Commit 846f2367 authored by danh-arm's avatar danh-arm
Browse files

Merge pull request #513 from pgeorgi/configurable-timestamp

build system: allow overriding the build's timestamp
parents 85320724 2f5d4a48
......@@ -290,6 +290,10 @@ define MAKE_TOOL_ARGS
$(if $(3),$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,$(2),--$(3),bl$(1))))
# Allow overriding the timestamp, for example for reproducible builds, or to
# synchronize timestamps across multiple projects.
# This must be set to a C string (including quotes where applicable).
# MAKE_BL macro defines the targets and options to build each BL image.
# Arguments:
......@@ -315,7 +319,7 @@ $(BUILD_DIR):
@echo " LD $$@"
@echo 'const char build_message[] = "Built : "__TIME__", "__DATE__; \
@echo 'const char build_message[] = "Built : "$(BUILD_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP); \
const char version_string[] = "${VERSION_STRING}";' | \
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -xc - -o $(BUILD_DIR)/build_message.o
$$(Q)$$(LD) -o $$@ $$(LDFLAGS) -Map=$(MAPFILE) --script $(LINKERFILE) \
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