Commit 22b0eda5 authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux
Browse files

Fix debug assertion in deprecated CCI-400 driver

This patch fixes a copy and paste issue that resulted in the cluster
indexes not being checked as intended. Note that this fix applies to
the deprecated CCI-400 driver, not the unified one.

Change-Id: I497132a91c236690e5eaff908f2db5c8c65e85ab
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
+2 -2
......@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ void cci_init(uintptr_t cci_base,
* Check the passed arguments are valid. The cluster indices must be
* less than MAX_CLUSTERS, not the same as each other and at least one
* of them must be refer to a valid cluster index.
* of them must refer to a valid cluster index.
assert(slave_iface3_cluster_ix < MAX_CLUSTERS);
assert(slave_iface4_cluster_ix < MAX_CLUSTERS);
assert(slave_iface3_cluster_ix != slave_iface4_cluster_ix);
assert((slave_iface3_cluster_ix >= 0) ||
(slave_iface3_cluster_ix >= 0));
(slave_iface4_cluster_ix >= 0));
WARN("Please migrate to common cci driver, This driver will be" \
" deprecated in future\n");
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