Commit 3ae8a360 authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux
Browse files

Fix #include path in ARM platform BL1 setup code

This patch fixes the relative path to the 'bl1_private.h' header file
included from 'arm_bl1_setup.c'. Note that, although the path was
incorrect, it wasn't causing a compilation error because the header
file still got included through an alternative include search path.

Change-Id: I28e4f3dbe50e3550ca6cad186502c88a9fb5e260
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
#include <console.h>
#include <platform_def.h>
#include <plat_arm.h>
#include "../../bl1/bl1_private.h"
#include "../../../bl1/bl1_private.h"
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