Commit a474d3d7 authored by Varun Wadekar's avatar Varun Wadekar
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docs: add Tegra186 information to nvidia-tegra.rst

This patch adds information about the Tegra186 platforms to the

Change-Id: I69525c60a0126030dc15505ec7f02ccf8250be6f
Signed-off-by: default avatarVarun Wadekar <>
parent 9a861d0f
Tegra SoCs - Overview
- .. rubric:: T186
:name: t186
The NVIDIA® Parker (T186) series system-on-chip (SoC) delivers a heterogeneous
multi-processing (HMP) solution designed to optimize performance and
T186 has Dual NVIDIA Denver 2 ARM® CPU cores, plus Quad ARM Cortex®-A57 cores,
in a coherent multiprocessor configuration. The Denver 2 and Cortex-A57 cores
support ARMv8, executing both 64-bit Aarch64 code, and 32-bit Aarch32 code
including legacy ARMv7 applications. The Denver 2 processors each have 128 KB
Instruction and 64 KB Data Level 1 caches; and have a 2MB shared Level 2
unified cache. The Cortex-A57 processors each have 48 KB Instruction and 32 KB
Data Level 1 caches; and also have a 2 MB shared Level 2 unified cache. A
high speed coherency fabric connects these two processor complexes and allows
heterogeneous multi-processing with all six cores if required.
- .. rubric:: T210
:name: t210
......@@ -49,11 +66,21 @@ Directory structure
Trusted OS dispatcher
Tegra supports multiple Trusted OS', Trusted Little Kernel (TLK) being one of
them. In order to include the 'tlkd' dispatcher in the image, pass 'SPD=tlkd'
on the command line while preparing a bl31 image. This allows other Trusted OS
vendors to use the upstream code and include their dispatchers in the image
without changing any makefiles.
Tegra supports multiple Trusted OS'.
- Trusted Little Kernel (TLK): In order to include the 'tlkd' dispatcher in
the image, pass 'SPD=tlkd' on the command line while preparing a bl31 image.
- Trusty: In order to include the 'trusty' dispatcher in the image, pass
'SPD=trusty' on the command line while preparing a bl31 image.
This allows other Trusted OS vendors to use the upstream code and include
their dispatchers in the image without changing any makefiles.
These are the supported Trusted OS' by Tegra platforms.
Tegra132: TLK
Tegra210: TLK and Trusty
Tegra186: Trusty
Preparing the BL31 image to run on Tegra SoCs
......@@ -61,7 +88,8 @@ Preparing the BL31 image to run on Tegra SoCs
.. code:: shell
CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-aarch64-gcc>/bin/aarch64-none-elf- make PLAT=tegra \
TARGET_SOC=<target-soc e.g. t210|t132> SPD=<dispatcher e.g. tlkd> bl31
TARGET_SOC=<target-soc e.g. t186|t210|t132> SPD=<dispatcher e.g. trusty|tlkd>
Platforms wanting to use different TZDRAM\_BASE, can add ``TZDRAM_BASE=<value>``
to the build command line.
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