Commit ae630cdb authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux Committed by TrustedFirmware Code Review
Browse files

Merge changes from topic "lm/memmap" into integration

* changes:
  Add memory_map tools as a target for Make
  tools: Add show_memory script
parents ade3f5df cfe83910
Showing with 81 additions and 1 deletion
+81 -1
......@@ -657,6 +657,13 @@ SPTOOL ?= ${SPTOOLPATH}/sptool${BIN_EXT}
# Variables for use with ROMLIB
ROMLIBPATH ?= lib/romlib
# Variable for use with Python
PYTHON ?= python3
# Variables for use with PRINT_MEMORY_MAP
PRINT_MEMORY_MAP_PATH ?= tools/memory
# Include BL specific makefiles
......@@ -829,7 +836,7 @@ endif
# Build targets
.PHONY: all msg_start clean realclean distclean cscope locate-checkpatch checkcodebase checkpatch fiptool sptool fip fwu_fip certtool dtbs
.PHONY: all msg_start clean realclean distclean cscope locate-checkpatch checkcodebase checkpatch fiptool sptool fip fwu_fip certtool dtbs memmap
all: msg_start
......@@ -1023,6 +1030,10 @@ ${SPTOOL}:
romlib.bin: libraries
# Call print_memory_map tool
memmap: all
@echo " CSCOPE"
${Q}find ${CURDIR} -name "*.[chsS]" > cscope.files
......@@ -1062,6 +1073,7 @@ help:
@echo " fiptool Build the Firmware Image Package (FIP) creation tool"
@echo " sptool Build the Secure Partition Package creation tool"
@echo " dtbs Build the Device Tree Blobs (if required for the platform)"
@echo " memmap Print the memory map of the built binaries"
@echo ""
@echo "Note: most build targets require PLAT to be set to a specific platform."
@echo ""
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import re
import os
import sys
import operator
# List of folder/map to parse
bl_images = ['bl1', 'bl2', 'bl31']
# List of symbols to search for
blx_symbols = ['__BL1_RAM_START__', '__BL1_RAM_END__',
'__TEXT_START__', '__TEXT_END__',
'__DATA_START__', '__DATA_END__',
# Regex to extract address from map file
address_pattern = re.compile(r"\b0x\w*")
# List of found element: [address, symbol, file]
address_list = []
# Get the directory from command line or use a default one
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
build_dir = sys.argv[1]
build_dir = 'build/fvp/debug'
# Extract all the required symbols from the map files
for image in bl_images:
file_path = os.path.join(build_dir, image, '{}.map'.format(image))
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
with open (file_path, 'rt') as mapfile:
for line in mapfile:
for symbol in blx_symbols:
if line.find(symbol) > 0 and line.find("ASSERT") < 0:
# Extract address from line
match =
if match:
address_list.append([, symbol, image])
# Sort by address
# Generate memory view
print('{:-^87}'.format('Memory Map from: ' + build_dir))
for address in reversed(address_list):
if "bl1" in address[2]:
print(address[0], '+{:-^20}+ |{:^20}| |{:^20}|'.format(address[1], '', ''))
elif "bl2" in address[2]:
print(address[0], '|{:^20}| +{:-^20}+ |{:^20}|'.format('', address[1], ''))
elif "bl31" in address[2]:
print(address[0], '|{:^20}| |{:^20}| +{:-^20}+'.format('', '', address[1]))
print(address[0], '|{:^20}| |{:^20}| +{:-^20}+'.format('', '', address[1]))
print('{:^20}{:_^20} {:_^20} {:_^20}'.format('', '', '', ''))
print('{:^20}{:^20} {:^20} {:^20}'.format('address', 'bl1', 'bl2', 'bl31'))
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