Commit 862c764a authored by Paul Beesley's avatar Paul Beesley
Browse files

doc: Add guide for building the docs locally

This new page contains instructions for doing a local
build of the documentation, plus information on the environment
setup that needs to be done beforehand.

Change-Id: If563145ab40639cabbe25d0f62759981a33692c6
Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Beesley <>
Showing with 78 additions and 0 deletions
+78 -0
Building Documentation
To create a rendered copy of this documentation locally you can use the
`Sphinx`_ tool to build and package the plain-text documents into HTML-formatted
If you are building the documentation for the first time then you will need to
check that you have the required software packages, as described in the
*Prerequisites* section that follows.
.. note::
An online copy of the documentation is available at, if you want to view a rendered
copy without doing a local build.
For building a local copy of the |TF-A| documentation you will need, at minimum:
- Python 3 (3.5 or later)
- PlantUML (1.2017.15 or later)
You must also install the Python modules that are specified in the
``requirements.txt`` file in the root of the ``docs`` directory. These modules
can be installed using ``pip3`` (the Python Package Installer). Passing this
requirements file as an argument to ``pip3`` automatically installs the specific
module versions required by |TF-A|.
An example set of installation commands for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS follows, assuming
that the working directory is ``docs``:
.. code:: shell
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip plantuml
pip3 install [--user] -r requirements.txt
.. note::
Several other modules will be installed as dependencies. Please review
the list to ensure that there will be no conflicts with other modules already
installed in your environment.
Passing the optional ``--user`` argument to ``pip3`` will install the Python
packages only for the current user. Omitting this argument will attempt to
install the packages globally and this will likely require the command to be run
as root or using ``sudo``.
.. note::
More advanced usage instructions for *pip* are beyond the scope of this
document but you can refer to the `pip homepage`_ for detailed guides.
Building rendered documentation
From the ``docs`` directory of the project, run the following commands. It is
important to note that you will not get the correct result if the commands are
run from the project root directory, as that would invoke the top-level Makefile
for |TF-A| itself.
.. code:: shell
make clean
make html
Output from the build process will be placed in:
<tf-a root>/docs/build/html/
*Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*
.. _Sphinx:
.. _pip homepage:
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Getting Started
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