Commit 9c29e5f7 authored by John Tsichritzis's avatar John Tsichritzis
Browse files

FVP: Remove GIC initialisation from secondary core cold boot

During the secondary cores' cold boot path, the cores initialise the GIC
CPU interface. However this is a redundant action since 1) the cores are
powered down immediately after that, 2) the GIC CPU interface is
initialised from scratch when the secondary cores are powered up again

Moreover, this part of code was introducing a bug. In a GICv3 system,
the GIC's CPU interface system registers must not be written without the
core being marked as "awake" in the redistributor. However, this
sequence was performing such accesses and this would cause those cores
to hang. The hang was caused by the DSB instruction that would never
complete because of the GIC not recognising those writes.

For the two aforementioned reasons, the entire part of the GIC CPU
interface initialisation is removed.

Change-Id: I6c33a1edda69dd5b6add16a27390a70731b5532a
Signed-off-by: default avatarJohn Tsichritzis <>
Showing with 1 addition and 38 deletions
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* Copyright (c) 2013-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2013-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
......@@ -16,14 +16,6 @@
.globl plat_is_my_cpu_primary
.globl plat_arm_calc_core_pos
.macro fvp_choose_gicmmap param1, param2, x_tmp, w_tmp, res
mov_imm \x_tmp, V2M_SYSREGS_BASE + V2M_SYS_ID
ldr \w_tmp, [\x_tmp]
ubfx \w_tmp, \w_tmp, #V2M_SYS_ID_BLD_SHIFT, #V2M_SYS_ID_BLD_LENGTH
cmp \w_tmp, #BLD_GIC_VE_MMAP
csel \res, \param1, \param2, eq
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* void plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup (void);
......@@ -49,35 +41,6 @@ func plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup
mov_imm x1, PWRC_BASE
str w0, [x1, #PPOFFR_OFF]
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Disable GIC bypass as well
* ---------------------------------------------
/* Check for GICv3 system register access */
mrs x0, id_aa64pfr0_el1
cmp x0, #1 gicv2_bypass_disable
/* Check for SRE enable */
mrs x1, ICC_SRE_EL3
tst x1, #ICC_SRE_SRE_BIT
b.eq gicv2_bypass_disable
mrs x2, ICC_SRE_EL3
orr x2, x2, #(ICC_SRE_DIB_BIT | ICC_SRE_DFB_BIT)
msr ICC_SRE_EL3, x2
b secondary_cold_boot_wait
mov_imm x0, VE_GICC_BASE
mov_imm x1, BASE_GICC_BASE
fvp_choose_gicmmap x0, x1, x2, w2, x1
orr w0, w0, #(IRQ_BYP_DIS_GRP0 | FIQ_BYP_DIS_GRP0)
str w0, [x1, #GICC_CTLR]
/* ---------------------------------------------
* There is no sane reason to come out of this
* wfi so panic if we do. This cpu will be pow-
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