el_change_info_t *ep);
......@@ -507,20 +508,20 @@ extern void bl2_plat_bl32_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
* the entrypoint of BL33 and set SPSR and security state.
* On FVP we are only setting the security state, entrypoint
extern void bl2_plat_bl33_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
void bl2_plat_bl33_post_load_actions(image_info_t *image,
el_change_info_t *ep);
/* Gets the memory layout for BL32 */
extern void bl2_plat_get_bl32_meminfo(meminfo_t *mem_info);
void bl2_plat_get_bl32_meminfo(meminfo_t *mem_info);
/* Gets the memory layout for BL33 */
extern void bl2_plat_get_bl33_meminfo(meminfo_t *mem_info);
void bl2_plat_get_bl33_meminfo(meminfo_t *mem_info);
/* Sets the entrypoint for BL32 */
extern void fvp_set_bl32_entrypoint(el_change_info_t *bl32_ep);
void fvp_set_bl32_entrypoint(el_change_info_t *bl32_ep);
/* Sets the entrypoint for BL33 */
extern void fvp_set_bl33_entrypoint(el_change_info_t *bl33_ep);
void fvp_set_bl33_entrypoint(el_change_info_t *bl33_ep);
#endif /*__ASSEMBLY__*/
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