Commit 5f38b536 authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux Committed by TrustedFirmware Code Review
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Merge "doc: Fix GCC version to 8.3-2019.03" into integration

parents 3bdade5d b48691ed
......@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ Install the required packages to build TF-A with the following command:
sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler build-essential gcc make git libssl-dev
Download and install the AArch32 (arm-eabi) or AArch64 little-endian
(aarch64-linux-gnu) GCC cross compiler. If you would like to use the latest
features available, download GCC 8.3-2019.03 compiler from
`Arm Developer page`_.
(aarch64-linux-gnu) GCC 8.3-2019.03 cross compiler from `Arm Developer page`_.
Optionally, TF-A can be built using clang version 4.0 or newer or Arm
Compiler 6. See instructions below on how to switch the default compiler.
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