Commit 6227cca9 authored by Alexei Fedorov's avatar Alexei Fedorov
Browse files

FVP: Fix BL31 load address and image size for RESET_TO_BL31=1

When TF-A is built with RESET_TO_BL31=1 option, BL31 is the
first image to be run and should have all the memory allocated
to it except for the memory reserved for Shared RAM at the start
of Trusted SRAM.
This patch fixes FVP BL31 load address and its image size for
RESET_TO_BL31=1 option. BL31 startup address should be set to
0x400_1000 and its maximum image size to the size of Trusted SRAM
minus the first 4KB of shared memory.
Loading BL31 at 0x0402_0000 as it is currently stated in
'\docs\plat\arm\fvp\index.rst' causes EL3 exception when the
image size gets increased (i.e. building with LOG_LEVEL=50)
but doesn't exceed 0x3B000 not causing build error.

Change-Id: Ie450baaf247f1577112f8d143b24e76c39d33e91
Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexei Fedorov <>
parent 95605938
......@@ -277,15 +277,15 @@ And the FVP binary can be run with the following command:
-C cluster0.NUM_CORES=4 \
-C cluster1.NUM_CORES=4 \
-C cache_state_modelled=1 \
-C cluster0.cpu0.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
-C cluster0.cpu1.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
-C cluster0.cpu2.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
-C cluster0.cpu3.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
-C cluster1.cpu0.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
-C cluster1.cpu1.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
-C cluster1.cpu2.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
-C cluster1.cpu3.RVBAR=0x04020000 \
--data cluster0.cpu0="<path-to>/bl31.bin"@0x04020000 \
-C cluster0.cpu0.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
-C cluster0.cpu1.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
-C cluster0.cpu2.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
-C cluster0.cpu3.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
-C cluster1.cpu0.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
-C cluster1.cpu1.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
-C cluster1.cpu2.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
-C cluster1.cpu3.RVBAR=0x04001000 \
--data cluster0.cpu0="<path-to>/bl31.bin"@0x04001000 \
--data cluster0.cpu0="<path-to>/<patched-fdt>"@0x82000000 \
--data cluster0.cpu0="<path-to>/<kernel-binary>"@0x80080000 \
--data cluster0.cpu0="<path-to>/<ramdisk.img>"@0x84000000
......@@ -116,12 +116,18 @@
/* Size of Trusted SRAM - the first 4KB of shared memory */
* Since BL31 NOBITS overlays BL2 and BL1-RW, PLAT_ARM_MAX_BL31_SIZE is
* calculated using the current BL31 PROGBITS debug size plus the sizes of
* BL2 and BL1-RW
#define PLAT_ARM_MAX_BL31_SIZE UL(0x3B000)
#endif /* RESET_TO_BL31 */
#ifndef __aarch64__
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