Commit 494be3ee authored by Pali Rohár's avatar Pali Rohár
Browse files

docs: marvell: Update info about WTP and MV_DDR_PATH parameters

Signed-off-by: default avatarPali Rohár <>
Change-Id: Id5e36b7ba3a840cb3598c580e806b52d8e8dd70f
parent edb4a8a2
......@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ There are several build options:
For the mv_ddr source location, check the section "Tools and external components installation"
If MV_DDR_PATH source code is a git snapshot then provide path to the full git
repository (including .git subdir) because mv_ddr build process calls git commands.
Total amount of CPs (South Bridge) connected to AP. When the parameter is omitted,
......@@ -194,6 +197,9 @@ There are several build options:
directory, which can be found as in the release. Usage
example: ``WTP=/path/to/a3700_utils``
If WTP source code is a git snapshot then provide path to the full git
repository (including .git subdir) because WTP build process calls git commands.
For Armada37x0 only, use this parameter tp point to Crypto++ source code
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