Commit bb00ea5b authored by Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar Jeenu Viswambharan
Browse files

TSP: Enable cache along with MMU

Previously, data caches were disabled while enabling MMU only because of
active stack. Now that we can enable MMU without using stack, we can
enable both MMU and data caches at the same time.

Change-Id: I73f3b8bae5178610e17e9ad06f81f8f6f97734a6
Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <>
parent 64ee263e
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
......@@ -247,40 +247,12 @@ func tsp_cpu_on_entry
bl plat_set_my_stack
/* --------------------------------------------
* Enable the MMU with the DCache disabled. It
* is safe to use stacks allocated in normal
* memory as a result. All memory accesses are
* marked nGnRnE when the MMU is disabled. So
* all the stack writes will make it to memory.
* All memory accesses are marked Non-cacheable
* when the MMU is enabled but D$ is disabled.
* So used stack memory is guaranteed to be
* visible immediately after the MMU is enabled
* Enabling the DCache at the same time as the
* MMU can lead to speculatively fetched and
* possibly stale stack memory being read from
* other caches. This can lead to coherency
* issues.
* Enable MMU and D-caches together.
* --------------------------------------------
mov x0, #0
bl bl32_plat_enable_mmu
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Enable the Data cache now that the MMU has
* been enabled. The stack has been unwound. It
* will be written first before being read. This
* will invalidate any stale cache lines resi-
* -dent in other caches. We assume that
* interconnect coherency has been enabled for
* this cluster by EL3 firmware.
* ---------------------------------------------
mrs x0, sctlr_el1
orr x0, x0, #SCTLR_C_BIT
msr sctlr_el1, x0
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Enter C runtime to perform any remaining
* book keeping
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