Commit 8c7b944a authored by Vijayenthiran Subramaniam's avatar Vijayenthiran Subramaniam Committed by Manish Pandey
Browse files

build_macros: add create sequence helper function

Add `CREATE_SEQ` function to generate sequence of numbers starting from
1 to allow easy comparison of a user defined macro with non-zero
positive numbers.

Change-Id: Ibcb336a223d958154b1007d08c428fbaf1e48664
Signed-off-by: default avatarVijayenthiran Subramaniam <>
parent 8a10c6c2
......@@ -67,6 +67,17 @@ $(foreach d,$(0-9),$(eval __numeric := $(subst $(d),,$(__numeric))))
$(if $(__numeric),$(error $(1) must be numeric))
# CREATE_SEQ is a recursive function to create sequence of numbers from 1 to
# $(2) and assign the sequence to $(1)
$(if $(word $(2), $($(1))),\
$(eval $(1) += $(words $($(1))))\
$(eval $(1) := $(filter-out 0,$($(1)))),\
$(eval $(1) += $(words $($(1))))\
$(call CREATE_SEQ,$(1),$(2))\
# IMG_LINKERFILE defines the linker script corresponding to a BL stage
# $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
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