Commit 289e0dad authored by Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar Jeenu Viswambharan
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Introduce convenience functions to build

This patch introduces two convenience functions to the build system:

  - assert_boolean: asserts that a given option is assigned either 0 or
    1 as values

  - add_define: helps add/append macro definitions to build tool command
    line. This also introduces the variable DEFINES which is used to
    collect and pass all relevant configurations to build tools

Change-Id: I3126894b034470d39858ebb3bd183bda681c7126
Showing with 13 additions and 1 deletion
+13 -1
......@@ -83,6 +83,19 @@ PLATFORMS := $(shell ls -I common plat/)
SPDS := $(shell ls -I none services/spd)
HELP_PLATFORMS := $(shell echo ${PLATFORMS} | sed 's/ /|/g')
# Convenience function for adding build definitions
# $(eval $(call add_define,FOO)) will have:
# -DFOO if $(FOO) is empty; -DFOO=$(FOO) otherwise
define add_define
DEFINES += -D$(1)$(if $(value $(1)),=$(value $(1)),)
# Convenience function for verifying option has a boolean value
# $(eval $(call assert_boolean,FOO)) will assert FOO is 0 or 1
define assert_boolean
$(and $(patsubst 0,,$(value $(1))),$(patsubst 1,,$(value $(1))),$(error $(1) must be boolean))
ifeq (${PLAT},)
$(error "Error: Unknown platform. Please use PLAT=<platform name> to specify the platform.")
......@@ -131,7 +144,6 @@ endif
.PHONY: all msg_start clean realclean distclean cscope locate-checkpatch checkcodebase checkpatch fiptool fip
INCLUDES += -Iinclude/bl1 \
-Iinclude/bl2 \
-Iinclude/bl31 \
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