Commit 39fa81bc authored by Jon Medhurst's avatar Jon Medhurst Committed by Sandrine Bailleux
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juno: Port plat_topology.c

Signed-off-by: default avatarJon Medhurst <>
parent 1100a4f1
Showing with 12 additions and 199 deletions
+12 -199
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
......@@ -28,214 +28,32 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <fvp_pwrc.h>
/* TODO: Reusing psci error codes & state information. Get our own! */
#include <psci.h>
/* We treat '255' as an invalid affinity instance */
#define AFFINST_INVAL 0xff
* We support 3 flavours of the FVP: Foundation, Base AEM & Base Cortex. Each
* flavour has a different topology. The common bit is that there can be a max.
* of 2 clusters (affinity 1) and 4 cpus (affinity 0) per cluster. So we define
* a tree like data structure which caters to these maximum bounds. It simply
* marks the absent affinity level instances as PSCI_AFF_ABSENT e.g. there is no
* cluster 1 on the Foundation FVP. The 'data' field is currently unused.
typedef struct {
unsigned char sibling;
unsigned char child;
unsigned char state;
unsigned int data;
} affinity_info;
* The following two data structures store the topology tree for the fvp. There
* is a separate array for each affinity level i.e. cpus and clusters. The child
* and sibling references allow traversal inside and in between the two arrays.
static affinity_info fvp_aff1_topology_map[PLATFORM_CLUSTER_COUNT];
static affinity_info fvp_aff0_topology_map[PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT];
/* Simple global variable to safeguard us from stupidity */
static unsigned int topology_setup_done;
* This function implements a part of the critical interface between the psci
* generic layer and the platform to allow the former to detect the platform
* topology. psci queries the platform to determine how many affinity instances
* are present at a particular level for a given mpidr e.g. consider a dual
* cluster platform where each cluster has 4 cpus. A call to this function with
* (0, 0x100) will return the number of cpus implemented under cluster 1 i.e. 4.
* Similarly a call with (1, 0x100) will return 2 i.e. the number of clusters.
* This is 'cause we are effectively asking how many affinity level 1 instances
* are implemented under affinity level 2 instance 0.
unsigned int plat_get_aff_count(unsigned int aff_lvl,
unsigned long mpidr)
unsigned int plat_get_aff_count(unsigned int aff_lvl, unsigned long mpidr)
unsigned int aff_count = 1, ctr;
unsigned char parent_aff_id;
assert(topology_setup_done == 1);
switch (aff_lvl) {
case 3:
case 2:
* Assert if the parent affinity instance is not 0.
* This also takes care of level 3 in an obfuscated way
parent_aff_id = (mpidr >> MPIDR_AFF3_SHIFT) & MPIDR_AFFLVL_MASK;
assert(parent_aff_id == 0);
/* Report 1 (absent) instance at levels higher that the cluster level */
if (aff_lvl > MPIDR_AFFLVL1)
return 1;
* Report that we implement a single instance of
* affinity levels 2 & 3 which are AFF_ABSENT
case 1:
/* Assert if the parent affinity instance is not 0. */
parent_aff_id = (mpidr >> MPIDR_AFF2_SHIFT) & MPIDR_AFFLVL_MASK;
assert(parent_aff_id == 0);
if (aff_lvl == MPIDR_AFFLVL1)
return 2; /* We have two clusters */
/* Fetch the starting index in the aff1 array */
for (ctr = 0;
fvp_aff1_topology_map[ctr].sibling != AFFINST_INVAL;
ctr = fvp_aff1_topology_map[ctr].sibling) {
case 0:
/* Assert if the cluster id is anything apart from 0 or 1 */
parent_aff_id = (mpidr >> MPIDR_AFF1_SHIFT) & MPIDR_AFFLVL_MASK;
assert(parent_aff_id < PLATFORM_CLUSTER_COUNT);
/* Fetch the starting index in the aff0 array */
for (ctr = fvp_aff1_topology_map[parent_aff_id].child;
fvp_aff0_topology_map[ctr].sibling != AFFINST_INVAL;
ctr = fvp_aff0_topology_map[ctr].sibling) {
return aff_count;
return mpidr & 0x100 ? 4 : 2; /* 4 cpus in cluster 1, 2 in cluster 0 */
* This function implements a part of the critical interface between the psci
* generic layer and the platform to allow the former to detect the state of a
* affinity instance in the platform topology. psci queries the platform to
* determine whether an affinity instance is present or absent. This caters for
* topologies where an intermediate affinity level instance is missing e.g.
* consider a platform which implements a single cluster with 4 cpus and there
* is another cpu sitting directly on the interconnect along with the cluster.
* The mpidrs of the cluster would range from 0x0-0x3. The mpidr of the single
* cpu would be 0x100 to highlight that it does not belong to cluster 0. Cluster
* 1 is however missing but needs to be accounted to reach this single cpu in
* the topology tree. Hence it will be marked as PSCI_AFF_ABSENT. This is not
* applicable to the FVP but depicted as an example.
unsigned int plat_get_aff_state(unsigned int aff_lvl,
unsigned long mpidr)
unsigned int plat_get_aff_state(unsigned int aff_lvl, unsigned long mpidr)
unsigned int aff_state = PSCI_AFF_ABSENT, idx;
assert(topology_setup_done == 1);
switch (aff_lvl) {
case 3:
case 2:
/* Report affinity levels 2 & 3 as absent */
case 1:
aff_state = fvp_aff1_topology_map[idx].state;
case 0:
* First get start index of the aff0 in its array & then add
* to it the affinity id that we want the state of
idx = fvp_aff1_topology_map[idx].child;
aff_state = fvp_aff0_topology_map[idx].state;
return aff_state;
* Handy optimization to prevent the psci implementation from traversing through
* affinity levels which are not present while detecting the platform topology.
int plat_get_max_afflvl()
* This function populates the FVP specific topology information depending upon
* the FVP flavour its running on. We construct all the mpidrs we can handle
* and rely on the PWRC.PSYSR to flag absent cpus when their status is queried.
int plat_setup_topology()
unsigned char aff0, aff1, aff_state, aff0_offset = 0;
unsigned long mpidr;
topology_setup_done = 0;
for (aff1 = 0; aff1 < PLATFORM_CLUSTER_COUNT; aff1++) {
fvp_aff1_topology_map[aff1].child = aff0_offset;
fvp_aff1_topology_map[aff1].sibling = aff1 + 1;
for (aff0 = 0; aff0 < PLATFORM_MAX_CPUS_PER_CLUSTER; aff0++) {
mpidr = aff1 << MPIDR_AFF1_SHIFT;
mpidr |= aff0 << MPIDR_AFF0_SHIFT;
if (fvp_pwrc_read_psysr(mpidr) != PSYSR_INVALID) {
* Presence of even a single aff0 indicates
* presence of parent aff1 on the FVP.
aff_state = PSCI_AFF_PRESENT;
fvp_aff1_topology_map[aff1].state =
} else {
aff_state = PSCI_AFF_ABSENT;
fvp_aff0_topology_map[aff0_offset].child = AFFINST_INVAL;
fvp_aff0_topology_map[aff0_offset].state = aff_state;
fvp_aff0_topology_map[aff0_offset].sibling =
aff0_offset + 1;
/* Increment the absolute number of aff0s traversed */
/* Tie-off the last aff0 sibling to -1 to avoid overflow */
fvp_aff0_topology_map[aff0_offset - 1].sibling = AFFINST_INVAL;
/* Tie-off the last aff1 sibling to AFFINST_INVAL to avoid overflow */
fvp_aff1_topology_map[aff1 - 1].sibling = AFFINST_INVAL;
topology_setup_done = 1;
/* Juno todo: Make topology configurable via SCC */
return 0;
......@@ -68,12 +68,7 @@
#define FIP_IMAGE_NAME "fip.bin"
#define PRIMARY_CPU 0x100
#define MAX_IO_DEVICES 3
#define MAX_IO_HANDLES 4
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