Commit 462c8350 authored by Soby Mathew's avatar Soby Mathew
Browse files

Parametrize baudrate and UART clock during console_init()

This patch adds baud rate and UART clock frequency as parameters
to the pl011 driver api console_init(). This allows each platform
to specify UART clock and baud rate according to their specific
hardware implementation.

Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#215

Change-Id: Id13eef70a1c530e709b34dd1e6eb84db0797ced2
parent fce5f750
......@@ -47,53 +47,56 @@
.section .data.console_base ; .align 3
console_base: .quad 0x0
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_init(unsigned long base_addr)
/* -----------------------------------------------
* int console_init(unsigned long base_addr,
* unsigned int uart_clk, unsigned int baud_rate)
* Function to initialize the console without a
* C Runtime to print debug information. It saves
* the console base to the data section.
* In: x0 - console base address
* w1 - Uart clock in Hz
* w2 - Baud rate
* out: return 1 on success.
* Clobber list : x1, x2
* ---------------------------------------------
* Clobber list : x1 - x3
* -----------------------------------------------
func console_init
adrp x1, console_base
str x0, [x1, :lo12:console_base]
adrp x3, console_base
str x0, [x3, :lo12:console_base]
b console_core_init
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_core_init(unsigned long base_addr)
/* -----------------------------------------------
* int console_core_init(unsigned long base_addr,
* unsigned int uart_clk, unsigned int baud_rate)
* Function to initialize the console without a
* C Runtime to print debug information. This
* function will be accessed by console_init and
* crash reporting.
* In: x0 - console base address
* w1 - Uart clock in Hz
* w2 - Baud rate
* Out: return 1 on success
* Clobber list : x1, x2
* ---------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------
func console_core_init
/* Check the input base address */
cbz x0, init_fail
/* Check baud rate and uart clock for sanity */
cbz w1, init_fail
cbz w2, init_fail
/* Program the baudrate */
#if defined(PL011_INTEGER) && defined(PL011_FRACTIONAL)
mov w1, #PL011_INTEGER
str w1, [x0, #UARTIBRD]
mov w1, #PL011_FRACTIONAL
str w1, [x0, #UARTFBRD]
.set BRD, ((PL011_CLK_IN_HZ << 2) / PL011_BAUDRATE)
/* Divisor = (Uart clock * 4) / baudrate */
lsl w1, w1, #2
udiv w2, w1, w2
/* IBRD = Divisor >> 6 */
lsr w1, w2, #6
/* Write the IBRD */
mov w1, #((BRD >> 6) & 0xffff)
.if BRD>=0x400000
movk w1, #(BRD >> 22), LSL #16
str w1, [x0, #UARTIBRD]
/* FBRD = Divisor & 0x3F */
and w1, w2, #0x3f
/* Write the FBRD */
mov w1, #(BRD & 0x3f)
str w1, [x0, #UARTFBRD]
mov w1, #PL011_LINE_CONTROL
str w1, [x0, #UARTLCR_H]
/* Clear any pending errors */
......@@ -121,10 +124,10 @@ func console_putc
b console_core_putc
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* int console_core_putc(int c, unsigned long base_addr)
* int console_core_putc(int c, unsigned int base_addr)
* Function to output a character over the console. It
* returns the character printed on success or -1 on error.
* In : x0 - character to be printed
* In : w0 - character to be printed
* x1 - console base address
* Out : return -1 on error else return character.
* Clobber list : x2
......@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ func console_core_putc
/* Check the input parameter */
cbz x1, putc_error
/* Prepend '\r' to '\n' */
cmp x0, #0xA
cmp w0, #0xA 2f
/* Check if the transmit FIFO is full */
......@@ -78,14 +78,6 @@
#define PL011_UARTCR_LBE (1 << 7) /* Loopback enable */
#define PL011_UARTCR_UARTEN (1 << 0) /* UART Enable */
#if !defined(PL011_BAUDRATE)
#define PL011_BAUDRATE 115200
#if !defined(PL011_CLK_IN_HZ)
#define PL011_CLK_IN_HZ 24000000
#if !defined(PL011_LINE_CONTROL)
/* FIFO Enabled / No Parity / 8 Data bit / One Stop Bit */
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
#ifndef __CONSOLE_H__
#define __CONSOLE_H__
void console_init(unsigned long base_addr);
int console_init(unsigned long base_addr,
unsigned int uart_clk, unsigned int baud_rate);
int console_putc(int c);
int console_getc(void);
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void bl1_early_platform_setup(void)
const size_t bl1_size = BL1_RAM_LIMIT - BL1_RAM_BASE;
/* Initialize the console to provide early debug support */
console_init(PL011_UART0_BASE, PL011_UART0_CLK_IN_HZ, PL011_BAUDRATE);
/* Allow BL1 to see the whole Trusted RAM */
bl1_tzram_layout.total_base = TZRAM_BASE;
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ struct entry_point_info *bl2_plat_get_bl31_ep_info(void)
void bl2_early_platform_setup(meminfo_t *mem_layout)
/* Initialize the console to provide early debug support */
console_init(PL011_UART0_BASE, PL011_UART0_CLK_IN_HZ, PL011_BAUDRATE);
/* Setup the BL2 memory layout */
bl2_tzram_layout = *mem_layout;
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ void bl31_early_platform_setup(bl31_params_t *from_bl2,
void *plat_params_from_bl2)
/* Initialize the console to provide early debug support */
console_init(PL011_UART0_BASE, PL011_UART0_CLK_IN_HZ, PL011_BAUDRATE);
/* Initialize the platform config for future decision making */
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void bl32_early_platform_setup(void)
* Initialize a different console than already in use to display
* messages from TSP
console_init(PL011_UART1_BASE, PL011_UART1_CLK_IN_HZ, PL011_BAUDRATE);
/* Initialize the platform config for future decision making */
......@@ -198,6 +198,13 @@
#define PL011_UART2_BASE 0x1c0b0000
#define PL011_UART3_BASE 0x1c0c0000
#define PL011_BAUDRATE 115200
#define PL011_UART0_CLK_IN_HZ 24000000
#define PL011_UART1_CLK_IN_HZ 24000000
#define PL011_UART2_CLK_IN_HZ 24000000
#define PL011_UART3_CLK_IN_HZ 24000000
* TrustZone address space controller related constants
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