Commit 43b8fa8e authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux
Browse files

Fix incorrect pointer conversion in SMC_UUID_RET()

Casting a pointer to a struct uuid into a pointer to uint32_t may
result in a pointer that is not correctly aligned, which constitutes
an undefined behaviour. In the case of TF, this also generates a data
abort because alignment fault checking is enabled (through the SCTLR.A

This patch modifies the SMC_UUID_RET() macro to read the uuid
structure without any pointer aliasing. A helper function then
combines every set of 4 bytes into a 32-bit value suitable to be
returned through the x0-x3 registers.

This fixes a violation of MISRA rule 11.3.

Change-Id: I53ee73bb4cb332f4d8286055ceceb6f347caa080
Signed-off-by: default avatarSandrine Bailleux <>
parent a9c4dde3
......@@ -129,13 +129,6 @@ CASSERT(SMC_CTX_SIZE == sizeof(smc_ctx_t), assert_smc_ctx_size_mismatch);
SMC_RET3(_h, (_r0), (_r1), (_r2)); \
/* Return a UUID in the SMC return registers */
#define SMC_UUID_RET(_h, _uuid) \
SMC_RET4(handle, ((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[0], \
((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[1], \
((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[2], \
((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[3])
* Helper macro to retrieve the SMC parameters from smc_ctx_t.
......@@ -67,13 +67,6 @@
#define SMC_SET_EL3(_h, _e, _v) \
write_ctx_reg((get_el3state_ctx(_h)), (_e), (_v))
/* Return a UUID in the SMC return registers */
#define SMC_UUID_RET(_h, _uuid) \
SMC_RET4(handle, ((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[0], \
((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[1], \
((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[2], \
((const uint32_t *) &(_uuid))[3])
* Helper macro to retrieve the SMC parameters from cpu_context_t.
......@@ -84,5 +84,32 @@
{ _n0, _n1, _n2, _n3, _n4, _n5 } \
* Return a UUID in the SMC return registers.
* Acccording to section 5.3 of the SMCCC, UUIDs are returned as a single
* 128-bit value using the SMC32 calling convention. This value is mapped to
* argument registers x0-x3 on AArch64 (resp. r0-r3 on AArch32). x0 for example
* shall hold bytes 0 to 3, with byte 0 in the low-order bits.
static inline uint32_t smc_uuid_word(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3)
return ((uint32_t) b0) | (((uint32_t) b1) << 8) |
(((uint32_t) b2) << 16) | (((uint32_t) b3) << 24);
#define SMC_UUID_RET(_h, _uuid) \
SMC_RET4(handle, \
smc_uuid_word((_uuid).time_low[0], (_uuid).time_low[1], \
(_uuid).time_low[2], (_uuid).time_low[3]), \
smc_uuid_word((_uuid).time_mid[0], (_uuid).time_mid[1], \
(_uuid).time_hi_and_version[0], \
(_uuid).time_hi_and_version[1]), \
smc_uuid_word((_uuid).clock_seq_hi_and_reserved, \
(_uuid).clock_seq_low, (_uuid).node[0], \
(_uuid).node[1]), \
smc_uuid_word((_uuid).node[2], (_uuid).node[3], \
(_uuid).node[4], (_uuid).node[5]))
#endif /*__ASSEMBLY__*/
#endif /* __SMCCC_H__ */
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