Commit 57354abb authored by Paul Beesley's avatar Paul Beesley
Browse files

doc: Remove per-page contents lists

These are no longer needed as there will always be a table of contents
rendered to the left of every page.

Some of these lists can be quite long and, when opening a page, the
reader sees nothing but a huge list of contents! After this patch,
the document contents are front-and-centre and the contents are
nicely rendered in the sidebar without duplication.

Change-Id: I444754d548ec91d00f2b04e861de8dde8856aa62
Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Beesley <>
parent 1ef35512
User Guide
.. contents::
This document describes how to build Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) and run it with a
tested set of other software components using defined configurations on the Juno
Arm development platform and Arm Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) models. It is
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Trusted Firmware-A Documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents
......@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ Trusted Firmware-A Documentation
.. contents:: On This Page
:depth: 3
Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world
software for `Armv7-A and Armv8-A`_, including a `Secure Monitor`_ executing
at Exception Level 3 (EL3). It implements various Arm interface standards,
Raspberry Pi 3
.. contents::
The `Raspberry Pi 3`_ is an inexpensive single-board computer that contains four
Arm Cortex-A53 cores.
Coding Style & Guidelines
.. contents::
The following sections contain TF coding guidelines. They are continually
evolving and should not be considered "set in stone". Feel free to question them
and provide feedback.
Platform Compatibility Policy
.. contents::
Release Processes
.. contents::
Project Release Cadence
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