Commit 975d076d authored by Samuel Holland's avatar Samuel Holland
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allwinner: psci: Drop .pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi callback

When operating on the local cpu, sunxi_cpu_power_off_self() only "arms"
the ARISC to perform the power-off process; the SCP waits for the CPU to
enter WFI before acutally powering it off. Since this matches the
expected split between .pwr_domain_off and .pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi, we
can move the sunxi_cpu_power_off_self() call to sunxi_pwr_domain_off().
Since that change makes sunxi_pwr_down_wfi() equivalent to the default
implementation, the callback is no longer needed.

Change-Id: I7d65f66c550d1c69fa5e9945affd7a25b3d3ef42
Signed-off-by: default avatarSamuel Holland <>
parent a1d349be
......@@ -102,17 +102,11 @@ static void sunxi_pwr_domain_off(const psci_power_state_t *target_state)
} else {
static void __dead2 sunxi_pwr_down_wfi(const psci_power_state_t *target_state)
while (1)
static void sunxi_pwr_domain_on_finish(const psci_power_state_t *target_state)
if (is_local_state_off(SYSTEM_PWR_STATE(target_state)))
......@@ -270,9 +264,6 @@ int plat_setup_psci_ops(uintptr_t sec_entrypoint,
sunxi_psci_ops.pwr_domain_suspend = sunxi_pwr_domain_off;
sunxi_psci_ops.pwr_domain_suspend_finish = sunxi_pwr_domain_on_finish;
sunxi_psci_ops.get_sys_suspend_power_state = sunxi_get_sys_suspend_power_state;
} else {
/* This is only needed when SCPI is unavailable. */
sunxi_psci_ops.pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi = sunxi_pwr_down_wfi;
*psci_ops = &sunxi_psci_ops;
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